Dorothy Ann Blank


Hired in the summer of 1936, Dorothy Ann Blank made a substantial contribution to Snow White as a member of the story department. Walt and Roy had been working with Hal Horne, ;publicity director for United Artists, whom Dorothy worked for.  When Horne left United Artists and found himself n financial difficulty, Disney helped him out and that was when Dorothy became am member of the Disney staff. In his book, Fairest of the All, J B Kaufman notes that Dorothy objected to the notion of the birds helping Snow White make the pies for the dwarfs, she wasn't fond of the idea of the birds wiping their feet on the pies. It was Dorothy who wrote the title that marked the passing seasons as the dwarfs mourned the loss of Snow White.  Walt Disney pressed Dorothy to express the story with the least amount of words.  She submitted four titles, but were changed down to three, and Walt himself rewrote the last title. Dorothy was also given the responsibility to write the text for the November December 1937 issue of Good Housekeeping that featured snow White.  In this version she included portions of the story that were not in the final film (death of Snow White mother, soup sequence, and the bed building).  Additionally, the language includes some slang from the time. -

참여 작품

Original Film Writer
Live-action adaptation of the 1937 Disney animated film 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs'.
백설공주와 일곱 난쟁이
아주 먼 옛날, 왕비는 뱃속의 아이가 눈처럼 하얀 피부에 사과처럼 붉은 입술, 장미빛 뺨을 지닌 공주이기를 빌었다. 드디어 왕비는 예쁜 공주를 낳고 그녀를 백설공주라 불렀다. 백설공주는 모든 사람들의 사랑을 받으며 자라났지만 왕비가 죽고 새로 들어온 계모가 여왕이 되자 혹독한 시달림을 받는다. 계모에게는 신비로운 마술 거울이 있었는데, 어느 날 여왕이 세상에서 가장 아름다운 사람은 누구냐고 질문하자 마술 거울은 백설공주라고 대답한다. 분노한 여왕은 사냥꾼을 불러 백설공주를 죽이도록 명령하지만, 사냥꾼은 백설공주의 순수한 마음씨에 감동하여 그녀를 죽이는 대신 계모를 피해서 도망치도록 일러주는데...