Göran Lindgren
출생 : 1927-10-05, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden
아직 자신의 뚜렷한 방향을 찾지 못한 젊은 남자 길리압이 낡은 호텔에서 종업원으로 잠시 일하게 된다. 영화는 호텔 종업원들 간의 관계를 다루면서도 주로 젊은 길리압과 아름다운 애나의 관계에 주목한다. 부자연스러운 길리압의 모습 때문에 이들의 관계는 쉽사리 발전하지 못한다.
Young Felix is a trainee at a fire station, but he is afraid of heights and can not stand the sight of blood. His future as a fireman is doubtful and when he is suspended he steals an ambulance to prove his mettle.
Helge, a factory worker, awakens to life after he almost loses his arm in a machine. His happiness at not losing his arm has him see the world in a new way. He takes a vacation, where he sees Klara, a beautiful girl. He decides to spend the rest of the vacation searching for her.
Two women, Karen (theatre director) and Lena, visit an island, a Swedish resort, where Lena's ex-husband, Martin (choreographer), lives in comparative seclusion with a mentally disturbed ballet dancer named Carl. Carl is brother by guilt rather than blood, for Martin is somehow responsible for his breakdown.
A film that questions the right of parents to force their children into the adult world's rational behavior. A 6-year-old revolt by going to a lawyer and ask for a divorce from their parents.
"Pig Hunt" - Lennart Siljeberg works at the Cattle Inspection Agency. He is the perfect bureaucrat, always careful and pedantic. The agency's latest mission is to extinguish all pigs on the island of Gotland. However, for some unexplainable reason, the local farmers use violence to destroy the agency's work.
Harry Munter, a sensitive, kind, appealing man in his twenties, lives with his parents. He's an inventor, a bit of a mystic, maybe a genius, and a good son and grandson. He's offered work in the U.S. But a friend has cancer and the world is changing in ways that provoke profound sadness. Written by Eileen Berdon
Arthur, a university professor, and former political activist, lives in France with Francesca. They decide to hire a young man in order to help the teacher organize his notes. The employee leaves his girlfriend Ingrid and moves in with the couple.
Some time in the future, East and West have stopped maintaining standing armies and nuclear weapons. Instead, to settle their differences they pit different teams of crack combat specialists against each other.
Eriksson is a divorced engineer without intellectual interests. He lives alone in a friendly, rundown tenement where the neighbors' intimate relationships can be easily listened to through the walls.
Television hostess Susanne has an affair with Rikard, who is a doctor at a hospital. But after meeting the man who Rikard works for, Professor Erland Roos, she leaves Rikard and eventually marries the professor. Susanne's sister comes to Stockholm, desperately in need of money. Perhaps Susanne, now married to a rich professor, can help her?
A theater company rehearses Aristophanes play "Lysistrata" in which the Athenian women revolt to force the men to suspend the war and make peace. The three leading female actresses, Liz, Marianne and Gunilla, all live in humiliating circumstances to their men.
It's a hot summer day in Näsviken, a small northern community on the verge of extinction, in structural change Sweden. The summer tourists gives some extra income but ironmonger Berglund can not keep the range of temporary guests require. Bud, whose wife Minni sunk into alcoholism due to her man's lack of interest. Bud consoles himself with a strong, viable woman with uncomplicated erotic habits.
The same movie with the same characters, cast and crew as I am Curious (Yellow), but with some different scenes and a different political slant. The political focus in Blue is personal relationships, religion, prisons and sex. Blue omits much of the class consciousness and non-violence interviews of the first version. Yellow and Blue are the colors of the Swedish flag.
A mysterious violent man breaks into a rich couples apartment and holding his wife hostage. The threatening and dangerous situation devolve into an erotic game.
A dancer and a Danish student meet on a train; she is going on tour to Rio, and he decides to follow her. Based on the novel by Jens August Schade.
Lena, aged twenty, wants to know all she can about life and reality. She collects information on everyone and everything, storing her findings in an enormous archive. She experiments with relationships, political activism, and meditation. Meanwhile, the actors, director and crew are shown in a humorous parallel plot about the making of the film and their reactions to the story and each other. Nudity, explicit sex, and controversial politics kept this film from being shown in the US while its seizure by Customs was appealed.
A man on the verge of marriage is haunted by traumatic memories from his childhood.
In 1890, Pontus, the starving writer, wanders the streets of Christiania, in search of love and a chance to get his work published. All he meets is defeat and suffering while his sense of reality is withering. One moment he is delighted and the next he curses everybody. All the time he manages to maintain human dignity and pride.
Sweden, 1782. Jacob, a young noble, somewhat wild and vehement, returns from his studies in France. After his absence, he returns home happy, but is even happier of meeting his beloved sister Charlotte again. However, she has been promised to the Baron Alsmeden, a man of great influence at court, and this fact will awake a feeling like jealousy in Jacob.
Calle Parking has invented a car that can be folded to the size of a suitcase. To remedy the parking problems in Stockholm. Presenting his idea to the authorities causes a conflict of interest.
A young girl is a confidante to four men who regularly visit her in her apartment.
세 명의 여성이 아기를 출산하기 위해 병원에 입원하고, 영화는 그들 삶의 근간이 되었던 결정적인 기억을 드러내 보인다. 어려서 고아가 된 안젤라는 페트라 숙모에게 집착하고, 학교에서는 동성애에 눈을 뜬다. 아그다는 어린 시절의 도피 생활과 젊은 시절의 자유분방했던 연애사를 떠올린다. 아델의 어린 시절 역시 불행하기만 하다. 짧았던 연애를 끝낸 후 그녀는 정략결혼을 한다. 그리고 하지 축제 전날, 세 명의 여성은 그들의 운명을 ‘해결’한다. 아델은 사산아를 출산하고, 아그다는 의사와 시시덕거리며 아이를 낳는가 하면, 안젤라는 극심한 진통 끝에 아이를 얻는다.
Divorced skipper John meets Anita, a single mother, at a port and spends the weekend with her.