Naoto Ogata

Naoto Ogata

프로필 사진

Naoto Ogata
Naoto Ogata
Naoto Ogata

참여 작품

Kaname Azuma is sick of her marriage life with her husband and she decides to divorce him. She leaves Japan and travels to South Korea. There, she visits her brother Teruo's villa. Teruo is surprised by Kaname's sudden visit, but after he hears of her marriage life, he lets her to stay with him. Somehow, Teruo and Kaname happen to enter The Cursed Sanctuary X.
강변의 무코리타
작은 어촌 마을에 다케시라는 이름의 청년이 도착한다. 오징어 통조림을 만드는 공장에 취직하고 공장 사장의 소개로 낡고 오래된 공동주택에 입주도 한다. 다케시의 무료한 일상은 이웃 남자 고조의 방문으로 흔들린다. 목욕을 하겠다며 다짜고짜 다케시의 집으로 쳐들어온다.
보호받지 못한 사람들
Takeru Jonouchi
동일본 대지진이 벌어진 뒤 9년이 흐른 미야기현. 손발이 묶인 채 굶어 죽은 사람의 시체가 발견된다. 희생자는 보건복지 담당 공무원과 지방의회 의원. 그들은 주위 평판이 나쁘지 않은 사람들이었고 특별한 원한도 없어 보인다. 세이치로 형사는 연쇄살인을 의심하며 범인을 찾아 나서는데 방화와 폭력으로 감옥에 있다 나온 토네라는 젊은이가 용의선상에 오른다. 토네는 살인자가 맞는 것일까?
후쿠시마 50
Shoichi Nojiri
2011년 3월 11일 오후 2시 46분, 동일본 대지진이 발생한다. 후쿠시마 원자력 발전소 제1발전소는 위험한 상황에 빠진다. 원전 안에 남아, 사고를 수습한 후쿠시마 출신의 작업원들은 해외 언론 매체들에 의해 '후쿠시마의 50인(Fukushima 50)'이라고 불렸다. 그 안에서 과연 무슨 일이 일어나고 있었던 것일까? 진실은 무엇일까? 동일본 궤멸이라는 위기가 다가오는 와중에도 고뇌에 찬 결단을 내려야 했던 그들은 과연 무슨 생각을 하고 있었을까?
엔젤 사인
Manga creator Tsukasa Hojo's debut live-action film. 'Angel Sign' is Hojo's debut as a director, which is made by editing a number of short films into one movie. Hojo directs the "Prologue" and "Epilogue" stories, while a different director will handle each of the other stories, which were selected in Silent Manga Audition. All the stories will have no spoken lines, and will only have video and music.
The Return
Tatsuya Nakadai, the world’s greatest living actor, returns to the screen in a brilliant adaptation of a story by novelist Shuhei Fujisawa. A traveling gambler known as “Funeral Uno” he is now 86 years old and returning to his hometown for the first time in 30 years. Partly told in flashbacks, he is forced to face his lifelong nemesis, Boss Kyuzo, a vile yakuza portrayed by another superstar of samurai cinema, Atsuo Nakamura! Before the two old gamblers can settle a 30-year-old score they must put their lives on the line in a game of dice that can only lead to a bloody sword duel the likes of which has never before been seen! Superb performances all around in a film loaded with surprises and exciting swordplay!
어둠의 톱니바퀴
떨어지는 동백
과거 상사의 비리를 고발했지만, 받아들여지지 않고 번에서 추방된 신베이. 18년 만에 귀향하게 된다. 번을 추방된 뒤에도 동행한 아내 시노가 병으로 쓰러져, 죽음을 맞이하면서 마지막 소원으로 남편에게 남긴 말 때문. "고향으로 돌아가고, 사카키바라 우네메 님을 도왔드렸으면 좋겠어". 두 사람은 과거 시노를 둘러싼 연적이며 신베이의 번 추방과 관련된 큰 인연을 가지고 있었는데....
어느 가족
Yuzuru Shibata
할머니의 연금과 물건을 훔쳐 생활하며 가난하지만 웃음이 끊이지 않는 어느 가족. 우연히 길 위에서 떨고 있는 한 소녀를 발견하고 집으로 데려와 가족처럼 함께 살게 된다. 그런데 뜻밖의 사건으로 가족이 뿔뿔이 흩어지게 되고 각자 품고 있던 비밀과 간절한 바람이 드러나게 되는데…
Mutsuko has been living on an island to which her grandmother and mother have restricted her from leaving. To Mutsuko, the symbol of her freedom was Dreamland, an amusement park on the mainland, but she learns it will be closing permanently this year. Meanwhile, Wataru returns to the island after nine years due to a job transfer. A pupil of his deceased father pays him a visit and tells him about a side of his father he did not know about.
Proof of the Man
In Tokyo, 1974, a young African American is found dead in a lift. A knife is stuck deep into his chest and a streak of tear is running down his cheek. A policeman, Munesue starts to investigate the case. On the same day, there is a grand reception party held on the top floor by Kyoko, a popular beautician adored by everyone as an ideal wife and mother. The investigation reveals the victim was raised in a ghetto in NY, was able to speak a little Japanese, and his dying words was “su to u ha.” Startling connection between him and Kyoko is to be revealed…
64 파트 2
Masato Mezaki
'64 사건'으로 불리는 1989년 아동유괴살인사건이 미제로 남은 지 14년이 지난 어느 날, 그와 흡사한 또 다른 아동유괴사건이 발생한다. 백화점에서 가장 큰 여행가방에 2억원을 넣어 특정 장소로 가져오라는 범인의 요구는 과거의 '64 사건'과 너무나 유사한 형태를 띠고 있다. 유괴사건이 발생했음에도 경찰 내부에서는 단순한 모방범죄라며 사건의 언론 공개를 꺼려하고 사건의 자세한 정보가 경찰 홍보실 공보관 '미카미'에게조차 알려지지 않는 가운데, 사건의 정보를 입수한 기자협회는 유괴사건 피해자의 실명을 내놓으라며 '미카미'를 압박해 오는데... 모두가 그토록 숨기려 했던, 그 날의 진실이 밝혀진다!
