Ravi K. Chandran

Ravi K. Chandran

프로필 사진

Ravi K. Chandran

참여 작품

Director of Photography
The film is set in the late 90s revolving around the life of a young high range rubber planter from Mundakayam and his rivalry with a high ranking officer in the Kerala Police
Bheemla Nayak
Director of Photography
A sub-inspector and the egoistic son of an ex-MP get in an egotistical war when the former arrests the latter for bringing in liquor from Telangana to AP.
Atrangi Re
Additional Photography
Runaway Rinku gets forcefully married to already engaged Vishu. Both don't want this marriage and make a deal to go on their separate ways. The equation gets weirder when Rinku's lover Sajjad shows up and Vishu starts developing feelings for her.
Director of Photography
A pianist pretends to be blind for inspiration, witnesses a murder. He suddenly finds himself in a blind spot with the victim's wife, the murderer. During this ordeal, he loses his eyesight for real. Will his girlfriend believe him?
A pianist pretends to be blind for inspiration, witnesses a murder. He suddenly finds himself in a blind spot with the victim's wife, the murderer. During this ordeal, he loses his eyesight for real. Will his girlfriend believe him?
쿨리 넘버원
Director of Photography
Insulted by Rosario, a rich businessman, Jai Kishen a Matchmaker teaches him a lesson by getting his daughter married to Raju, a Coolie, who poses to be a millionaire. They sense something fishy and Raju's deceptions are discovered. In an attempt to cover it up, he cooks up a story of having a filthy rich twin. One lie leads to another and things start to go awry culminating in a comedy of errors.
킬러 와이프
Director of Photography
남편이 연쇄 살인의 누명을 썼다. 무죄를 입증할 방법은 하나뿐. 남편이 감옥에 있는 동안, 또 다른 사건이 벌어져야 한다. 잔인한 범인의 수법을 재연하는 치밀한 계획. 오늘, 아내가 살인을 한다.
Adithya Varma
Director of Photography
A brilliant and short-tempered young surgeon goes down a self-destructive path when the love of his life is forced to marry another man.
스튜던트 오브 더 이어 2
Director of Photography
A student must overcome bullies and hardships, both academic and romantic, in order to win his college's coveted Student of the Year trophy.
Hope Aur Hum
Director of Photography
A father obsessed with an old school copying machine wreaks havoc on the family, causing a change in their relationships. Explores the life of each family member and how their lives are intertwined with each other.
Bharat Ane Nenu
Director of Photography
Bharat, a graduate raised in London clueless about the future becomes the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh due to the circumstances. New to India and with no political knowledge he learns the ropes quickly and governs efficiently. However, while he endears himself to the crowd, he makes enemies out of the political class, including his own party members who create trouble for him and try to stop him from bringing in changes in the society.
Ok Jaanu
Director of Photography
Adi and Tara move to Bombay to pursue their dreams. A chance meeting sparks off a heady, no strings attached romance until their careers pull them apart. Will ambition prevail over matters of the heart?
바르 바르 데코
Director of Photography
카트리나 카이프)와 제이(시드하스 말호트라)는 커서 결혼을 약속한 사이가 된다. 그리고 결혼식 준비에 한창이던 그때, 캠프리지로부터 수학과 조교수 임용전화를 받게 되는 제이. 그는 결혼과 자신의 성공을 놓고 고민하던 중 잠이 들게 되고, 잠에서 깬 지금 결혼 후 10일이 지났다는 것을 깨닫게 된다. 하지만 그것도 잠시, 또다시 잠을 깨자 이번에는 2년 후, 더구나 디야와의 사이에서 아이까지 갖게 된 제이는 뭔가 잘 못 되었다는 것을 깨닫게 된다. 그러면서 펼쳐지는 이혼과 죽음, 그리고 교수로서의 생활. 과연 제이의 인생은 어디서 꼬여버린 것이며, 그것을 해결하기 위한 방책은 무엇일까? 지금 참다운 사랑을 찾기 위한 제이의 시간 탐험이 시작된다.
