Nicolás Goldbart

참여 작품

The K.E.O.P/S System
Executive Producer
Belgrano neighborhood, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Someone is watching Fernando Berlasky from one of the countless windows in front of his apartment and sending him e-mails.
The K.E.O.P/S System
Belgrano neighborhood, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Someone is watching Fernando Berlasky from one of the countless windows in front of his apartment and sending him e-mails.
The K.E.O.P/S System
Belgrano neighborhood, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Someone is watching Fernando Berlasky from one of the countless windows in front of his apartment and sending him e-mails.
The Nights Belong to Monsters
Sol, a 17-year-old teenager, moves with her mother to the Gonzalo's home, the actual mother's boyfriend. In this town, where from the beginning Sol only finds hostility, she must face bullying from her schoolmates and Gonzalo's harassment. While wandering the streets trying to find a way out, Sol meet a mysterious and magical female dog with whom she establish a symbiotic relationship. It be this dog, the one that violently and surprisingly, always appear to defend Sol until the last consequences.
Pigeon Drop
During Christmas dinner, an Argentinian family finds out that their millionaire uncle has died. His relatives speculate about his generous inheritance, but everything changes when a woman arrives at twelve and introduces herself as the deceased's wife. The head of the family, desperate about the possibility of losing everything, hides the body and forces the others to simulate a kidnapping. The plan is that, this way, the inheritance would be returned in the form of ransom payment. A bag of money appears and the plan seems infallible, but it falls into crisis when everyone wants to take their part.
A woman tries to help her twin sister, with whom she has a strong connection, recover from a trauma. But weird things surround their lives.
Algo con una mujer
It’s 1955. Rosa a skillful seamstress becomes the only witness of a murder. In a time of political tension in Argentina, the crime’s investigation will trigger the final resolution of the conflict and sealed Rosa’s destiny for good. A typical crime film with the exception that the detective is a housewife.
Los adoptantes
Martín, a TV host of 42, has the urgent need of becoming a father. Leonardo, an agronomist of 45 and Martín’s partner for the past ten years, has doubts since he himself was adopted by his parents.
The Man of the Future
Michelsen, an older trucker who is lonely and sick, while traveling through Patagonia meets someone on the highway who reminds him of his daughter, whom he has not seen in years.
One lazy afternoon in the outskirts of the city, two women's worlds colide when they turn a casual chit-chat into a battlefield, unable to prevent the inevitable: a domestic tragedy. Based on the director's play of the same name, performed by the same actresses.
Necronomicon – The Book of Hell
A librarian founds a copy of the fabled Necronomicon, only unleash hell on earth.
7일간의 정상회담
급격한 지지율 하락으로 위기에 몰린 아르헨티나 대통령 에르난 블랑코와 그의 보좌진은 현재의 위기를 타계하기 위해 칠레에서 개최되는 남미 국가들 간의 정상회담에 사활을 걸기로 한다. 하지만 엎친대 덮친 격으로 대통령의 사위가 대통령과 보좌진의 불법선거자금 문제에 대한 폭로를 예고하고 대통령의 딸 마리나가 원인을 알 수 없는 사고로 실어증에 걸리면서 대통령은 그야말로 사면초가의 상황에 직면하게 되는데...
원초적 비디오 테이프
방송국 PD로 일하는 마틴은 방송국 자료실에서 영상 자료를 찾던 중 우연히 정사장면이 녹화된 몰래 카메라를 보게 된다. 얼마 후 마틴은 방송국 사장 바탈리아로부터 그의 아내 이사벨을 소개받게 되는데, 그녀는 자신이 본 몰래 카메라 속의 여성이었던 것을 알게 되고 충격에 빠진다. 시간이 흐를수록 이사벨의 매력에서 벗어나지 못하고 그녀 주변을 맴돌게 되는 마틴. 이런 마틴의 집요한 접근에 결국 이사벨은 마틴과 부적절한 관계를 가지게 되고 이후 마틴은 자신의 집에서 시체로 발견되는데...
The Last Party
Alan, Dante and Pedro are three friends who grew up together from an early age. One of them ends a long relationship with his girlfriend and remains disconsolate. His two friends decide to lift his spirits by organizing a party.
예측불허의 끔찍한 재난, 학교를 둘러싼 기이한 괴담, 복수극, 살육, 스너프 필름에 이르는 다섯 가지의 도시 괴담이 현실로 벌어지고 아르헨티나의 수도인 부에노스아이레스는 살아있는 지옥이 된다. 한 정치인은 15명의 시민이 죽는 도시 비극의 책임에 대해서 공분을 사게 되고, 사람들은 각자의 내면에 잠들어 있던 악마성을 하나 둘 씩 꺼내어 보이게 되는데...
