Rico Chung Kai-Cheong

참여 작품

The grand master Fei Lung lost everything after he got defeated by Chun. To regain his reputation, Fei Lung challenges her to a final fight. Much to his surprise, he gradually falls in love with Chun. Will he be able to win both Chun’s heart and the battle at the end?
The grand master Fei Lung lost everything after he got defeated by Chun. To regain his reputation, Fei Lung challenges her to a final fight. Much to his surprise, he gradually falls in love with Chun. Will he be able to win both Chun’s heart and the battle at the end?
In the 1970s on the Binlusai islands, a young mother is killed when she was running with her son run from an evil presence in an abandoned Roman Catholic leper colony. In the present day, a group of four young men and women are travelling to the island to take part in a survival game run by TV channel Search Planet headed by Chen Jiadong (Philip Keung). Also on the boat is the television presenter Stanley (Jessica Xu) and cameraman Ken (Shaun Tam). The eight people have been split into four pairs where they are given a map which leads to a flag; their aim is to survive without any supplies, and the winning duo gets a grand prize of one-million dollars. As they approach the island, their ship is attacked by something unknown under the water and most of their luggage is lost. Shen Yilin (Mini Yang) has preserved her map which she gives to her partner Peng Fei (Jordan Chan).
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A-1 두조
신문사 패션란을 담당하고 있는 아령은 직장 동료인 피터와 최근에 헤어진 상태다. 카드빚까지 생겨 이중고로 심란하던 차에 남자 친구가 음주 사고로 사망했다는 소식을 듣는다. 하지만 그의 죽음에 얽힌 석연치 않은 점들이 계속 발견되자 사건을 추적해 나가기 시작하는데..
A-1 두조
신문사 패션란을 담당하고 있는 아령은 직장 동료인 피터와 최근에 헤어진 상태다. 카드빚까지 생겨 이중고로 심란하던 차에 남자 친구가 음주 사고로 사망했다는 소식을 듣는다. 하지만 그의 죽음에 얽힌 석연치 않은 점들이 계속 발견되자 사건을 추적해 나가기 시작하는데..
The New Option
Faced with early retirement and difficulty recruiting, Stone is forced to lower his standard of acceptance. When a vicious, military-trained group of criminals commit a chain of big-time robberies, the Flying Tigers are called into action once again.
Dial D for Demons
A group of six yuppies goes to Lantau for a fun holiday, and the result is anything but. The Chinese title—"The Evil Curse of the Burning Charcoal"—is more descriptive than the international title. The picture opens with a young lady's suicide by inhaling the carbon monoxide fumes of her charcoal burner and making big headlines in the tabloid press. The holiday-goers gossip about the news, little realizing that they are in danger of suffering the same fate.
Dial D for Demons
A group of six yuppies goes to Lantau for a fun holiday, and the result is anything but. The Chinese title—"The Evil Curse of the Burning Charcoal"—is more descriptive than the international title. The picture opens with a young lady's suicide by inhaling the carbon monoxide fumes of her charcoal burner and making big headlines in the tabloid press. The holiday-goers gossip about the news, little realizing that they are in danger of suffering the same fate.
Two absolute strangers both desperately struggling to find themselves make a hilariously funny partnership for money. Their plan - a bank robbery! Meet Ah Lee, a well-educated middle-class professional who is deep in debt because of a so-called friend. Then there's PaPa, an inexperienced and very outdated crook who is heartbroken by the recent break-up with his girlfriend. When PaPa decides to teach Ah Lee the art of robbing a bank, the two men discover more than just a thing or two about themselves!
Theft Under the Sun
During an operation with a master criminal, an undercover cop fails his mission because he was shot by an uniform officer. His superior suspects he has become a bad seed and refuses to allow him to rejoin the force. In order to prove his innocence, the cop decides to follow the thief to the Sino-Russian border on an arms struggle deal, but on the way they are chased by Mainland police. During the escape the cop and the criminal become friends. When they return to the Hong Kong border, the police awaits on the other side and...
