Andrei Petrov

출생 : 1930-09-02, Leningrad, Russian SFSR, USSR [now St. Petersburg, Russia]

사망 : 2006-02-15

참여 작품

Poor, Poor Pavel
Lenfilm's most recent major production spins a kind of historical fantasy based on real incidents that's full of ominous implications for today. One night, a patrol rushes into the chambers of the Russian prince Pavel, son of the Empress Catherine; the Empress has died, and Pavel is to be anointed the new Tsar. Thought to be feeble-minded at best and crazy at worst, Pavel soon lives up to his enemies' fears: he dismisses long-serving courtiers, demands that peasants only work three days a week, and declares that state officials should start their days at 5 am. Soon, it seems that everyone who can is trying to hatch some kind of plot against him - including his own sons. Sumptuously designed, POOR POOR PAVEL constrasts the imperial splendor of the court with the sordid atmosphere of conspiracies and backstabbing that comes to define these characters' lives.
A Key to the Bedroom
Original Music Composer
In the beginning of a new century the capital of Russia is just amazing and full of poets, beautiful women and arts...
Old Hags
Four old friends are experiencing various troubles adapting to the new times in modern Russia.
흐루스탈료프, 나의 차!
Original Music Composer
스탈린이 쓰러져 의식을 잃기 얼마 전인 1953년 봄. 당시 소련에서는 유태인 의사들이 소련 고위 관료를 암살하려 한다는 거짓 정보가 퍼져나가고 있었다. 유태인 출신의 군의관인 유리는 자신에게 덧씌워질지 모르는 혐의를 벗어나기 위해 발버둥치지만 결국 비밀 경찰에 체포되고 만다.
Hello, Fools!
Two people meet one another in a multi-million city...
Tsarevich Aleksey
Original Music Composer
Tsarevich Alexei was one of the smartest people in the state. His father Peter hoped that he would take his place, but Alexei tried with all his might to remain out of power and wished for ordinary human happiness.
A young Russian store clerk has a drab existence in times of shortages and is berated by her ailing mother for not seeing men. So she brings home an unknown young man who she met on the tram. She dreams many things but pines for this man.
The Prediction
A popular middle-aged writer is warned by a fortuneteller that he will die in exactly 24 hours. He then meets a man, who claims to be him. The writer uses this bizarre situation to change his life and take revenge.
The Gray Wolves
Original Music Composer
The film depicts the events of 1964 when Nikita Khrushchyov was forcibly replaced by Leonid Brezhnev as a head of USSR.
Promised Heaven
In the new Russia, former middle class citizens find themselves out in the dumps. Literally. They build homes, elect their own government, work, beg, scavenge, date and fight all while living in a huge city dump. Some try to beat the odds and return to society, but it seems that there is only one place left for them to go...
Благородный разбойник Владимир Дубровский
Original Music Composer
Dogs' Feast
On a holiday eve, everyone, especially one tired and chilly, does so need at least one living soul at one's side: it is bad to meet a holiday alone with oneself. Thus, on a New Year's Eve, the main characters meet, — a meeting of two solitudes. Chance brought two persons of disorderly lives together in a railway terminal.... kindling the hope for a normal, pure human life, the kind others have...
Original Music Composer
Using an elaborate system of denunciation, the chief of the Zone keeps his prisoners in check. A new inmate, allegedly imprisoned for speculating on postage stamps, tries to rebel against the system.
Serafima Glyukina's Weekdays and Weekends
Original Music Composer
A woman living a difficult life suddenly finds love.
Forgotten Tune for the Flute
A flutist in the forgotten past, at present the husband of a “big man’s” daughter and head of one of the Chief Directorate’s sections felt unwell one day: the forty-year-old man had a pain in his heart. This unpleasant incident provided an opportunity to meet a nurse named Lida. However, their stormy love affair ended, with Filimonov returning to normal life and an unloved wife.
A Cruel Romance
Original Music Composer
In the town of Bryakhimov, noble but poor widow Harita Ignatyevna Ogudalova seeks to arrange marriages for her three daughters. She maintains an “open house”, hoping to attract gentlemen well-off enough to marry a dowry-less girl for love.
Say a Word for the Poor Hussar
Original Music Composer
The small town agog Hussars entry. Love between cornet and the young actress suddenly faces intrigue made by a St. Petersburg bureaucrat. The actress father dies after being involved in this game and perspectives look dark... But evil will eventually be defeated by the nobility, loyalty and love.
The Garage
An automotive highway is scheduled to be built through the territory of a garage cooperative. A special meeting of the cooperative takes place to reduce the number of garages. As all was already decided and arranged by the chairholder and the board, the decision passes easily at the meeting. But one unexpected event happens - the meeting room's entrance has been locked by an anonymous member and the key is missing...
