Wolfgang Michael

Wolfgang Michael

출생 : 1955-06-15, Heinsberg, Germany

프로필 사진

Wolfgang Michael

참여 작품

A boy who grows up with his step-parents in Greece and who, at the age of 20, unwittingly murders his father. While serving his sentence, he falls in love and has a child with a woman who works in the prison. They are both unaware of the fact that she is his biological mother. Twenty years later, he lives in London with his daughter and is beginning to lose his eyesight.
Homeshopper's Paradise
블러드 레드 스카이
의문의 병을 앓는 여자. 치료를 위해 어린 아들과 대서양을 가르는 비행기에 오른다. 목적지까지 반쯤 왔을까. 비행기가 테러리스트들에게 점령당하고, 여인은 생존 싸움을 시작한다. 그간 어렵사리 숨겨온 어둠의 힘을 뿜어내며.
히든 라이프
무자비한 학살과 의미를 잃어버린 희생의 연속이었던 2차 세계대전, 한적한 오스트리아의 시골 마을에서 농사를 짓던 ‘프란츠’(오거스트 딜)는 나치군에 징집된다. 하지만 평범한 농부이자 독실한 가톨릭 신자였던 ‘프란츠’는 그의 신념에 반하는 군인 선서를 거부하고 이로 인해 투옥된다. 군의 명령에 불복종한 ‘프란츠’는 투옥과 동시에 갖은 고초와 고문을 겪게 되고 평화로웠던 그의 삶은 위태롭기만 한데…
Mein Schwiegervater, der Camper
Jack Silverwater
나는 집에 있었지만…
아스트리드의 열세살 난 아들이 일주일간 무단 가출 후 아무 설명도 없이 자연에서 집으로 돌아오며 시작되는 이야기다.
Paul Bacher is in crisis. If he could feel in the past as one of the most influential writers of his generation, he has long lacked ideas and impetus for a new great work. His reading tours are becoming more and more a sad affair with too much alcohol and too little public. Then Paul overflows in a drunken hitchhiker, flees first scared and later removes the body, without talking to anyone about the experience. But something is flowing in its interior. Paul starts to write again. The criticism is done, but the story about the death of a hitchhiker also arouses suspicion.
Hit Mom – Mörderische Weihnachten
Hanni works around the clock as a cleaning lady. She has to because her husband, whom she loves, has not exactly shown himself to be a support financially. They also have their son Viktor. One day Hanni witnesses an attempted murder on an old lady. The killer now has an involuntary confidante and must eliminate her. But it doesn't come to that because Hanni uses her cleaning agents at the right moment, with her presence of mind. The killer falls unhappy and falls into a coma.
Das Märchen vom Schlaraffenland
Meister Feuerstein
Paul's life is marked by hunger, poverty and hard work. His sister Magda is sick and needs medicine. In town they meet Master Flintstone.
Das Märchen vom Schlaraffenland
Beyond This Day
은퇴를 선언한 세계적 지휘자 ‘프레드 밸린저’가 휴가를 위해 스위스의 고급 호텔을 찾는다. 그의 오랜 친구이자 노장 감독인 ‘믹’은 젊은 스탭들과 새 영화의 각본 작업에 매진하지만 의욕을 잃은 ‘프레드’는 산책과 마사지, 건강체크 등으로 무료한 시간을 보낸다. 이때 영국 여왕으로부터 그의 대표곡인 ‘심플 송’을 연주해 달라는 특별 요청이 전해지지만 ‘프레드’는 더 이상 무대에 서지 않겠다고 거절하는데…
Dr. Gressmann zeigt Gefühle
Der Schmetterlingsjäger
Igor, der Pianist
Nacht ohne Morgen
Jochen Lemberg
Morgen musst du sterben
Mann vom Schlüsseldienst
팔레르모 슈팅
Erwin (uncredited)
세계적으로 성공한 스타 사진 작가, 핀. 한시도 쉬는 법 없이 울리는 그의 전화는 그의 인기를 보여주는 것 같지만, 막상 그에게 있어 진정한 위안이 되는 건 헤드폰을 통해 흘러나오는 음악뿐... 그의 삶은 어딘지 공허할 뿐이다. 어느 날, 사진에서 진심이 느껴지지 않는다는 평까지 듣게 된 그는 삶에 회의를 느끼며 모든 것을 뒤로 한 채 팔레르모로 향하고, 쫓기듯 찾은 팔레르모에서 핀은 우연히 복원가, 플라비아를 만나 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 하지만 어느 순간부터 찾아온 정체를 알 수 없는 생명의 위협으로 핀에게 커다란 위기가 닥치게 되는데….
Nimm dir dein Leben
Dr. Keitel
Eva Zacharias
Michael Arabeck
Tausendmal berührt
1. Junger
Marseille describes an interlude in the life of young Berlin photographer Sophie. Wanting a change, Sophie does an apartment swap, so she can go photograph the city of Marseille, and most of all get away from Berlin.
The Edelweiss Pirates
Peter Hüppeler
Cologne towards the end of the Second World War. The city is in ruins, everyone is afraid, many are dead. It is a time of great inhumanity. Cologne’s young Edelweiss Pirates refuse to submit to the pressure of the Nazi regime. They fight with the Hitler Youth and scrawl anti-war propaganda on walls. Karl is an Edelweiss Pirate; his younger brother, Peter, is in the Hitler Youth movement. The two young men have been alone ever since their mother’s death in a bombing raid; their father is serving at the front, and their older brother, Otto, has been killed in action. Otto’s financée, Cilly, is doing her best to survive the war with her children. Carl is trying to help her.
Michael Sigl
Passing Summer
Maries Mann
A woman faces a variety of emotional crises as she spends the summer interacting in various ways with friends, family, and lovers.
A largely plotless, fado-scored journey through the gloomy cobblestone streets, zombie bars, and fetid basements of a sordid harbor town populated by German-speaking sots and Portuguese guest workers. An unhappy young couple, Leni and Anton, quarrel and split separately into the rat’s ass of the evening. Everyone is looking for love, but no one finds any—although Leni does pick up a trick.
My Sister’s Good Fortune
A young photographer has fallen in love with his girlfriend's sister. Nobody knows quite what to do. A stylish variation on the problems of triolism made with striking stability of style and a great feeling for mise-en-scène.
I Stayed in Berlin All Summer
Nadine is obsessed by a memory linked to a haunting tune she can no longer sing, until she hears someone else singing and everything falls back into place again. A melancholic observation of two young couples having difficulties trusting one another. They are full of skepticism and searching for a purpose in life.
Und dass man ohne Täuschung zu leben vermag