Christopher Newton (voice)
Year 2124, Christopher is on research expedition on Mars but he discover a missing commercial vessel...
Mahoro & Katsuma's father (voice)
눈이 계속 내리는 겨울 어느 밤, 히어로 사회를 파괴하려고 계획하는 시가라키 토무라가 인솔하는 빌런 연합과 그 움직임을 사전에 포착한 히어로들의 전투가 전개되는 가운데, 남모르게 조용히 꿈틀거리는 "뭔가"가 일어나고, 그 자리를 떠났다. 마침 이즈쿠 일행의 유에이 고교 히어로과 1학년 A반이 은퇴한 No.1 히어로 올마이트의 뒤를 이어 "차세대 영웅 육성 프로젝트"의 일환으로 학급 전원에서 기간 한정의 교외 히어로 활동을 위해 일본의 훨씬 남쪽에 위치한 외딴 섬 "나부 섬"을 찾았다. 얼마 전 큰 사건이 일어나지 않았던 평화로운 섬에서 이들은 주재 영웅으로서 섬사람들의 생활을 도우며 분주했고, 그러면서도 한가한 시간을 보내고 있었다. 그러나 그 정적을 부수듯이, 갑자기 빌런들이 나부 섬을 덮쳐, 차례차례로 섬의 시설을 파괴해 간다. 그들을 지휘하는 것은, "나인". 그날 밤, 눈을 뜬 "뭔가"그 자체였다. 이즈쿠와 바쿠고 등의 1학년 A반의 멤버는 힘을 모아 빌런에 맞선다! 과연 섬을 덮치는 나인의 목적이란!? 그리고 이즈쿠 일행의 1학년 A반의 "뉴 히어로"들은 이 가장 흉악한 빌런으로부터 섬의 사람들을 지킬 수 있을까!?
Nobisuke Nobi
달 탐사기에서 의문의 흰 그림자가 발견됐다는 뉴스 속보로 진구는 그것이 ‘달 토끼’라고 주장하지만 아무도 믿지 않는다. 진구는 도라에몽과 함께 ‘같은 것을 믿게 하는 배지’를 이용해 달의 뒷면에 토끼 왕국을 만들기로 하고 우연히 신기한 힘을 가진 ‘에스펄’이라는 종족의 아이들과 만나게 되는데…! 과연 도라에몽과 친구들은 우주를 위협하는 악당 ‘디아블로’에 맞서 에스펄 친구들을 구할 수 있을까?
Nobisuke Nobi (voice)
태평양 한복판에 새로운 섬이 솟아나다니. 보물이 묻혀 있는 전설 속의 섬이 틀림없어. 도라에몽, 아니 캡틴 도라와 친구들, 모두 노진구올라호에 어서 승선하라고. 이제 우리는 보물섬을 찾아 전속력으로 나아갈 거니까.
Nobisuke Nobi (voice)
더위를 피해 남극으로 놀러 간 도라에몽과 친구들은 얼음에 묻혀있던 신기한 팔찌를 발견한다. 팔찌가 묻힌 곳은 바로 10만년 전 남극! 그곳에서 도라에몽과 친구들은 수수께끼를 찾는 소녀 카라와 햣코이 박사를 만나고, 지구가 꽁꽁 얼어버릴 위기에 처했다는 사실을 알게 되는데…! 과연 도라에몽과 친구들은 신기한 팔찌의 주인을 찾고, 지구를 구할 수 있을까?
Guruman (voice)
When realty TV host Carlos Kurozaki breaks into a mysterious underground pyramid for a television event, he removes a special gem. . . and unwittingly releases a diabolical monster called Zaigorg! The evil creature wants Kurozaki's gem, so it spawns an army of giant kaijus to get it! It's up to the famous superheroes Ultraman X, Ultraman Tiga, and the one and only original Ultraman to stop the worldwide monster war!
