Florian Eidenbenz

참여 작품

Adolf Muschg – The Other
Sound Mixer
In his exploration of the cultural dynamic between East and West, Adolf Muschg, the most significant Swiss writer since Frisch and Dürrenmatt, searched for the other in himself in order to understand otherness.
She was a muse, model and performer – a star, dazzling and intense. Lady Shiva managed to rise from street prostitution to the top. She lived in the fast lane and died tragically young. Her dream was to become a singer. With her companions, we trace her life during a vibrant time that kindles a yearning and provokes until today. The story of a woman’s meteoric fate and a great dream. An irrepressible desire for freedom in all its beauty and destructive force - and a stirring friendship and love.
Staatenlos - Klaus Rózsa, Fotograf
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Klaus Rozsa, a well-known and politically active photographer, lived in Zurich for decades as a stateless individual. All of his applications for naturalisation were refused on political grounds. In 1956 he fled Hungary, growing up in Switzerland with a Jewish father who had survived Auschwitz and Dachau. Due to the extreme proximity of such a fate, the camera led him repeatedly to places where injustice was done. It was this particular quality of his camerawork that proved fateful for him.
Die Demokratie ist los!
Sound Director
An analysis of the current state of democracy in Switzerland
Once I Entered in a Garden
Fantasizes an 'Old' Middle East, wherein communities were not divided along ethnic and religious lines; a Middle East in which even metaphorical borders had no place
Father's Garden: The Love of My Parents
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The father tends his large garden with the utmost precision. The mother irons shirts and regrets that the father never wears T-shirts. The father likes order, always knows best, and has everything under control. The mother prays and talks of her loneliness. The two are fundamentally different, have opposing views and interests, and have been married for 62 years. Closely knit yet poles apart: this is the ambivalent standpoint from which Peter Liechti turns his lens on his elderly parents and the story of their marriage. Alongside conversations that shift from slapstick to insanity and observations of daily life in his parents’ cramped, lower middle class apartment, a puppet theatre is also established as a second location. This forms the stage for scenes between mother and father to be reenacted by rabbit puppets; as a puppet, the son can also react in explosive fashion.
Father's Garden: The Love of My Parents
Sound Editor
The father tends his large garden with the utmost precision. The mother irons shirts and regrets that the father never wears T-shirts. The father likes order, always knows best, and has everything under control. The mother prays and talks of her loneliness. The two are fundamentally different, have opposing views and interests, and have been married for 62 years. Closely knit yet poles apart: this is the ambivalent standpoint from which Peter Liechti turns his lens on his elderly parents and the story of their marriage. Alongside conversations that shift from slapstick to insanity and observations of daily life in his parents’ cramped, lower middle class apartment, a puppet theatre is also established as a second location. This forms the stage for scenes between mother and father to be reenacted by rabbit puppets; as a puppet, the son can also react in explosive fashion.
Das Gehörlosendorf
Das Gehörlosendorf
Sound Editor
The End of Time
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Working at the limits of what can easily be expressed, filmmaker Peter Mettler takes on the elusive subject of time, and once again turns his camera to filming the unfilmable. From the particle accelerator in Switzerland, where scientists seek to probe regions of time we cannot see, to lava flows in Hawaii which have overwhelmed all but one home on the south side of Big Island; from the disintegration of inner-city Detroit, to a Hindu funeral rite near the place of Buddha's enlightenment, Mettler explores our perception of time. He dares to dream the movie of the future while also immersing us in the wonder of the everyday. THE END OF TIME, at once personal, rigorous and visionary, Peter Mettler has crafted a film as compelling and magnificent as its subject.
Hugo Koblet - The Charming Cyclist
Sound Editor
Zurich-born Hugo Koblet was the first international cycling star of the post-war period. He was a stylist on the bicycle and in life, and a huge heartthrob. Koblet had a meteoric rise and won the Giro d'Italia in 1950. Once he had reached the zenith of his career, Koblet was put under pressure by overly ambitious officials and ended up ruining his health with drugs. In 1954, he married a well-known model and they became a celebrity dream couple. After his athletic career ended, Koblet began to lose his footing. Threatened by bankruptcy, he crashed his Alfa into a tree.
