Mariya Aronova
출생 : 1972-03-11, Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, USSR [now Russia]
Nadya grew up and became a figure skater. She dreams of the Ice Cup, just like her mother once dreamed of. Gorin objects to his daughter’s sports career - he protects her from any difficulties and one can understand him: he has lost too much. At a secret training session, Nadya meets a young and daring hockey player from Moscow, and first love breaks out between them. The father does not believe in the sincerity of the young man’s feelings and separates the couple. But obstacles only strengthen true love, and when you love, the most fabulous ending can become a reality.
The legendary band of traveling musicians is back together! Troubadour and his friends - Donkey, Dog, Cat, and Rooster - rejoin to take on a heroic mission. The musicians and their leader set out to bring laughter and joy back to the gloomy streets of Bremen. First of all, they are tasked with making the King's daughter laugh. The meeting between Troubadour and the Princess sparks feelings of love in them but also results in a dangerous adventure. Troubadour and his friends face many challenges but they push on through because love makes it all worthwhile. As for the Princess - she runs away from her father’s palace. Scheming bandits, a cunning detective, and the royal family's internal squabbling create all kinds of problems, but in the end the cheerful Bremen Town Musicians make everyone dance to their tune!
Sasha in 2040
Near future, 2040. Eugene and Alexandra have been married for 20 years, their relationship is like a dried apricot. Divorce from them also does not work, because in the future, divorce is a very expensive service. But fate gives them a chance: Eugene and Alexandra fall into the past, on the very day 20 years ago, when the lover and young Zhenya proposed to the lovely Sasha. Now a couple from the future wants to separate themselves in their youth, but it won't be easy. The young will fight for their love.
What happens in fairy tales after the wedding of the prince and princess? Figure skater Nadia and hockey player Sasha got married and more than anything else they dream of a child. True, the price they will have to pay for this dream will be unimaginably high. After such upheavals, it seems impossible to count on a happy ending. But if you think so, you do not know anything about real tales...
Four novels of the film-almanac are united by a common theme - all the most important happens in reality, and not on the Internet. Politicians and housewives, students and stars, adults and adolescents all over the earth take millions of selfies every day. Perhaps these photos will remain a dead weight in the phone's memory, but sometimes they can change lives. However, the heroes of the tape do not suspect anything about it...
구부정한 몸, 휘어진 다리로 피겨요정을 꿈꾸던 어린 나디아, 호랑이 코치 샤탈리나에게 극강의 훈련을 받아 피겨스케이팅 간판 선수 레오노프의 파트너가 되어 정상에 오른다. 그러나, 최고 권위의 피겨스케이팅 대회인 아이스컵 진출을 앞두고 심각한 부상으로 휠체어 신세를 지게 된다. 다시는 빙판 위에 설 수 없을지도 모른다는 좌절감에 빠진 나디아에게 샤탈리나 코치는 재활파트너로 스타워즈밖에 모르는 똘끼충만 아이스하키선수 사샤를 옆에 붙여주게 되는데… 아슬아슬 빙판 위 달콤살벌 피겨스케이팅 커플 탄생? 모두가 응원할 반짝이는 아이스쇼가 펼쳐진다!
Mariya Bochkareva
최전선의 전투력이 무너진 러시아군은 최후의 수단으로 특수 부대를 창설하기로 한다. 목숨을 건 지옥 훈련 끝에 탄생한 러시아군 최정예 특수 부대. 지원병력의 부족으로 러시아군의 전멸 직전 상황에 몰리자 전쟁의 판도를 뒤집기 위해 특수 부대는 단독 진격을 시작한다!
director of a nursing home
Tolik didn't succeed in life, sports career did not work, his wife left him. Unsuccessful, unloved, hopeless, he has lost faith in himself. All changes when he encounters a strange stranger Anna Ilinichna, who invites him to take part in an unusual marathon in faraway America.
A young Russian businessman is tired of the unprofessional behavior of his employees so he decides to invite a general manager from Japan in order to improve the situation in the firm.
An animated adventure that follows the adventures of a little girl and her friends as they look for a magic nut.
Voditel avtobusa
Performing the traditional New Year's call on the unknown phone number Andrey didn't even suspected, that just after his return to Moscow, he had bought a magic starting pack of cellular communications operator. Getting through to the deserted in New Year's eve Alyona, Andrey almost falls in love with her, but there exists a temporal problem. Alyona is celebrating coming 2008 year and Andrey is going to meet 2009. Trying "to set a contact" with Alyona's «future variant» he comes to know the terrible truth about the events, that appended in the end of 2008. Now the main goal of Andrey and all his friends - to prevent the awful tragedy and to turn into reality the meeting of Alyona and Andrey...
Genka's mother
Co-owners of the advertising agency "Major" Robert and Marina live in anticipation of a major deal with the Japanese businessman Sasaki. This contract, like many others, is solely due to Marina, who is forced to work for two, while her colleague Robert, an advertising genius and an incredibly successful businessman, plunged headlong into the pool of parties and love adventures.
The romantic comedy about a daily life of Anechka - a thirty years old actress.
Seller in the store "Happiness"
The story of a young girl who believes in miracles. The guys do not pay any attention to her, at work, her ideas are stolen and used, friends consider her a little strange, but the young girl does not lose heart and continues to believe in a prince on a white horse. And one day he appears. Handsome, young, he is subject to magic, and henceforth her feelings. How now not to believe in a fairy tale when she herself was in it?... The long-awaited prince will make her life truly magical.
Drama based on life and love of a famous Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen.
Продолжение "Карнавальной ночи" от Эльдара Рязанова. Место действия – тот же Дом Культуры, где праздновали новый год 50 лет назад. Людмила Гурченко снова споет "Пять минут", снова будет прочитана новогодняя лекция, снова год уходящий будет провожаться, а год наступающий – встречаться. Но новое время приводит с собой новых героев, так что все будет по-другому.
It's a reflection on whether the Fairy Tale, Dream and Love can survive today and whether they have a place in the modern world. More precisely, in those little worlds into which this world is split, each of which has its own laws, its kings and presidents, like in a toad swamp, its own security and accounting, like in the hole of the Mouse and the Mole. The action of the new fairy tale largely reflects modern reality, there is a lot of humor, satire and a little sadness in it.
The husband decided to celebrate the New year with a young mistress in his country house, converted from a former pig farm, he sends his wife to visit his mother-in-law, and for an alibi invites an old friend…
The fairytale story revolves around a young prince who - along with his entourage - is turned into a nutcracker through his own ungrateful and selfish behaviour, and awaits a kindly soul who'll release him from the spell. The mouse-king seeks the magic that made this happen so that he can become all-powerful. The prince (now a nutcracker) finds hope in the form of a girl who risks everything to help him become real again, while the mouse-king and his armies do everything they can to steal the magic for themselves.
Кто из нас не застревал в лифте? Так и случилось с Евгением, который не доехал до этажа своей любовницы какого-то метра. Вызванные спасательная служба, пожарные расчёты, машина скорой помощи, милиция и соседи не могут починить лифт. Неожиданное спасение горе-любовника, захмелевшего от припасённого коньяка и шампанского, приходит в лице мужа героини.
Levchik, the owner of an Internet cafe, got into jail for financial fraud. His cellmates - the authority Zhuk and the repeat offender Kolyan quickly realized that Levchik had considerable grandmothers left in the wild. But they could not know that the criminally acquired money was pocketed by Levchik’s native aunt, the healer Maria Immaculate.
Ольга Дудакова