Nobisuki Nobi (voice)
공부도 꽝, 운동도 꽝, 무얼해도 덜렁대고 소심한 소년 진구. 그런 진구에게 행복한 꿈과 미래를 선물하는 임무를 받고 22세기에서 날아온 최고의 친구, 도라에몽! 대나무 헬리콥터, 어디로든 문, 투명망토, 암기빵, 그리고 타임머신까지! 도라에몽은 온갖 미래의 비밀도구로 오직 진구만을 위한 노력에 나선다. 마지못해 임무를 부여 받고 미래에서 끌려온 도라에몽은 누구보다 착한 마음씨를 지닌 진구와 점차 특별한 우정을 나누게 되지만, 언제까지나 함께할 것 같던 두 단짝에게도 이별의 순간이 찾아오는데.. 과연 도라에몽은 진구의 꿈과 행복을 이뤄줄 수 있을까? 우리가 몰랐던 도라에몽의 처음, 그리고 마지막 이야기가 펼쳐진다!
Kenjo Kurihara (voice)
하쿠오우 여학원 고등부에 다니는 카토 마리카는 정부 발행의 사략선 면허를 지난 합법 우주해적이다. 마리카는 학업, 우주요트부 부장, 찻집 램프관에서의 아르바이트, 그리고 우주해적선 벤텐마루의 선장으로서 바쁜 날들을 보내고 있다. 3학년 진급을 앞둔 봄방학 어느 날, 호화여객선에서의 해적영업을 의뢰받은 마리카는 승객리스트 안에서 은하패스의 소유자, 무겐 카나타의 이름을 발견한다. 카나타의 아버지이며 저명한 '아공간 다이버'인 무겐 박사와의 약속을 지키기 위해 해적쇼가 한창인 가운데 마리카는 카나타에게 말을 건다. "아공의 강, 그 끝은 무슨 색인가?" 그리고 소년과 해적의 아공을 달리는 모험이 시작된다!
Nobita's Dad
곤충씨름에서 이기기 위해, 500년 전 장수풍뎅이를 불러오려다가 ‘자이언트 모아’를 데려온 진구와 도라에몽. 이미 멸종된 ‘자이언트 모아’를 위해, 고대 동물들이 모여 산다는 “베레가몬드 섬”으로 가게 된다. 여기서 기적의 섬의 파워를 훔치려는 악덕 상인 샤먼의 음모와 만나게 되는데…
외계인 연합체 코버넌트군과 인류의 싸움을 기록한 우주 대서사시.
수백 년 후, 미래.
외계 연합체인 코버넌트군은 자신들에게 새로운 생명을 가져다 줄 것이라 생각되는 유적을 찾기 위해 전 우주를 배회하면서 자신들의 앞 길을 막아서는 문명과 종족들에 대해서는 무차별적인 파괴를 일삼는다. 이런 일련의 과정을 묵묵히 지켜보던 연합계 영웅 슈퍼 솔저 마스터 치프는 코버넌트군의 최종 목적이 전 우주의 말살을 위해 고리형 행성인 ‘헤일로’를 발동시킬 것이라는 사실을 알게 된다. 이제 마스터 치프는 상상을 초월하는 코버넌트군에 맞서 치열한 전투를 벌이며 인류의 새로운 구세주로 떠오르게 된다.
Nobisuke Nobi (voice)
집에서는 엄마에게, 학교에선 선생님에게 매일 야단 맞기 일쑤인 불량 초딩 진구. 꾸지람을 참다 못한 진구는 도라에몽의 4차원 마법 주머니에서 ‘만약에 박스’를 꺼내, 현실세계를 상상대로 모든 일이 이뤄지는‘마법의 세계’로 바꿔놓는다. 새로운 세상에서 마법을 즐기던 도라에몽과 진구는 마계의 대마왕이 지구를 손아귀에 넣기 위해 다가오고 있다는 날벼락 같은 소식을 듣게 되는데… 과연 그들은 대마왕의 위협으로부터 지구를 구해낼 수 있을 것인가....!!
