Shintarō Nanjō

Shintarō Nanjō

출생 : 1917-03-20, Kobe, Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan

프로필 사진

Shintarō Nanjō

참여 작품

한 젊은 남자가 유력 재계 인사를 살해한 뒤 스스로 목숨을 끊는 사건이 벌어진다. 사건 이후 남자의 여동생은 오빠의 유언을 따라 기타 잇키 교수의 집을 찾아간다. 그는 일본 사회의 근본적인 변화를 주장하는 기타 교수의 주장에 큰 영향을 받았던 것이다. 1936년 실제로 일어났던 2.26 쿠데타를 기타 잇키의 시점으로 재구성한 작품으로 요시다 기주의 정치적 관점을 엿볼 수 있다.
아들을 동반한 검객 2
떠돌이 무사 칸베이는 길 가던 여자들을 겁탈하려다 위기에 처한 동료들을 구하기 위해 살인을 하게 된다. 그는 어린 아들을 유모차에 태우고 방랑하는 자객 오가미 잇토와 우연히 만나 결투를 신청하지만 오가미로부터 진정한 무사를 살려두고 싶다는 말을 듣는다. 오가미는 어느날, 여관에서 유곽에 팔려가던 중 겁탈하려는 중개인을 죽이고 자신의 방으로 도망온 소녀 오마츠를 구해주기 위해 망팔자들에게 끝까지 저항한다. 망팔자의 우두머리로 가케가와번의 필두 가로였던 미우라 다케와키의 딸 토리조는 오가미가 범상치 않은 무사임을 직감하고, 번을 팔아 권력을 손에 넣은 사와타리 겐바에게 청부살인을 의뢰한다. 한편 로쥬 이타쿠라 나이젠노쇼를 꼬드겨 권력을 손에 쥔 사와타리는 다시 로쥬를 살해하려 오가미에서 살인을 청부하나 거절당하자 오가미를 죽이기 위해 대규모의 군사를 동원한다. 그러나 오가미는 혼자서 군사 수백명의 활과 총을 물리친다.
자토이치: 어용려
Blind masseur and master swordsman Zatoichi finds a robbed and fatally wounded pregnant woman, whose baby he delivers before she dies. He takes the baby in search of its father and finds the child's aunt, who is about to be forced into prostitution for want of a payment the dead mother was bringing. Zatoichi determines to save the woman from her cruel fate.
The Killer's Killer
Takeshi Ijuin leaves for Chicago to be a cameraman, and a few years later returns to Japan. But he only learned the technique of homicide in Chicago. When he visits the graveyard with his father to pray at his mother's tomb, his father is shot by someone. Now he thirsts for revenge.
The Angry Sword
Story about a gambler who gets involved in a struggle between companies.
Haunted Castle
This period thriller concerns a very famous cat known as the "monster cat of Nabeshima". This cat, a symbol of vengeance in human disguise, takes revenge for the death of its master as well as for the corruption in the feudal system.
Blood End
BLOOD END is one of the great unknown films from Japan's golden era of the late 1960's. Starring NAKADAI Tatsuya in one of his best roles, this is the story of the Mito Tengu Group who attempted to overthrow the Shogunate at the beginning of the Bakumatsu Period. Their political aspirations led to countless assassinations, as well as senseless killing of innocent people who got in their way. Sentaro (NAKADAI), a farmer who's been severely beaten for his outspoken defiance of the government and the high taxes during a time of famine is befriended by one of the group's leaders, KADA Gentaro (KATO Go) and joins up. This is the masterpiece of director YAMAMOTO Satsuo (who is best known for the first film in the NINJA, BAND OF ASSASSINS series) the erstwhile 'Leftist' director, who used his films to make his political points. Stunning fight choreography, and ultra-violence make this one of the bloodiest films of that era. A powerful film Rare classic!
Broken Swords
The tragic, yet exciting story of the friendship between Nakayama Yasubei, a member of the 47 Ronin, and Tange Tenzen, a relative by marriage of the vile Lord Kira. Remake of Hakuôki AKA Samurai Vendetta (1959).
Prison Break
Set up to be the patsy by a rival gang, Furuta Makoto attacks the yakuza boss he thinks is responsible for his father’s murder. He then learns it was all a plot to take over his father’s turf and he seeks vengeance against the puppet master behind the entire conspiracy. His quest for justice leads him to prison where he must fend off the attack of a master assassin before he can make his escape and go after the true killer!
자토이치: 피연기 가도
Ichi is staying at an inn when a woman dies. Her dying wish is that Ichi take her son to his father, an artist living in a nearby town. After arriving in the town, Ichi finds out that the father has been forced by a local boss to create illegal pornography to pay off his gambling debts. Ichi makes it his mission to save tha man and reunite the family, even though it brings him into conflict with a samurai he sort of befriended on his way to the town.
Drunken Harbor
Third film of the yoidore hakase series
Shinobi no mono 8: The Three Enemies
[Period Covered: 1570-1573] Towards the end of the Tenmon Era, Shogun Ashikaga`s powers were weakening by the day and many were there who planned to overthrow him. It was the beginning of the Sengoku (Warring States) period. Three men attack a gunpowder maker in a farmhouse, the first chopping off his arm with his sickle-&-chain weapon, the second blinding him with sword, the third giving the killing blow. His son Kojiro Kosume escapes the attackers as everything he has known up to then explodes into conflagration. He grows up & enters the start of the Tokugawa Era, intent on avenging his father.