스페이스 투어리스트
Sound Designer
우주여행은 더 이상 꿈이 아니다. 미국의 기업가이자 세계최초 여성우주여행가 된 아누세흐 안사리의 우주여행을 카메라가 따라간다. 여행에 드는 비용은 자그마치 2천만 불. 그녀가 2천만 불을 지불하고 우주의 경이로움을 만끽하는 그 순간에도 지상에는 우주선 발사체의 파편을 주워 생계를 이어나가는 사람들이 있다.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sound Designer
The Giant Buddhas
Sound Editor
Christian Frei's documentary traces the tragic tale of the giant Buddhas of Afghanistan's Bamiyan Valley, which stood as monumental landmarks for 1,500 years until 2001, when the Taliban declared that all non-Islamic statues in the country be destroyed. Despite international protest, the statues were blown up. Through interwoven narratives from past and present, Frei's film sheds light on the disturbing consequences of religious fanaticism.
Neither Forget nor Forgiveness
During the summer of 1968, students from all over Mexico gathered in the capital to demand democracy. The Olympic Games were about to be held and the government, chaired by Gustavo Díaz Ordaz, offered a brutal response in the form of repression, causing hundreds of deaths.
Sound Editor
2001 아카데미 다큐멘터리 후보작. 지난 20년 간 전 세계에서 일어난 모든 분쟁과 전쟁 지역을 단 하나도 빠뜨리지 않고 직접 뛰어다니면서, 생생한 전투 장면은 물론 전쟁이 남긴 혼란과 슬픔의 비극적 상흔을 필름에 담아 온 미국 사진작가 제임스 나츠웨이의 치열한 삶과 내면세계를 다룬 다큐멘터리. 영화는 사진작가의 카메라에 소형 특수 마이크로 카메라를 장착하여, 작가가 포착하고 있는 장면과 셔터를 누르는 순간을 관객이 직접 느낄 수 있게 하였다. 1948년 미국에서 태어난 제임스 나츠웨이는 젊은 시절에 겪은 베트남전과 미국민권운동에 깊은 영향을 받아 사진작가가 되기로 결심하였으며, 사색적이고 내성적인 성격의 소유자이지만 현장에서는 누구보다 냉정하고 용감하여, 동시대의 많은 사람들에 의해 오늘날 가장 뛰어난 전쟁 사진작가로서 평가받고 있다.
Der Duft des Geldes
Sound Editor
Grüningers Fall
The Grüninger case from Switzerland. This is a documentary about a police officer who showed civil courage back in the forties when he led many refugees fleeing German Nazi terror immigrate to Switzerland, although he was advised not to do so. Grüninger later was sued by the state of Switzerland, lost his job and died in the early seventies. The film constructs a just lawsuit with eye-witnesses and thus fully legitimates what Grüninger did.
Patrice Chéreau, Pascal Greggory, une autre solitude
Sound Director
A look at the entire process of creating and developing Patrice Chéreau’s third staging of "In the Solitude of Cotton Fields" by Bernard Marie Koltès with Pascal Greggory and Chéreau himself. From the first reading around the table through the first contact with the performance space, rehearsals and lighting to opening night, the entire creative process unfurls in front of our eyes. The film shows us the evolving and ongoing dialogue between Greggory and Chéreau, a dialogue full of crises and magical moments of harmony and insight via which the truth, intensity, complexity, mystery and depth of Koltès’ text gradually emerge to form an implicit bond between these two men. The film also shows Chéreau directing rehearsals for Mozart’s "Don Giovanni" in Salzburg, revealing both the unity of and profound differences between his opera and theater work.
