Jacques Pieiller

참여 작품

A Place Among the Living
Le libraire
A mediocre pulp novelist is approached by a stranger claiming to be a serial killer with a proposition to chronicle his crimes.
The Town Is Quiet
Yves Froment
A dark tale of working-class life in Marseilles, a city in crisis. Interesting characters include a hard-bitten but compassionate fish market worker with a drug addicted daughter and a moody bartender with a shocking secret life.
되찾은 시간
1922년 마르셀 프루스트는 죽음의 문턱에서 사진들을 훑어보며 자신의 인생을 회고한다. 실존 인물은 소설 속의 등장인물과 혼재하고 점차 허구의 세계는 실재를 장악한다. 문학작품을 재료로 한 루이즈의 야심찬 각색.
Where the Heart Is
Le flic
From the director of Marius et Jeannette, this story of two working-class families is a fable with an optimist streak. A young black man, Francois, is wrongly accused of rape by a racist policeman. The story is told in voiceover by his childhood friend, neighbor, and the mother of his future child, Clementine, who is white. The city is Marseilles as in the previous film, symbolic with its churches, prisons and ruins. Except in this film, director Robert Guediguian also ventures outside, taking the story to Sarajevo; two different cities, one devastated by war, the other by a bad economy and unemployment. A la Place du coeur won a Special Jury Prize at the 1998 San Sebastian Film Festival and was also shown at the 1998 Toronto Film Festival and the 1998 Montreal Film Festival.
세 번의 삶과 한 번의 죽음
Tania's Husband
네 개의 에피소드로 구성된 영화는 20년간 집을 떠났던 한 남자의 귀향에 관한 에피소드로 시작하여, 두 번째는 유명한 소르본 대학의 인류학 교수가 하루 아침에 거지가 된 이야기, 세 번째는 젊은 커플을 돌봐주는 하인의 이야기, 네 번째는 거짓말로 인해 엄청난 덫에 걸리게 되는 한 비지니스맨의 이야기로 끝을 맺는다.
A Sweet Journey
Lucia and Elena are best friends since childhood. They take a car trip from Paris to the country. Their conversations are overtly intimate, but more revealing is their tacit understanding of each others' personality and desires.
Love School
Disguising himself as a geisha and introducing himself as Madame Mufiko, a certain Max Fox opens a school in Paris where he proposes to teach the Japanese art of love. He recruits a few students, boys and girls, to whom he teaches to imitate the positions represented on old prints. The young people set themselves to it with such ardor that soon the girls are pregnant. In addition, the school is put under police surveillance and the false Mufiko sees her true identity revealed.