Sydney Kondruss

참여 작품

Script Supervisor
레아는 자신의 남아시아 문화와 자신을 둘러싼 세상이 다채롭게 어우러진 DJ 믹스를 만드는 데에 자신의 열정을 발견한다. 레아의 삶은 다양한 친구 무리들, 방과 후 코딩 동아리, 가족의 인도 레스토랑, 그리고 유대감이 깊은 다세대 가족을 중심으로 돌아간다. 레아가 DJ 맥스에 빠지면서 모든 것이 바뀌고, 오랫동안 잊고 있었던 음악에 대한 열정이 다시 불타오른다. 레아는 자신이 비트와 음악을 만드는 데 타고난 재능이 있다는 사실을 발견하지만, 내면의 진정한 재능을 따라가기 위한 용기를 찾아야 한다.
키드 디텍티브
Script Supervisor
왕년에 소년 탐정으로 이름을 날렸던 남자. 매일 술에 찌들어 생활한 지 얼마나 됐을까. 이제는 시시한 사설탐정이 되어 버렸다. 그런 그에게 한 의뢰가 날아드는데, 이거 보통 사건이 아니다!
Romance Retreat
Script Supervisor
After a breakup, an ambitious journalist on vacation runs into a tech guru at the center of a breaking scandal. As she falls for him, she has to choose between her career or her heart.
Heinous Acts
Some of the most heinous crimes Investigated... Inspired by old school anthology horror films like "Tales From The Crypt", "Creepshow", and "Tales From the Darkside The Movie", as well as creepy episodic television such as "The Twilight Zone" and "Alfred Hitchcock Presents", Heinous Acts is a modern twist on short subject horror stories combined into one non-stop nail-biting feature film. A small town police force has investigated some of the most unspeakable crimes imaginable. When the department's file clerk breaks into the evidence room to show the files to a new employee she is completely unprepared for the depravity that follows
After almost drowning in a lake, Madison finds herself bound to a life of fear. Unable to describe what happened to her during the moments she was underwater, she begins to develop hydrophobia: an abnormal fear of water. Crippled by her post trauma, Madison attempts to shut out the world but her fear intensifies and she is faced with the vision of a dark figure that haunts her day and night. After watching her struggle for one year with the phobia and visions, Madison's four friends attempt an unconventional intervention in which they accidentally open a floodgate to a dark place where none of them are safe. As Madison and her friends dive deeper into the dark history of this figure that haunts them, it reaches out and begins dragging them to a horrifying place that they can never come back from.
Werewolves: The Dark Survivors
Imagine that werewolves are not mythical monsters, but actually exist. What would the world look like? The answer can be found in Werewolves: The Dark Survivors.