Toshizō Kudō

출생 : 1928-04-16, Aomori, Aomori Prefecture, Japan

참여 작품

조용한 생활
작가이면서 교수인 아버지 K, 자상하고 지혜로운 어머니, 선천적 뇌 장애자인 장남 이이요, 그림동화작가를 꿈꾸는 딸 마아짱, 재수생인 막내 호기, 이렇게 다섯 가족은 조용하고 평화로운 생활을 영위해 나가고 있다. 하지만 장애자인 이이요의 존재는 묵시적이고 잠재적으로 가정에 어두운 그림자를 드리운다. 그러나 가족들은 슬기로운 인내와 지혜로 그러한 것들을 극복해 나아간다. 만약 이이요가 정상이었다면 이라는 부질없는 생각은 절대 하지 않기로 서로 약속하고 지켜 나간다. 가족들 중에 특히 딸인 마짱이 이이요에게 각별한 애정과 관심으로 돌보아 준다. 가족들의 이러한 사랑으로 장애를 많이 극복한 이이요는 소리와 음악에 관해서 만은 천재적인 재능을 보인다. (시네마루 2010 - 이타미 주조 회고전)
203 고지
Taro Katsura
영화는 러일전쟁이라는 시대적 사건을 배경으로, 그 안에서 살아가는 다양한 인간군상들의 고통과 애환을 그리고자 하였으며, 가상인물의 대표인 코가 타케시와 실존인물의 대표인 노기 마레스케를 통해 각각 병사들과 사령관의 입장에서 전쟁을 통해 그들의 심경과 고통, 애환과 변화, 사연을 그려낸 수작이다. 인간 드라마 못지 않게 전쟁영화로서의 스케일도 당시 일본 최대를 자랑하였으며, 뤼순 요새와 203고지를 재현하기 위해 이즈오오시마(伊豆大島)에 대규모 요새 세트장을 건설하고, 당시 사용된 총기와 군복, 공성전의 백미인 280mm유탄포를 정확하게 재현해냄으로써 밀리터리에서도 높은 평가를 받았다.
Tenshi No Yokubô
태양을 훔친 사나이
중학교 교사인 기도는 혼자 힘으로 원자폭탄을 만들어낸다. 아무도 자신이 원폭을 가지고 있다는 것을 믿지 않을 것이라 생각한 그는 경찰에 전화를 걸어 자신이 원폭을 가지고 있음을 입증해보인다. 자신감을 얻은 그는 국가를 상대로 전쟁을 할 것을 결의한다.현대 젊은이들의 유희적 정신을 오락영화의 형식을 빌어 빼어나게 묘사한 작품으로 70년대 ‘일본영화의 구세주’로 떠올랐던 하세가와 가즈히코의 두 번째 작품이다.
Nomugi Pass
The story of the silk industry and the young girls who worked as silk spinners in the early 1900s in Japan. The silk mills were located in Okaya which lies just beyond the Nomugi Pass. The women and girls worked in a hot, humid atmosphere without rest, and endured those conditions and sexual harassment to earn money for their poor families. Across the ocean, it was the great depression in America.
Light of Africa
Two semi-slackers with an ultra-intimate friendship work, slack and drink in a freezing Hokkaido town.
The Four Roughnecks
Gimme gimme gimme! Yusaku Matsuda and his gang are on the hunt for women, money and more money! The late legendary actor, Yusaku Matsuda, stars in this explosive motion picture about the hedonistic lifestyles of four roughnecks directed by Yukihiro Sawada. Takeo Natsuki (Yusaku Matsuda) was just released from prison. He was the leader of three rascals; all they did was cause trouble. When they meet a girl whose father is resisting a forced eviction to make way for a construction site, they come up with their own plans to solve the problem.
Retreat Through the Wet Wasteland
A group of burglars in black tights breaks into a church to commit robbery and commits outrages upon the pastor's young daughter. After some time, Detective Harada and his squad rush/came back to the church they robbed earlier. In the duty station, the police chief informs Harada that his ex-colleague, Nakamura, has escaped from a mental hospital where he had been hospitalized for insanity. Harada and his partner, Kato, are assigned to pursue Nakamura on the run. If Nakamura's insanity turns out to be false, the cop buddies must terminate him and masquerade it as self-defense.
Love Affair in Purgatory
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Office Lady Diary: Affair of a She-Cat
A diary of an office lady.
