Eiko Yamada
출생 : 1954-06-13, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Future Mai (Voice)
Vee (voice)
In the 26th century, humans discover a humanoid race living on the distant world GO/7498/2, a dark-skinned, golden-eyed people who seem to eke out a primitive, carefree existence. However, a scout team from Earth discovers that there is more to them than meets the eye--they live in symbiosis with vicious reptilian parasites, and the Terran scientists have upset the delicate natural balance.
Kahoru Kaze (voice)
On the trail of a missing husband, private investigator Goro crosses paths with a deranged killer.
Does being the only guy in an all girl school sound like paradise? It might be, if the girls knew you were a guy, but to stay in school teenage pervert Banji can't let can't let anyone find out his chromosomes don't match. Banji's status conscious parents want him to go to a good school, but not enough to spend the money on a good co-ed school. Now, in addition to studying math and science, Banji has to learn how to put on a bra and makeup. His life has become a living hell. Not only is he at the bottom of the social pecking order, he must also got to conceal his inner-masculinity from the pretty classmate girl who's stolen his heart while avoiding the female bullies who threaten to expose his less-than-feminine charms in the locker room.
Despite of his short stature and his cowardly personality, Eisaku Yazawa dreams of one day becoming a gang leader of a nation of thugs. As he starts middle school, he ends up meeting several delinquents who attend the same school as his.
Eliza Leagan (voice)
Left on an orphanage porch, Candice White (Candy for short) always longed for parents. She watched as all the other children were adopted and her friends were taken away from her. Eventually, she gets adopted, but a child to love was not what her foster parent wanted; rather, Candy is to become a playmate for her step-sister Eliza. Eliza has no intentions of being friends with a commoner, however, and together with her brother they have made it their job to make Candy as miserable as possible.
Leagan, Eliza
A young girl named Candice White who was left on the doorstep of the "Pony Home", an orphanage, when she was just a baby. The sisters took her first name from a doll she had in her basket, with the name "Candy" on it, and her last name from the snowstorm she was rescued from. Life is quiet and happy.. or.. as quiet as life can be with Candy around. She has a penchant for getting into trouble, climbing trees and tussling with the best of them. However, tragedy begins to strike.
Monlon / Tsubasa Kurenai (voice)
도장에 라이치라는 의문의 소녀가 등장한다. 그녀는 여행중이었고, 우연치않게 그녀가 소지하고있던 족자가 아카네의 손에 들어가게된다. 그러자 칠복신 키린이 나타나 아카네를 신부감으로 오인해서 납치해가고, 란마와 친구들은 아카네를 되찾기 위해서 그들과 대적하러 중국으로 향하는데...
Kain (voice)
The mysterious three-faced insectoid being, Violenjiger dispatches the nine "Great Decepticon Generals" to acquire "Zone Energy", destroying the planet Feminia to obtain the world's store, and search for the powerful Zodiac.
Female Terrorist (voice)
Ron Tayan now leads the 108 Dragons; Fu Ching Ran is his loyal wife. As their body tattoos show, he's the dragon, she's the tiger. The 108 Dragons are attacked by African Tusk, a syndicate intent on world control. Ron goes to Africa, dealing first with Shicaro, African Tusk's assassin, then with Jagone, its leader. Despite his success, he must still face Bugnug, Jagone's muscular and athletic military commander: Ron gives her a new name, Dark Eyes. Back in Hong Kong, Fu faces danger as well. A Muramasa sword with a dark history and, seemingly, its own demon spirit, falls into her hands. She seeks to tame it, and in the process, discovers her inner warrior identity
Living in London with her family, Carol is the daughter of a famous musician, Lionel Mudagolas. While he is currently having difficulties playing his cello, she occasionally starts to listen an unfamiliar voice calling her name. Wondering if her father's situation might be connected to the bad phase of her favorite band, Gable Screen, and the inexplicable silence of the Big Ben, Carol is suddenly transported to another world. There she finds out that she might be the girl predestined to fight Gigantica, a demon lord who recently brought chaos to this strange land.
The year is 2755. As a result of a system malfunction, the cargo ship XeBeC goes off-course in a warp gate and ends up within the orbit of the distant planet Garaga. After crashing on Garaga's surface, the crew must find ways to survive from hideous monsters, rabid ape soldiers, and a race of mysterious psychics.
고향인 카난을 불태우고 청동의 용자 메쉬를 잡아간 마도사 가딘의 흔적을 쫓아 여행중이던 은의 용자 레무니아가 노예상인 부안을 통해 가딘의 꼬리를 잡고, 그가 초대한 공중부양성 바르키사스에 올라 패왕의 야망을 지닌 금의 용자 바롤을 물리치는 에피소드를 그리고 있다
Shinokita Reiko and Yajima Junko are second-year high school students who travel from school to school fighting bad guys, ninjas, yakuza and corruption. At this high school they encounter a secret ninja order and a corrupt administrator, as well as a tragic death in the distant past. With the help of Kotetsu, a skilled ninja, they set the school to rights, but not before leaving several broken hearts behind.