Sleepy Eyes of Death 8: Sword of Villainy
Nemuri Kyoshiro discovers a conspiracy centering around a band of disgruntled samurai wanting to avenge the death of their sensei, a political reformer that pushed for better provisions for the lower classes until he was assassinated by Shogunate agents. Their plot, to set fire to the oil refineries of two rich merchants and unleash a raging inferno that will hopefully burn down the Edo Castle.
Bad Reputation: The Two Notorious Men Strike Again
Bloody Shuriken
Ronin samurai Ibuki-san enters a town and sells his skills to the warring families. He falls in love with the beautiful horse stable owner but like all heroes, cannot stay.
The Gambling Samurai
Sleepy Eyes of Death 4: Sword of Seduction
A fugitive christian "saint" (female, of course!) and a sadistic drug-addled princess both have their eye on Kyoshiro. The fact that a bunch of ruthless smugglers also want him dead is the least of his problems!
Sleepy Eyes of Death 3: Full Circle Killing
A decapitation at the hands of the shogun's monstrous misbegotten son kicks off the action and draws nomadic Nemuri Kyoshiro (Raizô Ichikawa) into more sword-fighting adventures when he's blamed for the beheading. Meanwhile, the head-chopper's mother is busy knocking off the shogun's lawful heirs to secure the shogunate for her son.
Kino kieta otoko
Sleepy Eyes of Death 2: Sword of Adventure
Wandering samurai Nemuri Kyoshiro (Raizô Ichikawa) finds a bulls-eye on his back after befriending the shogunate's tightfisted financial adviser, Asahina, who's earned the wrath of the shogun's self-indulgent daughter for cutting off her allowance. The enraged princess promptly hatches a scheme to have Asahina bumped off -- along with his protector, Kyoshiro. Shiho Fujimura also stars in this installment of the enormously popular film series.
Bronze Magician
Yoso is truly a lost classic, set in the Nara Era (710-794), from Kinugasa Teinosuke the same writer/director who gave us the recognized classic Gate of Hell (Jigokumon, 1952) & the milestone silent surrealist masterpiece A Page of Madness (Kurutta Ippeji, 1926).
닌자 2
평화로운 생활을 보내던 고에몬은 오다 노부나가의 닌자들에 의해 아이를 잃는다. 복수의 화신이 된 고에몬은 반 오다 노부나가 파인 사이카당에 들어가서 닌자 부활을 선언한다. 고에몬은 아케치 미쓰히데를 이용해서 오다 노부나가를 죽이게 된다. 오다 노부나가의 죽음 이후 천하의 형세는 변하게 되고, 권력을 잡은 도요토미 히데요시가 사이카당을 전멸시키려 군사를 일으킨다. 여기서 고에몬 혼자 살아남게 되어 도요토미 히데요시에게 복수를 하려고 하나, 결국 도중에 잡히고 만다.
The Third Shadow Warrior
In the mountain regions of Hida, the dreams of a peasant named Kyonosuke, who longed to be a samurai, come true when he becomes one of three doubles, of shadows, of Lord Yasutaka. After months of intense and cruel training, he faces his destiny when the Lord and the other two shadows are killed in battle and he must take on the role of Lord Yasutaka....
Shinsengumi Chronicles
Shôjirô Uchida
As winds of change sweep Japan, an honest man joins the Shinsenhumi out of admiration for its leader and because he wants to live and die as a samurai. However, as his involvement grows, reality and idealism come into deadly conflict.
거물 도둑으로 유명한 이시카와 고에몬을 권력에 대항하는 반역자로서 그린 무라야마 토모요시의 소설을 영화화한 작품. 탁월한 기능을 갖고 있으면서도 신분제도로 인해 최하층민으로서 살아갈 수 밖에 없는 이시카와를 이치카와 라이조가 연기하고 상업적으로도 크게 히트하여 시리즈화 되었다. 당시 황당무계한 내용이 유행하던 닌자영화에 리얼리즘과 호쾌한 액션, 권력투쟁이라는 모티브를 도입하여 시대극에 새로운 지평을 여는데 공헌한 사회파의 거장 야마모토 사츠오의 작품.
속・자토이치 이야기
Samon Shiraishi
Returning to the village where a year before he had killed Hirate, a much-admired opponent, Zatoichi encounters another swordsman and former rival in love.
Ghost Story: Crying in the Night Lantern
Kaidan directed by Katsuhiko Tasaka.
The Actress and the Three Rascals
An Indian prince leaves his world of comfort and riches behind to wander and meditate for six years in search of spiritual enlightenment. Siddartha (Cojoin Hong) turns his back on the old religion when people are starving needlessly and holy rituals include human sacrifices. During his meditations, he is tempted by erotic dancing women, demons, and the evil machinations of his criminal cousin. Devastate to attain the spiritual perfection and become the Buddha. He travels to convert followers by his kindness and wisdom, gaining a multitude of believers when he stops an elephant from crushing a local priest. Buddha of course goes on to become one of the great religious leaders of the world.
