Viktor Stepanov

Viktor Stepanov

출생 : 1947-05-21, Severo-Kurilsk, Sakhalin Oblast, Russian SFSR, USSR [now Russia]

사망 : 2005-12-26

프로필 사진

Viktor Stepanov

참여 작품

Aurora dreams about becoming a talented ballet dancer one day. However, life is not so simple. 12-year-old orphan Aurora Nedelina lives in an orphanage in Pripyat and accidentally becomes a witness to the explosion at the Chernobyl APP. Having received a critical dose of radiation, she is sent to an American hospital where she meets the rich American Russian, Nick Astakhov--the world-famous dancer who had emigrated from the USSR 15 years prior. Nick is talented, successful, young, yet disappointed in life. Meeting up with Aurora helps Nick turn it all around. However, with each day, Aurora fades away a little more. Only something short of a miracle can save her
Forest Guard
In the hunting lodge on the outskirts of one-of-a-kind natural reserve lives game warden, Vasily Klintsov (Igor Lifanov), a young former captain from the special task force. A rich German businessman, in the company of the governor, comes to the nearby small town for hunting. Wild boar hunting is a risky and dangerous business. In addition, as ill luck would have it, a very dangerous criminal escapes from the closely located nearby maximum security penal colony. The hunt should be canceled. But the stakes for the bureaucrats are too high - the 'money bag' is prepared to invest in several large projects. Relying on the traditional Russian blind trust in sheer luck, the governor gives his OK for the hunt.
A Story of the Spring Draft
A young student and his girlfriend are trying to escape the mobilization.
The Charge
A young man who was raised in a children's home wants to go to the Chechen war. He believes in his heart that he belongs there and that in those difficult conditions he will make himself visible. After the training, Alexander enters the elite troops of the special forces and leaves for the harsh ordeals that wait for him in the war. He doesn't change his principles and manifests himself as a hero, who won't be a traitor, even if his life depends on it. The concepts of real friendship, love and honor are eternal values. After overcoming all hardships and learning the pain of loss, he finds his love and a home, where they will wait for him, where he comes home from the war...
White Gold
In 1919 a White Army train carrying the bulk of Czar Nicolas' gold reserves arrives empty at Siberia's Ikutsk station. Decades later the grandson of a White Army officer inherits a map to the treasure.
Little Vovochka is not a hero of jokes, Little Vovochka is a real 10-year-old boy, direct and restless, an inventor and a mischievous person who unwittingly gives adults a lot of trouble. With the arrival of Vovochka on the eve of the New Year holidays to the country, the life of a quiet village near Moscow explodes in the literal and figurative sense ...
Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka
In the remote Ukrainian village of Dikanka, handsome but poor Vakula loves the beautiful Oxana, but she's holding out for a wealthy prince, and her father doesn't think much of him either. On Christmas Eve she sends him on a ridiculous quest for dancing shoes that takes him all the way to the imperial palace in Saint Petersburg, Russia, with the help of some odd characters from the village and the Devil himself.
Сюжет этого авантюрно - приключенческого фильма закручен вокруг банковского чека на 5 миллионов долларов. Его стремятся заполучить во что бы то ни стало и крутые мафиози, и милиция, и даже... трое подростков - юный русский богатырь Илья, казахский компьютерный вундеркинд Акежан и девочка Соня. Акежану нужна срочная дорогостоящая операция, поэтому ребята и решились на это опасное и рискованное дело.
Шуб - баба Люба!
Антология приколов
The Outskirts
The hero is an ordinary farmer, Philip Safronov, whose peaceful life is aggressively interrupted when his land is appropriated by a mysterious group to exploit its oil resources.
Captain Suvorov
This is a story about the battle for a hospital building in Grozny (Chechnya) in January 1995 between Russian Army forces and Chechen rebels supported by Arabian mujahideen and international mercenaries. Although the story is fictional, most of the characters are based on real-life prototypes and events are the compilation of true events during the Grozny Siege in the First Chechen War.
Dead End
Иван Иванович,полковник, следователь
A meeting with a girl, who was a secretary of the "new Ukrainians", leads the hero to companies involved in illegal business. As a result, he is caught between the mafia, the police and hired assassins.
Видный государственный деятель заказывает спецслужбам убийство некоего банкира, собирающегося баллотироваться в президенты. Идеальный киллер должен быть вынут из зоны, где сидит за убийство, и должен молчать. Голубчик отбывает 15 лет за случайную смерть пьяного генерала на охоте. Также он известен по кличке "Немой". Лучше его не придумаешь. Но идеальный киллер выходит из под контроля.
Tsarevich Aleksey
Петр Первый
Tsarevich Alexei was one of the smartest people in the state. His father Peter hoped that he would take his place, but Alexei tried with all his might to remain out of power and wished for ordinary human happiness.
Tsarevich Aleksey
Petr I, 'Peter the Great'
Tsarevich Alexei was one of the smartest people in the state. His father Peter hoped that he would take his place, but Alexei tried with all his might to remain out of power and wished for ordinary human happiness.
A story of love and hatred set during the Civil War in Russia.
Varenyi's Last Job
After four years, a young freight forwarder Sizuhin suddenly learns that under the guise of shipments of baby food his firm is involved in drug smuggling. Deciding to understand this case, he begins to fight the mafia and seeks help from a professional thief named "Varyoniy".
