Yasuo Kotoko
Onchi was exiled to posts around Asia and Africa due to his work as head of a labor union for National Air Line. He is ordered to return to head office after ten years, and continues to struggle. When a National Air Line plane is involved in the worst air disaster in Japanese history, he is assigned to console and provide restitution to the families of the victims.
Ever since that fatal incident in college, Kanako has sensed them. A sound behind her... an object moving at the corner of her vision. Birds. Cooing, taunting birds... But are they real, or just in her head? As she struggles to perform her duties teaching marine biology, the images of pigeons slowly begin to drive her to the edge of insanity, until even drugs and alcohol no longer offer her protection. And what if they aren't figments of her imagination? What if that strange rumor she heard at the crime scene was true? If it was, then the real nightmare is only beginning! Vengeance has wings and the sky is filled with terror in GUN-KYU!
Jisaku Kurata
The suicide of a female teacher 15 years ago was actually a murder. A new investigation team, spearheaded by Mizorogi, is formed based on new information turned in to the police. Obsessed about cracking cases right up till the statute of limitation, Mizoguchi has a bitter thought about a 300 million yen case that has reached the statute of limitation... When he goes to investigate the male high school student(s) whom the woman had taught and other persons related to the deceased, he sees an unexpected connection with another case...
도쿄에서 첼리스트로 활동하던 ‘다이고’(모토키 마사히로)는 갑작스런 악단 해체로 아내 ‘미카’(히로스에 료코)와 고향으로 돌아간다. “연령, 경험 무관! 정규직 보장!” 여행사 구인 광고로 면접을 보고 바로 합격! 그러나 여행사는 국내도, 해외도 아닌 인생에서의 마지막 여행인 죽음을 배웅하는 장례지도회사! ‘다이고’는 ‘이쿠에이’(야마자키 츠토무)에게 일을 배우며 사명감을 갖게 되지만, ‘미카’와 주변 친구들은 그를 피할 만큼 새 출발을 반대하는데…
Misaki is a popular bar hostess whose policy is to 'live on presents'. She is haughty and wants nothing but the most expensive and exclusive. One night, she finds a rabbit and takes it home, setting off the story of an unimaginable tragedy. It is an 'animal panic horror' film with a new edge presenting an allegory of the worst in the modern materialistic world. This is the first full-length feature film for Yuichi Kanemaru, who has worked as assistant director to Kaneto Shindo, Yasuo Furuhata and Takashi Miike. And Tomoko Tabata's dynamic performance in her first horror movie is a definite highlight.
Momotaro and Hidemaro are 1st-years at Otokojuku, a private boys school where true men are made. Momotaro, proficient in academics and martial arts becomes good friends with Hidemaro an underachieving weakling. Omito Date, former student leader, plans his revenge against his former school. Now leader of an evil army from rival Kanto Gogakuren school he fully intends on taking over Otokojuku.
Delivery center person
It is the second work of the Oita trilogy of Obayashi . Following " Nigori Snow ", Ise Masazo draws a song written by composers and songwriter "Farewell of 22 years old " as a motif and draws a story of love that spans two generations of mother and daughter.
동경에서 여행사 직원으로 일하는 사키코가 어머니의 입원 소식을 듣고 고향마을로 돌아온다. 어머니는 암투병 중이며 남아있는 날이 많지 않다고. 사키코는 죽어가는 어머니가 오랜 세월 숨겨온 연인의 흔적을 찾아 나선다.
