The work of legendary actor François Simon, son of Michel Simon.
Oscar Guarneri
The lives of the surviving members of the Basileus Quartet, a chamber group that has been playing successfully around the world for more than 30 years, are turned upside down after the death of the leader, Oscar Guarneri. The three aging musicians decide to split up to pursue those pleasures they've denied themselves too long.
Docteur Godiveau
Young police inspector Corinne Levasseur interrogated a dealer without the judge's consent. Following an indiscretion of her lover, the substitute Berthot, Corinne is transferred to a small town in the North who lives under the thumb of a rich industrialist and his family. He is given subaltern tasks. Intrigued by the strange death of a teenager, she stubbornly leads an investigation that allows her to trace the chain of a child prostitution network in which are mixed a notable and his son-in-law. A young investigating judge decides to investigate the case, but he is the victim of pressure ...
Don Traiella
파시즘이 팽배한 1935년의 이탈리아를 배경으로, 남부 에볼리 근처의 작은 마을에 의사로 보내진 카를로 레비의 눈을 통해 현지 농부들이 고립과 가난 속에서 질병과 싸우며 살아가는 참상을 묘사한 작품. -daum 영화
Claude Hirsch-Balland
When her old resistance buddies come to her looking for someone to helm a financially troubled liberal newspaper, Judith (Simone Signoret) is at first reluctant, but for this old hero of the French anti-Nazi resistance, challenges are hard to ignore. She takes on the job, mortgaging her house to keep the paper solvent. When things take a turn for the worse, because of concerted opposition by conservative forces, she is forced to sell the paper, and she regards this as a personal failure.
La Montagne
서로 다른 시대를 배경으로 한 이야기가 중첩되면서 ‘영화 속 영화´ 형식을 취한 작품. 1942년과 1962년에 만들어진 미완성 필름을 라울 루이즈가 일단락시켰다. 미로 건축물을 걷는 것 같은 분위기를 연출하는 작품.
A theatrical group prepare Voltaire’s play “Alzire”. From this the ideas of Voltaire are examined as they relate to the present day political situation.
Voted for in the 2012 Sight & Sound poll
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau (François Simon) lives in 18th-century exile with his mistress (Dominique Labourier).
Sarah, an actress nearing her forties, has invited 3 friends to join her for a holiday in Provence. This is the prologue for what happened a year ago in Paris with a man Sarah had long considered a platonic friend. She had just finished a film, had also finished her relationship with the director and was about to receive an award…
Joszef Berekian
A disturbed young woman is kept prisoner in a castle by her aunt for her money. The game-keeper, her guardian, tries to rape her but she escapes. In her flight she meets a man also running away, from two killers.
The prefect of police
Part of a 6-film collection called “Grands Détectives” about famous fictional private detectives.
Le Diable
A modern variation on the myth of Faust, the film features Henri Faust, an influential man at the head of a gigantic financial empire. One day, the Devil himself visits her. The Evil One offers him a range of happiness, youth, love, fortune, power; but Faust has everything he wants and he refuses the pact offered to him. However, a fault exists and the Devil will know how to discover it.
After the death of his mother, middle-aged insurance employee inherits her small cottage surrounded by a garden. Selling the cottage which is situated on unexploited ground near the center of a big city makes him a rich man and he buys a big house in the countryside. He takes some time off and decides to throw a big garden party at the house and invite all his colleagues from the office. Aided by alcohol, the guests gradually lose all their inhibitions and reveal personality traits and frustrations that they normally keep hidden. Written by Markku Kuoppamäki
With the help of his assistant Anja, Ottocaro Weiss intends to put the plague on stage: circumstances beyond his control and a lack of fresh talent have forced him to close down his flea circus. For Weiss, the plague means the «extinction of everything that makes life miserable and low and freedom along with it. Unbeknownst to him, he has won the support of a patron who is of the exact opposite opinion: for Johannes Wagner, the plague is an organising principle, and, aided by his agent Moosbrugger, he is able to smuggle a new number onto the programme. Whereas Ottocaro Weiss means to represent the plague theatrically, what appears on stage is the scientific reality of the rat-borne infestation.
Giacomo, The Father
An estranged father and son on holiday bond over the beautiful foreign girl they find unconscious on the beach.
Arthur and Marcel, two firemen, keep boredom at bay by improvising on stage, one on a keyboard the other on drums, tunes, poems and songs. Carol arrives, in search of her lover Armand. Accompanied by the musicians, she sings of her strange loves.
M. Leguen
A love story between a teacher, Daniele, 32 years and one of his students Gerard, 17 during the heated atmosphere of May 68. Daniele is a fiery young woman, very involved politically. Gerard's parents accuse Danièle of statutory rape and complain. Danièle is trapped and the drama begins...
George Plond
George (Francois Simon) takes care of his invalid wife and holds down a full-time job. When an investment firm wipes out his life savings, the middle-aged George is soon forced into retirement for health reasons. George takes up a life of crime when the company turns his back on him and the money is gone overnight. He is soon driven to the brink of insanity over the unfortunate series of events that transpire. - Dan Pavlides
Charles Dé
스위스의 유서 깊은 시계 브랜드 소유주인 샤를은 회사 운영에 피로와 허무를 느끼고 경영 일선에서 멀어지려 한다. 결국 샤를은 작은 쪽지만 남겨둔 채 사라진 뒤 어느 젊은 커플과 함께 소박하고 자유로운 시간을 보낸다. 그러나 샤를의 가족들은 어떻게든 샤를을 찾아내려 한다. 68혁명의 새로운 바람에 관한 알랭 타네의 질문과 고민이 담긴 작품. 1969년 로카르노영화제 황금표범상 수상.
Marcel Piboulot
Widowed baker Zürrer has to raise his three children, who all turn out to be disappointments to him in various ways.
An employee at a jewelry store falls in love with a woman who secretly plans to rob the store.