Удачи вам, господа!
Rytsar Kennet
A film following Richard the Lion-Hearted and the knight Kenneth
A Gun with silencer
From the American psychiatric hospital run by two maniac, confident that he was a spy, and a transsexual. Very soon they will want to return to their native madhouse — but it will be too late. Because the third psycho sent them on a secret mission to Russia. Yes, even in a balloon.
Russian Ambassador
여성보다 더 아름다운 미모를 지닌 젊은 귀족 올란도는 만찬회장에서 여왕 엘리자베스 1세의 아름다움을 찬양하는 시를 낭송한다. 여왕은 그에게 저택을 하사하고 영원히 죽지도 늙지도 말라는 말을 남긴다. 여왕이 죽은 후 영국 주재 러시아 대사의 딸과 사랑에 빠지게 되지만, 갑자기 그녀가 고국으로 돌아가버리자 상심한 올란도는 1주일 동안 잠에 빠지고, 깨어난 후에는 시를 쓰며 마음을 달랜다. 얼마 후 터키 대사가 되어 영국을 떠난 올란도는 그곳에서 일어난 전쟁에 휘말리자 다시 긴 잠에 빠지게 되고 깨어나보니 자신의 성이 여자로 바뀌었음을 알게 되는데…
The Dream of Russia
Sumptuous filming of the journey of a shipwrecked Japanese expedition from the Pacific Ocean across Siberia to the court of Catherine the Great of Russia. A Russo-Japanese co-production of a unique event in history which was the hit of Cannes and other film festivals but did not receive wide distribution despite its huge scope, high production values, and very human story of culture clash.
To See Paris and Die
In Russia in the late 1960s, Elena will do anything to see that her son Yuri succeeds as a pianist: she longs for him to win a competition that will send him to Paris. To ensure his success, she denies her love for an iconoclastic painter for whom she models, prostitutes herself to a Party figure, encourages her son to break with his true love because the girl is a Jew, and, in general, behaves in paranoid ways, believing, for example, that a new lodger, Evgeny, is a KGB spy. She also has her own family secrets, which she will go to any length to keep her son from learning.
Thunder Over Rus'
Two-part adaptation of A. K. Tolstoy's novel "Prince Serebriany a tale of unrest and intrigue under the rule of Ivan the Terrible.
Richard Lvinoe Serdtse
Group of Cossacks are coming to Moscow to buy an ox. Moscow turns out to be a devilish hole crowded with witches. Some local witch seduces one of the Cossacks, Kolka Smagin and robs him of his eyes, giving him alien blue ones instead. Now Kolka and his uncle Zarubin are ready to start World War III in order to get the eyes back. The quest begins.
Oxygen Starvation
Soviet army was one the worst for human dignity places to be. The task of the army was to turn freethinkers into normal dumb Soviet people. An intelligent Ukrainian guy refuses to obey.
Tango of Death
Based on the work of Mykola Khvylovy "The Tale of the Sanatorium Zone". About political repressions in 1920s in Ukraine, the disappointment of revolutionary intellectuals in Communist ideals.
Za posledney chertoy
An ex-convict Viktor Dremov, who is also an ex-boxer, tries to mend his ways and start a new life but his former girlfriend is marrying another man (some old antiquarian), while local thugs rob him of his car and press him constantly trying to make him work for them. Being framed and hunted he should kill them all before he becomes a broken or a dead man.
The bay of death
Podpolkovnik Donets (as V. Stepanov)
The hero of the film, police captain Anatoly Lensky, is an adventurer who is characterized by nobility, a sense of honor and intrigue. Together with other characters goes to the "Bay of death" in search of hidden treasures there. All heroes movie must to meet in one place. There they will converge, but not all come back…
Тайна виллы
Déjà vu
Petro Krivonoshchenko
The Prohibition years. Chicago bootleggers suffer losses due to their betrayal by one Mick Nich - Mikita Nichiporuk. The mob decides to execute the traitor, who escaped to Odesa, USSR, and organized his own bootleg business there. The hitman, Pollack, arrives in Odesa, and realizes how hard it is to make the hit here, as compared to a civilized country like USA.
The Shore of Salvation
Father Fyodor
The events unfold on the cruiser "Svetlana", one of the Russian ships that participated in the fighting of the Russo-Japanese war. The cruiser is attacked. After the fire is over, the crew decides to flood the ship so that it does not get to the enemy. Only five sailors can survive. They arrive on Korean land and are sent to the Russian territory, on the way they face various dangers.
Unknown pages from the life of a scout
The Soviet intelligence officer, abandoned on the territory occupied by the Germans, finds himself in a tragic situation: high-ranking state security officials put him in the position of an outcast. However, he continues to act - at his own peril and risk ...
Сирано де Бержерак
A story of a four seemingly random vagon lit passengers whose fates are unexpectedly interwoven.
Nikolai Stambula soviet film.
The Cold Summer of 1953
policeman Mankov
In 1953, the year Stalin died, many prisoners (some political, but mostly common criminals) were released from the Soviet Gulags. This is the story of a remote settlement which was under attack by a bunch of these recently-released blood-thirsty thugs in the summer of 1953, and the townspeople, along with a two political prisoners, who try to stop them.
Otryad spetsyalnogo naznacheniya
генерал фон Ильген
Prohindiada or running on the spot
Comedy of manners with elements of grotesque. The hero of the tape - an employee of a solid research Institute San Sanych lubomudrov - an extraordinary personality. Charming trickster and subtle psychologist, he is fluent in the art of communicating with the "right" people.
Fuss of the Fusses
A comedy about a civil registry official whose job is to register newlyweds and who just discovered that her husband has been cheating on her for 3 months, her daughter met a guy she doesn't approve of, and her life has suddenly become a fuss of the fusses.