64 파트 1
Masato Mezaki
‘쇼와 64년(1989년)’ 전대미문의 아동 유괴 살인사건이 발생한다. 하지만 사건은 제대로 수사되지 못한 채 14년이 흐른다. 공소시효를 1년 남긴 어느 날, 새로 취임한 경찰청장은 자신의 업적을 남기고자 ’64 사건’의 재수사를 지시한다. 청장은 보여주기식 재수사를 위해 ’64 사건’의 유족을 방문하려 하고, 경찰 공보관 ‘미카미’는 유족을 찾아 설득해 보지만 딸을 잃은 고통 속에 살아가던 소녀의 아버지는 청장의 방문을 허락하지 않는다. 그의 허락을 구하기 위해 사건을 파헤치던 미카미는 당시 사건을 수사했던 경찰들을 만나면서 그들이 무언가 숨기고 있음을 직감하고 사건의 진실을 추적하기 시작하는데… 모두가 그토록 숨기려 했던, 그 날의 진실이 밝혀진다!
Chateau de la Reine
Kanichi Kanezawa
The hotel Chateau de la Reine is located in Paris, France and it is considered the finest hotel there. The hotel has been in existence for 300 years. Tourists from all around the world want to stay at the Chateau de la Reine. A travel agency, which is teetering on bankruptcy, devises a plan to revive their company. They want to offer suite rooms at the Chateau de la Reine for night and day periods. The plan appears perfect, but the tourists who made reservations have tempers.
Blossoms Bloom
Shunsuke Osaki
Work life for Shunsuke Osaki has been success after success, but at some point his family began to slip by the wayside. As his elderly father begins to show signs of dementia, Shunsuke takes the family on a trip in a desperate attempt to pull them together before it is too late. Director Mitsutoshi Tanaka's adaptation of Masashi Sada's short story of the same name received the awards for Best Director, Best Actress and Best Music at the 1st Asia International Film Festival in Taipei.
무사의 레시피
Denzo Otsuki
에도시대에 요리로 유명한 무가에 시집을 간 여주인공의 우여곡절을 그린 드라마. 카가 현에 실존했던 요리 무사 후나키 덴나이와 그의 아들이 남긴 요리책 '요리무언초'를 바탕으로, 당시 부엌의 모습과 무가의 접대요리인 '향응 요리'에 대해 자세히 들여다 볼 수 있게 그려낸 작품. 하루는 남다른 요리 실력과 미각을 소유한 여인이지만, 기가 너무 센 나머지 결혼 1년만에 이혼을 당한다. 카가 지역 요리 장인인 후나키에게 실력을 인정받게 된 하루는 그의 간곡한 부탁으로 아들 야스노부와 두 번째 결혼을 하게 된다. 요리 무사 집안의 후계자인 남편은 놀랍게도 요리 실력이 형편없는데다 하루보다 4살이나 어리다. 하루는 시어머니와 협력하여 남편에게 요리를 가르치기 시작하는데.
유해 : 내일을 향한 10일간
동일본대지진 직후의 유해안치소에서의 일을 니시다 토시유키 주연, 키미즈카 료이치 감독이 그린 인간드라마. 지진으로 막대한 피해를 입은 이와테현 카마이시의 유해안치소를 취재한 이시이 코우타의 르포 를 기본으로 지진직후의 혼돈 속에서 옮겨지는 수많은 유해에 곤혹스러워하면서도 피해자이기도 한 카마이시 의사와 치과의사들이 희생자들을 한시라도 빨리 가족과의 재회를 시켜주고 싶어한다. 유해의 반송과 검시, DNA 취재와 신원확인 등의 모습을 담아낸다.
Love or Duty: Samurai Rebellion
Yogoro Sasahara
In the Edo period of Japan, a samurai’s life belonged to his lord. On the battlefield or in the home, a loyal samurai must always obey his lord’s commands. This is the tragic story of one such loyal samurai, whose love for his family forced him to make the ultimate choice of disobeying the wishes of his lord.
우주 전함 야마토
Daisuke Shima
일본 SF 애니메이션의 명작 를 실사영화화 하였다. 감독은 야마자키 타카시, 주인공 코다이 스스무(古代進) 역을 기무라 타쿠야가 맡았다. 태평양전쟁에서 격침됐던 옛 일본군 전함 야마토가 부활해 외계인의 침략을 물리친다는 이야기.
The Deep Red
Norio Totsuka
Shinku is a compelling drama that focuses on the strange relationship that develops between two people who find their lives irrevocably changed as a result of a horrible multiple homicide. The first person traumatized is the lone survivor of the terrible family bloodbath, a girl who grows up to be a pretty college student. The second person affected by this heinous crime is the daughter of the murderer, a young girl who ends up becoming a tattooed bartender. A full decade after the crime, the killer is finally going to be executed, and the surviving member of the massacre decides to reach out and befriend the murderer's daughter. A tentative, odd sort of friendship blossoms between these two people, both of whom seem to have little in common personally, and every reason in the world for not wanting to meet. Yet they do, but not without reservations. And really, is this friendship quite what it seems? Or is it all part of some twisted plan for vengeance?
Dawn of a New Day: The Man Behind VHS
A Japanese film that tells the tale of the birth of VHS. It follows Kagatani Shizuo, an electronics employee who rallies his coworkers to save their jobs by increasing sales. They do this by developing the VHS standard. They battle with Sony and their standard and ultimately prevail.
Riot in Gujo
