Tony King
출생 : 1947-05-06, Canton, Ohio, U.S.
Nude Bar Tall Thug
Matteo Juarez is a retired detective hired by a local businessman to follow his wife Jennifer. She has a split personality and seems to be putting herself in danger without knowing it.
A guerrilla film-maker notices that the Left never carry out successful presidential assassinations, and decides to make a movie about it. But is he a little too interested in the subject himself?
Newlywed Man (as Malik Farrakhan)
1902년, 미국 남부의 한 섬에 남아있던 아프리카계 흑인 가족이 미국 본토에서 새로운 삶을 시작하면서 아프리카 고유의 문화가 소실될 위기에 처한다.
Mohammed / Washington
A team of scientists working to raise a sunken Russian nuclear submarine on an ocean platform off the coast of Miami, Florida, unearth an ancient Atlantean relic from the sea floor and bring in an expert to make some sense of it. But while attempting to raise the sub, radioactive leakage from its missles triggers the re-emergence of Atlantis, and the resulting tidal wave destroys the platform and leaves only a small group of survivors. Rescued by two Vietnamvets-turned-heavies who are out relaxing after their latest job, their boat eventually runs aground on a Carribean island nearby where, upon going ashore, it is discovered that everything has been destroyed and everybody killed. The culprits, a vicious group of well-armed raiders, and their leader, Crystal Skull, are descendants of Atlantis' original race who set about reclaiming the world and adding the survivors to the list of victims as they struggle to stay alive and defeat the raiders and send Atlantis back to the ocean floor.
A narcotics detective, played by Fred Williamson, lets nothing stand in the way of his bringing down a major drug dealer. After a bust gone awry, he's accused of stealing a lost briefcase filled with money and both the mob and the police are looking for him. A ruthless hit man, played by Bruce Glover, will stop at nothing to get what his boss wants; the money!
On one of his bratty son Eric's annual visits, the plutocrat U.S. Bates takes him to his department store and offers him anything in it as a gift. Eric chooses a black janitor who has made him laugh with his antics. At first the man suffers many indignities as Eric's "toy", but gradually teaches the lonely boy what it is like to have and to be a friend.
On one of his last trips before retirement, a plane of an illegal gunrunner in Vietnam is shot down where he hooks up Annie Belle, a humanitarian rebel.
Kitten Holmes
마약반의 유능한 형사 샤키(Sharky: 버트 레이놀즈 분)는 어느날 마약밀매범을 잡으려다 동료 스마일리(Smiley: 대릴 힉맨 분)의 방해로 일을 망치고, 범인을 추격하던 중 시민을 죽게 했다는 이유로 마약반에서 형사반으로 좌천된다.
Accountant Roy is sentenced to prison because he cooked up balances. He hopes that his companions, who profited from his cheat, will help him to a revision of his judgment. Meanwhile he has to adapt to a life in jail - which works out quite well, especially when he meets the self-conscious convicted thief Jane and falls in love. He starts to woo her. But then, while working in the prison's accounting department, he discovers that the prisoners' accounts are not properly kept. The director tries to keep him in her prison as long as possible.
Sgt. George Washington
During the Vietnam war, an American soldier gets trapped beind enemy lines. A squad of his buddies sets out to rescue him.
Tom Thompson
월남전의 귀환병 노먼(존 색슨 분)은 가끔 생육을 보면 물어뜯고 싶은 충동에 시달린다. 그것은 그 당시에 굶어 죽지 않기 위해 사람의 팔을 물어 뜯던 부하에게 물리고 난 후부터이다. 어느날 그의 부하였던 찰리 부카스키(지오반니 롬바르도레이디스 분)가 월남전에서 얻은 정신적 후유증으로 입원 도중 외출허가를 받고 나와 그에게 전화를 거나 거절당하자 정신병 증세가 나타나 사람들은 물고 경찰과 대적 도중 노먼의 권유로 병원으로 옮겨진다. 병원에서는 그런 증세가 나타나는 사람들만 따로 수용하여 엄격한 통제와 규제로 다스리게 되는데 노먼도 검사 결과 감염되어 특수격리실로 보내진다. 그곳에서 그들은 간호원을 인질로 병원을 탈출해 나가나 화염방사기 등을 가진 중무장한 경찰에게 쫓기다가 모두 사살되고 노먼만이 탈출에 성공한다. 집에 온 노먼을 본 그의 처 제인(엘리자베스 터너 분)이 그가 감염되었다는 것을 알고 도망치려 할때 조단박사가 나타나자 제인은 그에게 도움을 청하게 된다. 그러나 그도 이미 감염되었기 때문에 제인을 물어 뜯는다. 이것을 본 노먼이 박사를 쏘자 제인이 다가와 자신도 쏴 줄 것을 애원하게 되고 경찰이 도착했을 때는 두발의 총성을 듣게 된다.
Three sisters start out singing in their church choir in Harlem in the late 1950s and become a successful girl group in the 1960s.
