Jiří Mádl

Jiří Mádl

출생 : 1986-10-23, České Budějovice, Československo

프로필 사진

Jiří Mádl
Jiří Mádl
Jiří Mádl
Jiří Mádl
Jiří Mádl
Jiří Mádl
Jiří Mádl

참여 작품

Ostrov svobody
The Gentlemen's Club
Modern Father's Diary
Bet on Friendship
Droneman is about Chemist and Fly Navigator Pavel and his friend Bussinessman and free time Rapper Plech. Pavel has strong sense of justice and wishes to fix wrongs with the World while Plech dreams about Big money and secure life. Their common passion are Drones since School. Pavel returns from Foreign and meets again with Plech and together they use Drones to start Bussiness. They monitor Power Stations, wear luxury handbags at the show or spray the Petrin Tower from the air. Their clients even include Presidential candidate. Everything changes when one of them decides to misuse Drones.
우리의 최선
체코의 젊은 연극 연출가는 에우리피데스의 『파이드라』를 각색해 무대에 올리려는 야심을 품는다. 그러나 여배우와 불륜으로 결혼생활은 위기를 맞고, 연극은 실패로 끝난다. 엉망이 되어버린 삶에서 그는 최선을 찾아 나선다.
První akční hrdina
Můj nový život
On the Roof
Situated in Prague, a 20-year-old Vietnamese named Song, hoped for a better future in Europe. But now in a Vietnamese district in Prague, he is trapped in a marijuana grow house and has life of a modern slave. Police rounds up the place. Song runs away on the rooftop of a condo building in a nearby district where he breaks down. Mr. Rypar (78) lives alone. He is fond of the old times, living in a strong opposition to modern world. Rypar goes up on the roof and meets Song standing on the very edge of the roof crying and the story begins.
On the Roof
Situated in Prague, a 20-year-old Vietnamese named Song, hoped for a better future in Europe. But now in a Vietnamese district in Prague, he is trapped in a marijuana grow house and has life of a modern slave. Police rounds up the place. Song runs away on the rooftop of a condo building in a nearby district where he breaks down. Mr. Rypar (78) lives alone. He is fond of the old times, living in a strong opposition to modern world. Rypar goes up on the roof and meets Song standing on the very edge of the roof crying and the story begins.
모차르트: 프라하의 서곡
1787년. 볼프강 아마데우스 모차르트는 아들을 잃고 비엔나에서 힘든 시간을 보낸 후 프라하에 온다. 프라하에서 그의 오페라 '피가로의 결혼'이 큰 인기를 끄는 가운데, 모차르트는 대표작이 될 새 오페라 '돈 조반니' 작곡에 전념한다. 모차르트는 아름다운 소프라노 수자나와 사랑에 빠지지만, 수자나를 아내로 맞이하려는 오페라 후원가 살로카 남작은 질투에 눈이 멀어 무자비한 행동까지 서슴지 않는데...
The Wolf from Royal Vineyard Street
Jan Němec
The film tells the life story of its director, Jan Nemec, one of the most known and important filmmakers of Czech New Wave.
리다 바로바
Hans Fischer - UFA Assistant Director
2차 세계 대전이 발발할 무렵 큰 꿈을 품고 베를린에 온 한 여배우. 그러나 요제프 괴벨스와의 만남은 그녀의 삶을 송두리째 바꿔 놓는다.
The Musical, or The Way to Happiness
Students from the Prague Conservatory leave for a workshop in the picturesque South Bohemian countryside, where they are placed before a demanding task, from which only some of them will emerge successful and they will then continue in their dream to be famous. Each of them will find their true path to happiness.
Správnej dres
Svatojánský věneček
Chasing Fifty
What happens in the mountains, stay in the mountains. Giant Mountains are truly the spice of local highlanders who live here, whether any season. Skier with one leg, the legendary womanizer adorned with infertility, the bartender with a penchant for divination... And Pavka, the oldest living member of a traditional cross-country Bulán family.
Mordkommission Berlin 1
A crime movie directed by Marvin Kren.
Celebrity Ltd.
The comedy unfolds in the attractive environs of the never-ending filming of a TV series. The performance opens up with wonderful interplay of relationships, characters, situations, conflicts, big hopes and ambitious plans interwoven with a love motif. At the end of this bizarre story we are surprised by the harmony created from the discord of authentic human emotions.
Celebrity Ltd.
Tomáš Hrobský
The comedy unfolds in the attractive environs of the never-ending filming of a TV series. The performance opens up with wonderful interplay of relationships, characters, situations, conflicts, big hopes and ambitious plans interwoven with a love motif. At the end of this bizarre story we are surprised by the harmony created from the discord of authentic human emotions.
To See the Sea
Two eleven-year-old boys use cameras to document their worlds.
To See the Sea
Two eleven-year-old boys use cameras to document their worlds.
Michal Kolman
Vili Feld
As World War II rages on, Villi and Colette are captured and sent to Auschwitz concentration camp. Imprisoned within separate compounds, the lovers must risk their lives to be together again.
The Confidant
