우리는 소망을 잃어버렸다. 예수의 언약을 잊어버렸다. 하지만 최근 연구를 통해 숨겨둔 언약의 비밀이 드러나게 되는데… 예수는 무엇을 약속하셨는가! 역사를 통해 드러난 충격적인 비밀이 우리의 영성을 두드린다.
Through newly discovered geological and statistical patterns, many believe it can be proven that the Tribulation is about to begin!
The validity of ancient prophecy has been debated for centuries and is one of the most controversial subjects in the world today. Join Ronnie Cohen as you go on an epic journey to uncover the secrets behind Middle Eastern prophecy and discover shocking statistical evidence that proves there is more to Biblical history than many believe. Shocking new research reveals that the prophecies foretelling frightening global changes that could usher in a period tribulation and death may be more plausible than many believe. No matter your belief system, the findings presented within this film may change your view of prophecy forever!
The validity of ancient prophecy has been debated for centuries and is one of the most controversial subjects in the world today. Join Ronnie Cohen as you go on an epic journey to uncover the secrets behind Middle Eastern prophecy and discover shocking statistical evidence that proves there is more to Biblical history than many believe. Shocking new research reveals that the prophecies foretelling frightening global changes that could usher in a period tribulation and death may be more plausible than many believe. No matter your belief system, the findings presented within this film may change your view of prophecy forever!