André Szymanski

André Szymanski

출생 : 1974-01-01, Karl-Marx-Stadt, Germany [now Chemnitz, Germany]

프로필 사진

André Szymanski

참여 작품

Was wir verbergen
Nico Matchevski
Leben über Kreuz
Jan Kempe
Two couples who can't stand each other need to become friends. Because this is their only chance for a life-saving organ donation.
Die Toten am Meer
Jan Grabow
Am Ende ist man tot
Keine zweite Chance
Peter Leyen
Kein Herz für Inder
Family Neufund is an exchange student from England in the house! The host parents Martin Brambach and Aglaia Szyszkowitz see this as a chance to finally win a girlfriend for their idiosyncratic 16-year-old daughter. But at the airport is not the expected "hip" Sandy McCartney from London in front of them, but a 13-year-old Indian boy! You want to get rid of the little Hindu as soon as possible. In a roundabout way, Zayn Baig in the role of the unwanted guest and Lena Urzendowsky as a loner are still pretty good friends.
Lotte Jäger und das tote Mädchen
Stefan Lempke
Stefan Zweig: Farewell to Europe
Joseph Brainin
Before Dawn charts the years of exile in the life of famous Jewish Austrian writer Stefan Zweig, his inner struggle for the "right attitude" towards the events in war torn Europe and his search for a new home.
Operation Zucker - Jagdgesellschaft
Maik Fellner
Dengler - Die letzte Flucht
Labyrinth of Lies
Thomas Gnielka
A young prosecutor in postwar West Germany investigates a massive conspiracy to cover up the Nazi pasts of prominent public figures.
Strangers and Lovers
Max Seefeld
Tom Atkins Blues
Angry Shopper
The Spaetkauf (Late Night Shop) has been at the heart of Berlin Prenzlauer Berg and an integral part of people's daily lives for over 13 years. A place to meet and hang out, local bar, grapevine, a place to buy anything you might need out of hours. A place to forget your worries. Where there is always time for the customer. Every night and all day Sunday. With reggae, dub & hip hop playing out of the speakers onto the street. Tommy, the Englishman, has worked in the Spaetkauf for years, selling the wares and dealing with arguing couples, lost tourists, drunken locals, late night discussions, participating in heated basketball games, visiting late night clubs and suffering hangovers. A kaleidoscope of people offering glimpses into their lives, hopes and thoughts, weaving a tapestry of local life.
그림자 속에서
막 교도소에서 출감한 트로얀. 그는 불빛이 명멸하는 밝은 도시를 뒤로 하고, 다시 범죄자의 삶으로 복귀한다. 오랜 동료들과 현금수송차량 탈취를 계획하는 그. 그러나 부패경찰 메이어가 이들을 미행하고, 이전 동료인 바우어는 부하들에게 트로얀의 제거를 지시한다. 불신과 배신, 폭력이 거미줄처럼 엮인 비열한 어둠의 세계. 이제 트로얀은 그 속에서 스스로를 지켜야만 한다.
Wie Matrosen
Mark Schröder
Oyters Without A Shell
For Jules and Mia time seems to be standing still. Again and again they are trying to reinvent themselves and escape the still image, which keeps them hostage. But as soon as they dive into denial and seem to get hold of a glimpse of intimacy, reality catches up with them and throws them back onto their self-imposed struggle. "Oysters Without a Shell" is the semi-fictional portrait of two women, their dreams and fears, their dysfunctional generation, and Berlin, the city they live in that has — just like them — not found its identity yet.
Die Frau aus dem Meer
Kommissar Teske
Berlin: Hauptstadt korrupter Populisten, zynischer Journalisten und fieser Gangster. Regisseur und Drehbuchautor Niki Stein hängt sich mit seiner Story weit aus dem Fenster: Im Hals einer Frauenleiche am Husumer Strand steckt ein Papier mit der Handynummer des Starreporters Kress (Ulrich Tukur). Die Kommissarin Nora Jaspers (Anja Kling) fährt in die Spreemetropole, um den Mann zu verhören, doch ein hoher LKA-Beamter (Walter Kreye) nimmt ihr den Fall weg. Gleichzeitig versucht Noras Vater, der Polizeipräsident Kolberg (Hanns Zischler), eine Law-and-Or­der-Partei zu etablieren…
Land`s End
Der Neue
자동차 판매원인 필립은 지름길을 지나다가 자전거를 타고 가던 소년을 치게 된다. 그는 잠시 망설이지만 결국 도움도 요청하지 않은 채 그곳을 도망쳐버린다. 소년은 결국 죽고, 남편 없이 소년을 키우던 로라는 자신의 아들을 치고 도주한 뺑소니 운전자를 찾는데 몰두한다. 우연히 그녀는 필립이라는 남자를 만나게 되고 이들 사이는 은밀한 관계로 발전한다. 그리고 로라는 아들의 살해범인 것을 알지 못한 채 그와 사귀게 된다