Young Gouki
When Ryu returns to pay homage to his deceased mentor, Gouken, he is tormented by disturbing memories of his master's killer (Gouki). In a quest to become a true martial arts master, he sets out to hone his street fighting skills and deliver himself from the haunting legacy of the dark hadou.
Jean Havoc (voice)
1920년 독일로 떨어진 에드워드는 연금술을 사용할 수 없게 되어, 로켓등의 기계문맹에 관심을 가지된다. 그런데 이곳(현실세계)에서 전설에 등장하는 샴발라라고 불리는 에드의 세계로 가기 위한 음모가 꾸며진다. 여러가지 우여곡절끝에 결국 에드는 아보지 호엔 함임을 연성하고 알은 살아남은 호문크루스인 롸스와 그라토니를 연성하여 문을 열게되는데...
Charlie Airstar
The Dematerialization Phenomenon, in which the real world becomes digital, has become a problem and must be resolved immediately. After hearing of this incident, Netto and Rockman left off after their father and Network Researcher, Yuuichirou. He also had found news of an invasion in the computer of the Trinity Brain trust company: 'The Earth itself will understand the way things stand in the cyber world'. In order to destroy the program causing the incident, Netto and Rockman have to go deep underground. But old enemies await them there, as well as new ones. As they fought each other, the vicious cyber-life, Nebula Grey, awakens. The Dematerialization Phenomenon will not be stopped unless Nebula Grey is defeated.
Wataru Akiyama
Initial D Battle Stage (special) will summarize the major street races from the two TV series. Rather than simply using clips from the TV series, the new special will entirely re-animate all of the original CG car and background footage with new state-of-the-art computer graphics rendering. The special will also feature entirely new Super Eurobeat music and guest commentary from legendary "drift racer" Keiichi Tsuchiya.
영웅 개요괴는 송곳니로 만든 검 세 자루 중 두 자루를 자신의 두 아들에게 물려준다. 그리고 남은 세 번째 검에는 깃든 악마의 힘이 깨어나 버린다.
The story takes place in warrior kingdom where a deadly martial art called Shadow Skill is practiced to defend the continued existence of the kingdom. Dreaming of becoming an invincible warrior one day, like the legendary warrior named Scar Face who has defeated 2,000 opponents, the boy named Cau Ban trains hard with his older adopted sister Elle who has mastered Shadow Skill. A deadly combat breaks out when a rouge pack of intruders suddenly assaults the castle to steal a box that contains a secret...
Gourry Gabriev (voice)
리나와 가우리는 한 어촌에서 고기잡이 심부름을 하여 푸짐한 먹을거리를 확보한다. 먹을 것 앞에서는 친구에서 적으로 돌변하는 이들은 먹거리가 풍족함에도 불구하고 사투를 벌인다. 겨우 대소동이 가라앉아 사이좋게 식사를 하던 중 가우리가 문어회를 먹고난 후 문어말 밖에 하지못하는 상황이 발생한다. 진상파악에 나선 리나는 가우리말고도 문어말밖에 하지 못하게 된 사람들이 몇명 더 있다는 것을 알게된다. 아멜리아와 제르가디스까지 불러들인 리나는 문어일족과 한바탕 싸움을 벌이게 되는데...
등에 종이 날개를 달고 매일 날기 연습을 하던 노비타의 앞에 버드피아에서 온 구스케가 나타난다. 다리를 가진 새 모습을 하고 있는 구스케는 어린 시절 받은 충격으로 날지 못하기 때문에 인력비행기를 이용해왔다. 그러나 지구에 불시착하면서 구스케의 비행기는 부서지고, 노비타는 그를 도와 수리를 돕는다. 마침내 비행기를 모두 고쳐 시험 비행을 하려던 중, 노비타와 도라에몽도 구스케와 함께 버드피아로 향하게 되는데...