New husband Adam reluctantly takes a job with state security in a totalitarian country, thus becoming a secret police agent. This "contract with the devil" helps secure a flat for the happy couple, as well as a prosperous future. However, he soon finds out that he too is under surveillance.
Waking Up Yesterday
Young Petr
Czech teacher Peter experiences journey into the past to late 80´s to recover his true love Eliška. At present he´s nothing but relationship´s loser so he tries to find his true love at least at the past. During his journey he passes not just through relationship´s problem but thanks to his radical opinions also encounters problems with communists, even if he knows already from the future that totalitarian regime won´t last forever.
Four Suns
Fogi is enjoying his never ending puberty. But simultaneously Fogi is also trying to live up to his family duties and bring up Véna, his son from the first marriage. He did not get married again but lives with Jana, a post office employee. Together they have little Anicka and they all live in a flat in a small town. At first, Jana is trying to tolerate Fogi's moods, but her patience is running out. Fogi loses his job. On top of that he starts to see himself in his adolescent son and realizes with horror that Véna repeats his own mistakes. The first fights, bans and mutual misunderstandings are approaching.
The Magical Duvet
pan Karel
The great musical comedy by F. A. Brabec V perine is the first Czech film made entirely in 3D. This stimulating comedy, in true and thorough 3D, presents a whole new computer-made world concealed in a quilt, where a large part of the film is taking place. The film V perine is a musical comedy made in the high-spirited style of Mamma Mia. In a relaxed world, where everybody used to dance rock'n'roll and the streets were full of pink Cadillacs, good and bad dreams hidden in our quilts take form. The musical adventure culminates in the magical world of dreams.
ČT Live - Nightwork
Láska rohatá
čert Záprtek
Ulovit miliardáře
Ivan Lehký
Ctrl Emotion
Ctrl Emotion is a Czech comedy film. It was released in 2009.
공주 구출 작전
princ Jeroným
두 왕국의 공주와 왕자는 여러 우여곡절을 겪으면서 운명처럼 만나고 사랑하게 되지만 사탄이 둘의 사랑을 방해하기 시작한다. 하지만 두 사람은 난관을 극복하면서 행복한 결말을 맞게 되고 사탄왕과 사탄왕국 사람들은 인간들의 친구가 된다.
밤 올빼미
유년기의 끝을 다룬 영화. 취업과 학업 사이에서 갈등하며 유년기의 안락함과 어른의 세계로 들어서야 한다는 두려움 사이에서 방황하는 오프카는 숨이 막힐 지경이다. 그녀는 미술에 조예가 있어 어렴풋이 예술가를 희망하지만, 어른들이 바라는 대로 대학에 진학하여 미술공부를 하고 싶지는 않다. 야간에 편의점에서 일하면서 편의점에 드나드는 고객들의 삶을 상상하며 일종의 대리만족을 느낀다. 하지만 남자친구의 갑작스런 이별선언 후 그녀는 상실감을 느끼며 자기만의 우울한 세계로 침잠한다. 어느 날 편의점에 강도가 들고, 오프카는 위험에 처하지만 다행히 그녀를 짝사랑해온 우브르의 도움으로 위기를 넘긴다. 오프카는 이 사건을 계기로 무력감에서 벗어나 활기를 되찾기로 결심한다. 감독은 막 유년기를 지나고 있지만 앞으로 나아가기를 주저하는 한 소녀의 초상을 친밀하게 그려내고 있다.
백작 부인 엘리자베스 배토리의 소름끼치는 이야기는 악명이 높기로 유명하다. 이 이야기가 역사학자, 작가, 시인, 극작가, 음악가, 화가 그리고 영화감독에 의해 재설명되는 장면들로 영화는 구성된다. 배토리 부인은 여인들을 살해하기 전에 살아있는 동안 살을 입으로 찢어갈겨 그 피로 목욕을 할 정도였다. 그녀는 인류의 역사에서 가장 극단적인 살인자로 불려지고 있고 기네스북에도 등재되어 있다.
Taková normální rodinka
Zdeněk Režný
The forester's lodge in a remote area they live in sin has four generations of family Hanák. Grandmother overflowing zest for life and her passion for writing detective stories. Her daughter, Ms. Hanáková, spirited woman with a big heart, loves to sing, but because he has no talent, all his life was the cook. Mr. Hanak's dispatcher, his lifelong loves animals of all kinds and sizes, which grows in the house and its surroundings. Paul has an older daughter with husband Peter, occasional handyman who usually sleeps or her hyperactive two sons, whom no one tells you differently than blackguard. Informal family member then Mr. Kestrel, who in the house for the town to spend a lot of time suspicious! One completely normal family afternoon notify the younger daughter Kate family that is expecting a baby.
Škola ve mlejně
The Can
Michal Kolman
This movie is about strange relationships in one "noname" gymnasium in Czech republic.
Born Into Sh*t
Worried that his father is gay and that it's hereditary, 13-year-old Tomás gets his girlfriend pregnant. Therein ensues a romantic comedy of errors.
The Ro(c)k con Artists
A comedy about funny adventures of boys and girls during the summer vacation.
Taming Crocodiles
Vašek Rychman
Rendy and Jáchym have enough of spending New Year's Eve with their parents plus they want to learn how to ride a snowboard. They have not yet stood on a real board, just a video game one. They win a season pass at the Arcade and they arrange an accommodation at Jáchym's cousin Milan's mountain lodge. Jáchym has to take his annoying sister Marta with him. They are allowed to stay in exchange for doing housework. The lodge is also housing three hot girls who the boys fall in love with. Jáchym and Rendy have to walk the dog, clean the dishes, clean the lodge, get along with Marta and other things all while they learn how to snowboard and impress the girls.