Martin Wiebel

출생 : 1943-01-28, Berlin, Germany

참여 작품

Dunkle Tage
Margarethe von Trotta's TV movie focuses on a woman whose life is destroyed by her addiction to alcohol. Angela Rinser is a happy mother of two children and quite successful in her job as bilingual secretary. The sudden death of her husband changes everything. She starts drinking and loses her job. Her children Felicitas and Max try to hush up their social decline for years because they don't want to live in a foster home.
Lola and Billy the Kid
Murat, a Turkish gay youth living in Berlin’s Turkish ghetto, decides to come out to his family. What he doesn’t know yet is that his family has even bigger secrets to hide.
스탠 바이 유어 맨
독일의 한 교도소에서는 사회적응 프로그램 일환으로 죄수와 여자들간의 만남을 주선하여 휴가를 주기로 한다. 위험 천만한 2인 1조의 전차 경기에서 해운의 승리를 거둔 슈타인보크(Steinbock: 틸 슈바이거 분)와 게르하르트(Hammer-Gerd: 데틀레프 부크 분)는 여자들과 만날 기회를 잡게 되고, 면회를 온 삼촌으로부터 슈타인보크는 자신이 있는 약로원에서 간호사로 일하는 에밀리아(Emilia Bauer: 마리 버이머)라는 여자를 소개시켜 주겠다는 약속을 받게 되고 그녀에게 편지를 쓴다. 서로에게 마음이 끌리면서도 자존심 싸움만 벌이던 에밀리아와 슈타인보크는 게르하르트가 되돌아간 그날 밤 닭장속에서 격정적이고도 로맨틱한 하룻밤을 보내지만 다음날 아침 "가장 좋을 때 헤어지는 거예요."라는 말을 하고 에밀리아는 슈타인보크를 감옥으로 되돌려 보내지만...
The Drinker
Hans Fallada tells in his published after the war novel "The drinker" the story of the agricultural wholesaler Erwin Sommer, who flees from his narrow bourgeois relations under the burdens of the new times in the kingdom of the king alcohol, whose liberty and independence promises prove a lie - the only truth of the alcohol. On behalf of the WDR television play Ulrich Plenzdorf has adapted Fallada's 1944/45 novel for a film adaptation by Tom Toelle with Harald Juhnke in the main role of Erwin Sommer.
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Die Brüder Kipp (Joachim Król) und Most (Horst Krause) machen sich auf den Weg, um das Gut ihrer Oma zu erben. Auf diesem Weg begegnen sie Viktor (Konstantin Kotljarov), einem desertierten russischen Soldaten, der die beiden kidnappt und Nadine (Sophie Rois), die sich ihnen freiwillig anschließt. Zwischendurch gibt es noch einen Zusammenstoß mit Straßenrowdies, was diesen allerdings nicht gerade gut bekommt. Auf ihrem Weg zum Erbe (oder was davon übrig bleibt) geraten die Protagonisten in manche scheinbar ausweglose Situation.
Viktor and Angelika are a straight couple. He is a professor of veterinary science and she has studied art history. Both are more interested in their hobbies and professions than in each other; also, Viktor isn't terribly interested in satisfying his wife anymore. Their upright relationship changes dramatically when Viktor gets to know Lotte, a former school friend of Angelika's. Back in school, Lotte would have done anything for Angelika.
Die Wupper
Swann in Love
The beginning of the 20th century. Charles Swann, a young and wealthy dandy, spends most of his time hanging out with the old nobility, notably the Duke and Duchess of Guermantes. He is madly in love with a pretty demi-mondaine, Odette de Crécy. Idle, Swann surrendered complacently to the torments of jealousy. After hours of suffering, he manages to spend a night with Odette. In the morning, he believes that ultimately, this one is "not his type". However, we find him, many years later, alongside Odette who, now his wife, gave him a daughter. In the company of Baron de Charlus, brother of the Duchess of Guermantes, he wonders about the failure of his sentimental life, so far removed from this absolute he dreamed of...