Dispuesto a todo
Amor a mares
Javier is a successful writer of novels that, since his wife left him, lives plunged into a creative crisis. Concerned about this situation, his literary agent has a great idea: to embark him on a transatlantic ship bound for Europe. There, the novelist should find thousands of stories. However, the moment you leave port, something unexpected happens that will change your plans completely.
The emotional life story of a Peruvian immigrant in Chile is the subject of this nuanced character study of a man uprooted from home by economic necessity and suffering loneliness and dislocation. Higher wages can’t fill the void created by separation from everything that is important to him.
젊은 부부 코코와 피피는 하루도 싸우지 않고 보내는 날이 없다. 임신한 아내는 게으른 남편이 짜증날 뿐이고, 그런 아내의 잔소리가 남편은 끔찍하다. 하지만 평범해 보이는 부부의 일상과는 달리 봉쇄된 아파트 밖은 원인모를 비상령으로 인해 생존이 위협받는 위기 상황. [새벽의 황당한 저주]를 떠올리는 [7단계]는 일상과 허구의 경계를 자유자재로 넘나들며 SF적 상상력과 독특한 유머의 감수성을 절묘하게 결합하고 있다.
젊은 부부 코코와 피피는 하루도 싸우지 않고 보내는 날이 없다. 임신한 아내는 게으른 남편이 짜증날 뿐이고, 그런 아내의 잔소리가 남편은 끔찍하다. 하지만 평범해 보이는 부부의 일상과는 달리 봉쇄된 아파트 밖은 원인모를 비상령으로 인해 생존이 위협받는 위기 상황. [새벽의 황당한 저주]를 떠올리는 [7단계]는 일상과 허구의 경계를 자유자재로 넘나들며 SF적 상상력과 독특한 유머의 감수성을 절묘하게 결합하고 있다.
The Paranoids
Luciano works in birthday parties and writes his first feature when friend Manuel returns from Spain to repeat his TV show, "The Paranoids", together with his girl Sofia. Manuel is everything he is not and his trying to be helpful in his career and with women, only worsens the conflict. When Manuel leaves Sofia with Luciano for two days, she is seduced by the qualities Manuel rejects in his friend as weaknesses. Sofia changes. Luciano also, but only at the last moment he can overcome the fears he has been cultivating his whole life.
The Custodian
Living the mundane existence of a professional bodyguard, always in the shadows of his clients, Ruben decides to make a change that will finally give him a personal connection outside of his solitary world.
The Bottom of the Sea
An architecture student is obsessed by his girlfriend. When she is invited to go alone to a party sponsored by her company, he becomes paranoid. He arrives at their place unexpectedly and finds a man hidden under their bed. He follows the man trying to find his name and occupation, along a night full of incidents and misunderstandings.
Musical Chairs
Assistant Director
Victor, who lives abroad, must travel to his country of origin sent by the company where he works and will have only one day to visit his family who will do the impossible to honor him in that short stay. At that time, dramatic turns and touches of humor will occur to deep solemnities, within the traditional and beloved domestic bosom.
El bonaerense
Zapa is a locksmith in a quiet and little town lost somewhere in the province of Buenos Aires. The work is quite slow, and hours seem to pass slowly. Polaco, the owner of the shop, sends him on a job that consists of opening a safe at an office. The next day, Zapa is imprisoned for being responsible of robbing the place. Ismael, his uncle, a retired policeman, bails him out and sends him to Buenos Aires. Zapa becomes an aspiring officer in the Buenos Aires Police. He gets to his new home city, takes the instructional course, works at a precinct, has a love affair with a teacher and starts to see his life turn into a strange fiction.
Young G.
An album of odd and humorous stories on small places exclusively dedicated to idleness, which are empty in winter and crowded in summer: the spa towns. Cities under water, luxury hotels, mermaids, sea animals, sand castles, people who worship water, praying for health.
An album of odd and humorous stories on small places exclusively dedicated to idleness, which are empty in winter and crowded in summer: the spa towns. Cities under water, luxury hotels, mermaids, sea animals, sand castles, people who worship water, praying for health.
Modelo 73
On Christmas Eve, three friends buy a '73 Chevy, that ends up ruined that same night. They try (without success) to fix it. Throughout the summer, they live tangled situations of all kinds, until the carnival arrives and, mysteriously, the Chevy starts.
Derecho viejo
The story of some neighborhood boys, narrated with an undoubted Borgian spirit. (
Historias Breves 3