Once Upon a Time in Triad Society 2
The second spin-off film from the Young and Dangerous series.
Once Upon a Time in Triad Society 2
The second spin-off film from the Young and Dangerous series.
All of a Sudden
Driver in accident
An erotic mystery about widower seeks revenge to the man whose wife had an affair before her apparent suicide, however things soon turns complicated when the widower having a relationship with the man's wife and the whole truth would reveals.
Once Upon a Time in Triad Society
This first spin-off movie focuses on Ugly Kwan, played by Francis Ng.
Once Upon a Time in Triad Society
This first spin-off movie focuses on Ugly Kwan, played by Francis Ng.
Our Neighbour Detective
When Cheng Kam-Fu (Lawrence Ng) reports his wife missing to the police, Detective Lau (Anthony Wong) suspects there’s more to the disappearance than meets the eye. While his colleagues remain uninterested, Lau begins round the clock observation on Fu’s shop/flat, paying particular attention to his mistress, Lo (Li Yu).
Secret Lover
A slob becomes rich by winning the lottery, moves into a better place and hires an assistant. But he is bored with his wife and their sex life is a farce.
A famous "feng shui" master (fortune teller) gets a wake-up call when a distraught ex-customer threatens to expose him as a fraud.
A famous "feng shui" master (fortune teller) gets a wake-up call when a distraught ex-customer threatens to expose him as a fraud.
The Crucifixion
Father Chung
CID officers Ho Tin-nam (Michael Chow) and Jacky Wong (Hilary Tsui) follow a stray dog to the crucified body of a truck driver in a remote area. Much of the suspicion centres on his fellow trucker Chan (Shing Fui-on), particularly when the victim's wife is killed as well. When not only Chan, but the nosy stray dog are added to the growing number of victims, attention is focused on an arrangement which the drivers had with a Chinese prostitute named Yin-fong. She had been their secret liaison in Shenzhen, and committed suicide when the men refused to let her stop providing her services to them. Yin-fong's twin sister Mei-ping (Miki Ng) also becomes a suspect, but yet another murder provides her with an alibi. Officers Ho Tin-nam and Jacky are faced with a plethora of red herring leads and an escalating body count before they can bring the real killer to justice.
Best of Best
An eccentric tale of competition and corruption within a seemingly ordinary insurance company. When a young female insurance agent is found murdered, what was supposed to be a routine police investigation turns into front page news when the victim was alleged to have traded sex for insurance policies
Thou Shalt Not Swear
Two undercover cops are forced to be a team to find a serial killer. Chow is straight-laced and Lau has ESP. The victims were all childhood friends. The killer is a ghost!
Legal Innocence
Based on a true story. A female bible student corresponds with a couple that is sent to prison after a goopy body is found in their apartment in a trunk filled with acid. After visiting the Wife, then the husband, she (Cecilia Yip) falls for him (Francis Ng) and begins to think that he is innocent. So she arranges for a defense team (with help from a catholic Church) to get him acquitted of the charges. Meanwhile a hard working detective (Anthony Wong) tries to convince the woman that he's guilty as hell. But he arranges to have a prison divorce and wedding behind bars. When she finds out the awful truth, how will she handle it?
Basic Impulse
Kitty flopped in participation of the Hong Kong beauty contest and became a laughing stock among her colleagues. They used to make fun of her throughout the days. However, her luck changes. She came to know a prince of her dream....
Beauty Investigator
A serial killer is loose in Hong Kong, murdering hostesses from high class night clubs. As punishment for their flaky style and lack of discipline, two young policewomen are assigned to work undercover as hostesses to catch the sadist. While solving that crime, they discover who's behind some of the city's drug trade. In trying to halt this enterprise, which they undertake without orders, they must face the crime lord's Japanese hit woman.
Miracle 90 Days
In a battle over a magical egg, Sandra Ng and her evil uncle accidentally turn a monkey into a human.
