Renate Geißler

Renate Geißler

출생 : 1940-03-23, Altenburg, Germany

프로필 사진

Renate Geißler

참여 작품

Wie angelt man sich seine Chefin
Hannah Kessler
Liebe ist das schönste Geschenk
Frau Wieland
After much hesitation, the doctor, who fell in love, Peter Hauser finally managed to make his girlfriend Stella a marriage proposal. But when the two want to surprise his father Heinrich with the good news, the one holds much greater surprise ready: On holiday, he has fallen in love with the attractive widow Johanna and married her right away. Peter is anything but excited. He believes that Johanna is a notorious husband murderer. However, in trying to gather evidence of his suspicion, the awkward amateur detective moves from one fool to the next.
Meine Tochter, mein Leben
Ina Rabenalt
Ruth is an attractive, independent woman in her early 50s who has always lived for her daughter. But Lea, now in her mid-20s, is starting to break away from her dominant mother. In this difficult and conflicting time between mother and daughter, Lea suddenly falls ill with multiple sclerosis. In Ruth, a terrible suspicion begins to germinate: Lea may have been poisoned by intensive contact with solvents in the printing house where she has a student job. When Ruth voices her fear, the company turns on the works attorney Robert. He turns out to be Ruth's old childhood sweetheart.
Hate In The Head
Grüß Gott, Genosse
Hanna Gorn
A comedy directed by Manfred Stelzer.
Landschaft mit Dornen
Christine Rautmann
Der lange Weg zu Angerer
Die verzauberten Brüder
Felix und der Wolf
Der Vogel
Berta Schröder
Altes Herz geht auf die Reise
Mali Schlieker
Richter in eigener Sache
Barbara Brinkmann
Ernst Thälmann
Barbara Schulte
Mit vierzig hat man noch Träume
Helene Sonntag
Der Teufelskreis
Herta Ring
Der Notnagel
Zahl bar, wenn du kannst
Renate Eisner
Dach überm Kopf
Karoline Gluth
Auftrag: Überleben
Der Leutnant vom Schwanenkietz
The film describes the activity of an ABV of the People's Police in its section in East Berlin. A mixture of “positive” characters from the beginning, the extensively staged “owl”, who is introduced as a criminal and over the course of time, especially due to the influence of the ABV, develops into a good citizen, and incorrigible characters, with whom the ABV fails with its extensive attempts at rehabilitation and who are arrested after having committed again offenses.
Das liebe, alte Haus
Du und ich und Klein-Paris
When 17-year-old Angelika moves to Leipzig, she is forced to rent a room at Mrs. Häublein’s for a start, since her parents will not follow until a few months later. Fellow tenant Thomas, a philosophy student, is not at all enthused about his new, pretty housemate. Because of Angelika he has to move into a smaller room. Furthermore, he is annoyed at her many male acquaintances, without sensing that his aggression might be prompted by jealousy. When Angelika’s father comes for a visit, he asks Thomas to keep an eye on his daughter. Thomas takes this assignment very seriously and finally realizes that he has fallen in love with Angelika.
Jede Stunde meines Lebens
For Eyes Only
The "Concordia" trading company in Würzburg is a secret headquarters of the MID, a secret service agency of the US Army. For years, espionage, sabotage, and diversion operations originated from here in order to undermine the Socialist Republic of Germany. A favorable moment for a military attack approaches and plans are developed. These plans are placed in the hands of Major Collins, who keeps them in a safe. Hansen has worked for him for many years, but also for the Stasi as a double agent. Security Chief Colonel Rock knows there is a leak, but Hansen has passed every test thrown at him. He is trying to deal with his current assignment: acquiring the plans so they can be made public. His mission is to get them out of the safe and into the GDR without getting caught.