멸망의 전조 대지진의 공습 일본 스루가만에서 강도 10을 넘는 엄청난 파괴력의 대지진이 발생한다. 이어 도쿄, 큐슈 등 전역에서 지진이 발생해 일본 전역은 공포에 휩싸이게 된다. 미국 지질학회는 이것이 일본의 지각 아래 있는 태평양 플레이트가 상부맨틀과 하부맨틀의 경계 면에 급속하게 끼어 들어 일어나는 이상현상으로, 일본열도가 40년 안에 침몰하게 될 것이라는 연구결과를 발표하고… 남은 시간은 1년
이제 일본에 남겨진 희망은 없다! 미국의 가설에 의문을 품은 지구과학박사 타도코로(토요카와 에츠시)는 독자적으로 조사를 실시, 놀라운 사실을 발견하게 된다. 지구온난화로 인해 발생된 다량의 박테리아가 메탄가스를 생성, 그것이 윤활유 작용을 통해 태평양 플레이트의 움직임을 가속화 시켜 정확히 338일 후 일본이 침몰하게 된다는 것! 혼돈과 공포의 아비규환
마침내 현실이 된 일본의 멸망 각료들은 국민을 외면한 채 해외로 도망가기 바쁘고, 불안감에 휩싸인 국민들 역시 하늘로 바다로 피난로를 찾아 떠나느라 전국은 아수라장이 된다. 그러는 사이 해일과 분화해 더욱 강해진 지진으로 희생자는 시시각각 늘어나고 타도코로는 일본을 구할 최후의 카드를 내놓는다. 바로 일본열도와 플레이트 사이에 가공할 위력을 지닌 ‘N2’폭약을 투여, 열도와 플레이트를 분리시키는 것. 그러나 작전을 수행하던 중 대원과 함께 ‘N2’폭약을 잃게 된다. 이제 일본에게 남겨진 희망은 없다!
후지산의 대분화로 1억 2천만 일본국민을 위협하는 가운데, 잠수정 파일럿 오노데라(쿠사나기 츠요시)는 일본의 운명을 걸고 깊은 심해 속으로 들어가는데…
당신을 여배우처럼 모시기 위해 준비했습니다.
꽃미남, 멋진 시나리오, 그리고 바닷가의 호스트바! 아무도 봐 주지 않는 공연에 좌절하는 거리 공연가 료헤이를 비롯한 7명의 젊은이는 저마다의 사정으로 마지막 희망을 찾아 호스트 클럽으로 흘러 든다. 큰 돈을 벌어 보겠다며 보증금까지 내고 어렵게 들어온 곳이지만 점장은 이미 돈을 갖고 사라진 뒤. 절망에 빠진 그들에게 건물의 원래 주인을 자처하는 카타기리가 나타나고, 그의 권유로 7명은 힘을 합쳐 호스트 클럽 'DOGDAYS'의 문을 열게 된다. 실수연발, 새내기 호스트들의 고군분투가 계속되던 중 카타기리의 손녀 치카가 심장병을 앓고 있다는 사실을 알게 된 그들. 치카를 위한 새내기 호스트들의 최고의 물 좋은 비즈니스가 시작된다.
Mamoru Kutsui
정의실현를 꿈꾸며 경찰관이 된 카스야 신고(카세 료)는 매일매일을 서류정리만 하며 보내는 생활에 지쳐간다. 그러던 어느 날 버스를 탔다가 괴한에게 납치되고, 언제나 꿈꿔왔던 상황을 맞이하게 된다. 하지만 신고는 사건해결은 커녕 꼼짝도 하지 못하고, 범인이 쏜 총에 한 젊은 남자가 다치고 선글라스를 쓴 여자의 눈에서는 의안이 굴러 떨어진다. 급기야 범인은 가지고 있던 총으로 자살을 하고 만다. 3개월 뒤 신고는 납치의 피해자였던 남자 테츠(오다기리 죠)를 우연히 만나게 되고, 사후처리와 서류작업만으로 이루어진 생활에 관해 불만을 토로한다. 테츠는 그런 그를 복수대행업이라는 게임에 끌어들이고 신고는 새로운 게임에 빠져들게 된다. 의뢰는 주로 화장실의 낙서로 이루어지고 필요한 것은 오직 신분을 밝히는 것 뿐. 일이 넘쳐나면서 바삐 움직이던 그들은 어느 날 의안의 여성 사키(쿠리야마 치아키)로부터 의뢰를 받게 된다. 신고와 사키는 점차 가까워지지만, 약재사인 사키는 신고 몰래 폭약을 제조하고 있는데…
오래 전 에도시대에는 인간을 멸종시키려는 귀신들과 귀신들을 없애려는 조직 오니미카도의싸움이 되풀이 되고 있었다. 오니미카도에서 '귀신살해자'로 명성을 떨치던 와쿠라바 이즈모 (이치카와 소메고로)는 5년 전 어떤 사건 이후 모든 것을 버리고 연극배우로 인기를 얻고 잇다. 그러던 어느 날, 이즈모는 신비의 여인 츠바키 (미야자와 리에)와 사랑에 빠지는데 츠바키에게는 자신도 모르는 비극적인 운명이 놓여 있었다.