이치조 사유리의 젖은 욕망
오사카의 중심가에 있는 스트립쇼장. 젊은 스트립퍼인 하루미는 주로 레즈비언쇼를 한다. 하루미는 자기만의 쇼를 하기를 원하지만 야쿠자는 이사무는 이 생각을 별로 좋아하지 않는다. 스트립퍼로 성공하기를 원하는 하루미는 결국 자신의 우상인 이치조 사유리와 같은 무대에 서게 된다.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Burning Desire
Oshichi (Setsuko Ogawa), the daughter of a green grocer, is only seventeen years old but is known as one of the most beautiful girls in Edo. She is betrothed to Sakubei (Tatsuya Hamaguchi) but does not love him. One day, the whole city is flooded by one of the worst rain storm in its history. Oshichi, and her parents are given shelter at a temple where she meets Kichisaburo (Ryuji Mori), a young priest. It is love at first sight for both of them. The storm finally abates. Oshichi's parents decide to return to their home on the following day. That night, Oshichi gladly gives herself to Kichisaburo but they are found by her mother who warns them never to divulge their secret. Learning that her plan to move up the date of her marriage to the rich pawnbroker's son, Oshichi feels that she can never be united with Kichisaburo unless she takes things into her own hands.
Eros Schedule Book: Female Artist
The wife of a struggling artist is raped and begins painting a series of erotic images in an attempt to exorcise her demons. However the men in her paintings all have the same face as her rapist, and as her work becomes more popular the man begins to take on folk-hero status...
Thirsty for Love
Ryozô Ishiguro(石黒良造)
Kazuko Shirakawa plays a girl who left home to satisfy her inner lust. Her passion turns to despair when she looks at her miserable life and sees the loss of her one true love and eventually becomes a prostitute. Everything is masterminded by her jealous sister, who hopes to bed her husband. She eventually gets her wish.
Women Smell of Night
A 1970 crime film.
Duel in the Wind
Kageyama Dojun
Yojiro orders a samurai to kill a debtor. The samurai decides not to trust the judgment of his master, which makes him an outcast and he has to flee...
괴담 승천하는 용
Akemi is a dragon tattooed leader of the Tachibana Yakuza clan. In a duel with a rival gang Akemi slashes the eyes of an opponent and a black cat appears, to lap the blood from the gushing wound. The cat along with the eye-victim go on to pursue Akemi’s gang in revenge, leaving a trail of dead Yakuza girls, their dragon tattoos skinned from their bodies.
Women's Police: Part II
Masaaki Kagari (Akira Kobayashi) is the recruiter and protector of hostesses at the Club Rose. One day he visits Club Aron, to complain about attempts to lure hostesses from Club Rose. Aron's madam Hisayo reminds him of a tragic experience five years before, when a lovely girl named Kumi committed double suicide with a man in a hotel. For Aron's madam is Kumi's elder sister. Kagari's friend Hayazaki introduces him to Chie, the young sister of the man who died with Kumi, who has come to Tokyo to learn the truth about her brother's death. Kagari sends them both away. But he continues to be haunted by the warmed-over memories. When Club Aron is found selling bootleg whisky Kagari learns that Hisayo has been a tool in the hands of the Akune group who are also responsible for trying to steal his girls, and that Fujikura, the public prosecutor who presided over the case of Kumi's death and ruled it suicide, is now the personal lawyer of the Akune group...
Outlaw: Kill!
Goro has always been a lone wolf. When he arrives at an industrial city in Keihin, there is certain restlessness in the air. The Iriezaki family and the Kanto Touyu-kai were in the midst of a territorial dispute. Goro was quick to notice, but had no intent to take sides. At a department store nearby, he sees an elevator lady being harassed by a couple of hoodlums. Goro decides to intervene. Unbeknownst to him, the hoodlums are Touyu-kai members – and the girl has strong ties with the opposing family.
Exiled to Hell
It is the end of the Taisho era (1912-1926), and at the Hanazuki-tei theatre in Asakusa, the famous performance of storyteller Koiso Kikuji and performer Kataoka Koshin is reaching its climax when the Tawaraya family interferes... This is an entertaining action film bursting with righteousness and humanity, centred on men who try to live righteously against a corrupt boss who preys on the performers.
Outlaw: Black Dagger
A street war breaks loose between two rival gangs in the Kansai region of Japan. Goro is in the middle of action. Through a knife fight against Sueo, a high profile gangster from Busou-kai, Goro notices a familiar face approaching him from amidst the chaos - his girlfriend, Yuri. Goro had sent her to safety, but she had returned, aching to see him. Caught between Goro and his enemy knife, she reunites with her love - the price was her life.