잔다르크 Ⅱ : 감금
프랑스 왕위에 오른 샤를은 측근들의 영향으로 영국과 정전 협정을 맺고, 파리를 탈환하려는 의욕을 완전히 상실하고 만다. 잔다르크는 영국군을 상대로 승승장구하며 왕을 위해 파리를 탈환할 준비가 되어있었지만 왕은 그런 잔다르크를 제지한다. 왕으로부터 아무런 도움도 받지 못하게 된 잔다르크는 그래도 영국 편인 파리 외곽 도시들과 전투를 계속해나간다. 그러나 잔다르크는 파리 탈환에 실패해 부르고뉴 사람들에게 붙잡히는 신세가 되고, 자기 아버지의 목을 벤 샤를 왕을 증오하는 필립 왕자에 의해 영국인들에게 넘겨져 종교재판에 회부된다. 정치적인 함정에 빠진 잔다르크는 신의 메신저로서 남자의 옷을 입었다는 진술을 취소하지 않으면 사형 당할 처지에 놓이게 되고, 루앙에서 주교로부터 주장을 굽히지 않으면 화형에 처해질 것이라는 말을 듣는다. 잔다르크는 모든 걸 포기하고 목숨을 이어가기로 결심하지만 사악한 주교는 그녀에게 영국 감옥에 갇혀 평생을 보낼 것을 선고하는데...
The Bed Queen
Sound Mixer
The story of a woman who goes on strike: in a fit of anarchic revolt she simply decides to stay in bed – and refuses, like some distaff Oblomov, to see to the thousand and one chores that await her.
The Congress of Penguins
Sound Editor
누드 모델
프랑스 소설가 발자크의 소설 에서 영감을 얻어 제작한 작품으로 그 내용의 줄거리가 거의 흡사하다. 줄거리 자체만으로는 단순하며 상투적인 모습을 보여주지만 쟈끄 리베트 감독의 손을 거쳐서 탄생한 은 예술작품에 대한 감독의 실험정신을 영화 속 주인공 프뤼노페르를 통해 재현하는 작품이다. 주인공 프뤼노페르는 10년 전 아내인 리즈(제인 버킨 분)를 모델로 그리다가 실패하고 만 미완의 그림 '미녀 싸움꾼 (La Belle Noiseuse)'을 다시 그리는 작업을 시작하게 된다. 새로운 모델은 그를 찾아온 젊은 화가 니꼴라의 여자친구인 마리안느(엠마뉴엘 베아르 분)가 되며, 이 작업은 화가와 모델의 끊임없는 자아찾기와 작품에 대한 열망, 그와 연결된 인물들 사이의 관계와 설정이 어떻게 변화되어 가는지를 섬세하게 표현해 낸다.
When the snow melts and the hills of Appenzell are dotted with green and white, buckets of water slowly make their way up and down the slope. After a time, the gentle movement turns into violent swaying. Shots ring through the air, the buckets are punctured. Slowly the water begins to flow. This is the high point of a ritual that begins deep within the bowels of the mountain. Then trails of water spurt through the air to the thawing slopes and the water begins to gush, nearly causing the well in the valley to overflow.
Theatre of Hope
The film is set to bring forward once again the well-worn images of the summit talks between Reagan and Gorbachev in Geneva. It is a reproduction of the days during the summit. On the one hand, pictures are gathered from the perspective as an onlooker in Geneva, on the other hand, the old television footage is processed.
An arsonist tries to shake up the despairing inhabitants of a village who can't communicate with each other.
Sound Mixer
스위스 취리히에 신비한 유행병이 퍼진다.
Voted for in the 2012 Sight & Sound poll
Small Freedom
The allotment gardens on the outskirts of the city of Zurich provide hundreds of unpropertied men and women with a home which they are unable to find in the impersonal rented blocks in which they live. The gardens represent their hobby, their freedom and their living space, which exists side by side with hard work. They cannot however own these "homes" and the film shows the chronicle of the events which took place in 1976 - 77 when construction of the Zurich wholesale market hall destroyed 150 gardens and made many people "homeless". This portrait of a group is complemented by the stories of three individuals.