Shinji Koito
미야베 미유키의 동명의 소설을 원작으로 한 작품. 폭풍이 몰아치고 난 후 한 고급 아파트에서 네 사람의 시체가 발견된다. 피해자들의 관계도 제대로 밝히지 못한 상황에서 수사는 난항을 겪고, 그 과정에서 아파트 입주민들의 극적인 사연이 조금씩 드러난다. 다양한 개성의 수많은 인물이 펼쳐내는 감정의 스펙트럼과 날카롭게 포착한 일본 사회의 단면이 깊은 인상을 남긴다.
By chance, Narumi discovers that the room next door is the hideout of a Chinese gang of thieves. Having lost her job and being stuck with everything, she tries to steal money from the thieves and get a new life...
Part 1 BIRTHDAY 인터넷 회사에서 12년 동안 일해 온 기타지마 (요시모토 다카미 분). 회사를 마치고 귀가하던 어느 날 그녀는 베일에 싸인 헤어 디자이너를 우연히 만나게 되고 그는 초라한 행색의 기타지마를 아름다운 여인으로 변신시킨다. 그리고 그녀에게 고급 호텔에서 남자를 만나는 일을 해보라고 권유한다. Part2 GIRL'S LIFE 남자친구 토모야한테 버림받은 대학생 마유키(나카무라 아이미 분)는 안마 시술소에서 3개월째 아르바이트를 하고 있다. 이러한 생활을 통해 마음의 안정을 찾고 있던 미유키 앞에 토모야가 찾아와 용서를 구하고 그의 말과 태도로 인해 그녀의 감정은 다시 요동치기 시작한다. Part 3 NIGHT LOVERS 나오(요시노 키미카 분)는 자신 앞에서 갑작스레 사라진 남자친구 유지를 찾기 위해 안간힘을 쓴다. 애타게 남자친구를 찾던 나오는 우연히 인터넷에서 자신과 이름이 같은 여성을 발견하게 되고 그 여자의 글을 읽으며 자신과 유지의 관계에 대해 깊은 고민에 빠지게 된다.
The long awaited second release!
The long awaited visualisation of the original manga
The Kanto 1-yen coin party has a fierce internal conflict! In the Kochi-gumi, the confrontation between the young head Sakuta and the son-in-law of the group leader, Kunitomo, had surfaced. Meanwhile, at that time, Okiyama, a man armed with a pistol and dynamite, rushed into Kamibayashi Trading. He takes the hostage and demands that he bring Jin. Okiyama's lover was killed by a yakuza a week ago, and the culprit is Jin ?!
Ryojiro Kojima
When a young man is sent to a prison workhouse for a crime he did not commit his friend on the outside must find evidence to clear his name.
In order to earn legal Shinogi, Sunagawa was trying to start a unified legal business with a one-yen coin with the support of members of the Diet. However, the skirmish between Shimizu-gumi and Masago-kai, the main organization of the Ichienkai, intensified, and the plan began to be hindered. Jin, who has a good face in the two groups, enters arbitration, but the conflict continues to intensify as the leader of the Shimizu group is shot by the Masagokai and the Hitman of the Shimizu group. Yoshiro, who was investigating both the Masagokai and Shimizu-gumi, notices that there is a strategy of Mizuho-gumi, the director of the Ichienkai, in the shadow.
