Joan Carreras

Joan Carreras

프로필 사진

Joan Carreras

참여 작품

Petites Morts
Jaume (Pare)
늪의 침묵
성공한 탐정 소설가가 납치 사건에 연루되면서 정치 세력과 마피아 사이에 존재하는 부정부패를 알게 된다. 늘 겉모습 뒤에 감추진 것들을 파헤치는, 드 팔마나 다리오 아르젠토와 같은 스릴러 거장들의 계보를 잇는, 스페인의 뉴 탤런트의 탄생을 예고하는 작품이다.
Miss Dalí
Salvador Dalí
Anna Maria Dalí is four years younger than her brother Salvador and they love each other. Both enjoy the great progressive atmosphere of republican Spain, fraternizing with great creators, García Lorca, Buñuel.
The Power of Silence
Prades, France, 1940s. The exiled Catalan cellist Pau Casals decides not to perform any more in public until the fall of the dictatorship that oppresses Spain. Pierre, a young Frenchman studying with Casals, tries to convince him to celebrate an extraordinary concert as a tribute to freedom.
An Afternoon in Geneva
In 1973, towards the end of the Franco regime, the famous catalan writer Mercè Rodoreda bumped into the literary critic Josep Maria Castellet in Geneva where she lived exiled and she invited him to tea at her house. The writer was a most discrete person and maintained everything that concerned her wrapped in secrecy. Indeed she herself had become a secret or perhaps, even a maker of secrets. However that afternoon, strangely, she opened up and shared many intimacies.
Joan Roig
Captain Torrenegra
흘러 현재, 교통사고로 아내를 잃고 백혈병 선고를 받은 저명한 신경외과 의사 다비드는 살 수 있는 유일한 방법인 골수이식을 받기 위해 부모님을 찾아가지만 자신이 입양아였다는 충격적인 사실을 알게 된다.
Clara Campoamor, the Neglected Woman
Álvarez Buylla
Spain, 1931. Under the Second Republic, women are eligible, but cannot vote. Victoria Kent and Clara Campoamor, the first women in the Spanish Parliament, intend to fight for women's rights, and Clara knows that the first step is to get the women's vote approved…
Mejor que Nunca
Isabel suffers a disorder after learning that her husband, due to his immaturity, falls in love with a young teenager. She will try to get over it and with the little help of her daughter, a fanatical psychotherapist who only tortures her, she decides to start over and finally enjoy a new life. Something that will lead her to meet a true gentleman...
Máxima pena
Suplente 1
At the bench, the coach and three reserve players, including a sleepy goalkeeper. The game is about to start. Our team needs to win. The coach paces nervously and relays instructions to the players on the field... But the coach's attention to the ongoing game is repeatedly interrupted by family members, from the youngest to the oldest, who come one by one to remember him that a significant family gathering is about to take place and that his presence is needed. The coach is reluctant to leave the field on account of the importance of winning this game. What is this important gathering? Are his priorities proper?
Con dos cojones