Panna Rittikrai

Panna Rittikrai

출생 : 1961-02-17, Khon Kaen, Thailand

사망 : 2014-07-20


Panna Rittikrai (Thai: พันนา ฤทธิไกร; RTGS: Phanna Ritthikrai) or birth name Krittiya Lardphanna (Thai: กฤติยา ลาดพันนา;[1] RTGS: Krittiya Latphanna, February 17, 1961 – July 20, 2014) was a Thai martial arts action choreographer, film director, screenwriter, and actor. The head of the Muay Thai Stunt team (previously known as P.P.N. Stunt Team), he is best known for his work as a martial arts and action choreographer on the 2003 film Ong-Bak: Muay Thai Warrior and 2005's Tom-Yum-Goong (known as The Protector in the US), starring Tony Jaa, whom Panna mentored.

프로필 사진

Panna Rittikrai

참여 작품

테이와 탄은 특수요원으로 활동 중이던 부모님이 살해 당한 이후, 범인을 찾기 위해 암살까지 일삼는 용병으로 일을 하기 시작한다. 어느 날, 유명인사의 조카 딸을 경호 중이던 탄은 갑자기 보호 대상을 살해하라는 명령이 내려오자 이를 거부한다. 그러나 오히려 탄은 유괴범 누명을 쓰게 되고 의문의 자객들까지 그를 쫓기 시작한다. 목숨의 위협을 가까스로 벗어난 탄은 이 모든 사건의 흑막에 부모님의 사건까지 엮여 있음을 깨닫고 이제 무자비한 복수를 결심한다.
테이와 탄은 특수요원으로 활동 중이던 부모님이 살해 당한 이후, 범인을 찾기 위해 암살까지 일삼는 용병으로 일을 하기 시작한다. 어느 날, 유명인사의 조카 딸을 경호 중이던 탄은 갑자기 보호 대상을 살해하라는 명령이 내려오자 이를 거부한다. 그러나 오히려 탄은 유괴범 누명을 쓰게 되고 의문의 자객들까지 그를 쫓기 시작한다. 목숨의 위협을 가까스로 벗어난 탄은 이 모든 사건의 흑막에 부모님의 사건까지 엮여 있음을 깨닫고 이제 무자비한 복수를 결심한다.
옹박: 리턴즈 오브 레전드
자신의 소중한 친구이자 가족 같은 코끼리 쿤을 훔쳐 가버린 폭력조직을 찾아간 캄. 조직 보스를 만나 코끼리만 다시 돌려받을 생각이었는데, 놀랍게도 보스는 이미 죽은 채 침대에 누워 있었다. 살인 용의자로 지목당한 캄은 누명을 벗기 위해 경찰을 뿌리치고 탈주를 시작한다. 매 순간 경찰과 조직에게 목숨을 위협받는 캄. 그는 과연 누명을 벗고 다시 자신의 친구 쿤을 만날 수 있을까?
At the Gate of the Ghost
Martial Arts Choreographer
In this worthy adaptation of the Japanese film Rashomon, a young monk is left to determine the truth behind three competing perspectives after a bandit’s disturbing murder trial.
BKO: Bangkok Knockout
A group of martial arts students are enjoying a reunion party when a bomb goes off in the building. When they wake up, some of their friends have been kidnapped and they soon find a group of assassins coming after them. The only way to survive is to fight their way out.
BKO: Bangkok Knockout
A group of martial arts students are enjoying a reunion party when a bomb goes off in the building. When they wake up, some of their friends have been kidnapped and they soon find a group of assassins coming after them. The only way to survive is to fight their way out.
BKO: Bangkok Knockout
A group of martial arts students are enjoying a reunion party when a bomb goes off in the building. When they wake up, some of their friends have been kidnapped and they soon find a group of assassins coming after them. The only way to survive is to fight their way out.
BKO: Bangkok Knockout
A group of martial arts students are enjoying a reunion party when a bomb goes off in the building. When they wake up, some of their friends have been kidnapped and they soon find a group of assassins coming after them. The only way to survive is to fight their way out.
