Sanne Schnapp

Sanne Schnapp

출생 : 1972-01-01, Wolgast, Germany

프로필 사진

Sanne Schnapp
Sanne Schnapp

참여 작품

Faking Bullshit
A few small town cops are resorting to unusual means to keep their police station from being closed.
The Magic Kids: Three Unlikely Heroes
Frau Wermann
Vlad has just moved and joined one of the most famous magical schools in the world, where he meets fairies, witches, trolls and dwarfs. Him and his father are the first vampires in town, but he soon meets other special kids.
Stenzels Bescherung
Dorothea Schleif
Neid ist auch keine Lösung
얼론 인 베를린
Female Worker Helene Scholz
오토(브렌단 글린슨)와 안나(엠마 톰슨) 부부는 군에 입대한 외아들이 전사했다는 소식을 듣고 절망한다. 그 이후 그들이 선택한 행동은 나치와 전쟁에 대한 반대이다. 두 사람은 나치에 맞서 싸워야 한다는 내용을 담은 우편엽서를 공공장소에 놓고 오는 방식으로 저항의 씨앗을 퍼뜨리려고 한다. 나치의 비밀경찰 게쉬타포는 이 사건을 이데올로기를 따지지 않는 노련한 형사 에스체리치(다니엘 브륄)에게 맡긴다. 하지만 엽서가 200장이 넘어가도록 에스체리치는 범인을 잡지 못하고 당국자들에게 두드려맞는 수모까지 당한다. 그러나 오토의 치명적 실수가 에스체리치를 기다리고 있는데...
Brief an mein Leben
Nachtschwester Ursel
Diagnosis burnout: The successful career woman Toni Lehmstedt can be referred to a psychiatric clinic after a physical breakdown. Urs Egger's free adaptation of the biographical novel of the same name by Miriam Meckel with Grimme award winner Marie Bäumer in the leading role.
Call Me Helen
Petra Atalay
Is. This. My. Son? No matter how often Tobias Wilke poses this question, there's always only one answer: Yes! Tobias, can't believe his eyes when he comes to the airport to pick up his 17-year-old son Finn – and learns that Finn is now calling herself Helen and wearing girls' clothes. Finn/Helen reveals that she's always was a girl, and that she used her year abroad in San Francisco to pass the "everyday life" test. This is required by law for everyone preparing for the sex reassignment surgery they will undergo upon reaching majority. Reactions from Helen's friends, acquaintances and schoolmates cover the entire gamut from derision to solidarity. Especially Helen's father, a well-known chef, finds it difficult to accept a situation he cannot understand. But Helen nearly always finds the right words - and humor - to counterbalance the ignorance and jeers of those around her. It is the beginning of a long, winding road towards the sexual identity she is convinced is hers.
Der Fall Bruckner
Frau Haste
Katharina Bruckner, 50, has to deal with many serious cases in the youth welfare office. Even at home she is under stress: Her husband, a surgeon, she sees arm in arm with a younger. And her daughter, who has to go to Marrakech for work, quickly incurs her grandson. In this situation, school psychologist Schubert asks her for help: The city-renowned architect Bremer has appeared with him with her seven-year-old son because of its over-activity in school. The boy looks scared, claims that the Bremer is not his mother, suddenly seems to have disappeared.
Schönefeld Boulevard
Nachbarin auf dem Fahrrad
A tragic comedy about an 18-year old girl growing up near the new Berlin airport's construction site
Neufeld, mitkommen!
Sabine Lenz
Liese Kalb
Breaking Horizons
“Congratulations, you’re pregnant!” Lara can hardly believe what the doctor has just told her. The 25-year-old spends her nights hanging around Berlin with best friend Nora, having lost interest in her architectural studies long ago. She has no idea what to do with her life – she does a lot, but nothing properly. She now finds herself pregnant after a night of passion with a charming barman she met at a party. Nora is thrilled by the news though, proclaiming: “we’re having a baby!” After some initial doubts, Lara too begins to see her pregnancy as a chance. Together with Nora, she sets about painting the nursery and goes in search of the baby’s father. Then the gynaecologist gives Lara some bad news…
커피 인 베를린
법대 중퇴생인 니코는 변변한 직업 없이 그가 아직 대학교를 다니는 줄 알고 있는 부자 아버지가 주는 용돈으로 생활하고 있다. 여자 친구에게도 차인 그는 배우지망생인 친구와 레스토랑에서 우연히 여배우가 된 동창생 율리카를 만나게 된다. 율리카는 그들을 자신이 출연하는 연극에 초대하고 니코는 은행카드마저 정지 당하자 아버지를 찾아간다. 2013년 독일 오스카상을 휩쓴 이 영화는 뚜렷한 목적 없이 하루하루를 살아가는 이른바‘루저’ 니코의 24시간을 흑백 화면으로 담고 있다. 얀 올 게르스터 감독의 장편극영화 데뷔작으로 달콤하지만 씁쓸하기도 한 커피 한잔을 마시는 것(영어제명은 커피 인 베를린) 같은 블랙 코미디이다.
Augen zu
Wickie and the Treasure of the Gods
When the mighty Viking Halvar suddenly disappears, his clever but timid son Wickie must lead the Vikings on a dangerous journey to rescue his father from the evil Sven and go in search of the legendary treasure of the gods.
Die Lehrerin
A teacher's colleague is critically wounded by a student. Traumatized, she attempts to cope.
Sieben Tage
Fee Kowalski
Wickie the Mighty Viking
One morning our little Viking village of Flake is raided by frightening looking spooky demons who kidnap all the children… except for Wickie, who was stuck in a tree trying to use a kite to learn to fly.
Gefühlte XXS - Vollschlank & frisch verliebt
Maite Hermosa
You're Not Alone
Master painter Hans Moll and his wife, the television announcer Ms. Wellinek and her husband, and the German-Russian Jew Yevgenia have many things to live on: food, drink, an apartment. What they do not have is work. They all discover the yearning for a chance to start all over again and bring themselves back to life.
Mein süßes Geheimnis
Donatella Puccini
Second-hand car sales man Willenbrock has everything that he could ever wish for. He is married, has two lovers, a cottage in the German city Grünen, and a BMW. Yet one day while at his cottage he gets mugged and his life is drastically changed. Little by little the world he once felt safe in falls apart around him.
Ein Goldfisch unter Haien
Drei Frauen, ein Plan und die ganz große Kohle