Vampire Hunter (voice)
Have you ever heard of the Vampiyans? One noble family of such vegetarian vampires have been banished from Monster Land for their inability to scare humans. To lift the exile set on the family, Papa, the head of the household, must scare 1000 humans. To this end, he attempts to use his magnificent skills in making new inventions, but always and inevitably fails. To complicate things further, Papa's daughter Suh falls in love with a young human boy and no longer wants to return to Monster Land. Will Papa ever get his family back home?
The second OVA of the Ganbare Goemon series.
If you have watched Nadesico, you know what Gekiganger is. This is a great show to watch at a convention with a lot of people. I can not explain how cool it was to sing the opening theme and cry when Joe die with hundreds of other people. It not only makes fun of classic giant robot shows, but the movies as well. The first half is compilation of all the clips from Nadesico, while the second half is a new story. This show even has a cameo appearance from the Nadesico crew.
Curtis Lawson
There is an ancient legend on a distant planet which states (among other things) that four goddesses will one day descend from the skies and all will be right with the world. Of course meanwhile, Yohko and the rest of the Terra team (with one straggler) have crashed on a backwater world, and they have to figure out a way off before their new charge... gets hungry again! Every so often, a celebration takes place in one of the most beautiful places in the Universe... a cosmic Sakura fest! Since the Terra Team has been doing so well, one of them is invited to join the high command as they meet their opposite numbers from NESS. It's a time of celebration and a time of peace... but it seems that someone didn't get the message.
Senta Umino (voice)
A mysterious object attacks and destroys any ship or submarine. Submarine 707 has the mission to search for that mysterious object, when summoned by a whale to follow it. The whale leads them to the world of Mu. But on their way they meet the mysterious object. They find out , it is Commander Red Silver, who had attacked the world of Mu to get Mu's magma sources. Submarine takes up the battle to defeat Red Silver and save Mu, and the world for that matter.
쾌걸 조로
Mitsuru Hayakawa (voice)
25세가 된 쿄스케는 학생 카메라맨으로 보스니아 내전 현장에 촬영을 나갔다가 사고를 겪는다. 같은 시각, 3년전 19세의 쿄스케가 교통사고를 겪으며 그 충돌로 19세의 쿄스케가 3년후의 세계로 타임슬립해버리고 만다. 그곳에서 20세의 히카루와 만난 쿄스케. 그렇게 또다시 삼각관계는 시작되는데...
Vai Low
In a war-torn world of deadly conflict, one small group of heroes stand against the forces of darkness, armed only with two weapons — their unswerving dedication to good and the superhuman martial art known as the Shadow Skill... For the 14-year-old Gau Ban, it is time once again to return to the grave of his parents, murdered by bandits when he was just ten. In the company of his adoptive sister Elle Lagu, Gau quickly comes to realize that his journey is more than a pilgrimage, and that his combat abilities as a student of the Karuda School of Martial Arts are about to be pushed to the breaking point! Note: The three OVA episodes together (Sevalle, Septia & Sui Rame) are also sometimes referred to as Shadow Skill: The Movie.
Osamu (voice)
Strange "lifepods" have crashed in the western mountains, bringing with them supernatural beings previously found only in the realm of folk-lore and fantasy. Vampires walk the Earth, at war with Humanity an each other, driven by the most terrifying of genetic imperatives! Like wasps seeking a spider, they have come to this planet for only one purpose: to perpetuate their species. To save Mankind, Kimera must die.
New York, USA. Hard has been making a living as a bounty hunter for years, but lately has been struggling to make ends meet due to alimony and child support payments for his beloved Momoko. A supposedly simple case devolves quickly into major mayhem and murder, and it's by no means sure he will be able to survive the crazy psychopaths trying to kill him for sticking his nose in their business. But he's not going down without a fight...
