Teerawat Rujintham

참여 작품

원스 어폰 어 스타
Director of Photography
1970년, 태국 전역을 돌아다니는 영화 순회상영단. 인기 영화를 실시간 더빙으로 상영하며 열광적인 관객들에게 즐거움을 선사하던 그들에게 걸림돌이 나타난다.
Tee Shot: Ariya Jutanugarn
This biopic follows pro golfer Ariya Jutanugarn's journey to the LPGA tour, from child prodigy to her number-one ranking in the world.
Director of Photography
3개의 에피소드로 구성되어 있는 공포 단편선 [가발] 부모가 여행간 사이 가발 가게를 지키고 있던 자매에게 벌어지는 기이한 사건을 다룬 내용 [관 속의 신부] 장의사가 신부의 시체에 반한 후 벌어지는 기이한 현상을 다룬 내용 [야근] 무서운 장난을 치며 회사에서 야근을 하는 직원들과 사장이 결국 누군가 사망할 때 까지 장난을 치게 된다는 내용
Poor People the Great
Director of Photography
After working in Bangkok as construction worker, a man decides to return back to his hometown upcountry.
Boonchu 10
Director of Photography
Boonchoke failed an entrance exam last year, but this year he makes it through into the medical school of a famous university in the north of Thailand. But the medicine he's studying is not the modern one, it's traditional herbal medicine. Boonchoke's parents, Boonchu and Molee, agree to let their only son go live in Chiang Rai for his study.
옥토버 소나타
Director of Photography
상찬은 공장에서 일하는 소녀로, 라위라는 매력적인 남자와 사랑에 빠진다. 라위는 유학을 가야 하기 때문에 매년 10월 8일에 다시 상찬을 보러 오겠다는 약속을 한다. 라위가 없는 동안, 상찬은 그녀를 숭배하는 또 다른 남자인 림과 친구가 된다. 이제 상찬이 풀어야 할 것은 사랑과 믿음의 시험이다.
레이징 피닉스
Director of Photography
아름답지만 거친 소녀 ‘데유’(지자 야닌). 어느 날 의문의 조직에게 납치당할 위험에 처하고 그녀를 구해준 ‘사님’(카주)으로 인해 그녀의 삶은 180도 달라진다. 이 사건으로 ‘데유’는 미처 알지 못했던 새로운 세계에 빠져들고, 그곳에서 같은 목표를 위해 싸우는 친구를 만나게 된다. 그녀를 돕는 친구들은 모두 ‘데유’를 납치하려 한 의문의 조직에게 사랑하는 사람을 잃은 경험이 있고 더 이상의 피해자를 막기 위해 함께 싸우기로 결심한다. 그들과 함께 고된 수련 과정을 견디는 ‘데유’는 조직의 실체를 파악하기 위해 스스로 미끼가 되기로 하고, 다시 한 번 납치 당하기를 기다리는데…
Deep in the Jungle
Nawin, a secret agent, goes rogue to rescue a mysterious woman, Jin, from the private military force that abducted her. They flee to her birthplace, pursued by the force’s captain, and also by Jin’s brother, a killer capable of transforming into a giant serpent.
Deep in the Jungle
Nawin, a secret agent, goes rogue to rescue a mysterious woman, Jin, from the private military force that abducted her. They flee to her birthplace, pursued by the force’s captain, and also by Jin’s brother, a killer capable of transforming into a giant serpent.
In the Shadow of the Naga
Director of Photography
In the wake of a successful robbery, three thieves face a dilemma: To access their loot, which they buried beneath a monastery before the building broke ground, they’ll have to fool the monks and join the order.
The Golden Riders
Director of Photography
A young monk catches a train to a temple in a hill. On the way, he meets Phol and Taengmo, two people who trying to escape from their personal problems. Later, the threesome becomes friend, but they have to separate to find their goals. The young monk arrives the temple and experiences to many unusual senior monks, while Phol and Taengmo meet each other again in a village and begin their relationship. But, peaceful life of Phol and Taengmo is getting in trouble when a stranger guy steps in, and sets a chaos over the village and the temple.
Ghost Game
Director of Photography
Ghost Game tells the story of 11 contestants who sign up for a scary reality show which forces them to confront the supernatural and their innermost fears. They're brought to an ancient war museum in Cambodia, which was used as a Khmer Rouge prison twenty years before. Thousands of innocent people were tortured and killed there during the Cambodian war in the 1970s.
Hit Man File
Director of Photography
Tantai, a smart hit man is hired to silence some powerful godfathers who are linked to a business case. One of the major targets is Lheemeng, a big drug agent who's feuding with village chief Baum. Also involved a misled soldier named Sompong, who is an old enemy of Tantai. Meanwhile, Detective Chat is secretly watching it all, waiting for his time to clean up the outlaws.
Bangkok Robbery 102
Director of Photography
When the Thai government announces a plan to empty its vaults to repay its IMF loans, a gang of local Mafia cook up a scheme for a mega-heist: they will steal the country's gold reserves. They hire the notorious Navin, a former military assassin, to lead an operation involving all of the top thieves in the country. The government sends Lieutenant Pakorn, head of the Counter-Terrorism Bureau, to track down Navin. As the two men try to outwit each other, the robbers race against the clock to pull off the biggest heist in the Thai history.
Director of Photography
Based on the famous Thai epic poem, Kun Pan is the magical and tragic love story of Kun Pan's life. A jealous king sends Kun Pan to war believing he could win his beautiful wife, while Kun Pan dies on the battlefield. After a long time passes, the wife believes Kun Pan is really dead and agrees to marry the king. However, one day Kun Pan returns.
The Moonhunter
Director of Photography
14th October 1973 event, the power of freedom was happened by a group of country. From Thammasat University through the line of soul to meet the death under the sheet of tricolor flag in the amidst of gun’s soot and friend’s cry.
Jane, a young freshman at university has a name like a woman so he ends up in a girl dormitory. He decides to change his name to Jenny and becomes a cross dresser so that no one knows he is a man but it does not go exactly as he planned.