A yakuza war breaks out to control the Tohoku region
Based on a novel "The Battle Of The Yanagawa-Gumi" by Koichi Iiboshi, it tells the story of criminal Jiro Yanagawa. Released from prison, Jiro joins the notorious Yoshimizu Yakuza family as a member. Not long after however, he sets out to form his own Yakuza clan in Osaka. This sparks a bloody territory war with the Devils Dragons.
Genji Sokabe (Hakuryu) is a legendary hit-man who has just finished a 15-year prison stretch for killing the head of a rival gang. But Genji returns to a world where the old Yakuza codes of honour, vengeance and pride have been forgotten by a younger generation of criminals, and discovers that his old gang is now more concerned about money and finance. Taking up his guns once more, Genji sets out to teach the younger generation a lesson they will never forget.
Kotaro and Kuroe marry almost immediately in a Christian ceremony and move into an apartment. Life is completely joyous until, one day, Kuroe falls ill.
The birth of outlaw violence, depicts the passionate and fierce way of life of men that chose the path of Shura.
A group of terrorists has taken hold of the largest dam in Japan. They also capture the workers as hostages, and demanded $5 billion yen from the government with a 24 hour deadline in exchange for the lives of the hostages. To make things more complicated, there was a snowstorm and no one can get in or out near the area. Fortunately, the terrorists did not capture Togashi, the dam controller, and he is the only person who can rescue those hostages from the terrorists...
A full-scale drama that visualizes a feature-length novel by Koichi Iiboshi from "Battle Without Honor and Justice." It depicts a shocking rivalry set in Shinjuku, the largest entertainment district in Asia, such as robbery, kidnapping, theft, and the murder of a blue dragon sword. Show Aikawa enthusiastically plays a lone wolf gangster. Co-starring Hitoshi Ozawa and others.
A comedy about the uproar in a yakuza office, before the dissolution ceremony the next day. The day before the dissolution of the Yamamuro group, it is reported that the leader of the hostile organization was assassinated by someone.
A lone wolf yakuza vs detective. It was supposed to be an undercover investigation into the Yakuza organization… A drama of friendship and betrayal between men living in different worlds.
미군 사병이었던 아버지는 베트남에서 죽었고, 창녀였던 어머니는 10살의 츠지를 고아원에 버리고 떠났다. 청년이 된 츠지는 거리에서 마약을, 라이브 클럽에서 술을 판다. 어느 날 츠지는 다른 야쿠자들에게 쫓기던 켄지를 구해주고 친구가 된다.전혀 어울리지 않는, 미래의 길이 판이하게 다른 두 사람. 그뒤 츠지는 술집에서 만난 토키코와 동거하게 된다. 처음으로 츠지는 가정이란 것을, 평온함이 무엇인지를 느끼게 된다. 츠지의 유일한 위안거리였던 하모니카 연주가 음반제작자의 눈에 띄고, 눈앞에 희망이란 글자가 보인다.하지만 혼혈아인 츠지와, 야쿠자 조직의 이단아인 켄지의 미래는 암흑이다. 이 지독한 사회는 그들에게, 아무것도 허락하지 않는다. 살아가려면 냉정하고, 잔인해져야 한다.
Ultimate Gun Action!
Satomi breaks her lover Takao out of jail, who was falsely accused of killing her parents.
Based on the comic by Satosumi Takaguchi.
After serving 10 years in prison due to a drug-induced assassination of a rival gang boss Tachibana (Ryo Ishibashi) enters a world that's nothing like it was when he went in. Once a respected and feared Yakuza mastermind, he now must try and adapt within the confines of the new generations vision of honor. As he still garners a somewhat decent amount of respect he just tries to get by. Hooking up with a prostitute he's been in passing by with he begins to feel some sense of comfort. Upon stumbling across her being beaten down by her pimp, Tachibana can't just sit by and do nothing. So he commences in putting down an old school Yakuza ass whipping, thus beginning a showdown with the "now" boss, Sato.
There is a man, who always win a mahjong game... His name is Ryu the Caller.