Curtis Lawson
Meet Yohko Yamamoto - a cat-eyed, 15-year-old girl in the late 20th century with a love for videogames and Pocky. Because of her exceptional talent with arcade shooters, she's been recruited by Lawson to travel a thousand years into the future to pilot the prototype ship TA-29. Together with Ayano Elizabeth Hakuhoin, Madoka Midoh and Momiji Kagariya, Yohko leads the Terran team against Rouge and Ness' infamous Red Snappers in this epic space adventure.
Kohsaku Ogata
Ogata, a nice and hardworking man, has only one problem... His love for Takasugi, another man. But by telling Takasugi about his feelings, the problem should be gone. Yet another problem arises: Takasugi believes their feelings are too alike and that they therefore can't be together. But who knows what can happen when two men in love go away on a vacation together—both determined to win the seducing game.
Knuckles the Echidna (voice)
Sonic's arch nemesis Dr. Robotnik has been banished from the Land of Darkness by an evil Metal Robotnik. The devious doctor tells Sonic that the Robot Generator has been sabotaged and will blow Planet Freedom to kingdom come. But it's not until the President's beautiful daughter Sara turns on the charm that Sonic springs into action.
Monster (voice)
It's the night before the fair celebrating the Kingdom of Guardia's one thousand year anniversary. When the humans have gone to sleep for the night, excited about the next day's celebration, the monsters come out to play. Nuu and Mamo are two little monsters itching to have their own adventure in time and space, and their adventure group Nuumamonjaa is recruiting new members. Since neither is particularly strong in the brains department, their adventure turns into a disaster as they get into one mishap after another. A fast drinking competition, a close encounter with a robotic cat, and a high-speed car chase—this might be more adventure than the tiny duo bargained for!
Masahi Hyuga (voice)
At the end of World War II, a top-secret Japanese submarine and an American submarine have a fatal encounter and both are lost. Fifty years later the descendants of the submarines' officers are sent by the United Nations in a new secret submarine to investigate mysterious incidents in the Antarctics that could be linked to the old submarines' disappearances, and could also be the precursor to an invasion by aliens from deep inside the Earth
Vy Low (voice)
In this OVA, the story of Gau's history with his adopted sister and the secrets that make up the shadow skill unfold. The pair make their annual return to the gravesite of Gau's parents, where his growth and progress as a warrior can be exhibited for them. Gau has come along way in his training as a Sevalle under Elle's mentorship, but there are those who wish to find a way of eliminating them, just waiting for the right opportunity to mount a deadly attack. As the travellers make their journey, their family bonds and skill will be tested. Opponents are many, and battles are fierce, but Gau's training also entails taking on his sister in battle, and fully embracing the skills he must learn to defeat his ultimate opponent.
Basara Ninku
일본의 만화가 키리야마 코우지[1]가 소년 점프에서 1993년부터 1994년까지 연재한 닌자 만화를 원작으로 하는 애니메이션 영화. 닌쿠(忍空)는 작품 중 나오는 가공의 무술로 인법과 공수도를 결합한 무술이자 작품에 등장하는 조직의 이름이다.
First Loves/Kakyuusei OAV (1995) is mainly centered on Kakeru and his relationship with four girls from his high school. It focuses on one girl per episode - the cute and friendly Urara, the forsaken tennis girl Rie, the dog-owning painter Hikari and the tough-fighting motorcycle girl. Which girl will Kakeru choose to be with by the end ?
Kyle (voice)
Princess Diana runs away from an arranged marraige and straight into the arms of slave traders who capture her and she is forced to become a slave. She finds her long lost childhood friend/love there, who happens to be the sworn enemy of her families throne, and becomes his, but of course with the family wanting her back all is not ideal.