옹박: 마지막 미션
무자비하고 악날한 군주 ‘라자세나’는 무에타이의 고수 ‘티엔’을 강력한 군사력으로 제압하고 그를 사로잡는데 성공하고, 자신의 편으로 만들고자 상상을 초월하는 고문을 ‘티엔’에게 가하기 시작한다. 그러던 중 무자비한 고문으로 죽음의 위기에 처한 무고한 ‘티엔’에게 왕의 석방명령이 내려지고, 치료를 위해 인근 마을로 옮겨진다. 그 곳에서 ‘부바’ 사부의 종교의식과 여자친구 ‘핌’의 극진한 간호로 ‘티엔’은 기적적으로 소생하게 되고, 사부의 가르침에 따라 심신의 수양에 정진한다. 한편 군주 ‘라자세나’는 어둠의 힘으로 ‘티엔’을 제거하기 위해 흑마술사 ‘상카’를 찾게 되지만 오히려 그에게 죽임을 당하고 ‘상카’는 ‘라자세나’를 대신해 군주의 자리에 오르게 된다. 어둠의 힘으로 세상을 통치하려는 야욕에 휩싸인 ‘상카’는 반군세력을 색출해내기 위해 주민들을 무차별 학살하거나 끌고 가기 시작하고 이에 ‘티엔’은 그에게 주어진 ‘복수’라는 이름의 마지막 미션을 위해 ‘상카’를 찾아 나서는데...
옹박: 마지막 미션
무자비하고 악날한 군주 ‘라자세나’는 무에타이의 고수 ‘티엔’을 강력한 군사력으로 제압하고 그를 사로잡는데 성공하고, 자신의 편으로 만들고자 상상을 초월하는 고문을 ‘티엔’에게 가하기 시작한다. 그러던 중 무자비한 고문으로 죽음의 위기에 처한 무고한 ‘티엔’에게 왕의 석방명령이 내려지고, 치료를 위해 인근 마을로 옮겨진다. 그 곳에서 ‘부바’ 사부의 종교의식과 여자친구 ‘핌’의 극진한 간호로 ‘티엔’은 기적적으로 소생하게 되고, 사부의 가르침에 따라 심신의 수양에 정진한다. 한편 군주 ‘라자세나’는 어둠의 힘으로 ‘티엔’을 제거하기 위해 흑마술사 ‘상카’를 찾게 되지만 오히려 그에게 죽임을 당하고 ‘상카’는 ‘라자세나’를 대신해 군주의 자리에 오르게 된다. 어둠의 힘으로 세상을 통치하려는 야욕에 휩싸인 ‘상카’는 반군세력을 색출해내기 위해 주민들을 무차별 학살하거나 끌고 가기 시작하고 이에 ‘티엔’은 그에게 주어진 ‘복수’라는 이름의 마지막 미션을 위해 ‘상카’를 찾아 나서는데...
The Country Teacher of Ban Nong He Yai
Teacher Pan
In the 1970's a young idealistic teacher arrives in a remote impoverished North East Issan village to teach in a school. He must first reform the womanizing, gambling addicted, wife beating headmaster. He helps poor families get school uniforms and books for their children. He does his best to improve everyone's lives. Soon he becomes very popular. Unfortunately he faces many obstacles from the local mafia who run an illegal logging business which he exposes. They view him as a major threat and do their best to stop him but he decides to take them on.
레이징 피닉스
아름답지만 거친 소녀 ‘데유’(지자 야닌). 어느 날 의문의 조직에게 납치당할 위험에 처하고 그녀를 구해준 ‘사님’(카주)으로 인해 그녀의 삶은 180도 달라진다. 이 사건으로 ‘데유’는 미처 알지 못했던 새로운 세계에 빠져들고, 그곳에서 같은 목표를 위해 싸우는 친구를 만나게 된다. 그녀를 돕는 친구들은 모두 ‘데유’를 납치하려 한 의문의 조직에게 사랑하는 사람을 잃은 경험이 있고 더 이상의 피해자를 막기 위해 함께 싸우기로 결심한다. 그들과 함께 고된 수련 과정을 견디는 ‘데유’는 조직의 실체를 파악하기 위해 스스로 미끼가 되기로 하고, 다시 한 번 납치 당하기를 기다리는데…
Power Kids
A group of friends have trained themselves in martial arts. One of the gang is in hospital so when the hospital is taken over by a group of terrorists, the kids take on the rebels.
