Anke Engelke
출생 : 1965-12-21, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Anke Engelke, born in Montreal/Canada in 1965, grew up trilingual. As a child, she gained early dubbing experience and hosted TV and radio shows. Engelke was part of the weekly show ensemble, her series Ladykracher is considered the most successful German sketch format with eight seasons.
Since 2000, Anke Engelke has appeared regularly in feature films, soon in leading roles in Mein Sohn, Der Onkel and Mutter.
Currently, Anke Engelke can be seen in the leading role in the Netflix series Das letzte Wort and on Amazon Prime Video in the first season of the acclaimed comedy format LOL - Last One Laughing.
As a voice actress, she lends her voice to various characters: Marge on The Simpsons, Dory in Finding Nemo and in Finding Dory, Captain Ericka in Hotel Transylvania 3 and Silver in Angry Birds 2.
In the pre-school television series Die Sendung mit dem Elefanten, Anke Engelke has been the inhabitant of Anke's World since its launch in 2007.
Together with Kristian Thees, Anke Engelke can be heard on the SWR3 podcast Wie war der Tag, Liebling: Every Tuesday and Thursday, SWR3 presenter Kristian Thees calls his best friend Anke Engelke and the two tell each other their little stories of the day.
Anke Engelke is on the road with various reading programmes: currently with KOMISCH - Iris Berben meets Anke Engelke and Letters of Note - Anke Engelke, Devid Striesow & Jörg Thadeusz, among others.
Between 2003 and 2019, she presented the opening and the Bear Awards Gala of the Berlinale 13 times as host. In 2011, she co-hosted the German preliminary round of the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) with Stefan Raab and Judith Rakers.
From 2012 - 2017, Anke Engelke taught television dramaturgy and creative television production at the KHM in Cologne as a substitute professor.
Alongside Dirk von Lowtzow, Prof. Diedrich Diederichsen and Prof. Dr. Christoph Jacke, Anke Engelke is a member of the advisory board of the Pop Institute of the Folkwang University of the Arts.
Anke Engelke has been an ambassador for the medical aid organisation action medeor since 2003.
Bettina Maurer
Brings back Bettina and Martin one year later on New Year's Eve.
Bewildering, amusing, insightful: Anke Engelke acts out eight authentic interviews, assembling them into a gigantic mosaic about motherhood.
The long-lost bon vivant Mike Bittini learns that his brother has fallen into a coma. He returns to his family, sneaks in like a hawk in the chicken coop and mixes things up properly. The uncle comes to help, brings chaos and finds love.
On his 80th birthday, show legend Frank Elstner ventures into unfamiliar territory. It is not he who is asking the questions this time, but: Anke Engelke, Jan Böhmermann, Barbara Schöneberger, Michelle Hunziker, Thomas Gottschalk, Günther Jauch and Jean-Claude Juncker.
Heidi Lohmann
On a Friday afternoon, there was an unexpected knock on the door of the staff room of a city high school. An ambitious father is willing to go to extremes to get his son admitted to high school. The six teachers who are still at school so shortly before the start of the weekend now have to find out the hard way. After some unexpected twists and embarrassing revelations, true abysses open up for everyone involved...
Love and loss are closely linked in MY SON, an emotional drama about a teenager and his mother who go on a journey together after nearly having lost one another.
Karin Berger
Teresa und Patricia are best friends. Despite the big differences between date-experienced Teresa and romantically predisposed single-mother Patricia, they have one thing in common: they have enough of bad dates and are sick of stupid dudes, bad surprises and broken hearts. When Teresa meets the neurotic programmer Anton, who is completely inexperienced in the field of romance, they come up with a genius business idea: together with the womanizer and start-up founder Paul, they develop an app with which potential dates can be categorized. In this manner, users can paint a picture of what they're getting themselves into. However, quite quickly they find out that people can't be easily fit into boxes and that matters of the heart shouldn't be left to an algorithm...
Cyrils Mutter Anja
17-year-old Cyril is funny, smart and an all-round good guy. Just his somewhat overlarge nose spoils the picture. On a school trip to Berlin with Roxy, a stunning new classmate, Cyril is not the only one taken with her. Benno, the class Casanova has his eye on the girl too and makes a nasty wager. Roxy is more interested in the introverted Rick, who is not only shy but also slow. Cyril hastens with his spoken word skills to Rick's aid, and falls head over heels in love with Roxy himself. So whose brave heart will win the fair lady?
Anne Lehmann
One house, three apartments and three friendly couples, who have to put their relationships and life concepts to the test. After 20 years of marriage, Anne and Martin are close to separation. Eva and Thomas are freshly in love and want to do everything right. The relationship between Saskia and Kai gets into a crisis when she returns to work and takes care of the daughter.
Karin Berger
Where is Paul Holthaus? The investigative journalist Rommy Kirchhoff, together with his son Max, is looking for the disappeared lobbyist Paul Holthaus, who has negotiated several times in Cape Town on behalf of Lilian Norgren for their agricultural corporation Norgreen Life. Norgren makes it clear to Rommy that the search for the whistleblower is unwanted and puts her and the boy in danger.
