노르웨이의 한 도시. 중년 남성들이 매주 모여 맥주를 마시고 노래를 부르는 모임을 갖는다. 그들은 합창단을 만들어 열심히 노래 연습도 한다. 단원들 중 누구 하나라도 죽으면 장례식에서 같이 노래를 불러주자고 약속한다. 어느 날, 전설적인 헤비메탈 밴드 ‘블랙 사바스’가 이 도시에서 공연을 하기로 하는데, 합창단이 공연 전 무대에 서기로 한다. 공연 연습에 몰두하던 그들에게 충격적인 소식이 전해진다. 합창단의 지휘자가 불치병에 걸린 것이다. 살 날이 얼마 남지 않은 상태에서 지휘자는 공연을 위해 아픈 몸을 일으켜 연습장으로 간다. 그들은 무사히 공연을 마칠 수 있을까?
Carpenter Andersen and Santa Claus makes a deal which saves Christmas for them both.
A young man dreams of becoming a journalist, in order to write stories which may change the world. This does not turn out as planned, and instead he ends up as a reporter for the celebrity magazine Se og Hør. We are observing a man who gradually loses all inhibitions in order to reach the top in the country's largest weekly magazine.
Kælle (voice)
Four stoners, five vegans, three mobsters, four hunters and a million reasons to free one junkie elephant.
A weekend dad goes fishing with his 8 year old son. He has been absent for much of his son's life. Now he caught in a small rowboat and confronted with the choice he has made in life.
Police (voice)
A bunch of kids in a backyard are playing a game they call "refugee reception center". Everyone who wants to enter the backyard has to "apply for asylum" by telling an exciting story.
Eli (8) and Tarals (5) sell lottery tickets to benefit blind children in Africa
Reporter (voice)
Arnold Selnes is 80 years old and sells used bicycles in Oslo, but denies that he has a bike shop.
A movie inspired by eight Norwegian political parties, written by six writers and directed by nine directors: a man gets a nasty surprise skinny dipping, a cow eats a cell phone, a lesbian couple loses a child, a blind girl sells dubious lottery tickets, a boy falls in love, a man picks up a hitchhiker, three girls get help from a man in pajamas, and nine old men find a young girl stuck in a swamp.
For the second time the two curious boys named Pelle and Proffen get mixed up in dangerous business.
A young boy named Pelle falls in love with the drug addict Lena. Then he and his friend Proffen tries to save her from the drugs.