André Singer

André Singer


André Singer is a British documentary film-maker, as well as an anthropologist. He is currently CEO of Spring Films Ltd of London, a Professorial Research Associate at the London School of Oriental and African Studies, and was President of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland from 2014-2018. Born in London, he studied at University Hall, Buckland and then at first Keble College and subsequently Exeter College, Oxford University under Professor Sir E.E. Evans-Pritchard, specialising in Iran and Afghanistan for his doctorate. He started working in television in the early 1970s as a researcher, then as a producer and director for the Disappearing World series at Granada Television, eventually taking over from Brian Moser as the Series Editor. Description above from the Wikipedia article André Singer (producer), licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.

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André Singer
André Singer

참여 작품

Werner Herzog: Radical Dreamer
“Nothing is typical for Werner, only the atypical is typical for him.” This is just one of many attempts to characterize Werner Herzog. Documentary filmmaker Thomas von Steinaecker spoke to actors, directors, directors of photography and producers who have worked with Herzog over his long career—including directors Chloé Zhao, Joshua Oppenheimer and Wim Wenders, singer Patti Smith and actors Nicole Kidman, Christian Bale and Robert Pattinson. We also hear from Herzog himself, with extraordinary anecdotes about film locations and shoots, his admiration for Lotte Eisner, and his eternal search for beauty. The interviews are carefully punctuated by archive footage of Herzog never seen before, iconic excerpts from his feature films and documentaries, and his cameos in cartoon series such as The Simpsons. Together they create a kaleidoscopic image of a radical visionary and dreamer, and of his very own “Werner World.”
Beneath the Surface
Executive Producer
In 2014, following a tip-off, a group of journalists exposed a troubled history for indigenous Sámi women, men and children. It revealed generations of negligence, abuse and suffering, supported by a mass of evidence and previously unseen archival footage. As the case goes to court, the community remains defiant against a judicial system whose attitudes highlight fissures in the purported equal treatment of all citizens. The community’s battle aims to break a vicious cycle of racism and to achieve meaningful lasting change for future generations.
Last Exit: Space
Executive Producer
Documentary about space colonization: a voyage across our planet, into the stars and beyond.
The Tinderbox
Executive Producer
Israel and Palestine: time to call time on the conflict? This Doc Feature is an extraordinary, balanced and heart-wrenching examination of the Isreali-Palestinian conflict - never before presented. Ancient and recent history, geopolitical issues, psychology and a deeply personal journey challenge what we think we know.
파이어볼: 어둠의 세계에서 온 방문자
운석과 유성, 혜성 탐사선, 크레이터 등 신기하고 복잡한 우주의 원리와 이와 관련한 문화를 탐구한다. 영화는 별들이 보내는 메시지의 의미를 파악하기 위해 대륙을 횡단하는 특별한 여정으로 관객들을 초대한다. 남극의 블루아이스 고원에서 운석을 찾아다니는 한국 연구팀을 따라가고, 호주 원주민들이 유성과 크레이터를 숭배하는 이유를 들어본다. 더불어 영화는 오래된 운석 소장품을 큐레이팅하는 바티칸 천문대까지 찾아가, 교황청 소속 천문학자와도 만날 수 있는 기회를 제공한다. (서울환경영화제)
고르바초프를 만나다
베르너 헤어조크 감독과 안드레 싱어 감독의 흥미진진한 다큐멘터리. 잊을 수 없는 아카이브 자료와 3건과 긴 인터뷰를 기반으로, 논란의 여지없이 현존하는 가장 위대한 정치인 미하엘 고르바초프를 마주할 기회를 제공한다.
Canvey - The Promised Island
Executive Producer
After decades of rising house prices, many of the North London Hasidic Jewish community are relocating 50 miles east to the more affordable Canvey Island, Essex: a Brexit stronghold voted 'the most English place in Britain'. This film follows the reactions of the island’s Anglican and agnostic residents as they get to grips with their new neighbours. It has the potential to be a culture clash, but leaders on both sides of the sea wall are determined that good neighbourly relations will prevail. The film follows Chris Fenwick, island native and manager of rock band Dr Feelgood, as he organises a party for both communities with social integration at the top of the menu. With Anglican priest David Tudor and key Hasidic elders on side, can Chris join the new Canvey Island community together in peace and integration?
인페르노 속으로: 마그마의 세계
마그마와 용암으로 불의 심장을 토해내는 대자연. 베르너 헤어조크 감독이 담아낸 이 영상의 대서사시는 화산의 가공할 위력과 토착민들의 전통 의식의 관계를 들여다본다.
침묵의 시선
Executive Producer
