Playwright Jacques Deval directed this 1935 adaptation of his own stage comedy Tovaritch. Set in Paris, the story revolves around Princess Tatiana (Irene de Zilaby) and General Mikail (Andre Lefaur), two members of the Russian nobility who'd been forced to relocate to France after the Revolution. Though the regal couple has been entrusted with the Imperial crown jewels, they'd sooner starve to death than betray the late Czar by selling the gems. As a result, they're reduced to taking jobs as servants in the home of a wealthy but somewhat zany family. Robert E. Sherwood's Americanized version of Deval's Tovaritch was filmed by Warner Bros. in 1937, with Claudette Colbert and Charles Boyer.
Étienne, a very sensitive being, watches helplessly as his mother suffers from his father's infidelities. He tries to seduce his father's next conquest without his knowledge.
Gribiche, a young boy whose mother is a war widow, gets adopted by a rich woman. She wants to turn him into a perfect gentleman, but soon he feels unhappy.
아내를 잃은 피에르는 얼마 후에 홀로 딸을 키우는 잔느와 재혼한다. 그러나 여전히 엄마를 그리워하는 아들 장은 엄마의 자리를 빼앗으려는 잔느를 적대한다. 어느 날, 잔느가 엄마의 옷으로 잔느의 딸과 여동생의 옷을 만들어주려 하자 장은 분노에 휩싸여 옷을 갈기갈기 찢어버린다. 무성영화시대의 리얼리즘 영화를 대표하는 작품. 프랑스의 시적 리얼리즘을 확립한 자크 페데는 스위스 현지의 자연 풍광을 배경으로 인물들의 심리와 정서를 솔직하면서도 날카롭게 그려냈다.
Jérôme Crainquebille, is an ageing vegetable seller who has sold groceries from his cart in in Paris for over 40 years. One day, he is harassed by a policeman who insists that he moves on. When he protests, Crainquebille is arrested, supposedly for swearing at the policeman.