Zweite Eintagsfliege
An unemployed with diagnosed burn-out is getting a therapy in a clinic.
Therese Pönsgen
A wellness hotel in a small German castle specializes in well-off couples, offering a wide range of services, including one some partners feel trapped into : relational therapy. It's truth time, for some liberating, forcing others to face their secrets of dysfunctional relationship.
Karin Berger
What does it mean for our society if we measure ourselves ever more perfectly - and also make our data accessible to third parties? Anke Engelke talks to futurologist Harald Welzer about the consequences of self-optimisation and efficiency thinking. She meets people with Down's syndrome and their parents who have to live with the effects of the drive for perfection and the struggle to achieve.
Chefin des Patentamtes
The lovesick Doctor Proctor has traveled back in time in a desperate attempt to alter history. He wants to stop the wedding between his beloved Juliette and the terrible Claude Cliché, but is trapped in time. Lise and Bulle have to help him back.
Fanny Reitmeyer
젤리 유령 휴고와 모험을 떠나자! 겁쟁이 소년 톰과 사랑스러운 젤리 유령 휴고의 얼음 몬스터 퇴치 대작전! 겁쟁이 소년 톰은 어느 날 ‘적당히 무섭고, 한없이 귀여운’ 젤리 유령 휴고를 만나게 되고, 친구가 없던 그들은 둘도 없이 친한 사이가 된다. 그러나 잠자고 있던 사악한 얼음 몬스터가 부활하면서, 휴고는 사라질 위험에 처하고, 도시는 점점 꽁꽁 얼어가는데… 겁쟁이 소년 톰과 젤리 유령 휴고는 얼음 몬스터를 물리치고, 도시를 구할 수 있을까?
Hetty Cuminseed / Hedwig Kümmelsaft
젤리 유령 휴고와 모험을 떠나자! 겁쟁이 소년 톰과 사랑스러운 젤리 유령 휴고의 얼음 몬스터 퇴치 대작전! 겁쟁이 소년 톰은 어느 날 ‘적당히 무섭고, 한없이 귀여운’ 젤리 유령 휴고를 만나게 되고, 친구가 없던 그들은 둘도 없이 친한 사이가 된다. 그러나 잠자고 있던 사악한 얼음 몬스터가 부활하면서, 휴고는 사라질 위험에 처하고, 도시는 점점 꽁꽁 얼어가는데… 겁쟁이 소년 톰과 젤리 유령 휴고는 얼음 몬스터를 물리치고, 도시를 구할 수 있을까?
Dr. Werner
After an accident Herman learns that the suffers from a very rare illness which causes him that the emotion "fear" falls out whereby he is forced to try out all phobias to become normal again.
Jessica Höfel
Because of their children's bad grades, some parents want the teacher Mrs. Müller gone. They meet with Mrs. Müller and try to convince her to leave the class.
The child-duo Rico and Oskar, one of them is quite more sluggish, but precisely because of fantasy and own world view; the other one is a smart whiz, but scared for life.
Leder for Patentstyret
By helping Doctor Proctor getting recognition for his amazing invention in a world quite different from ours, two lonely children gets help to stand on their own two feet.
말썽꾸러기 나무 소년 피노키오의 유쾌한 모험이 시작된다! 제페토 할아버지가 만들어낸 나무 인형 피노키오는 파란 요정의 마법으로 진짜 소년처럼 살아 움직인다. 귀뚜라미 요정 코코와 함께 사악한 여우 사기꾼, 어린이를 모두 당나귀로 만드는 마술사, 잔인한 서커스 단장들에 맞서 파란만장한 모험을 겪는 피노키오. 그러던 어느 날, 피노키오는 자신을 찾아 바다로 떠난 제페토 할아버지가 고래에게 잡아 먹혔다는 이야기를 듣고 할아버지를 구하기 위해 위험한 바다로 떠난다. 과연 피노키오는 제페토 할아버지를 구하고 다시 행복해질 수 있을까?
She puts on a white coat. Her name tag reads: Anke Engelke, intern. On the children's cancer ward she wants to find out what happiness means. Maybe it's more revealing to go where you don't suspect happiness. Anke Engelke has reservations about how she should face the children. Normal? Can she ask children who are struggling with death about happiness? Is she allowed to make jokes?
Prof. Dr. Kuhn
Anneliese Funzfichler
Mila's Mother
After Kati, Hanna and Mila first experiences with guys, it is now necessary to cultivate those relations. The jealous Mila thinks that her friend Markus, would cheat on her with Vanessa. Kati, who is actually together with Tobi, finds that Robert, whom she met during a shooting, more than just cool. Only with Hanna everything seems to work perfectly. Branko is a real gentleman and does everything for her musical career - but not entirely unselfishly, as soon turns out. Problems therefore pre-programmed with the girlfriends and their new conquests!
Anneliese Funzfichler / Various
Frau Jakob / Böse Tante
Mila's Mother
Three teen-aged girlfriends navigate multiple love triangles.