X: Past Is Present
Director of Photography
중년의 영화 제작자가 파티에서 한 매력적인 이성을 만난 후부터 끔찍했던 그의 과거의 연애들이 그를 괴롭히기 시작한다.
Yaan is a 2014 Tamil film directed by Ravi K. Chandran. The film stars Jiiva and Thulasi Nair in lead roles.
Yaan is a 2014 Tamil film directed by Ravi K. Chandran. The film stars Jiiva and Thulasi Nair in lead roles.
A short film exploring two stories about love, loss and reunion set inside a café in Kolkata, India.
7Aum Arivu
Director of Photography
A genetic engineering student tries to bring back the skills of a legend of the past and use his skills to save India from a deadly virus attack by China.
Anjaana Anjaani
Director of Photography
Akash and Kiara are trying to find luck in their life after several failed attempts to be successful in their careers and in love. Fed up, they both decide to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. However, both land up on the same bridge at the same time.
내 이름은 칸
Director of Photography
자폐증을 가지고 있지만 천재적인 지적 능력과 어머니로부터 얻게 된, 세상을 바라보는 순수한 눈을 가진 칸. 그는 어머니의 죽음 이후 동생이 있는 미국으로 향한다. 칸은 우연히 만난 아름다운 싱글맘 만디라와 운명적인 사랑에 빠져 결혼을 하게 된다. 하지만, 9.11테러 이후 한 순간 행복은 깨지게 된다. 오해가 낳은 끔찍한 사건으로 모든 것을 잃은 만디라는 모든 원망을 칸에게 돌리게 되고 칸은 그녀와의 약속을 지키기 위해 대통령을 만나기 위한 여정을 시작한다. 과연 그는 대통령을 만날 수 있을까? 그리고 그가 전하려는 말은 무엇일까?
Director of Photography
Firaaq is an Urdu word that means both separation and quest. The film is a work of fiction, based on a thousand stories. The story is set over a 24-hour period, one month after a campaign that took place in Gujarat, India, in 2002. It traces the emotional journey of ordinary people- some who were victims, some perpetrators and some who choose to watch silently.
Director of Photography
뇌수술로 인해 단기기억상실증을 앓고 있는 주인공이 `가지니`라는 인물을 찾아 복수하려는 내용을 그리고 있다.
그 남자의 사랑법
Director of Photography
30년 넘게 가족 이외에 아는 여자도 없었던 수리(샤룩 칸) 다람쥐 쳇바퀴 돌 듯 집과 회사를 오가며 반복되는 일상을 지내던 어느 날, 존경하는 교수님댁에서 타니(아누쉬카 샤르마)를 만난다. 햇살이 부서지는 듯한 눈부신 미소와 아름답게 춤을 추는 빛나는 자태에 생애 처음으로 수리는 여자를 발견했고, 그 순간 사랑에 빠졌다. 세상에 단 한 사람, 그녀를 위한 수리의 사랑법이 펼쳐진다! 사랑하는 사람을 잃은 깊은 슬픔에 빠져있는 타니. 그녀를 미소 짓게 하고, 행복하게 하고 싶은 수리는 극단의 선택을 한다. 자신의 모든 것을 걸고 매일 밤낮없이 아슬아슬한 변신을 시도, 극과 극의 모습을 보여주는 것. 낮에는 얌전하고 소극적인 ‘수리’의 모습으로 그녀의 옆에서 혼자만의 보이지 않는 사랑을 하고, 밤에는 섹시하고 열정적인 ‘라지’가 되어 그녀와 댄스를 즐기며 적극적으로 사랑을 표현한다. 타니는 유쾌한 ‘라지’와 댄스 호흡을 맞추면서 점차 삶의 활력을 찾아가는데… 사랑하는 타니를 위한 수리만의 사랑법, 과연 성공할 수 있을까?
