Adal Ramones

Adal Ramones

프로필 사진

Adal Ramones

참여 작품

Tequila Re-Pasado
A workaholic must outwit his multiplying clones after a magical tequila travels him back in time – again and again – in order to make things right with his family.
Santa vs Reyes
The Three Wise Men, fed up with Santa taking more and more prominence from them, have decided to confront each other without knowing that this war will awaken a much more dangerous common enemy, the Krampus, who had been inactive for centuries.
포티 이어스 영
Executive Producer
쓰라린 진실을 알고 충격에 빠진 셰프. 레스토랑을 같이 운영하는 절친한 친구와 함께 캉쿤에서 열리는 요리 경연대회에 나간다. 그는 삶에 대한 열정을 되살릴 수 있을까?
포티 이어스 영
쓰라린 진실을 알고 충격에 빠진 셰프. 레스토랑을 같이 운영하는 절친한 친구와 함께 캉쿤에서 열리는 요리 경연대회에 나간다. 그는 삶에 대한 열정을 되살릴 수 있을까?
Mighty Victoria
Feature film located at the beginning of the 20th-century which tells the story of the town "La Esperanza", whose dying mining boom receives a fatal blow.
Bootleg Dad
Ian discovers that André, a former soap opera star and current alcoholic is his real father. Ian decides to go work at his ruined mascot business where he finds a place populated by extravagant people and discovers the meaning of fatherhood.
Love Can't Wait
Viri owns "Amores", one of the last video stores in Mexico City. She's sad because nobody remembered her birthday. Augustin comes to rent an old movie almost at closing time. While they look for the movie, an employee closes the Video Store thinking it's empty. Filmed in real time and in one single shot, both, Viri and Agustin, will realize that love always operates in unexpected ways, as in the movies.
Hasta que la boda nos separe
Daniel and Maria are about to get married and have a modern wedding on the beach in mind. But their families have other plans for the celebration.
Martians vs Mexicans
El Chacas (voice)
A group of martian aliens invade earth, but they never expected mexicans to be immune to their multiple attacks.
Una Comedia Macabra
Angela discovers that her boyfriend is unfaithful to her. With lies convinces Jenny, a friend victim of many phobias, to visit a witch expert in voodoo to perform his revenge.
노 만체스 프리다
Sr. Valdez
After his release from prison, bank robber Zequi sets off to recover the stolen money that was buried by his dizzy accomplice. He's horrified to learn that a high school gymnasium is now standing over the site where the loot is stashed. Needing to infiltrate the building, Zequi lands a job as a substitute teacher for a group of wild and unruly students. As the ex-con tries to lay down the law, he starts to realize that life in jail may have been easier than trying to deal with rebellious teens.
슈퍼 버드
TV 슈퍼 히어로 ‘슈퍼 버드’를 영웅으로 생각하는 말썽꾸러기 꼬마 앵무새 ‘맥스’. 휘파람 서커스단을 운영하고 있는 가족들을 도와 새로운 공연을 준비하던 어느 날, 천하무적 악당 ‘스톤’이 나타나 맥스의 가족을 위협하고 급기야는 서커스단을 빼앗으려 한다. 맥스는 가족과 휘파람 서커스단을 지키기 위해 자신의 영웅에게 도움을 요청하기로 결심하고, 슈퍼 버드가 있는 할리우드로의 위험한 여행을 떠나는데…
Maikol Yordan de Viaje Perdido
Maikol Yordan (Mario Chacón) realizes his family farm is about to be sold by the bank to the evil G.F. Malavassi (Adal Ramones). So, in order to raise money to pay the debt, Maikol Yordan takes part in contests and promotions, and wins a travel to Europe, where his big adventure begins
Up and Down
Executive Producer
Mexican actor Adal Ramones tours different countries as part of his stand-up comedy show of different monologues.
Up and Down
Mexican actor Adal Ramones tours different countries as part of his stand-up comedy show of different monologues.
Martin at Dawn
When Martin's car breaks down in the middle of the desert, he has no choice but to head off across the empty landscape to look for help. Along the road he happens upon a mysterious brothel. He has no choice but to go there. But when he goes inside he unknowingly is drawn into a fateful game of chance. In this suspenseful film from Mexico, not everything is what it seems.
Saving Private Pérez
Benito Garcia
La vida ha llevado a Julián Pérez por caminos equivocados, pero el destino le presentará a este hombre la oportunidad de encontrar su redención cuando es enviado a la misión más peligrosa y noble de toda su vida, una misión ordenada por la única autoridad que todavía respeta, su madre, Doña Elvira. Julián debe viajar hasta el otro extremo del mundo, a un lugar llamado Irak, a traer de vuelta vivo, a su hermano menor el soldado de infantería Juan Pérez. Con la promesa hecha, Julián Pérez regresa a su natal Sinaloa donde reclutará a un comando de elite, destinado a cumplir una misión suicida: viajar a Irak y salvar al soldado Pérez.
Christmas, Inc.
With Christmas approaching, Santa Claus has to contend with the fact that the North Pole is melting and find a way to rid the holiday of its capitalist nature.
Divina confusión
The Greek Olimpian Gods engage in the human life experience to its full intensity, for which they choose Mexico City's trendy night club: "Olimpus Dancing Club". Once living in the mortal's world, the naughty Eros (with help of a gang of ill-behaved gods), is responsible for unleashing a forbidden passion that disrupts the lives of the members of two families of not-so-simple mortals.
Santos Peregrinos
When greed comes calling, say goodbye to saintliness. An irresistible comedy about what happens when the residents of a Mexico City apartment building discover that three religious figurines passed down through the decades from Emiliano Zapata are full of solid gold. Tempers fly, libidos flare and no one emerges unscathed, including viewers overcome by a heavenly dose of hilarity in Santos Peregrinos.
Pink Punch
Jimmy Morales is a young fighter with a short career but with a promising future in the world of boxing. One night, after watching a movie, he witnesses a cold-blooded murder committed by Germán Corona, a known gangster of the neighborhood. Their eyes meet, Jimmy fears the worst, but the murderer runs away inexplicably. From that moment, a peculiar relationship between the boxer and gangster develop.