Hugues Hausman

Hugues Hausman

프로필 사진

Hugues Hausman

참여 작품

L’odyssée sanglante du lapin rose
“Hell is other People.” At least, that’s what Sartre sent out into the world years ago. Now Arno Pluquet takes this theme to his heart in his latest film. Boris, tormented by the departure of his alcoholic father and depressed mother, lives under the yoke of a bitter and harmful existence. Misunderstood and alone, he seeks refuge in madness to escape the violence of life. Boris has had it with discussions about stiletto heels, the difference between a bedbug and a sand flea, and popcorn eaters in the cinema. But what bothers him the most is people’s ability to have discussions without listening to each other… Feeling betrayed by the world, our Belgian Joker embarks on a vengeful Odyssey, accompanied by his big eared pink demon.
Z-GOAT: First Bleat
The Father
In a dying world, Darwina the scavenger will face a new threat.
Kings for a Day
Le premier policier
A wannabe actor must chose between his passion and his father, a crook.
Blowing Up Spies: The Belgian Job
Harry Applefish, an isolated belgian spy, paranoid, willing to fight foreign forces to serve his country, is disturbed in his daily activities by two men seeking for a job. Their presence in Harry's secret hole transform him in the most extreme ways. Harry slowly looses control in a series of misunderstandings that lead to a chaotic, absurd situation. He is convinced of being the victim of a major conspiracy lead by his chief, Mister Brain.
Garde du corps Laura
Paris, December. A conductor of a choir is found mysteriously murdered, with burst eardrums. Lionel Kasdan, a police inspertor the verge of retirement, and Frank Salek, an official of Interpol, embark together on a hunt for the killer, and also to a secret organization specializing in kidnapping children.
택시 4
La buse
초고속 임무수행!! ... 하지만 최단시간 사고발생!! 작전개념 전무, 사고뭉치 경찰관 에밀리앙과 경찰들의 전폭적인 후원을 받는 초특급 총알택시 운전사 다니엘이 아빠가 되어 돌아왔다. 항상 머리보다 몸이 앞서는 에밀리앙은 어느 날 53건의 무장강도와 122건의 살인 및 살인미수를 저지른 특급 살인마 반덴보쉬를 관리하라는 임무를 받게 된다. 늘 사고만 치는 에밀리앙은 이번엔 실수하지 않겠다고 다짐하지만, 손수 살인마를 보내주는 대형사고를 치게 되고 형사 생활 최대의 위기에 처한다. 사건 해결에 필요한 건 오직 스피드!! 탈출한 범인을 찾아서 명예회복을 해야 하는 에밀리앙. 그는 자신의 절친한 친구이자, 경찰들도 인정한 세계 최고의 총알 택시운전사이면서 언제나 사건해결에 도움을 주는 다니엘을 찾아간다. 초고속 스피드를 낼 수 있는 최신형 택시를 이용한 다니엘과 함께 에밀리앙의 최악질 살인마 체포를 위한 도심질주가 시작되는데…
The Praying Mantis
While driving through the south of Belgium, the violoncellist Julien meets the mysterious and gorgeous Sylvia on the road and he immediately has a crush on her. They move together to his huge house and Julien builds a greenhouse for Sylvia in the field of his real state, where becomes her favorite place. One day, Sylvia has a strange behavior with Julien and asks him to stay alone at home. When Julien leaves the house, she goes to a construction nearby her property and brings to her house the daredevil biker Patrick that is working in the building, playing erotic games with him.
In Mortem
Les professionnels
Five guys in a van are on their way to a perfectly planned heist job.
Les professionnels
Five guys in a van are on their way to a perfectly planned heist job.