Kojiro's Turning Swallow Cut
The story of Sasaki Kojiro, a young swordsman, and his quest to train under master Seigen and develop his own style.
Jirocho - The Chivalrous
The exciting story of Jirocho and his yakuza gang that controlled the area of the Tokaido during the latter days of the samurai era. Awesome fighting from Katsu Shintaro as One-Eyed Ishimatsu highlights this great tale taken from Japanese history!
The Demon of Mount Oe
A demon-faced monster seeking revenge appears in the forms of a gigantic ox and a huge spider! The young Genji warrior protects the Fujiwara Clan and the beautiful lady in tragic love! A grand visual epic told with mesmerizing extravagance!
The Lord Pretends
Harimanokami Akai
Bakeneko goyō da
The Gay Masquerade
The film won 1959 Blue Ribbon Awards for best actor Raizo Ichikawa and for best cinematography Kazuo Miyagawa. The film also won 1959 Kinema Junpo Award for best actor Raizo Ichikawa.
Nichiren and the Great Mongol Invasion
During the 1200's, legendary Buddhist monk Nichiren returns from his studies to lead Japan out of moral crisis and prepare to fight Mongol invaders by creating a new form of Buddhism. He runs afoul of the existing Buddhist sects and their government supporters and is persecuted. Can Nichiren persevere before the Mogol fleet reaches Japanese shores?
Freelance Samurai
One of Japanese folklore's most popular characters is brought to life on the silver screen in this terrific version of legendary Demon slaying Peach Boy.
나루토 비첩
일본의 국민적 역사소설가 요시카와 에이지의 연재 소설을 영화화
Ishimatsu - The One-Eyed Swordsman
Miukeyama no Kamataro
Ishimatsu of Mori, from his early days leading up to his joining with Shimizu Jirocho, Boss of the Tokaido where he made his mark in history through his tragic end this is the story of a beloved and loyal henchman.
Fighting Letter for 29 People
Akadô Suzunosuke
First of nine films based on the novel. The first live-action adaptation focuses on the origins of how Akadô Suzunosuke learned his skills as a swordsman.
Kakunosuke Yamamuro
Early film directed by Kenji Misumi.
Notebooks of Heiji Zenigata: Spider on the Skin
Ghost-Cat of Gojusan-Tsugi
A power struggle in the fief of Okazaki causes the death of Namiji, a nobleman's daughter. As her fiancé seeks revenge, he finds Namiji's cat helping him. Co-starring Shintarô Katsu and Takako Irie.
Taira Clan Saga
Special Forces commander Captain Tadamori returns to Kyoto after successfully defeating the uprising of pirates in the western sea of Japan. But because the high courtiers dislike career soldiers gaining power and influence, they ignore the will of ex-Emperor Toba and refuse to reward the captain. Reward recommender Lord Tokinobu is punished, and the captain sends his son Kiyomori to the Lord's residence, where he falls in love with Tokiko, the Lord's daughter. Meanwhile, Kiyomori finds out that he is possibly the ex-Emperor's son... Written by L.H. Wong
The Young Lord
Tanuki Battle of Awaodori Festival
A tanuki-themed musical.
Terrible Ghost Cat of Okazaki
The Lord of Okazaki is killed by his brother-in-law. Although the Lord's widow bears a child, she is also killed. Then, a ghost cat begins stalking in the castle.
게이트 오브 헬
12세기 에도 시대, 곳곳에서 반란이 일어나고 혼란과 공포가 교토를 뒤덮는다. 교토의 산조성 또한 공격을 당하고, 왕족인 키사는 젊은 사무라이 모리토에게 구출된다. 이때의 인연을 시작으로 모리토는 그녀를 사랑하게 되지만 키사는 벌써 모리토 보다 계급이 높은 사무라이 남편이 있는 몸이다. 모리토는 충성스러운 사무라이지만 그녀를 향한 사랑 때문에 결국 이성을 잃게 되고 키사의 고모까지 인질로 잡으면서 키사를 자기 것으로 만들려고 한다. 일본에서 처음으로 이스트만 컬러를 사용한 작품으로, 화려한 색감과 의상으로 한 순간도 눈을 떼지 못하게 만든다. 기쿠치 칸의 역사극을 영화화했으며, 1954년 칸 영화제 그랑프리를 수상했다.
Ghost of Saga Mansion
A woman loses her son through an evil conspiracy and commits suicide. Shortly afterwards a ghost cat begins haunting the conspirators. This is Takako Irie's first bakeneko (ghost cat) movie; it started a Daiei cycle which was very popular at the time in Japan.
Dedication of the Great Buddha
Dedication of the Great Buddha is a 1952 Japanese film directed by Teinosuke Kinugasa. It was entered into the 1953 Cannes Film Festival.
Masujiro Omura
A story about Ômura Masujirô
A 1941 Japanese film directed by Shinzo Yoshida.