Naoto Ogata plays Sadajiro, a young farmer fighting out the battle of the riot through to the end. Sadajiro's wife is played by Hiromi Iwasaki, his father is played by Go Kato and Ryuzo Hayashi plays a leader of the Riot. The Riot in Gujo is called one of the biggest three riots in the Edo Period as it took almost 5 years to settle and also involved the Edo government. This movie is a period film about the riot and Gujo farmers fighting for their tenacity of purpose. The farmers had suffered enough from heavy taxes and decided to rise up in riot when the domain lord, Yorikane, issued a new act, which practically forced tax increases. Asking the lord to retract the act, they pour down to the Hachiman Castle. For once they attain the repeal deed signed by the chief retainer. However the promise is broken. Now the farmers decide to make a direct plea to the Edo Residence…This film is full tension and breathless moments.
The Peking Man
Taksuhiko Sakura
In 1929 the fossil of a 500,000 year old man is discovered in China. In 1941 the Japanese army confiscates this find, but during the war the remains disappear. Based on these factual events, this movie takes off with a science fiction story involving a space rocket which places a satellite in orbit containing a secret cargo. The satellite crashes on a remote island and footprints are found in the sand leading away from the crash site. A story of how an ancient primitive cave-dwelling family contends with the scientists who want to study them.
Night Train to the Stars
Kenji Miyazawa
“Night Train to the Stars” is a biography of the fascinating life of Kenji Miyazawa, one of Japan's most beloved fantasy novelists. Miyazawa is an idealist pledging with his friend Kanai to work for the improved life of farmers. Troubled by his family’s interest in money making and social status, he leaves home after graduating high school to join a Buddhist sect in Tokyo. After falling out with a friend, and receiving news about his sister re-emerging pneumonia, he decides to return home where starts his own experimental school, teaching new farming methods to young local farmers while also instructing them in music and arts. It was only after his death, through the help of his brother Seiroku, that his writings became widely read.
Last Friends
Following the lives of three college rugby players drafted to serve in the military during WWII. Though they believe their service will help to benefit their loved ones back home, they are unprepared for the hardships of war. Through their shared trials and sacrifices, they grow closer as friends, and hope to return together to better days. This movie was released in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the end of WWII.
The Tokyo Siblings
Ken'ichi Higure
Living in an old Tokyo district, Kenichi works at a second-hand bookshop to support his sister, Yoko, a high school student. When Yoko graduates, she starts work at a photo shop. By the time, Kenichi's girlfriend has decided to marry someone else as she is tired of waiting for him. When Yoko starts dating Kenichi's best friend, Makoto , he is strangely resentful, but when Makoto is involved in a fatal accident, brother and sister resume their routine life.
Tasmania Story
Eiji Kawano (Kunie Tanaka) has recently broken from the Japanese company he used to work for. As an immigrant to Tasmania, he has been won over by the island's immense natural beauty, and he is conscience-bound to oppose his former employer's ecologically unsound practices. He is also estranged from his grown son, who still resides in Japan. When his son comes to Tasmania for a visit, he must face the challenge of renewing their relationship.
Hiromasa Wataumi
Set on a quiet ranch in Hokkaido. One day, a colt is born from a legendary bloodline. It is given the name Oracion or "prayer". When Oracion is grown, a factory owner buys the horse. Will he be the key to solving the man's problems? Based on the novel by Teru Miyamoto.