17세기 전반. 태후비 마리 드 메디시스는 아들 루이 13세와 사이가 틀어졌을 때 스페인에 원조를 요청하는 대신 남프랑스의 영토를 지킨다는 조약문서에 서명했다. 태후비는 재상 리슐류에게 간택되어 막스경이 호위하여 가는도중 스페인의 스파이에게 살해되어 문서는 분실된다. 어느 날 밤 달타냥은 강에 빠진 맥스 경과 인연이 있던 카리나를 구해 돌보았지만 다음 날 그녀는 살해당해 달타냥이 살해 혐의를 받는다. 투옥된 달타냥을 구하기 위해 삼총사가 카리나의 시신을 조사하던 중 종이조각이 발견됐다. 아라미스는 과거 루이 13세의 쌍둥이 형제 필립 왕자를 모시던 프랑수아라는 청년과 약혼한 상태였다. 그러나 프랑수아는 프랑스를 점령하려는 일당에게 살해당했고 이후 그녀는 아라미스라 자칭해 복수의 기회를 노리고 있었다. 카리나가 남긴 막스 경의 편지에서 아라미스는 문서를 찾아 스위스로 향했다. 반면 탈옥에 성공한 달타냥은 동료 아토스, 포르투스 등과 아라미스를 돕기 위해 떠난다.
In the chaos of the Jinshin-no-Ran civil war of 762, a child with a small horn in his forehead was born. The child's mother condemned him as an oni and cast him away. An elderly shūgenja woman claimed the child and named him Utsunomiko, or 'Divine Child of the Heavens', telling Miko that his horn smybolizes the union of heaven and earth. Miko matured in the wilderness learning the ways of Shugendō, and soon started venturing into villages out of curiosity. He found that the common people of the villages live in poverty and suffering, and began using his spiritual powers to help them. But his anger at the self-serving rulers and their petty power-struggles grew until he came into open conflict with the Imperial Court, setting Miko down a long path as a champion of the oppressed.
Mrs. Ōbayashi (voice)
Michael the tabby cat returns for another series of vignettes. The sketches this time include a send-up of The Fugitive — Richard Kimble is now a veterinarian on the lam. Despite the danger, he must intervene whenever he sees a cat (always Michael) suffering; after treating the patient, he plays a trick on the cat and runs away. Another sketch draws parallels between wandering husbands and wandering house cats, who seem to have similar proclivities. Two more point out what happens when a cat's instincts run up against the requirements of baseball or pro wrestling.
Adrienne (voice)
The war between Solnoids and Paranoids continues, but the conflict reaches a new height as both races complete their Planet Destroyers. This new technology wipes out several star systems leaving only the ninth star system undamaged. As both races head towards it, a Solnoid ship finds Lufy, an attacker cryogenically preserved inside an assault trooper among space debris. Reawakened, Lufy is invited to join a group of Solnoids who are set to complete the original secret mission of her former crew.
Farrah Van Dorothy (voice)
The crew of an interplanetary starship fights for survival after an alien force takes control of their craft.
Hikaru Uesugi
Bokutachi no Densetsu is a summary of the TV series with an alternate ending. 'Kickers' is a weak soccer team that hardly wins a game. It has recorded 22 consecutive losses up till now, neither a star player nor a sign of a victory can be found in the team, that's why they begin to lose hope. But the team quickly changes when Kakeru Daichi, a newcomer to Kitahara Primary School, joins the team!
Bella Monica Retton (voice)
A crew of space cargo workers rescue a beautiful android and land themselves in trouble thereby.
Based on the popular girl's manga Hana no Asukagumi! (The Glorious Asuka Gang!) by Takaguchi Satosumi.
Bloody Matsuki
A tag-team battle between the elegant girls of Dream Team and the heavy-face-painted women of Foxy Ladies. Naturally, the Dream Team gets the crap kicked out of them, but not before one of them makes one strong attempt at lifting the 250-pound Foxy lady over her head. The one`s to take their place are Eri and Miki of the Wanna-Be`s team. Miki and Eri are both just fun girls who want to have fun, but once they begin their new training with the mysterious Kidou Corporation, the same corporation that trained the Dream Team, they discover that there is something deeper behind their training.
Yuki Tamura (voice)
Ryou Matsumoto is a screenplay writer that runs into a man and witnesses his murder. Unknown to him, he gets caught up in an illegal antique ring along with a girl he meets named Yuki. In order to survive, he ends up acting out the "action hero" role that he writes in his screenplays.
Yu Jin (voice)
The sequel to 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms' (1985)
Yamataro (young, voice)
After losing his parents, a young bear named Yamataro is chained as an attraction of a small kiosk near a train station. There he is encouraged by a C-62 train to runaway from the humans and become free.
Emiko Sakura
Kenichi Watanabe, a high school student nuts about his MBX50. He and his friends set up a bike club called Culture, and this story chronicles their adventures on the journey towards adult life.