Outlaw: Goro the Assassin
On a cold winter day, Goro Fujikawa (Tetsuya Watari) and Masahiko murder the mob boss of Meishin-Kai. The deed costs them time in prison, but Goro had no shred of regret. When Goro is released 2 years later, Masahiko is dying in prison hospital and entrusts his last wish; "find my sister and take care of her." Goro leaves as a free man with a mission, but soon finds that he might have been better off in jail.
Outlaw: Heartless
Goro Fujikawa (Tetsuya Watari) was indebted to Mitsugimoto. Sawada, a low rank yakuza with a gambling problem owed Mitsugimoto three million yen. This equation can only lead to one answer. Mitsugimoto needs to pay and Goro's coming to collect.
Outlaw: Gangster VIP 2
Goro (Tetsuya Watari) wants to put his dark past behind. He heads to Hirosaki City to offer his condolences to Yumeko and to reunite with Yukiko (Chieko Matsubara), but finds that Yumeko is fatally ill. Although Yukiko was taking care of her, she is pressed for money. Goro wants to help and knows that there is only one way to come up with fast money.
붉은 유성
동경에서 상대편의 보스를 죽인 스기우라 고로는 고베로 도망치고, 그 곳에서 경비원으로 일하며 살아간다. 그러던 어느 날, 평소 알고 지내던 보석상인 고지마가 행방불명이 되자 고로는 고지마의 약혼녀인 게이코와 함께 그를 찾아 나서는데...
Thirst for Love
A young wealthy widow becomes sexually involved with her father-in-law, while harboring a destructive obsession with the family gardener.
A Colt Is My Passport
A gang lord hires Kamimura, a hit man, to take out a rival boss who's gotten greedy.
Kaerazeru hatoba
A crime film from 1966
Black Tight Killers
Daisuke Honda, a war photographer in Vietnam, meets Yuriko Sawanouchi, a stewardess on his plane back to Japan. After drinking with her at a Tokyo bar, he becomes involved in saving Yuriko from assassination by stylish, female ninjas. When trying to rescue Yuriko from kidnappers, Daisuke discovers a group of foreigners are hunting for a WWII-era treasure hidden on an island by Yuriko's father.
Black Sun
Cop A
Akira, a young, jazz-obsessed drifter, returns to his squat, a ruined church, and finds Gill, a wounded African-American GI, on the run after the death of a white GI. Despite terrible misunderstandings and culture clash, Akira agrees to help Gill escape towards the sea, dodging military police along the way.
Itsudemo yume o
This is a factory area in downtown Tokyo, and Hikaru, nicknamed Pika-chan, is a nurse at the Mihara Clinic, a friend of the poor.
Dai shinrin ni mukatte tatsu
Strife between competing lumber mills.
Tsuiseki is a 1961 crime film.
Tōkyō dodonpa musume
Motomu Ida movie
짐승의 수면
오랜 직장생활을 마친 우에키는 홍콩 출장을 마지막으로 집에 돌아온다. 우에키의 딸인 게이코와 신문기자인 쇼타로는 우에키를 반기지만 그는 집에 돌아온 날부터 이상한 행동을 한다. 심지어 환영파티 자리에 간 우에키는 연락이 끊긴 채 사라지고, 이상한 낌새를 챈 쇼타로는 게이코와 함께 우에키의 뒤를 쫓다 충격적인 사건에 휘말린다.
어떤 협박
약점잡힌 은행간부가 자기 은행을 터는 과정도 재미있지만, 협박범의 배후가 누구인지 드러나는 과정도 흥미진진하고 서로의 인성 밑바닥까지 드러내보이는 후반부의 구성도 좋다. 은행털이가 돈이 목적이 아니라 사적인 복수가 목적인 것, 은행은 털지만 실제로 없어진 돈이 없다는 점도 참 명민한 시나리오.
Red Pier
Shortly after arriving in Kobe, "Jiro the Lefty", a killer with a natural talent, witnesses a man die in a crane accident which turns out to be a cover-up for a murder. Jiro soon finds himself on the run, tailed by a determined cop.
Season of the Sun
The film tells the story of a group of high school boxing team members who spend their days drinking, sailing and chasing girls, and who more often than not spend their nights getting into brawls. In particular, it focuses upon Tatsuya, a sullen young man, who falls in love with Eiko, a proud upper-class girl.