Sgt. Sandwich
'If Shaft Cant' Do It And The Hammer Won't, Then Super Spook Will!' - so says the tagline of the first ever blaxploitation parody made in 1972, long before Black Dynamite or I'm Gonna Get You Sucka were even gleams in their respective creators minds. Directed by Anthony Major and shot by a crew using equipment that they managed to borrow for a week, this mostly improvised picture was released to theaters running just under ninety minutes but arrives here in a lengthier director's cut for the first time.
Duke Johnson visits a small Southern town, intent on burying his brother. After the funeral, he learns that he must stay for 60 days, for the estate to be processed. A few locals convince Duke to reopen his late brother's nightclub, and soon the local redneck policemen are intimidating Duke with threats of violence. Duke refuses to pay the bribes they demand, so then he and his lady friend Aretha are threatened and attacked by the crooked cops. Rather than take them on himself, Duke calls on his old pal Roy. Roy brings a few buddies to Bucktown, and they bring justice to the small town. With the redneck cops out of the way, Duke lets his guard down. Then the situation gets out of hand again. Finally, Duke must settle the score himself.
Thomas 'Stick' Henderson
풋내기 경찰 보 록클리(Bo (Beauregard) Lockley: 마이클 모라이어티 분)는 아버지의 옛 동료 크런치(Richard 'Crunch' Blackstone: 야펫 코토 분)와 파트너로 순찰 도중 수잔이라는 마약밀매단 여자를 알게 되고 마약조직소탕을 위해 그녀의 배후를 추적하지만 크런치는 전격적 수사를 꺼려한다. 결국, 혼자 추적하던 보 록클리는 총격전 도중 과실로 수잔을 죽게 한다. 사건은 해결되나, 수잔이 비밀 경찰이고, 조사를 위해 마약 밀매 조직에 들어갔음이 알려진다. 경찰 간부들은 책임을 회피하려고 보 록클리를 살인 혐의로 몰아 세우는데...
Tougher than Shaft and smoother than Superfly, this high-voltage sequel to Black Caesar explodes with enough action to incinerate New York City. Packed with machine-gun mayhem and riveting adventure, Hell Up in Harlem is nothing less than a modern-day tribute to the classic 30s gangster film. Fred Williamson is Tommy Gibbs, a fearless, bulletproof tough guy who blasts his way from the gutter to become the ultimate soul brother boss. Tommy steals a ledger with the name of every crooked cop and man in the city. Enlisting the aid of his father and an army of Harlem hoods, Gibbs goes from defense to offense, launching a deadly attack on his enemies that sets off a violent chain reaction from Harlem all the way to the Caribbean, climaxing in one of the hottest turf-war shoot-outs in Hollywood history.
Roy Green
A black soldier comes home to Harlem after a tour in Vietnam and discovers that his wife had become a heroin addict and died of an overdose. Infuriated, he gathers three of his ex-GI buddies and they lay out plans to fight the drug dealers.
The People
A presidential advisor discovers that the President has assembled a secret army of vigilantes to suppress dissent and is setting up concentration camps in which to imprison protestors, hippies and other "social undesirables."
Messenger #2
애틀랜틱을 배경으로 각자 다른 삶을 사는 두 남자 한 사람은 우울한 성품의 심야 라디오 DJ이며 한 사람은 보석으로 가석방된 조무래기 범죄자다. 두사람은 함께 작당해 하와이의 도박장에서 한 건 올려 부자가 되려는 허무맹랑한 꿈을 품지만 두 사람의 계획은 우발적인 살인 사건으로 끝난다. 희망이라고는 전혀 찾아볼 수 없는가..
할렘가의 사립탐정 존 샤프트(리처드 라운트리)가 할렘 암흑가의 두목 범피(모제스 건)로부터 납치된 자기 딸을 찾아달라는 부탁을 받는다. 샤프트는 흑인 범죄자들로부터 완전한 신뢰를 받는 인물도 아니고 백인들이 지배하는 경찰 조직 내에서도 적당한 존경을 받으며 일하고 있다. 그는 직설적이며 터프하다. 이 납치 사건을 두고 흑인 사회의 내막을 알지 못하는 뉴욕 경찰은 샤프트의 수사만을 예의주시하고 있다. 그들은 샤프트가 없이는 사건의 정황도 제대로 이해할 수 없는 것이다. 다만 이것이 흑인 폭동으로 번질 조짐이 있다는 것을 알고 있을 뿐이다. 샤프트는 거리의 형제들과 협력관계를 맺으며 사건에 점점 접근해 간다. 관할구역 내에 있는 친구 안드로치(찰스 시오피)와 지하의 반체제 투사 벤 버포드(크리스토퍼 존슨) 도움으로, 마침내 이 사건의 배후에 백인 갱단이 있다는 것을 알게 된다. 그의 추적은 계속되고 의외의 결말이 기다리고 있다.
The Cocoa Poodle bar is the central meeting place for the denizens of a bohemian suburban area. Janet, a rather colorless model, is jealous of her artist/mentor Tanya, who attracts the attention of all the local guys. An exotic card-reader offers her a pair of earrings which will give her power over others. She soon becomes the center of attention, but commits a fatal error.