Don't Fool Me
A gangster and a broker change jobs.
Take Me
Milks's husband dies on their wedding night whilst having sex. He returns as a ghost as she attempts to get her life back on track whilst choosing between two new men in her life.
방지옹은 한 범죄집단 소탕작전시 실수로 잠입해 있던 동료 수사관을 사살한다. 죽은 수사관에게 기녀로 일하는 애인과 17세된 아들 세븐이 있었다. 방이 이들을 찾아 갔을때 세븐은 이미 소년원을 두번째 다녀온 뒤였다. 이후로도 세븐은 불량소년들과 자주 어울린다. 그러던 어느날 다른 불량소년들과 싸움을 벌인 세븐은 홧김에 그들의 마약을 태워 버리는데...
시티 워
다혈질적이고 의협심 많은 성격의 주강은 은퇴를 앞둔 CID 소속의 형사이다. 어느 날 그는 한 수퍼마켓에서 줄을 서지 않은 채 종업원과 실갱이를 벌이는 10대 건달 패거리들을 목격하게 되고, 그들 중 한 무리가 물건을 훔치는 것을 보게 된다. 주강이 패거리들 중 몇 명을 절도 혐의로 체포하려 하자 이들은 도망을 치고 주강은 이들을 잡기 위해 추적을 한다. 주강을 피해 필사적으로 도망을 치던 건달패거리 중 한 명이 식당 안으로 들어가 임산부를 인질로 잡게 된다. 오로지 범인을 잡겠다는 일념하에 주강은 인질을 잡고 있는 범인과는 타협을 할 생각은 안하고 오로지 자존심만을 건 팽팽한 신경전을 벌인다. 곧이어 협상전문가인 주강의 오랜 친구인 이지초가 현장에 도착을 해 주강을 진정 시키고 범인을 검거하는데 힘겹게 성공을 한다. 한 편 감옥에서 오랜 세월 형기를 마치고 출옥을 한 유달은 양아버지의 환대를 받으며 집으로 돌아오지만 자신을 감옥에 가둔 주강에게 복수의 칼을 갈고 있다. 유달은 주강의 집에 전화를 걸어 협박을 하지만 주강은 이에 굴하지 않는다. 어느날 유달이 있는 나이트 클럽에 찾아간 주강은 유달에게 조용히 지낼 것을 경고하지만 유달은 무덤덤하게 받아들인다. 다혈질의 주강은 결국 유달 패거리들을 한 명씩 혼내주고 아무런 혐의도 없는 그에게 폭행을 가해 고소를 당할 상황에 놓이게 된다. 유달과의 사건이 있던 무렵 주강의 오랜 친구였던 하가휘 형사가 트렁크에서 시체로 발견되는 사건이 발생을 하고, 주강은 10년전의 일을 떠올리며 유달을 체포 할 당시 함께 활동했던 하가휘에게 유달이 복수를 한 것이라 판단을 하고, 그를 체포하기 위한 독자적인 행동을 강행하지만 범죄자들에 대한 수사의 제한과 총기 사용에 대한 경찰력의 한계를 자책하면서 회의에 빠지게 되는데...
형과 누이동생과 함께 택시업을 하던 조는 실수로 미모의 메이를 다치게 해서 절름발이로 만든다. 조의 사람됨에 호감을 가진 메이의 부친이 합의를 봐주게 되어 구금은 면하게 된다. 호의에 보답하려고, 메이네가 경영하는 수퍼로 찾아간 것이 그곳의 종업원들과의 다툼으로 이어져, 조 형제는 전 직원들이 그만두는 바람에 하는 수없이 수퍼일을 돕게 된다. 일하던 중 거금 2만달러를 강탈당하여 삼남매 명의의 택시를 처분하기에 이른다. 그러나 열심히 일한 대가가 주어져 마침내 조는 메이의 사랑을 얻어 결혼에 골인하는데..