판도라 행성에서 제이크 설리와 네이티리가 이룬 가족이 겪게 되는 무자비한 위협과 살아남기 위해 떠나야 하는 긴 여정과 전투, 그리고 견뎌내야 할 상처에 대한 이야기를 그렸다. 살아남기 위해 설리 가족이 숲에서 바다로 터전을 옮기면서 겪게 되는 화합의 과정, 그리고 곳곳에서 도사리는 새로운 위협까지 역경 속에서 더 아름답게 펼쳐진다.
The middle-aged titular heroine (Masiero) of this bare-bones, Dardenne-esque debut has certainly fallen on hard times: Living between her car and a storage shed, working a part-time job as a hotel chambermaid, and trying against all odds to obtain public housing, Louise scrapes by on a day-to-day subsistence that’s only a few Euros away from skid row.
Every afternoon, Clara climbs aboard a pleasure boat to gaze at Jacques, the gruff, aloof crew chief. When she learns he's leaving, to be replaced by Sophie, she's compelled to talk to him.
Mathan is 17 and struggles with his sexuality and his feelings for his friend François. Over a two summer period, with his friends François and Virginie, he tries to discover his desires, face homophobia and overcome the fear of not being accepted as he truly is. 1st in the trilogy followed by Un cœur en herbe (2012)