Autumn Marathon
Original Music Composer
Andrey Pavlovich Buzykin, who makes a living by teaching at an institute and translating English literature, is cheating on his wife. Buzykin's main problem is that he's a kind man with a weak character. The lies he is telling his wife all the time are inconvincing, but he never has the courage to tell her the truth. His lover, Alla, is aware of his family life, but gets offended when, for example, he cannot meet her so that he doesn't come home late, or when he doesn't want to go home in a new jacket she gives him to avoid having to explain to his wife. Alla and Nina, Andrei's wife, both leave him, forgive him, and return to him at the same time, and Andrei continues with this kind of life, full of suffering and deceit. Finally, both women are so fed up with his lies that they don't believe him even when he is telling the truth...
Office Romance
Anatoli Yefremovich Novoseltsev works in a statistics institution, whose director is an unattractive and bossy woman. An old friend of his, Yuri Grigorievich Samokhvalov, who gets appointed assistant director of the institution, wants to make Novoseltsev the head of the department but encounters objections from Ludmila Prokopievna Kalugina, the director. Samokhvalov then advises Novoseltsev to lightly hit on the boss. Ironically, Novoseltsev and Kalugina fall in love with each other...
Hopelessly Lost
Original Music Composer
Soviet adventure comedy film based on Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
Old Men: Robbers
Original Music Composer
An old detective does not want to retire. The only way out is to prove to his boss that he still can catch criminals. The problem is that there were no crimes recently to work on. Together with his retired friend he decides to commit a perfect crime himself and then quickly solve it. Real problems start when a real criminal steals money he has stolen.
Attention, Turtle!
Original Music Composer
Two curious first-graders decide to steal a turtle named Rocket from a living corner to conduct a risky experiment — they want to put it under the tank in order to check the carrying capacity and strength of the shell. But their classmate Tanya is smarter than her friends: with the help of adults, she manages to organize the rescue of the unfortunate turtle.
Zigzag of Success
Original Music Composer
Photo studio "Contemporary" in a provincial town lives with its everyday problems. The director is concerned over the failure to fulfill the planned targets, receptionist Alevtina wants to get married, and photographer Vladimir Oreshnikov dreams of becoming a professional photographer. But suddenly luck smiles on Oreshnikov. He takes 20 rubles form the worker's mutual aid fund, buys a government lottery bond and wins 10,000 rubles. Oreshnikov wants to receive the win himself, but his colleagues object to him, because the money that he spent on the bond were public, hence the win should be divided equally among all workers. It creates a controversial situation, which is successfully resolved on the very eve of the New Year, under the chiming clock...
Good Wind, 'Blue Bird'!
Original Music Composer
The beautiful "Blue Bird" schooner is sailing along the Adriatic sea coast. The passengers of the schooner are children of different nationalities, winners of the competition "For Peace and Mutual Understanding". During this wonderful sea voyage children find out that there are smugglers on board the ship...
We Called Him Robert
Original Music Composer
Sergei, a constructor creates a robot, Robert, as his own copy. Tanya teaches Robert to feel and the robot becomes more human than his rationalistic creator.
Beware of the Car!
Original Music Composer
An insurance agent who moonlights as a carthief steals cars various crooks and never from the common people. He sells the stolen cars and gives the money to charity. His best friend, a cop, is assigned to bring in this modern robin hood.
Original Music Composer
The dentist of the provincial town of Upper Yamki made an unexpected scientific discovery by finding the thirty-third tooth in the patient’s oral cavity, Ivan Sergeyevich Travkin. Travkin, exhausted from pain, was taken to Moscow. Ivan Sergeyevich first becomes a patient of a madhouse (thanks to envious persons), and then — a hero of a scientific international conference and, finally, a patient of a dentist professor Bruk.
Walking the Streets of Moscow
Original Music Composer
Young men wander around Moscow as a last hurrah before a wedding.
Third Time
Original Music Composer
The film is based on the real fact — football «The Death Match» between the German team and a team of Soviet prisoners of war, former "Dinamo". It happened in Kiev on June 22, 1942. Anticipating the possibility of losing, the Germans made a condition — defeat or death. If the Germans won, the Soviet footballers were promised freedom...
앰피비안 맨
Original Music Composer
어느 해변가 마을에 미스테리한 '바다 괴물'이 출몰한다는 흉흉한 소문이 돈다. 아무도 그것이 무엇인지 확신하지 못하지만, 그것은 오래 전 목숨을 부지하기 위해 특수한 수술을 받아 물에서 살 수 있게된 살바토르 박사의 입양된 아들이다.