Tatsuya (voice)
페르소나 센추리 사는 지구상의 거의 모든 토지를 매입했다. 기업 내에서 불화는 용납되지 않으며 페르소나를 반대하는 사람들은 신속하게 처리된다. 아직 페르소나의 지배하에 있지 않은 몇 안 되는 장소들 중에는 "도쿄의 어두운 면"으로도 알려진 가부키초의 자유 마을이 있다. 마을 안에는 마이라는 이름의 여성이 이끄는 메시아라는 작은 저항 단체가 있다. 가부키쵸의 별명 다크사이드를 딴 남자가 이 세상에 발을 들여놓는다. 18년 전 페르소나 센추리에 의해 다른 차원에 봉인된 다크사이드는 이제 그의 독특한 신비로운 갱신력을 사용하여 메시아를 돕기 위해 돌아온다.
Shukaido (voice)
Alice is a Japanese schoolgirl who has never thought much about the past... that is, until her classmates, Jinpachi and Issei, tell her that they've been sharing the same vivid dreams ever since they were in junior high school. In the dreams, Jinpachi and Issei, plus five other scientists, are on some sort of base or research station on the moon. The seven of them are involved in some kind of work observing the Earth, collecting data. Alice doesn't think anything of it... until she has the same dream.
Sakyo (voice)
Yonosuke Hikura appears to be an ordinary high school student. Yet he has inherited the important role of protecting the harmony between Heaven and Earth. With the help of the magical sword Chitentai, and Tsukinojo Inbe, he courageously battles the demons, sending them back to the Earth World, from which they have escaped.
Kaname Kazama (voice)
Graduating senior Sakisaka Saki is secretly in love with her older sister Noriko's boyfriend, Kazame Kaname, unaware that Noriko and Kaname have broken up. Saki hopes to escape her dilemma when she goes to college, but she ends up attending the same college as Kaname. During orientation, she is recruited to Kaname's video club. He wants to film her, but so does another boy, Tachibana Daichi, who is secretly in love with her. Can the knots be untangled and true love find its true course?
Dick Saucer (voice)
Mink - the daughter of a dragon and a retired dragonslaying knight - sets out on a journey to get tickets for a concert held by Dick Saucer, world-famous teen idol and dragon hunter. Meanwhile, the corrupt king of the land is trying to take her hostage to get at her mother, and his magic-using daughter seeks to foil Mink's quest out of sheer spite.
Seto (voice)
In the 26th century, humans discover a humanoid race living on the distant world GO/7498/2, a dark-skinned, golden-eyed people who seem to eke out a primitive, carefree existence. However, a scout team from Earth discovers that there is more to them than meets the eye--they live in symbiosis with vicious reptilian parasites, and the Terran scientists have upset the delicate natural balance.
Shishimaru (voice)
The year is 1580 and Nobunaga Oda is working to consolidate his power over Japan. In his army are weapons of great destructive power: rapid fire machine guns, lasers, missiles and, most frightening of all, the reputedly immortal ninja Ginnai Doma. Like a sentence of divine wrath he hunts down and destroys dissident monks, ninjas and others, wherever they may be. With the clans on the brink of destruction, a single ninja accepts the impossible task: kill the immortal Ginnai.
Oz is set in a post-apocalyptic near-future, following World War III. Much of the world has been reduced to desert. The surviving population has fragmented into many nations, and they're all fighting over the planet's declining resources. The only hope seems to be the legendary Oz, a lost laboratory founded by eminent scientists. Filicia Epstein, the surviving daughter of a family of prominent scientists, sets out with a mercenary named Yo Muto on a quest to find Oz and, she hopes, her missing brother Lyon, who is rumored to be there. Filicia and Muto get a lot more than they bargained for.
Does being the only guy in an all girl school sound like paradise? It might be, if the girls knew you were a guy, but to stay in school teenage pervert Banji can't let can't let anyone find out his chromosomes don't match. Banji's status conscious parents want him to go to a good school, but not enough to spend the money on a good co-ed school. Now, in addition to studying math and science, Banji has to learn how to put on a bra and makeup. His life has become a living hell. Not only is he at the bottom of the social pecking order, he must also got to conceal his inner-masculinity from the pretty classmate girl who's stolen his heart while avoiding the female bullies who threaten to expose his less-than-feminine charms in the locker room.
