Camila Pitanga

Camila Pitanga

출생 : 1977-06-12, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

프로필 사진

Camila Pitanga
Camila Pitanga
Camila Pitanga

참여 작품

70 Anos Esta Noite
With the participation of great stars of television drama, the documentary promotes an emotional journey through the great moments of soap operas, celebrating its seven decades on Brazilian TV.
Juntos a Magia Acontece
The death of the matriarch on Christmas eve provokes a crisis that makes the family review attitudes and give a new meaning to the date.
Ferreira Gullar: Arqueologia do Poeta
Barravento Novo
Barravento Novo depicts correspondences between Antônio Pitanga—a Cinema Novo actor seen here delivering lines from Glauber Rocha’s first feature, Barravento, from 1962—and his daughter, Camila Pitanga, a well-known actor and filmmaker working today.
This documentary investigates the aesthetic, political and existential trajectory of emblematic Black Brazilian actor Antônio Pitanga. He career spans over five decades, and he has worked with iconic Brazilian filmmakers Glauber Rocha, Cacá Diegues and Walter Lima Jr. He was a prominent figurehead and outspoken activist during the Brazilian dictatorship, a period of unrest in Brazilian cinema. Pitanga deep dives into the world of Antônio and the history of Brazil. The documentary was directed by his daughter Camila Pitanga, one of widely recognised faces in Brazilian television and cinema right now. The film is also a poem, and a tender ode to fatherhood.
This documentary investigates the aesthetic, political and existential trajectory of emblematic Black Brazilian actor Antônio Pitanga. He career spans over five decades, and he has worked with iconic Brazilian filmmakers Glauber Rocha, Cacá Diegues and Walter Lima Jr. He was a prominent figurehead and outspoken activist during the Brazilian dictatorship, a period of unrest in Brazilian cinema. Pitanga deep dives into the world of Antônio and the history of Brazil. The documentary was directed by his daughter Camila Pitanga, one of widely recognised faces in Brazilian television and cinema right now. The film is also a poem, and a tender ode to fatherhood.
리우 2096
Janaína (voice)
1566년, 인디언 투피남바족이 사는 섬, 신에게서 특별한 능력을 부여받은 전사 아베구아는 주술사로부터 부족을 구할 운명이라는 예언을 듣는다. 그러나, 포르투갈인들과 프랑스인들의 식민지 세력 다툼 사이에서 투피남바족은 몰살당하고 사랑하는 연인 자나이나를 잃은 아베구아는 슬픔에 빠져 벼랑 아래로 몸을 던진다. 떨어지는 순간 새로 변해버린 전사는 자나이나를 찾아 하염없이 날아다닌다. 노예제 폐지 투쟁이 일어났던 1825년과 군부독재를 겪은 1960년대, 폭력의 역사 속에서 환생한 자나이나를 찾아낸 전사는 그녀와 사랑에 빠지고, 절망적인 현실에 저항하려 하지만 실패하고 만다. 2096년, 물부족 사태로 인해 계급 갈등이 첨예해진 리우데자네이루, 전사는 또 다시 자나이나와 재회하고 이들의 운명은 마치 정해진 듯 벼랑 끝으로 질주하는데… 과연 그는 반복되는 운명의 굴레를 벗어 던지고 자나이나와의 영원한 사랑을 이룰 수 있을까?
I'd Receive the Worst News from Your Beautiful Lips
Set in a small town in Pará in the heart of the Amazon, Cauby makes a living as a photographer. Soon he’ll befriend pastor Ernani’s attractive wife Lavínia and embark on an affair – a good portion of the film is dedicated to their passionate relationship. We will also learn of Lavínia’s baggage from her past – how she met her husband, her continuing love for him, and his supportive role. But when rumours of her affair with Cauby circulate, the conservative community do not look at it kindly, leading to tragedy, and their lives will never be the same afterwards…
Noel: The Samba Poet
The biopic of Noel Rosa, one of Brazil's best poets and composers.
Basic Sanitation: The Movie
When they discover their town lacks funding for a sewage system, but does have a federal grant to make a movie, a group of villagers decide to make a sci-fi joint about a monster who lives in the building site of a septic tank.
Mulheres do Brasil
Sal de Prata
After her boyfriend's death, a successful executive finds some unfinished scripts in the dead man's computer, and decides to make a film of them. Her relationship with the world of movie-making is going to change her life.
Bendito Fruto
An accident involving a flying manhole cover leads to a chance meeting between two childhood friends: a widow and the owner of a beauty parlor. Thus begins an entertaining game of seduction that brings memories and hidden desires to the surface - furtive passions that end up threatening the hairdresser's de facto marriage.
Célio Rocha believes he was assigned by God Himself a difficult mission: to persuade his childhood friend Otávio Sabóia, a corrupt entrepeneur in the construction business, to give away all his possessions to the poor.
O Signo do Caos
Furacão de Santos
A customs agent, Dr. Amnésio, examines some reels of film, a documentary Orson Welles made about Brazil, and tries to confiscate the material. Then, a party in which repression agents celebrate their victory against freedom and creativity.
The Price of Peace
In 1894, with a coup d'état, President Floriano Peixoto closed down The National Congress, soon reinstated with co-religionaries in key positions. In the south of Brazil, the Maragatos revolutionaries would not come to terms with this. They rebelled and marched to Rio de Janeiro to join Admiral Saldanha's troops and depose the President in an episode known today as the Federalist Revolution. The rebels fought bloody battles with Floriano soldiers during the march. Idelfonso Corrêa is a quiet, reserved citizen of humble origin who becomes the Baron of Serro Azul. His mature demeanor makes him a choice for mediator between both groups. Midst negotiations and difficulties to safeguard the family and his protegés, the Baron expands his domains, starts a newspaper, a bank, and exports herva-mate. With the battle over, his form of address, Baron, becomes synonymous with traitors.
Stray Bullet
Caramuru: The Invention of Brazil
Diogo Álvares, a Portuguese map illustrator, reaches the Brazilian coast, after his caravel sinks. He is saved by the Indian chief Itaparica and his two daughters, Paraguaçu and Moema. They call him Caramuru and together they engage in a happy love triangle. But the chance to return to Portugal arises, and it is clear this amoral arrangement cannot last.
Super Colosso
Movie version of Brazillian children's television series TV Colosso.