Sebastián Montagna

참여 작품

Cheese Head
Lasting tradition clashes with new ideas in director Ariel Winograd's tale of a mischievous pre-adolescent whose family spends their summers basking in the comfortable surroundings of a picturesque Jewish country club. Ariel is a young boy whose family enjoys the high life. When summer rolls around his mother leads an Israeli dance class at the local Jewish country club, and his grandmother seems to have a special knack for always winning at rummy. His sister Natalia is rarely seen without roller skates lest she need to beat a hasty retreat from her overbearing suitor, and his brother David's hormones are raging like a white squall. As Ariel and his friends hop on their bikes and explore the grounds of the country club it feels as if life simply couldn't get any better, but sometimes life in this highly exclusive paradise isn't all it's cracked up to be.
'탈리'는 남편으로부터 아무런 도움도 받지 못한 채 아이들을 키우고 있다. 역시 4명의 아이들을 키우고 있는 사촌 '메차'의 집에는 오랫동안 쓰지 않았던 수영장이 하나 있다. 그 해 여름에는 기록적인 더위가 찾아오고 '탈리'와 그의 자식들은 '메차'의 집 수영장에서 대부분의 시간을 보내게 된다.