Original Music Composer
A train station in Sicily. There are two people in the waiting room: one is “the man with the flower in his mouth” in the film's title, who has confronted and threatened a mysterious woman outside the station. The other is “the peaceful customer,” who missed his train because of presents for the women in his family which hindered him as he ran and made him trip on the train tracks. The man with the flower in his mouth has helped the peaceful customer and immediately establishes a relationship of trust and empathy with him. The two recount their lives, but whereas the peaceful man talks about his frustrations, the man with the flower in his mouth keeps steering the conversation toward just one topic: death. Everything seems wrapped in mystery, starting with the identity of the woman outside the station...
Original Music Composer
The children leave for the school trip and dad and mom board a nice girl who turns out to be the lover of their best friend. Which is then the husband of their best friend ...
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Based on the true crime known as Mystery of Via Monaci or The Fenaroli case.
A white-collar worker finds himself in the crosshairs of his attractive female boss.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
The life of a rootless insurance agent starts falling apart.
A neurotic lawyer is split between the desire to stay faithful to his fiancée and the one to cheat on her. Things take a turn for the literal when one night he splits into two different versions of himself, a soon-to-be-married one and a confirmed bachelor one.
A middle class couple crisis. A love story between a young blue collar guy an a Philippine girl. The lives of four people get closer in nowadays Rome.
A beautiful lawyer about to be married is stalked by a mysterious man who knows her too well.
The shy and awkward Latin professor Alessandro falls in love with a psychologist spying on her from a hole made in a wall.
미모의 프란체스카는 상류 사회의 남성과 결혼하여 행복한 삶을 꿈꾸지만 어느날 갑작스런 남편의 죽음을 맞이하게 된다. 게다가 그녀는 남편이 자기 몰래 무리하게 사업을 벌여 엄청난 빛까지 남겼음을 알게 된다. 그러나 그녀는 희망을 잃지 않고 가기의 물건을 처분해 빛을 갚는다. 그뒤 본격적으로 생활전선에 뛰어들기 시작한 프란체스카. 그런데 그녀를 고용한 사장이 자신을 성적으로 희롱하려 하자 모욕감을 참지 못하고 그 일을 그만둔다. 직장을 잃은 프란체스카는 하는 수 없이 남편의 친구들에게 도움을 청하게 된다. 하지만 그들이 원하는 것은 그녀의 육체뿐이었다. 이에 환멸을 느낀 프란체스카는 자신이 부자가 될 수 있는 게임을 고안하기에 이른다. 그것은 표면적으로는 자신을 상품으로 내걸고 하는 복권 추첨의 형태였으나 사실은 그 추첨이 불법임을 이용하여 합법적으로 복권에 걸려진 거액을 챙기기 위한 것이다. 추첨을 앞둔 어느날 익명의 제보를 받고 검찰이 조사에 착수하자 프란체스카는 복권에 걸린 돈은 자신과 딸을 도우려는 사람들이 내놓은 자선금이라고 진술한다. 결국 그녀는 합법적으로 미래를 보장해줄 수 있는 돈을 얻었고 대부분 남편 친구였던 복권 매입자들은 육욕에 눈먼 거액을 친구의 아름다운 미망인에게 희사한 셈이 된 것이다.
No-nonsense workaholic Marco runs the family business along with his older brother. When the latter suddenly disappears, Marco has to put aside his job and family to search for him together with Elena, his brother's girlfriend.
Original Music Composer
A good-natured, albeit a bit pedantic stationmaster works at a railway station in the middle of nowhere. One night, a beautiful high-society woman enters the station to buy a ticket. Waiting for her train, the two talk and eventually grow close. However, the mood quickly changes when the woman's fiancée arrives and tries to prevent her from leaving with increasingly violent means.