he movie revolves around Arshad, Mona, Zakiah, Ashraf, Daud and Murni who are orphans in an orphanage undergoing an experience that has haunted them since they moved in to a new house. As the orphans were cleaning the house, they come across an antique cupboard and decide to move it to another room. Arshad found a mysterious mirror and gives it to Mona but doesn't know that there is something special the mirror. People in the school begin to suspect that Mona is possessed. The orphans must now plan something to capture the force that is dwelling in Mona - but they must first find out what is the significance of the mirror and the cupboard.
Executive Producer
Palace watchman is a documentary which follow a group paranormalnamely “The Seekers Team” that try track mystery that residing withinIstana Bilah, old palace that idle in Perak. In Feb 2009, crew a productionTV that undergoing shooting for drama series ’Last Epistolary’ have undergone an experience that horrible and dasyat. Listening to story this, Seekers group decision making to return to that mystery place to investigate the real thing that have occurred and collaborating with WanHasliza (director ’Last Epistolary’).
Production Supervisor
Azlan (Saiful Apek), a chalet worker in Bagan Lalang, receives an envelope requesting him to go to a law firm in Kuala Lumpur. Upon arrival, he is surprised to discover that he has a twin brother named Azrul, whom he meets for the first time. The reason they are gathered is because of their late-father's will, which states certain requirements that needs to be fulfilled in order for them to inherit RM50 million. Among the odd requests listed is that they must get married to their first wife within three months and make sure their second wife was an orphaned child.
Executive Producer
Azlan (Saiful Apek), a chalet worker in Bagan Lalang, receives an envelope requesting him to go to a law firm in Kuala Lumpur. Upon arrival, he is surprised to discover that he has a twin brother named Azrul, whom he meets for the first time. The reason they are gathered is because of their late-father's will, which states certain requirements that needs to be fulfilled in order for them to inherit RM50 million. Among the odd requests listed is that they must get married to their first wife within three months and make sure their second wife was an orphaned child.
민족이나 종교의 차이를 넘은 유년의 사랑을 드라마로 다뤄온 야 스민 아흐마드의 대표작이다. 이 영화는 첫사랑을 시작한 소녀를 그리면서 평범한 일상이 마법적 순간이 되는 감정의 동요를 섬세하게 포착한다.