옹박: 더 레전드
1400년, 미지의 땅 태국. 권력에 의해 온 가족이 처참히 살해당하는 모습을 지켜본 ‘티엔’. 복수를 다짐하던 그는 반군의 지도자 ‘처낭’의 눈에 띄게 되고, 그로부터 세계 각지의 무술을 전수받는다. 마침내 절대 무공의 소유자가 된 ‘티엔’은 복수의 길을 떠나지만, 과거에 대한 새로운 사실을 알게 되면서 무수한 암살자들과 마주하게 되는데…실전 살상 고대 무에타이의 부활!! 이제, 그가 펼칠 액션 신화의 문이 열린다!
옹박: 더 레전드
1400년, 미지의 땅 태국. 권력에 의해 온 가족이 처참히 살해당하는 모습을 지켜본 ‘티엔’. 복수를 다짐하던 그는 반군의 지도자 ‘처낭’의 눈에 띄게 되고, 그로부터 세계 각지의 무술을 전수받는다. 마침내 절대 무공의 소유자가 된 ‘티엔’은 복수의 길을 떠나지만, 과거에 대한 새로운 사실을 알게 되면서 무수한 암살자들과 마주하게 되는데…실전 살상 고대 무에타이의 부활!! 이제, 그가 펼칠 액션 신화의 문이 열린다!
옹박: 더 레전드
1400년, 미지의 땅 태국. 권력에 의해 온 가족이 처참히 살해당하는 모습을 지켜본 ‘티엔’. 복수를 다짐하던 그는 반군의 지도자 ‘처낭’의 눈에 띄게 되고, 그로부터 세계 각지의 무술을 전수받는다. 마침내 절대 무공의 소유자가 된 ‘티엔’은 복수의 길을 떠나지만, 과거에 대한 새로운 사실을 알게 되면서 무수한 암살자들과 마주하게 되는데…실전 살상 고대 무에타이의 부활!! 이제, 그가 펼칠 액션 신화의 문이 열린다!
아시아에 새로운 액션스타가 탄생했다. 남다른 운동신경을 지닌 자폐아 젠. 빠른 속도로 무술을 배울 수 있는 그녀는 어머니의 치료비를 벌기위해 어머니가 남긴 장부를 보고 과거 동료들을 찾아간다. 그녀를 가로막는 악당들. 수줍은 얼굴에 몸빼 바지를 입고, 화려한 발차기를 선보이는 그녀! 이제 아무도 그녀를 막을 수 없다
Dynamite Warrior
Nai Hoi Dam / Black Wizard
The story is set in 1890s Siam. Siang is a young Muay Thai warrior and rocketry expert who steals back water buffalo taken from poor Isan farmers by unscrupulous cattle raiders. He is searching for a man with a tattoo who killed his parents.
Martial Arts Choreographer
방콕의 소방관 샤른은 우연히 슈퍼히어로의 능력을 얻게 된다. 악당들에게 어머니와 여동생이 납치되는데 이 악당들은 다름 아닌 아프가니스탄 출신의 테러리스트들이다. 이들의 목표는 미국 공격. 방콕의 머큐리맨이 미국 평화를 위해 아프간 테러리스트와 결전을 벌인다. 대부분의 아시아 슈퍼히어로들이 미국 슈퍼히어로의 흔적을 간직하고 있는 것은 흔한 일이지만 은 비단 시각적으로 드러나는 이미지뿐 아니라 그들의 세계관까지 고스란히 이접된 것처럼 보인다는 점에서 이채롭다. 태국의 슈퍼히어로가 미국을 공격하려는 아프가니스탄 테러리스트와 싸운다는 설정은 다소 엉뚱하게 느껴지지만 미국 시장 진출을 위한 태국 슈퍼히어로의 포석일 가능성도 배제할 수 없다. (옥미나)
The Road to Glory: The Making of Ong-Bak
A fascinating 8-part ""Making Of"" documentary that will take you behind-the-scenes of each of the movie's groundbreaking action-sequences.