1965년 인도네시아 군부정권 대학살의 기억을 가진 모든 이들에게 ‘람리’라는 이름은 곧 학살을 의미했다. 그는 비밀리에 사라졌던 100만 명의 사람 중 유일하게 목격당한 죽음이었기 때문이다. 알고도 모른 척 숨죽여 살아야 했던 사람들에게 ‘람리’의 또 다른 이름은 침묵이자 망각. 그러나 그의 동생 ‘아디’는 50년 만에 형을 죽인 살인자를 찾아가 그때의 이야기를 묻기 시작하고, 가해자들은 누구보다 자랑스럽고 당당하게 자신이 저지른 소름 끼치는 살인을 증언한다. ‘죽음’은 있지만 ‘책임’은 없는, 인류 역사상 가장 고요하고 잔혹한 이야기!
밤이 걷히면
1945년 나치 강제수용소의 해방에 관한 다큐멘터리. 시드니 번스타인을 중심으로 한 이 프로젝트에 알프레드 히치콕, 빌리 와일더, 리처드 크로스만 등도 참여했지만, 6개월 사이 영국과 미국 정부가 영화에 대한 지원 철회를 결정하면서 미완성인 채로 제국전쟁박물관 아카이브에 소장되었다. 그리고 그 영화는 70년이 지나서야 비로소 완성되어 관객들을 만난다. (2014년 제6회 DMZ국제다큐영화제)
The Secret Life of Uri Geller
Executive Producer
An examination of the claims made for Uri Geller's career in espionage.
액트 오브 킬링
Executive Producer
1965년 인도네시아, 쿠데타 당시 군은 ‘반공’을 명분으로 100만 명이 넘는 공산주의자, 지식인, 중국인들을 비밀리에 살해했다. 40년의 세월이 흐른 현재, 대학살을 주도한 암살단의 주범 '안와르 콩고’는 국민영웅으로 추대 받으며 호화스런 생활을 누리고 있다. 그러던 어느 날, 자신들의 ‘위대한’ 살인의 업적을 영화로 만들자는 제안이 들어온다. “당신이 저지른 학살을, 다시 재연해보지 않겠습니까?” 대학살의 리더 안와르 콩고와 그의 친구들은 들뜬 맘으로 직접 시나리오를 쓰고 연기도 하며 자랑스럽게 살인의 재연에 몰두한다. 하지만 촬영이 진행되면서 대학살의 기억은 그들에게 낯선 공포와 악몽에 시달리게 하고, 영화는 예기치 못한 반전을 맞는다. 전대미문의 방법으로 인간의 도덕성을 뒤흔드는 충격의 다큐멘터리!
La Bohème
Part of a series of opera shorts by different directors. Herzog combines O Soave Fanciulla ("Oh you vision of beauty" from Puccini's La Boheme) with images of harsh life in Africa. The varied body of work was produced to celebrate six years of Sky Arts' season sponsorship of ENO and both organisations' commitment to widening the appeal of opera. Set to recordings by ENO Orchestra conducted by ENO Music Director Edward Gardner, they feature singers Peter Auty, Geraint Dodd, Mary Plazas and Mark Stone.
The Wild Blue Yonder
An alien narrates the story of his dying planet, his and his people's visitations to Earth and Earth's self-made demise, while human astronauts in space are attempting to find an alternate planet for surviving humans to live on.
시간의 바퀴
Executive Producer
2002년 인도와 호주에서 달라이 라마가 행한 평화와 관용의 불교 의식을 담은 다큐멘터리 영화이다. 이 ‘칼라차크라’(時輪) 의식은 끊임없이 변하는 창조와 소멸의 영원한 회전을 의미한다고 한다. 헤어조크는 달라이 라마와의 인터뷰 후 해발 5천 미터에 위치한 카일라시 산으로 떠나 순례자들의 오체투지 행렬, 승려들 간의 토론, 모래 만다라 의식을 보여준다. (한국영상자료원)
Prisoner of Paradise
Co-Executive Producer
The film tells the true story of Kurt Gerron, a German-Jewish cabaret and film actor in the 1920s and 1930s who was sent to the Theresienstadt concentration camp where he was commanded to write and direct a Nazi propaganda film.
Paddington Bear: The Early Years
Executive Producer
Retracing the footsteps of the beloved Paddington Bear, Stephen Fry travels to the Cloud Forests of Peru in search of the rare Spectacled Bear.
나의 친애하는 적 - 클라우스 킨스키
Executive Producer
1991년 사망한 독일 배우 클라우스 킨스키. 그는 베르너 헤어초크 감독의 페르소나이며, 헤어초크 감독과 애증의 관계를 넘나들며 예술적 교감을 이루었다. 헤어초크는 킨스키가 죽은 후, 킨스키에 관한 다큐멘터리를 들고 그와 함께 했던 시간과 그 속에서 피어난 감정 같은 것들에 대해 이야기한다. 99년 칸 국제영화제 상영작. -- 2002 부천국제영화제
Little Dieter Needs to Fly
Executive Producer
In 1966, Dieter Dengler was shot down over Laos, captured, and, down to 85 pounds, escaped. Barefoot, surviving monsoons, leeches, and machete-wielding villagers, he was rescued. Now, near 60, living on Mt. Tamalpais, Dengler tells his story: a German lad surviving Allied bombings in World War II, postwar poverty, apprenticed to a smith, beaten regularly. At 18, he emigrates and peels potatoes in the U.S. Air Force. He leaves for California and college, then enlistment in the Navy to learn to fly. A quiet man of sorrows tells his story: war, capture, harrowing conditions, escape, and miraculous rescue. Where did he find the strength; how does he now live with his memories?
Mr. Jinnah: The Making of Pakistan
Executive Producer
The creator of Pakistan has long been a controversial figure. The film tries to unravel his personality with interviews and footage never before aired.
Bronislaw Malinowski: Off the Verandah
Bronislaw Malinowski changed the way that field studies were carried out. He worked on a remote group of Pacific islands—the Trobriands—and lived for long periods among the people he was studying. A brilliant linguist, he quickly learned their language and later published books which brought the islanders to life. The idea that native peoples were primitive savages was altered for good with Malinowski's insight into their mastery of their world.
Witchcraft Among the Azande
Sir Edward Evans-Pritchard’s Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande—based on fieldwork conducted in Sudan in the 1920s and 1930s—is one of the classic texts of social anthropology. Fifty years later anthropologist John Ryle and film-maker André Singer—among the last of Evans-Pritchard’s students—revisited Zandeland, in Western Equatoria province of Southern Sudan, for Granada Television’s Disappearing World series. They recorded the continuities in Zande culture and the changes since Evans-Pritchard’s time.