Everything is as usual at the circus, where a cheerful band of performers enjoy a world full of magic and where grown-ups get to play. Ramona loves her life inside and outside the circus ring, and not least her motley circus family. But strange tracks in the snow and a series of mysterious incidents threaten to disturb her paradise. Someone is watching her. The question is: Who and why? At the same time, her beloved father and circus manager Leo, is beginning to behave very strangely indeed. Worried that his circus will be outshone by their rival, Circus Supremo, Leo is demanding the impossible from his performers.
Deployed on mission in Helmand, Afghanistan, 25-year old Thomas steps on a landmine and loses both his legs. At the local rehabilitation center, he meets Sofie, an ascending ballerina from the Royal Danish Ballet, who is helping a relative to regain strength after a long term sickness. Thomas desperately wants back in the field and gets impatient as progress does not emerge as fast as he wants to. When Sofie offers to help him with a more intense rehabilitation plan, he accepts. Despite their differences, they develop a special bond and a mutual affection.
스웨덴의 시골소년 시몬은 유대계 소년 이삭과 그들의 부모를 만나 책과 음악을 접하며 새로운 세계에 눈을 뜨며 성장한다. 하지만 평온도 잠시, 2차 세계대전이 발발하면서 유대인 탄압이 시작되고 두려움에 떨던 시몬의 부모는 그가 유대계 입양아였던 사실을 말해준다. 충격에 빠진 그는 자신의 핏줄을 찾아 전쟁의 한가운데로 위태로운 긴 여정에 나서는데…
Max is hitting puberty, and foxy Ofelia from class has touched his heart. He now plans to spend Christmas break with her or, at the very least, New Year's Eve. Watching her little boy grow up, his mother Agnete doesn't know what leg to stand on. Trying to give Max the best Christmas possible, she makes a mess of things, as usual. With his friends, Hassan and Ester, Max eventually tamps down the chaos and throws a super New Year's Eve bash. Everyone is there, and Ester seizes the moment to hook up with Max ahead of Ofelia.
행복한 가정의 외동딸로 태어난 디나는 어릴적 자신의 실수로 사랑하는 엄마를 잃게 된다. 그 순간 디나의 모든 것이 사라져 버렸다. 어린 소녀 디나는 분노에 찬 아빠의 학대와 무관심 속에 세상과 단절 된 채 아름다운 야생의 처녀로 성장하게 된다. 첼로의 아름다운 선율과 과외선생 록만이 그녀의 유일한 친구일 뿐. 록이 떠나자 아빠의 친구 제이콥(제라르 드빠르디유)은 디나의 독특한 매력에 매료되어 그녀와의 결혼을 감행한다. 그러나 행복은 그녀에게서 멀어져만 간다. 그렇게 끊임없이 이어지는 불행한 운명의 굴레는 시작되는데.
While near sighted Denise plays football, she accidently gets a ball in her face, and her glasses break. When she wakes up in the hospital she's double sighted.
Based on director Lotte Svendsen's own memories of her childhood on the Baltic island of Bornholm, but though it is set in 1981 the conflicts portrayed do not seem far away. At the start of the film Lars Erik and his wife Sonja are doing well on the Baltic island of Bornholm. Lars Erik is a successful fisherman, Sonja is a traditional housewife, proud of their new house bulging with consumer goods. Their love for each other is the sturdy footing on which their home is founded. Lars Erik employs three men on his trawler, and spends as fast as he earns, so when fishing quotas are cut he faces a crisis. One by one his men leave the boat, but he refuses to give up. Being a fisherman is like being a farmer - you depend on the wealth of mother nature herself. However, mother nature is like romance, highly capricious!
Hugo, the one-of-a-kind jungle animal, is snatched away from his home for a second time in another attempt for him to become an animal actor. Meanwhile, he's reunited with Rita the kind, streetwise fox. Finding that life in front of and behind the camera isn't so bad, he grows more unaccustomed to wild life once he escapes and slowly weakens his relationship with Rita.
2차 세계대전 중인 1943년. 스웨덴의 작은 도시 말뫼의 한 고등학교. 크리스마스 휴일이 끝나고 새학기가 시작되는 첫날, 스틱(Stig: 요한 비더버그 분)은 새로 부임한 여교사 비올라(Viola: 마리카 라저카랜츠 분)와 세일즈맨인 남편 프랭크와 마주친다. 비올라와의 관계가 비정상적임을 깨달은 스틱은 자신을 짝사랑하던 또래 이웃 소녀와 풋풋한 사랑을 나누는 등 평범한 학생으로 돌아갈 결심을 한다. 하지만 자신을 멀리함을 느낀 비올라는 스틱과의 관계를 지속시키려는 여러가지 노력이 실패하자, 급기야 유급이라는 제재를 가한다. 또한 부모의 기대를 한 몸에 받을 뿐 아니라, 따르고 의지하던 형마저 잠수함 울프호의 침몰로 전사하자 스틱의 고뇌는 절정에 달한다. 17세 소년 스틱은 전쟁, 이루어 질 수 없는 사랑, 형의 죽음, 사춘기의 고뇌, 유급이라는 좌절 등을 겪으며 한층 성숙되어 간다.