옹박: 두번째 미션
Stunt Coordinator
‘자투렁카바트’라고 불리운 근위대 조상을 둔 청년 캄은 과거 선친들이 살던 깊은 산골에서 코끼리를 키우며 살고 있는 평범한 청년이다. 그에겐 포야이와 콘이라는 귀중한 혈통의 코끼리가 있는데 그 중 포야이는 전설로만 내려오던 완벽한 혈통의 코끼리로 캄과 그의 아버지는 포야이를 곧 왕에게 하사할 예정이었다. 그러던 어느 날, 태국의 갱 조직에 의해 코끼리가 도난 당하고 우여곡절 끝에 그 코끼리는 국제 범죄조직에 의해 호주 시드니로 밀매가 되어버린다. 그에게 있어 코끼리는 가족과도 같이 소중한 것이었기에 캄은 부족들의 대표로 코끼리들을 되 찾아 오기 위해 호주로 떠난다. 호주에 도착한 캄은 그곳의 경찰관인 마크와 릭을 만나 그들이 조사중인 사건에 도움을 주며 협조를 받게 되고 캄이 상대해야 할 범죄조직이 엄청난 영향력을 행사하고 있는 마피아 조직임을 알게 되는데... 마피아들은 태국에서 온 골칫덩어리 캄을 제거하려 악명 높은 킬러들을 보내기 시작한다. 이에 캄은 조상 대대로 전수 받은 고대 무에타이 ‘무에타이보란’을 사용하여 적들에게 조금씩 다가가는데... 그곳엔 상상을 초월하는 강력한 적들에 의한 예상치 못한 위험이 그를 기다리고 있었다.
Born to Fight
When a remote Thai village is overrun by terrorists armed with a nuclear missile, an elite undercover operative leads the most unique fighting force ever assembled in a heroic bid to save their nation.
Born to Fight
When a remote Thai village is overrun by terrorists armed with a nuclear missile, an elite undercover operative leads the most unique fighting force ever assembled in a heroic bid to save their nation.
옹박: 무에타이의 후예
'팅'(토니 쟈 분)은 승려 '프라 크루'에 의해 농푸라두 사원에서 자란 고아이다.'프라크루 스님'은 '팅'에게 고대 무에타이 무술을 훈련시키면서 절대 다른 사람을 해치는 데 무술을 사용하지 말 것을 당부하는데 스승으로부터 강도 높은 무에타이 훈련 받아 최고의 격투사가 된 '팅'은 살아가면서 선의 길을 따르기로 한다. 하지만, 마을의 수호신인 옹박 불상의 머리가 도난 당하자 마을을 대표해 이를 찾아 나서고 어쩔 수 없이 자신이 배운 무에타이로 혈투를 벌이게 된다. 하지만 번번히 옹박 불상은 암흑가 보스에 의해 빼돌려져 다시 '팅'은 목숨을 건 최후의 결투를 벌이는데.
Puta khatha thalom khon
Early Thai action film from Panna Rittikrai.
하드 건
Panna and Tony play members of a desperate gang of thieves who are forced into hiding after a robbery goes wrong; when the police launch a raid on their hide-out, the pair are forced to make a bid for freedom, and in the ensuing battle, Panna's 'brother' is shot and killed. Narrowly escaping the clutches of the law themselves, the duo plan to take revenge on Pitak, the cop who fired the fatal bullet.
하드 건
Panna and Tony play members of a desperate gang of thieves who are forced into hiding after a robbery goes wrong; when the police launch a raid on their hide-out, the pair are forced to make a bid for freedom, and in the ensuing battle, Panna's 'brother' is shot and killed. Narrowly escaping the clutches of the law themselves, the duo plan to take revenge on Pitak, the cop who fired the fatal bullet.
Mission Hunter 2 : Battle Warrior
Tony Jaa (star of the critically Ong-Bak & Warrior King) is the leader of the Panter Squad - a group of martial arts madmen employed by a notorious General and Cartel kingpin on the border of Thailand and The Golden Triangle. They have kidnapped a noted Explorer who has been searching for an ancient priceless artefact that the General is desperate to find and profit from. A team of ruthless mercenaries leads a crack team to free the Explorer, crush the General and Jaa's deadly Panther squad. But before doing so they must overcome the fearsome Black Goblins and the crazed Kung Fu Zombies. Battle Warrior is packed with crazy martial arts from start to finish, and with Tony Jaa, features one of cinema's greatest ever action stars.