Director of Photography
우연히 다리 위에서 만난 여인 사키나에게 첫눈에 반한 라지. 그러나 그녀는 1년 전에 떠난 옛 연인을 매일 밤 그 자리에서 기다리고 있다. 끈질긴 구애로 그녀의 마음이 움직이는 듯 하지만, 떠났던 그녀의 옛 연인이 운명처럼 돌아온다. 과연 라지의 사랑은 이루어질 것인가. ________________________________________ 세계 제2의 영화제작소인 인도의 발리우드에서 본격적인 할리우드 자본으로 탄생한 첫 작품. 로 인도 영화 아카데미에서 감독상을 수상한 산제이 렐라 반살리 감독이 메가폰을 잡았으며 란비르 카푸르, 소남 카푸르가 주연했다. 도스토예프스키의 단편 에서 영감을 얻은 이 작품은 한 편의 마술 같은 사랑 이야기를 노래와 춤이 조화된 아름다운 영상으로 승화시킨다. 그린과 블루, 그리고 블랙의 톤으로 유지되는 영상은 꿈 속 같은 몽환적인 분위기 연출하기에 충분하고 호수와 안개, 흩뿌리는 눈과 비, 바람에 흔들리는 나무 등의 자연과 네온사인의 조화는 신비롭고 환상적인 장면장면을 탄생시킨다. 인도 영화에서만 만날 수 있는 맛깔 나는 춤, "Saawariya", "Thode Badmash", "Sawar Gayi" 등 이국적인 느낌이 물씬 풍기는 배경음악들을 듣는 재미도 놓칠 수 없다.
Director of Photography
Zooni Ali Beg is a blind Kashmiri girl who travels without her parents for the first time with a dance troupe to Delhi to perform in a ceremony for independence day. On her journey, she meets Rehan Khan, a casanova and tour guide who flirts with her. Although her friends warn Zooni about him, she cannot resist falling in love with him and he takes her on a private tour of New Delhi. But there is more to Rehan than meets the eye and Zooni will have to make a heartbreaking decision.
Director of Photography
In the disputed territory of Kashmir, a young Muslim woman meets and falls in love with a Hindu man.
Director of Photography
Kishanlal marries the beautiful Lachchi, but the day after the wedding, he leaves on business for five years. When Kishanlal reappears only a few days later, Lachchi is delighted, but this new Kishanlal is in fact a spirit who has taken the form of Lachchi's husband, after having seen her by chance and fallen in love with her. Four years later, the real Kishanlal returns and the townsfolk must determine who is who.
Director of Photography
소리는 침묵이 되고, 빛은 어둠이 되던 시절, 불가능을 가능으로 바꾼 한 소녀의 희망의 메시지! 세상이 "블랙" 자체인 보지도 듣지도 못하는 8살 소녀 미셸에게 끊임없는 사랑과 노력으로 세상과 소통하는 법을 가르쳐주고 그녀의 꿈을 펼칠 수 있게해 준 사하이 선생님.. 그러나 알츠하이머로 기억상실증에 걸려 그녀조차 알아볼 수 없게 된 사하이 선생에게 이제 미셸 자신이 기적을 보여주려하는데..
Director of Photography
Michael, Arjun and Lallan, three men from three different strata of society, cross paths one morning in Calcutta and change one another's lives forever.
Aayitha Ezhuthu
Director of Photography
A goon, who dreams of making it big in life, a student leader, who strives to keep politicians away from college election and a third guy who wants to settle abroad. Their lives change after an incident on a bridge.
A Thousand Desires Like These
Director of Photography
Set against the backdrop of the Indian Emergency, the movie tells the story of three youngsters in the 70s, when India was undergoing massive social and political changes. The movie's title is taken from the couplet of Urdu poet Mirza Ghalib.
Director of Photography
The story centers on six youngsters, who experience the downfalls of teenage life. The film conveys a message about the importance of a good education and career over other distractions, such as romance and sex.
