Tetsuro Nakagawa

참여 작품

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Stills Photographer
일상이 무료하고 외로운 밥 해리스와 샬롯은 도쿄로 여행온 미국인이다. 영화배우인 밥은 위스키 광고 촬영차 일본을 방문했지만 일본의 낯선 문화와 의사소통의 어려움으로 소외감을 느낀다. 갓 결혼한 샬롯은 사진작가인 남편을 따라 일본에 왔지만, 외로움과 불확실한 앞날에 대해 번민한다. 같은 호텔에 머무르고 있던 밥과 샬롯은 호텔바에서 우연히 마주친다. 두 사람은 서로의 모습 속에서 공통점을 발견하고 서로에게 이끌리게 된다. 이 둘은 도쿄 시내를 함께 구경하고, 얘기를 나누면서 급속도로 가까워지는데...
Exam Hell
A student, running late on the day of the Tokyo Imperial University entrance exams, calls in a fake bomb threat in order to arrive on time.
Two years before they collaborated on the immortal Stray Cat Rock series, director Yasuharu Hasebe and soon-to-be-superstar Meiko Kaji teamed up for this potent gangster flick that also stars the great Joe Shishido (Branded to Kill) and Akira Kobayashi, who would shortly thereafter star in Kinji Fukasaku's epic yakuza series Battles Without Honor and Humanity. Emerging from a stint in prison, yakuza lieutenant Sumukawa (Kobayashi) discovers that his gang has disintegrated while he was in the pen. An ambitious type, he quickly hooks up with another gang (led by Shishido) who promise him a prominent position if he helps them deal with a rival family. But bonds are made to be broken, and pledges of loyalty soon give way to competition, betrayal and — naturally — retaliation. Tough, cynical and violent, Retaliation cheerfully overturns romanticized notions of underworld honour, paving the way for Fukusaku's revisionist yakuza pictures of the 1970s.
Love Eternal
A deep mist envelops the port city of Yokohama. The scent of crime is everywhere. As an executive member of a drug trafficking syndicate, Kano is pretty high up in the food chain, but "status" bears no value to him. All he cares for is Ayako, the boss' mistress. After one last job, they intend to run off together to Hong Kong, but their plans are hindered when an uninvited yakuza stirs up a vicious shootout. In the midst of it all, Ayako is kidnapped.
동경 방랑자
와해된 야쿠자 조직의 일원인 테츠는 여전히 두목에게 여전히 충성을 다하고자 하지만, 새로운 인생을 시작해야 하는 갈림길에 서 있다. 그러던 중 라이벌 조직에 대항하는 싸움에 휘말리게 되는데…. 과 함께 60년대 스즈키 세이준 영화를 대표하는 걸작.