Oda Shinobu
The story is about Aida Nonoka who is rescued from a drunken attacker by a judoist. She then resolves to become as good as her savior, hoping that one day to recognize him by the scar on his back. She then transferred into a new high school where she meets two older boys who could possibly the person to whom she owes her life and to give her heart. (Source: AniDB)
Odr (Voice)
Seikima II was a real-life Japanese death-metal band. Full of kabuki makeup, songs about rape, murder, and satanic destruction, and a public persona of devilish evil. The OVA purports to tell the backstory of the band, which, according to its publicity, was composed of actual demons (akuma) from the parallel dimension Makai. In the OVA, five vicious demons (the five band members), led by Demon Kogure (the lead singer), are plotting the destruction of humanity. The only effective opposition comes from the saintly Rosa, who is actually the reformed war goddess Freyja in disguise. The demons attempt to activate their ultimate weapon, the Tower of Babel, before Rosa can complete her counter weapon, the Tower of Cain. The demons triumph and are on the verge on destroying the world when their leader suddenly decides that they should, instead, form a rock-and-roll band in order to convert people everywhere into demon worshipers.
Rikudou Rin
Joker is a cyborg who has superior strength, can absorb the DNA of any person by touch and regrow its body or part of it at will (hence Joker can be a male or a female). Joker belongs to a special troop of law enforcement: as cop, judge and executioner at the same time. Along with his/her lover, a police officer, they have dealt against criminals of every type.
Takeru Yamato
Magic swords, damsels in distress... and an instant camera? It's cold steel and hot babes as our morally impaired young knight must rescue multiple damsels in distress imprisoned in an enchanted castle by an army of demons. Pausing only for a quick click of his trusy camera's shutter, the young lasses struggle to cover their lithesome charms. Yea, the shining spirit of chivalry has never been so disgraced as by this knave in his ebdless search for fast gold and faster women.
Takeaki Kiryu (voice)
나치 독일 매드 사이언티스트의 아들 뮨히하우젠 2세는 초신의 숙적 광왕(狂王)을 부활시켜 세계를 지배하려 한다. 나구모의 사촌 키류 타케아키는 비행기 사고를 당해 양친을 잃고, 나구모의 피를 수혈받아 초인간적인 존재가 된다
Sanetsugu Sugiura
광행차 추장의 아들의 기대에서 다른로 태어난 페이 롱 자신의 사람들에 의해 배척당해 왔다.그의 가문의 장 묘사의 미래 역할을 준비하기 위해 페이 롱 일본 체험 인간과 어울리게 그의 학교 교육을 완성하기 위해 보내 진다.일본에서 그는 아니라는 간단한을 알게 된다.
1990년 12월 27일에 발매, OVA 2탄으로, 마물헌터 요코 OVA판과 같이 비디오 상영되었다. TV 시리즈와 더 라스트 배틀 사이의 에피소드를 다루고 있으며, TV판에서는 다 소화하지 못한 료와 아니스의 러브 스토리를 중심으로 다루고 있다.
Zero (voice)
In the year 2200 an interstellar war is held where the weapons most frequently used are the psychic capacities. The hero, Zero, son of an earthling and an extraterrestrial, the prince and last survivor of a clan of magicians. He will fight against the army of the Manjidara empire, whose forces are such as its head ambition to control the whole universe.
13 scientists seek to tap genetic powers by creating a hybrid of man and beast. Years later, 13 of their children are embroiled in a battle to undo their handiwork, while Shinichi, the son of one of the scientists, teams up with Christian super-beings to save the world.
Several short animated mini-stories based on the short stories and four-panel manga of Keiko Fukuyama, including My Father the Mouse, The Rabbit Brothers, Summer Secret, The Mysterious Fairy, How Very Strange, and Kuro.