The continuing adventures of Matsuzaki (Eiji Okuda), a racing tipster for a sports paper. In this sequel to 1993's The Wicked Reporter, Matsuzaki befriends a mysterious old bettor at the track named Tokudaiji (Kei Sato). The man turns out to be a well-connected millionaire and invites Matsuzaki to his home... While the sequel covers the familiar territory of gambling and gangsters, Mochizuki also attempts to tactfully approach such subjects as gender dysphoria, transvestism, and infidelity.
Shoichi Yomi bravely fights in an attempt to end an underworld battle in Hiroshima and as a result becomes a vegetable. Ten years later, Yomi comes to his senses and visits his former sworn brother, Eto, in Shinjuku. The devious Tagami, Yomi’s old enemy, is well acquainted with the Okumura gang which controlled Shinjuku. Learning of Yomi recovery, Tagami plots to line his own pockets by maneuvering the Okumura gang and a Taiwanese gang, between which a fight is about to erupt. Meanwhile, Yomi lends his help to the Okumura gang in order to save Eto, who has taken liberties with the family’s money. Everything appears to go according to Tagami’s plot, but in the chaotic town where evil competes and desires surge, two outlaws boldly rise above...
Jiro becomes a happy instructor but a shocking suspicion was raised by Owada who took the place of his parents.
Tokyo Blood is an omnibus film of 4 short stories featuring various characters entrapped in Tokyo landscapes.
Jin, who has killed is worried about his younger brother Jiro and has returned to the world as a ghost!
A policewoman (Megumi Yokoyama) investigates the apparent suicide of a college coed. The prime suspects include the girl's professor, who may have been having an affair with her, and the professor's wife, who frequents lesbian bars. Gruesome axe murders and mutilations ensue, leading Yokoyama to a shocking discovery.
Two scammers who cross the world without being caught by Satsu and killed
Kono Takeshi has given up work as an electrician to run a gift-shop business with his partner/mistress Rieko, who's a couple of years older than him. When the company faces bankruptcy Kono wants to quit, but Rieko strings him along with the promise of a large cash investment, the proceeds of a real-estate deal. Her actual plan to raise the money is to kidnap a young woman and demand a ransom for her release. The trouble is, it never occurs to her to keep the victim alive before trying to extort the cash. And when things start to go wrong, Rieko responds by murdering another girl and attempting another ransom scam..
Issei Masaki
Makoto Kawamura
In the sequel to 1990's classic Neo Chinpira, Junko (Sho Aikawa) attempts to take out Kazama and then goes on the run. However, he quickly begins to feel homesick, and returns home to find that almost everything has changed. Noriko is now a bar mama with a lavish lifestyle, Yumeko is nowhere to be found, and his boss (Toru Minegishi) seems to have sinister plans involving Junko and his uncle (Jo Shishido).
Makoto Kawamura
Junko (Sho Aikawa) is a low-level yakuza in the service of Yoshikawa (Toru Minegishi), despite the misgivings of his uncle (Jo Shishido). He lives off of the money earned by his girlfriend and is more interested in trying to look cool than anything else. He meets Yumeko (Chikako Aoyama), an innocent but dangerous narcoleptic runaway, after she steals his car, and she soon moves in with him. Following the assassination of a high-ranking member by the Kazama Family, Junko is called on to be the lookout while the family gets revenge. However, the other men quickly "zoom", or escape from their duty, leaving the task to Junko. Will he take out Kazama, or will he zoom?
Third video release by Pantsu No Ana, a subset of "BOMB" magazine. Simultaneously screened with "Strawberries that are not mushy"
片や会社の社長でデザイナー、片やスポーツマンでモデルという道を歩む生まれも育ちも異なる2人の高校生の友情を描く。 One is a designer and company president, the other an athlete and model. Although on different paths in life and from different backgrounds, in high school these two were once good friends. This movie tells the story of their friendship.
