Jovan Jovanović

출생 : 1940-05-31, Belgrade, Yugoslavia

참여 작품

Documentary about the life and work of Ivan Martinac (1938-2005), avant-garde & experimentalist filmmaker from Split, Croatia.
This documentary was inspired by the artistic life of Serbian actress Sonja Savić. Being a wonder child, a star of Yugoslavian cinematography, a sex symbol, and urban legend of the eighties generation, a fighter against establishment, Sonja Savić had always attracted attention. Simply put, she always looked, spoke and thought differently from others, she was entirely autonomous, an authentic phenomenon of Serbian culture. In the documentary SONJA, friends and colleagues of Sonja Savić testify on many aspects of her life and work, and a special emphasis is put on Sonja’s libertarian, rebellious, Don Quixote type of nature.
Man from Vukovar
This documentary film is the first and only Serbian film that provides a true picture of the drama of the Serbs in Vukovar and the status of the Serbs in Croatia. Having lost their status as a constituent nation in Croatia by overvoting in the assembly, the Serbs became prey to vampirized Croatian nationalism. During several months of filming in Vukovar, Jovanović documented all aspects of the tragedy of the Serbs in Vukovar with extensive (many hours) of material.
Man from Vukovar
This documentary film is the first and only Serbian film that provides a true picture of the drama of the Serbs in Vukovar and the status of the Serbs in Croatia. Having lost their status as a constituent nation in Croatia by overvoting in the assembly, the Serbs became prey to vampirized Croatian nationalism. During several months of filming in Vukovar, Jovanović documented all aspects of the tragedy of the Serbs in Vukovar with extensive (many hours) of material.
Landscapes in the Mist
Naturalistic and almost documentary account of the heroin addicts in Belgrade, in the form of a sad life story of young girl and her wasted life.
Landscapes in the Mist
Naturalistic and almost documentary account of the heroin addicts in Belgrade, in the form of a sad life story of young girl and her wasted life.
Landscapes in the Mist
Naturalistic and almost documentary account of the heroin addicts in Belgrade, in the form of a sad life story of young girl and her wasted life.
Rustico (scenes deleted)
파졸리니가 각본, 감독, 배우를 겸했으며 14세기 이탈리아의 작가 보카치오가 쓴 소설에 나오는 몇몇 이야기를 풍부하게 제작한 서사 영화이다. 파졸리니는 예술가, 성직자, 마법사들이 거주하는 중세 이탈리아의 이야기들을 하나의 음탕한 타피스트리로 엮는다. 전 르네상스의 위대한 화가 지오토의 역으로 나오는 파졸리니는 감각과 불경스러운 유머로 관객들을 원숙한 영화적 풍경으로 이끈다.
Young and Healthy as a Rose
Young and Healthy as a Rose follows Stevan Nikolic, "Stiv", a petty criminal born in Belgrade, and his rise to power along with drugs, sex and with the help of local police.
Young and Healthy as a Rose
Young and Healthy as a Rose follows Stevan Nikolic, "Stiv", a petty criminal born in Belgrade, and his rise to power along with drugs, sex and with the help of local police.
Kolt 15  GAP
Funny story of an unemployed metalworker, self-proclaimed Marxist, his views and whereabouts.
Kolt 15  GAP
Funny story of an unemployed metalworker, self-proclaimed Marxist, his views and whereabouts.
Distinctly Me
Mind sick man wandering the streets of Belgrade, thinking about killing us all.
Distinctly Me
Mind sick man wandering the streets of Belgrade, thinking about killing us all.