Yannis Zouganelis

Yannis Zouganelis

출생 : 1955-02-03, Patisia, Athens, Greece


Γεννήθηκε στην Αθήνα στις 3 Φεβρουαρίου 1956 και κατάγεται από τη Μύκονο και τη Νάξο. Είναι παντρεμένος με την Ισιδώρα Σιδέρη και έχουν μαζί μια κόρη,την Ελεωνόρα Ζουγανέλη. Μεγάλη επίδραση στην μετέπειτα πορεία του άσκησε το γεγονός ότι και οι δύο γονείς του ήταν κωφάλαλοι. Ξεκίνησε τις μουσικές του σπουδές στην προσχολική ηλικία στον Άγιο Νικόλαο Αχαρνών με τον ιεροψάλτη καθηγητή Θ. Θεοδωρακόπουλο στην βυζαντινή μουσική. Στο Ελληνικό Ωδείο σπούδασε κιθάρα με τους καθηγητές Χ. Εκμεκτσόγλου και Κώστα Τρίαντο και θεωρητικά με τον Αντίοχο Ευαγγελάτο. Συνέχισε στο Εθνικό Ωδείο Αθηνών με αρμονία, ανώτερα θεωρητικά και πιάνο υπό την διδασκαλία των Πατρικίδη και Βώκου. Καθοριστικό ρόλο στην εξέλιξη των μουσικών του σπουδών έπαιξε ο συνθέτης Νίκος Μαμαγκάκης, που του δίδαξε ενορχήστρωση και ρυθμολογία. Το 1975, με υποτροφία από το Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού (για το έργο του «Δέκα Βυζαντινά δοκίμια» μικρό συμφωνικό σύνολο και μικτή χορωδία), σπούδασε σύνθεση, ενορχήστρωση και όπερα στην Ακαδημία Τεχνών του Μονάχου, από την οποία και αποφοίτησε με άριστα.

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Yannis Zouganelis
Yannis Zouganelis
Yannis Zouganelis
Yannis Zouganelis

참여 작품

잃어버린 요트를 찾아서 2
Sailor 3
Friendship, courage and ingenuity are put to the test once again as Pertsa, Kilu and Pirkko embark on an epic adventure to solve the mystery of an old map. Twin girls Vappu and Kerttu also join the flight, and the suspense is increased when the cunning criminal Annabella Pehko jumps on board as a stowaway.
Τα Νεοκλασικά - Η Κόμισσα Της Φάμπρικας
Halvai 5-0
Dr. Genius
A halva maker is found murdered in his manor. 5 suspects, 0 evidence. Intrigues, passion, hatred, schemes and every day new evidence comes to light that make the case even more complicated. Will officer Mpekras manage to find the killer?
The Bachelor
A mistake made by the bride rejoins 4 old friends of disaster and a father in law! 5 guys go to Thassaloniki to tear everything down. A father in law gets in a hearse in order to kill a love in the making. An ex-girlfriend dances tango with her memories as a partner. A cancelled wedding and a relationship that starts with the brides vail floating at the wind of independence.
On a small island, a saint is about to be canonized by the church. His icon has no face. According to local lore, one night the saint stepped out of the icon, visited the fair and scandalized the believers. He was ashamed of his behavior and never returned. After a disastrous weekend, a writer discovers that a painter had actually been commissioned to paint the portrait of a saint, but that his dissolute way of living led the locals to attribute to the saint the painter’s acts. The islanders resorted to crime, filling in the blanks of the icon. While seeking the truth, the writer dies in a dramatic way. A while later, his corpse is found. It has suffered abuse. A reporter undertakes to cover the story, but is faced with a closed society that refuses to speak.
Λύσσα Κακιά
The Island of Secrets
It was supposed to be just an ordinary holiday on sunny Kos, but Toni has to rescue a beautiful local girl, a talented free-diver, from the clutches of kidnappers. When it appears that nobody else can be trusted, Toni must reluctantly rely on his step-brothers' assistance.
Στα Καλά Καθούμενα
Medea, Louder Than My Thoughts
Handset Type
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Mia fora kai ena moro
The Other Half
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4 Black Suits
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Kiss Of Life
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Μαφιόζοι στο Αιγαίο
Giorgos Botasis
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The Heart of the Beast
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Καρδιακός Φίλος
Και Όπου Μας Βγάλει
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Βαρέα Ανθυγιεινά
The King
A 35-year old man, just released from jail, decides to make a clean break from the big city and his troubled past. He retreats to the abandoned village his father came from and moves into an old, collapsing house. Alone, far from the bigger village and doing petty jobs to survive, he will strive to find himself once more. Amidst a haze of suspicion and scorn by villagers who treat him an intruder, his past catches up to him in the form of his girlfriend from Athens. Conflict is inescapable
Crying... Silicon Tears
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Let the Women Wait!
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Σαπουνόπετρα: Το Χρήμα στο Λαιμό σας
Up, Down and Sideways
Taxi Driver
A prosperous widow with a gay son fallls for a young gym instructor in Athens.
Ο Σόλων Έτσι και το διαμάντι του Μήλου
Ο Σόλων Έτσι και το διαμάντι του Μήλου
Πατρίς, Ληστεία, Οικογένεια
Εδώ είναι Βαλκάνια
Music Director
A forgotten satirical (and occasionally dark) comedy about sex life in the Greek countryside.
Which Way to the Septic Tank?
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Κουφώματα Λαδώματα
Two idiotic unemployed friends start answering job listings advertised on newspapers, with hilarious results.
Κουφώματα Λαδώματα
Two idiotic unemployed friends start answering job listings advertised on newspapers, with hilarious results.