Shinji Ishimori
When a gun belonging to a police officer is stolen, it ends up in the hands of a student, who decides to use it on a yakuza who beat him recently. Now the police officer is hot on the student’s trail, and he’s determined to prevent the gun from going off.
Masashi Ikeda
When 22-year-old Ikuko gets fired from her editing internship right before her college graduation instead of getting hired, she turns to her schoolteacher father for advice. Instead, he tells her, "I've decided to become a singer! Sort your own life out!" Confused, Ikuko gets on a boat to the town of Takarazuka, home of the musical industry, to see her classmate Mari. Mari introduces her to an accountant named Yoshie, and together the three of them move into a house they call "The Women's House: Die Fraulein".
GASP is a popular alternative band. Conflict arises when the lead singer To-Y is offered a pop idol contract that stipulates he leave the rest of the band behind.
Yusuke Aida
1980년대를 휩쓸었던 왕년의 톱아이돌 '코이즈미 쿄코' 주연작.
부모 없이 거리를 부랑하며 살아온 중졸의 양아치 '쿠로다 히토미'(코이즈미 쿄코)는 우연히 거리에서 만난 변호사 카지마(이시바시 료)의 제의로 무코지마라는 외딴섬에 있는 갑부집안 후계자의 가정교사로 들어가게 되지만 유괴사건이 일어나게 되고...
Island Mitsuru
Erotic thriller about a porn photographer who has to deal with a psychopath.
Released after seven years in prison, an inveterate thug goes from strength to ruthless strength as he makes his way through a succession of dubious jobs, illegal schemes, and brutal romances.
The second of Kazuki Omori's pre-Godzilla idol trilogy starring Koji Kikkawa. Omori's mid-1980s opus is full of excess; a shining example of what Japan was like during the 80s when it was lost in the dream of the bubble economy.
Filled with guilt over his forbidden desires, a young man leaves home and his studies. He finds a new smaller place to stay, a low-paying but satisfying job and a girlfriend. Then his mother, unable to fight her forbidden desires, shows up.
Roman Porno from 1984.
Yoshio Kaizuka
Musical star vehicle for a young Kikkawa Koji.
Seiichi Uchiyama
A run-in with the police once again puts three former reformatory inmates on the wrong side of the law. Their situation becomes increasingly desperate as events spin out of control, culminating in an audacious hijack at sea...
Model Reiko Higa is injured after being hit by a car pursued by motorcycle cop Tomishima. Tomishima's supervisor refuses his request to apologize to Reiko, as it would be an admission of police responsibility. Forced to give up her career, Reiko leaves Tokyo to return to her hometown on Okinawa, travelling by road up to Kagoshima, and Tomishima pursues her in order to apologize.
Tatsuya Makieda
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
요코하마(横浜) 변두리의 초라한 바에서 매일밤 노래를 부르는 BJ는 노래만으로는 목구멍에 풀칠하기 어려워 생활을 위해 사립탐정 비스꼬롬한 부업을 해서 푼돈을 벌고 있었다. 그런 어느날, 실종된 소년 "아키라(明)"의 행방을 찾아달라는 의뢰를 받은 BJ는 소년의 소재를 파악해 내지만, 소년은 게이인 어둠의 조직의 보스의 남창이 되어 있었다. 다음날, 오랜만에 재회한 뉴욕 시절의 절친 형사 "무쿠 케이스케(椋圭介)"가 눈 앞에서 저격되어 살해당하고, BJ를 어쩐 일인지 안좋게 여기던 "무쿠"의 동료형사 "베니타니 사토시(紅谷悟志)"에게 살인용의로 취조란 명목의 린치를 당한다.
게다가, 어둠의 조직으로부터도 마약거래를 하는 조직의 메카니즘을 건드렸다는 이유로 목숨을 위협받는 등 BJ는 궁지에 빠지는데...
When Ken, the leader of the once-notorious biker gang of Tokyo, falls in love with a barmaid, he quickly loses his rebellious ideals. The rest of the gang feels betrayed, especially the reputedly troubled kid Jin who revolts against his former friend.