Syril (voice)
Lek and Flene are warriors of the Han tribe who live in a post-apocalyptic world. They must fight Tanguin, a powerful enemy who keeps kidnapping women from their village. After the last attack, the villagers demand that both Lek and Flene go directly to Tanguin's home base to face him. To assist the two warriors, two volunteers from the village offer their help: Corola, who had his sister kidnapped, and Syril, who's girlfriend was abducted. They also gain the aid of Klee, a magical being who accidentally got struck by Tanguin on his last assault. - Anime News Network
Mrs. Ōbayashi (voice)
Michael is a cat - with a difference. He lives with a cartoonist and his wife and does his best to keep his cool amid the trials of everyday life in suburbia, like fussing human girls, the local tough cat Nyazilla - just like big grey lizard, a foe too fearsome to take risks with - and the females of his own species.
Yūsaku (voice)
Kyosuke, Madoka, Hiraku & friend go on a vacation to the beach, staying in 2 cabins, boys in one, girls in another. It's basically Kyosuke & Madoka get together, & Hiraku flirts with the blond guy friend. Then, Kyosuke & Madoka go night swimming with dangerous results.
Yu Jin (voice)
Sangokushi is set in the waning days of the Han dynasty. Central rule has disintegrated, and the land is controlled by multiple warlords. Liu Bei Xuande is a warrior who aspires to build a just state and to serve the people.
Stewardess (voice)
Nora is on vacation in a "Holiday Inn" space station. When the artificial gravity fails, the whole space resort becomes chaotic but she helps solve the problem.
Kim (voice)
에스퍼들이 지배하는 천년왕국 건설을 꾀하는 레이디 칸. 연방군 정보국 장관 야마키는 그 배후를 조사하기 위해 전설의 초인 로크에게 협력을 요청한다. 하지만 로크의 개입을 이미 예상한 레이디 칸은 제시카라는 소녀를 특수한 능력의 에스퍼 킬러로써 양성한 뒤 기억을 지우고 야마키에게 접근시킨다. 제시카에게는 초능력을 중화시켜 에스퍼를 분해하는 능력이 있는 것이다. 하지만 야마키와 제시카는 조종당하는 것도 알지 못한 채 정말로 사랑에 빠져버린다. 그리고 마침내 로크와 제시카가 대면하는 순간이 찾아온다.
The dashing Dr. Mambo and his unlikely sidekick, Jibako the thief, help Princess Laura, former ruler of Eden, to regain her birthright from the usurping president Capo.
In Space Century (SC) 152, the planet Deloyer, Earth's only colony, is home to a growing independence movement. The Fang of the Sun are a small team of guerillas fighting against Earth's occupation. To counter Earth's Combat Armors, they have a lone Combat Armor of their own: Dougram, a CA specially built for Deloyer's environment — and piloted by Crinn Cashim, the rebellious son of the leader of the Earth government on Deloyer. This compilation film version presents the events of the 75 episode anime series as a documentary, primarily focusing on the story's politics rather than the main characters. Originally screened with the short "Choro Q Dougram" and the Combat Mecha Xabungle compilation film Xabungle Graffiti.
Screened as a triple feature with Doraemon: Nobita and the Castle of the Undersea Devil and Paman - Birdman ga Yattekita.
Machine (voice)
지구로부터 220만 광년이나 떨어진 안드로메다 성운에 있는 풍요로운 자연에 둘러싸인 아름다운 행성 아스트리아스. 아스트리아스 별의 왕자 이타카는 공주 리리아를 왕비로 맞이하게 되지만 두 사람의 행복은 그리 오래가지 못한다. 고도로 발달된 문명을 가지고 있는 외우주에서 마더 머신 이라고 불리는 컴퓨터가 행성을 침략하기 시작한 것인데 사람들은 기계에 의해서 영혼을 빼앗기고 코스모라리아 제국은 점차 나라 전체가 컴퓨터에게 침식이 되어간다.
한편 임신을 한 리리아 왕비는 지무사와 아프트라는 쌍둥이 남매를 낳게 되고, 나라를 도망쳐 나온 두 남매는 여러 차례 운명의 장난과 마주하면서도 여검사인 이루와 함께 기계들에게 맞서 싸우게 되면서
안드로메다 스토리즈 스토리는 이어진다.
전설거신 이데온 극장판: 발동편
Banda Lotta
전설거신 이데온 극장판: 접촉편
Screened as a triple feature with Doraemon: Nobita and the Haunts of Evil and The Monster Kid and The Demon’s Sword.
The series follows the odd life of kindergartener Makoto Sawada and his family. Makoto gets into all sorts of toilet and adult humor. He sometimes dresses in his mother's and sister's clothing, and often has a long strand of mucus dangling from his nose.
어느 날, 그린게이블의 두 남매 매튜와 마릴라에게 찾아온 빨간 머리의 한 소녀. 첫 만남에 소녀에게 마음을 연 매튜 아저씨와 달리, 농사일에 여자아이는 필요 없다며 앤을 돌려보내려는 마릴라 아주머니. “제가 예뻤다면 절 고아원으로 돌려보내지 않으셨을까요?” 어딜 뜯어보아도 예쁜 구석은 없지만, 어쩐지 보면 볼수록 더욱 함께 있고 싶어지는 사랑스러운 소녀, 앤! 기쁨의 하얀 길과 빛나는 호수 그리고 그림 같은 그린게이블에서 소녀는 매일 꿈 같은 아침을 맞을 수 있을까요?