Mrs Brooks
Just before the holidays Jessica Lew is ending her tenure as the assistant to her wealthy boss to use her recently earned law degree within his company, but offers to help his charming, younger brother as he looks after his orphaned nieces and nephew over Christmas.
Aunt Maggie
Interior designer Lily returns home to help her Aunt Maggie run her marina-side bed and breakfast when she meets Marcus, a handsome seaplane pilot whose work delivering rescue dogs helps Lily discover that home really is where the heart is
Store Owner
동명의 베스트셀러를 바탕으로 한 이야기. 엄청난 몸무게의 북극곰 파트너 토탈과 포틀랜드의 탐정 사무소 토탈 페일러를 운영하는 괴짜 히어로 티미 페일러의 재밌는 사건을 따라가보자. 어리바리하지만 자신감은 꽉 찬 괴짜 초등학생 티미(윈슬로우 페글리)는 어른의 세상을 헤쳐나가야 한다. 삶의 짐이 무거운 엄마(오필리아 로비본드)와 엄마의 사람 좋은 남자친구(카일 본하이머), 선생님이자 숙적(월리스 쇼운), 학교 생활지도 상담사(크레이그 로빈슨)까지, 모두가 세계 최고의 탐정이 되는 여정에 뛰어든다.
Becca is always a bridesmaid, but at her cousin's wedding she bonds with Kyle, the videographer covering every stage of the planning. Perhaps she won't be the last woman standing for long.
상위 1%의 삶을 누리던 대학교수 ‘리차드’, 시한부 선고를 받게 되면서 남은 인생의 단 1초 마저 재미있게 살자고 다짐한다. 규칙도 버리고 간섭도 버리고 진짜 삶이 뭔지 알려주는 수상한 수업을 시작하는데… 인생은 엉망진창일수록 즐거워진다!
Mrs. Walker
Aurora Teagarden and her boyfriend Martin are thrilled when they get an unexpected visit from his niece and her new baby. Their excitement is short lived when his niece disappears and the baby is left behind. Once again, Aurora finds herself drawn into a deadly investigation as she risks it all to help Martin reunite with his family.
형제인 보와 대니는 엘리트 전력회사에서 근무하는 전기공이다. 폭풍우가 몰아치던 날, 대니와 그의 아내인 베키가 불의의 사고로 사망하게 되고 그들의 딸인 베일리는 삼촌인 보와 살게 된다. 그리고 베일리의 남자친구인 던컨이 보와 같은 회사에 견습생으로 오지만, 보는 던컨에게 차갑기만 하다. 그러던 어느날, 대형 폭풍이 덮친 가운데 대규모 정전이 발생하게 되는데...
Susan Marie
Abby, obituary writer turned author, is used to making up quirky, charming characters in her books, but here in Bliss it almost seems like those characters have sprung to life, and Abby is fantasizing about moving right in. The townspeople have set their matchmaking minds in motion and they aren't about to let Abby leave without a little love in her heart.
Faith's Mother
Brooklyn flies home to surprise her boyfriend on his birthday, but immediately changes her mind upon arrival and decides to hide out for the summer with her friend Faith. Faith lives with Casey and with relationship problems of their own, the couple are happy with the distraction...until Brooklyn begins to assert herself, then all of the characters come face to face with the hard realities of their relationships.
Nancy Magee
Darkwalker centers around a haunted house amusement park near Fresno, Californa called Hobb's Grove (yes, it's a real place), where a group of teenagers get Halloween jobs working there. What they don't know is the land the attraction was built on has a bloody history. They soon realize they are in for more than just a Halloween job, when one by one they start dying off. soon they find a monsterous creature called, DARK WALKER, has risen to take vengence on the trespassing patrons.