누군가를 만났어
Director of Photography
태아상태에서 교통사고를 당해 지적장애가 있는 청년이 과학자인 아버지가 만든 컴퓨터를 통해 외계인을 만나 힘과 지성을 얻고 사랑까지 쟁취한다는 극영화
Mujhse Dosti Karoge!
Director of Photography
A man falls in love with his childhood friend, but her sister is the one who reciprocates his feelings.
Kannathil Muthamittal
Director of Photography
A little girl is told by her parents that she is adopted. Determined to find her birth mother, her family eventually agrees to take her to Sri Lanka, where they encounter the militant group known as the Tamil Tigers.
Dil Chahta Hai
Director of Photography
Three inseparable childhood friends are just out of college. Nothing comes between them - until they each fall in love, and their wildly different approaches to relationships creates tension.
Director of Photography
Three prominent members of society, a judge, a police official and a district collector are kidnapped in broad daylight by a man who calls himself 'Citizen'. As CBI Officer Sarojini (Nagma) follows his trail she finds clues to a shocking mystery, of a village called Attipatthi which simply disappeared off the map of India, and to which each of these men is connected
Raja Ko Rani Se Pyar Ho Gaya
Director of Photography
Mohit, a young man raised into beliving in fairy tales, comes to Bombay to find Manisha, a young woman whom he saved from drowning in a lake near his village, whom he belives to be an actual mermaid princess.
Kandukondain Kandukondain
Director of Photography
Two young women with differing views on love find themselves with three suitors.
Doli Saja Ke Rakhna
Director of Photography
Inderjit Bansal comes from a wealthy family. His father and mother, Chandrika, would like him to get married and settle down,but he goes to another city to do his MBA and stays with friends. During this time, he meets Pallavi Sinh (Jyothika) and they fall in love. She reciprocates his feelings, but trouble comes in the form of her tyrannical trio of brothers
Kabhi Na Kabhi
Director of Photography
Kachra Seth runs an empire of collecting garbage, which is merely a front to cover-up for his other business - drug trafficking. He recruits a select group of people to carry out unpleasant tasks - such as beating someone up, or even killing someone. One of his recruits is Jaggu, who will do anything for a price. Jaggu loves Tina but is afraid to tell her. When Jaggu's mom is hospitalized, he comes to Kachra for monetary assistance, he is assigned to a task instead, and unable to complete the task he is apprehended by the police with the assistance of a librarian, and is subsequently found guilty and sent to prison. Jaggu's place is taken by Rajeshwar alias Raja, who is also attracted to Tina and even rescues her from one of Kachra's goons, Chabiley, and they both fall in love. When Jaggu returns from prison, he finds his mom has passed away, and his sister is missing, believed to have committed suicide.
Director of Photography
After completing his studies in London, England, Shakti Thakur returns home to India in a small town where his family resides.
Minsara Kanavu
Director of Photography
Priya decides that she wants to be a nun, much to the horror of her father and Thomas, the boy who is in love with her. Thomas decides to enlist the help of Deva to change her mind.
The King
Director of Photography
The King is a 1995 Malayalam action thriller film. Directed by Shaji Kailas and written by Renji Panicker with Mammootty in the title role as district collector.
Director of Photography
Mafia is a 1993 Malayalam film directed by Shaji Kailas. The film stars Suresh Gopi, Vikram Kennedy, Janardhanan and Tiger Prabhakar in lead roles.
Director of Photography
Prakash Menon is a successful architect based in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. His company's Kochi branch was not doing so good and so the company decided to relocate him to Kochi to make things good. He was supposed to replace his equivalent in Kochi named Anu Pillai. Prakash Menon falls in love with Anu and takes up the job under the name of Vasudevan with the intention of getting her to love him.
DVV Production No 6
Director of Photography
Plot synopsis is kept under wraps.
Director of Photography