This film introduces us to Hugo, a one-of-a-kind animal who lives in a jungle. Youthful and carefree, Hugo is prone to playing practical jokes on his friends, Zig and Zag the monkeys. His idyllic lifestyle is interrupted when he is captured by CEO of a famed movie company, Conrad Cupmann, to be co-star in a Hollywood-style film. In order to return from Copenhagen to his jungle home, he must escape with the help of a newly found friend, Rita the fox.
A young woman who falls in love with her teacher is hit by heartache and challenges she is not prepared for and struggles to escape her dark frame of mind.
12-year-old Martin finds the going tough. Manhood is approaching, but so far mostly as aches and pain. His mother's men friends are definitely nothing like the father he does not have. So some kind of male bonding is inevitable when he meets Funder, a juvenile droput on the run from the police. There is also girl-friend Rikke to consider. Who needs Martin the most? Coming of age isn't so easy.
Farcial action fun with Bertil and Hugo, who do menial jobs at a big city hotel. Bertil is about to marry and has put money aside for his bride's morning gift. Only Hugo has kind of borrowed the money and blown it all on a wrong bet in a pigeon race. Together, they obviously have to get rich quick. When a diamond seems to be lying around for the taking, the hotel is virtually on its head.
Farcial action fun with Bertil and Hugo, who do menial jobs at a big city hotel. Bertil is about to marry and has put money aside for his bride's morning gift. Only Hugo has kind of borrowed the money and blown it all on a wrong bet in a pigeon race. Together, they obviously have to get rich quick. When a diamond seems to be lying around for the taking, the hotel is virtually on its head.
Seven 12-year-olds fight against property speculators and local officials who intend to replace a treasured forest with a concrete building jungle.
19세기 말 가난과 비참한 생활을 떨치고자 10세 소년 펠레와 아버지 라튼은 스웨덴에서 덴마크로 온다. 그러나 덴마크에서도 그들의 가난은 계속 되고, 아버지는 간신히 콘스트립 목장에 취직한다. 하루하루 생활에서 새로운 모험과 체험을 느끼던 펠레는 조금씩 성장해가며, 보다 더 넓은 세상을 꿈꾼다. 그러나 아버지는 나은 세상에 대한 희망을 상실한 상태. 결국 펠레는 아버지 켵을 떠나기로 결심한다. 넓은 세계를 배우기 위해 먼 길을 떠나는 어린 정복자 펠레.
Walter's a handsome airline steward who catches the eye of Inge, winner of Malaga's Miss Moonlight contest. Carlo is a motor-mouthed goof who has a "heel bar" (a combination shoe shop and tavern); his companion, Elly, is shooting a video of him. Inge discovers she's an unwitting smuggler, bringing diamonds into Denmark in the heel of a sandal she's won at the beauty contest.
Executive Producer
Fisher, an ex-detective, decides to take one final case when a mysterious serial killer claims the lives of several young girls. Fisher, unable to find the culprit, turns to Osbourne, a writer who was once respected for his contributions to the field of criminology. Fisher begins to use Osbourne's technique, which involves empathizing with serial killers; however, as the detective becomes increasingly engrossed in this method, things take a disturbing turn.
Fed up with his quarreling middle class parents, thirteen-year-old Jonas runs away from home. He seeks his freedom in the woods, where he befriends a girl his own age and a drunken ex-pilot, who offers him some warmth and understanding.
When Mette and her father are left alone over the Christmas holidays, he starts feeling increasingly rejected and jealous, as his adolescent daughter starts looking for real beaus.
As a group of Danish children pass into adolescence, gradually the most popular girl becomes an outcast, for trivial reasons that she never understands.
A man is fired from his office job and at the same time he has a suspicion that his wife is cheating on him. The movie follows the desperate and dramatic reactions that the man makes up in his mind.
A man is fired from his office job and at the same time he has a suspicion that his wife is cheating on him. The movie follows the desperate and dramatic reactions that the man makes up in his mind.
A boy explores the hidden depths of his bathtub in a grey world dominated by boring adults.
A film that shows that international aid work can give Europe's tuberculosis children a chance if this aid work is simply supported in their home country. Sent out on the occasion of the great UN collection.
An appeal to support the UN collection to fight tuberculosis in war-torn Europe. Every seven seconds, a person dies of tuberculosis worldwide. The film is available in a longer version with an animated sequence.