Wutz (voice)
티키우 섬의 말썽꾸러기 공룡 임피의 한 살 생일! 앗! 그런데 티버튼 교수님이 특별한 선물을 준비했네요? 바로 임피의 동생 팬더 바부예요. 그러던 어느 날, 놀이동산 사장인 바나비가 티키우 섬에 찾아와 임피를 톱스타로 만들어 준다면서 데리고 가버렸어요! 사라져버린 임피를 찾기 위해 원더랜드로 떠나는 티키우 섬 동물 친구들. 과연 임피는 500년 된 성의 유령 에디와 무시무시한 갑옷에게서 탈출해 무사히 티키우 섬으로 돌아올 수 있을까요?
Anneliese Funzfichler / Various
Based on Tommy Jaud's bestselling novel, this comedy focuses on a dispassionate clerk and his set-backs in life. 29-year-old Simon works in a phone shop, but his thoughts just circle around finding a new girl-friend after being left by his last one year ago. While his Croatian cleaner tries to procure him, his efforts to chat up women in clubs also fail. However, he finds the woman of his dreams (and mother of their future children) in his most hated coffee shop, although not having a clue how to win her heart...
Wutz (voice)
티키우 섬에 아기공룡이 나타났어요! 돼지코 아기공룡 임피와 함께 떠나는 신나는 모험의 세계! 아주 먼 남쪽 바다, 사람들은 아무도 모르는 티키우섬에는 동물들에게 말을 가르치는 티버튼 박사와 시끌벅적 우당탕탕 귀여운 동물친구들이 살고 있다. 날고 싶은 펭귄 ‘핑’, 수다쟁이 도마뱀 ‘몬티’, 살림꾼 돼지 엄마 ‘펙’, 잘난척 대마왕 황새’슈’, 슬픈노래를 좋아하는 바다코끼리 ‘솔로몬’ 그리고 티키우섬의 훈남 ‘팀'까지 단 하루도 조용할 날이 없는 섬에 어느날 공룡알이 떠내려 온다. 공룡알에서 태어난 아기공룡 ‘임피’는 살림꾼 돼지엄마 ‘펙’을 엄마로, 동물친구들을 가족으로 삼아 온갖 말썽을 다 일으키며 무럭무럭 자라게 된다. 그러던 어느날 희귀동물을 박제하길 좋아하는 임금님이 임피를 잡기 위해 섬에 오게 되는데… 과연, 아기공룡 임피는 돼지 엄마 ‘펙’과 동물친구들의 도움을 받아 무사히 위기를 넘길 수 있을까?
Iguanita (voice)
New adventures from Lars, the cheeky little polar bear who loves nothing more than to explore the big wide world. This time Lars and his friend Robby start out for a rescue mission for their friend Caruso leading them all the way to the Galapagos Islands.
Helena Stokowski
Director helmut Dietls and Patric Susskinds illustrate a legendary story of two lovers who cant keep themselves away from death.
To celebrate the 70th birthday of Alfred Biolek this documentary enters the stage of "Bios Bahnhof" again.
Doris Dubinsky
A mysterious serial killer is shocking the underworld. Scotland Yard is investigating the case. Clues lead the detectives to Blackwhite Castle.
Frau Senator
The Sat.1 Christmas show with Anke Engelke in her "best role" will also take place in 2003: as a charming, witty and entertaining hostess.
Veronica Rell
After escaping from the terror of Vietnam, Jackson works as a headhunter. His old enemies from Vietnam open up a disco near the American-Iraqi border. They try to sell dangerous weapons to the Iragi government. Jackson is the only one who can stop them. Besides, he must care about his daughter, age 5. On the birthday party of his daughter, the situation escalates... and there is still a dance competition to be hold.
It had become a nice tradition - shortly before Christmas Anke Engelke gathers the most popular comedians and musicians around her to enjoy a contemplative and hilarious Christmas party with them just in time for the festival of love.
This time Anke has invited her guests into the cosy atmosphere of her home. But don't worry: Anke Engelke's home is of course not really cosy and quiet!
Mutter Eisbär (voice)
This charming animated adventure follows a young polar bear, Lars, as he befriends Robbie, a seal. Together, these two form a friendship that proves different breeds of animals can get along perfectly well.
Mutter (extended edition)
Abahachi, Chief of the Apache Indians, and his blood brother Ranger maintain peace and justice in the Wild West. One day, Abahachi needs to take up a credit from the Shoshone Indians to finance his tribe's new saloon. Unfortunately Santa Maria, who sold the saloon, betrays Abahachi, takes the money and leaves. Soon, the Shoshones are on the warpath to get their money back, and Abahachi is forced to organize it quickly.
Two hours of pre-Christmas glamour and cult comedy - that's what was in store again in 2000 when comedy star Anke Engelke led us through her big Christmas gala.
After last year's bombastic success, Anke again invited comedians and other star guests to celebrate the festival of love with her in 1999!
Together with many star guests, Anke Engelke celebrates Christmas and, as we are used to from her, spreads good cheer everywhere!