Rider A (voice)
In the city of Oedo 2808a.d., three Cyber criminals are given two choices, to either rot in jail or to join a special force of the Cyber Police to get possibly one more chance at freedom ever again. For each criminal apprehended, and for each successful mission done, the state will agree to reduce their sentences. Lead by Hasegawa, the new recruits: Sengoku, Gogul, and Benton will bring some hard justice to Oedo and possibly taste freedom again.
Guy Hyuga (voice)
Guy is a Japanese street-brawler in New York who chooses to train under the famed boxer, Roman, with the hopes that he can raise enough money as a heavyweight to fund a life-saving operation for his father.
Aikawa Ryuu (voice)
Hidden deep in the ancient Himalayan Mountains, a beautiful Princess is found in the ice. Frozen, but still alive, the quirky Dr. Aikawa revives the sensual Princess in his own special way. Now that the lovely Princess Surya has been brought back to life, the fun begins. With love struck eyes, Ryu, Dr. Aikawa's son, decides he must master the 48 positions of the ancient art of love, as described in the classic Indian text, the Kama Sutra. But little does he realize how much trouble a beautiful Princess can be, until he finds he must protect her from the vicious Indian cult, the Mali Clan.
Ichi Buka
A criminal group known as Demon Seed terrorizes Tokyo with its vast armies of mecha. The local police is afraid to confront them, but one person stands in their way: Maron Namikaze, a 13-year-old idol singer with a catchy voice and unbelievable superhuman strength.
It has been three years since the end of the series. Ryo works for NASA as an engineer on a large rocket project. Anise, fellow Borgman and lover, has been reduced to flipping burgers in a restaurant. So naturally, when she gets a letter offering her a professional job in a big, Japanese, high-tech project, she jumps at the chance. Ryo, however, is as indecisive as ever and so she leaves for Japan without him. Chuck Sweager, the third Borgman, is a police officer, as is his girlfriend Miki...
Wakamatsu (voice)
In the late 1990s, society is descending into ecological collapse and totalitarianism. Saiga Riki-Oh, a mysterious man with a six-pointed star on his fist, finds himself at the privately-owned Tokyo State Prison. Serving a term of three years due to assault, his first offense, Riki-Oh openly antagonizes The Four Emperors, four powerful prisoners that control the prison and keep the rest of the inmates in line...
Johnny Rico
Mysterious monstrous alien creatures attack Earth's colonies. This OVA focuses on Juan "Johnnie" Rico who joins the army because of Carmen, a girl he likes, his days in boot camps, his losses and Earth's first counterattack.
Kouji Sugimoto
시가전 및 대 테러전을 상정하여 개발된 자위대의 인간형 기동병기 마독스-01. 각국의 군사 전문가들을 초빙하여 벌인 데몬스트레이션에서 최신형 전차 3대를 상대로 압도적인 전투력을 선보여 관계자들을 놀래키게 된다. 더군다나 마독스를 조종한 이는 이 병기의 소프트웨어 개발담당이기도 한 여성 개발자 카스모토 에리코. 하지만 데모전투에서 마독스에게 굴욕을 당한 전차 시뮬레이션 담당자 킬고어 중위는 마독스에게 필요 이상의 적개심을 품게 된다. 한편, 데몬스트레이션이 끝나고 마독스를 이송중이던 자위대 트럭이 앞서 달리던 승용차의 운전부주의로 그만 고가도로에서 큰 사고를 내고 만다. 커다란 폭발과 함께 마독스가 실린 컨테이너가 그만 고가 도로 아래에 주차되어 있던 카센터 트럭에 떨어지고 만다. 카센터 직원인 오노세는 난생 처음보는 이 컨테이너를 같은 카센터에서 아르바이트 중이던 메카닉 마니아 코지에게 알리고, 뭔가 재미있는 물건이라는 것을 직감한 코지는 마독스의 컨테이너를 자신의 집으로 가져가게 되는데...