The Rowdy Bunch
A mysterious clan of assassins versed in traditional techniques of Muay Thai Boxing took control of the empire of Siam. Enslaved and humiliated, the people must rebel to preserve their freedom. A war with bare hands is preparing for peace. Freedom after their fists, certain death after the battle: only the mystical power of Muay Thai warriors will ensure their victory!
The Rowdy Bunch
A mysterious clan of assassins versed in traditional techniques of Muay Thai Boxing took control of the empire of Siam. Enslaved and humiliated, the people must rebel to preserve their freedom. A war with bare hands is preparing for peace. Freedom after their fists, certain death after the battle: only the mystical power of Muay Thai warriors will ensure their victory!
Bangkok Hooligans
1994 film by Thai martial arts director, Panna Rittikrai. Thai action supermo Panna Rittikrai stars as a hard boiled gangster who takes control of a Bangkok suburb with a violent and iron grip. Great fights and stunts galore.
Bangkok Hooligans
1994 film by Thai martial arts director, Panna Rittikrai. Thai action supermo Panna Rittikrai stars as a hard boiled gangster who takes control of a Bangkok suburb with a violent and iron grip. Great fights and stunts galore.
Spirited Killer
Spirited Killer
A group of travelers visiting the exotic forests of Thailand is suddenly attacked by a multi-weapon wielding maniac. Some manage to escape, others perish under his merciless blows. The maniac is the Spirited Killer, a forest dweller who kills anyone who steps into his jungle.
Spirited Killer
A group of travelers visiting the exotic forests of Thailand is suddenly attacked by a multi-weapon wielding maniac. Some manage to escape, others perish under his merciless blows. The maniac is the Spirited Killer, a forest dweller who kills anyone who steps into his jungle.
Angel of Death
A low budget Thai action thriller starring Panna Rittikrai. A TV series was later developed with same title “ทูตมรณะ” and aired in 1990 starring Sorapong Chatree and Sombat Methanee.
Angel of Death
A low budget Thai action thriller starring Panna Rittikrai. A TV series was later developed with same title “ทูตมรณะ” and aired in 1990 starring Sorapong Chatree and Sombat Methanee.
Angel of Death
A low budget Thai action thriller starring Panna Rittikrai. A TV series was later developed with same title “ทูตมรณะ” and aired in 1990 starring Sorapong Chatree and Sombat Methanee.
Young Angel
Liu Talu Fah AKA: Young Angel Dir: Panna Rittikrai THAILAND - 1992
Young Angel
Liu Talu Fah AKA: Young Angel Dir: Panna Rittikrai THAILAND - 1992
Young Angel
Liu Talu Fah AKA: Young Angel Dir: Panna Rittikrai THAILAND - 1992
Young Angel
Stunt Coordinator
Liu Talu Fah AKA: Young Angel Dir: Panna Rittikrai THAILAND - 1992
Siamese Lion
An early '90s Panna Rittikrai action film featuring an early appearance from Tony Jaa.
Siamese Lion
Stunt Coordinator
An early '90s Panna Rittikrai action film featuring an early appearance from Tony Jaa.
Siamese Lion
An early '90s Panna Rittikrai action film featuring an early appearance from Tony Jaa.
Siamese Lion
An early '90s Panna Rittikrai action film featuring an early appearance from Tony Jaa.
Ai Petch Bor Kor Sor II
Ai Petch
Heavily influenced by the work of Jackie Chan, Ai Petch Bor Kor Sor II is the second installment of a two-part series of films directed by Thai martial artist, Panna Rittikrai.
Ai Petch Bor Kor Sor II
Heavily influenced by the work of Jackie Chan, Ai Petch Bor Kor Sor II is the second installment of a two-part series of films directed by Thai martial artist, Panna Rittikrai.
The Chiang Choon Fighter
Panna Rittikrai drinks Chiang Choon to fight! He's the Thailand Drunken Master. Stunts and shapes galore.
The Chiang Choon Fighter
Panna Rittikrai drinks Chiang Choon to fight! He's the Thailand Drunken Master. Stunts and shapes galore.
The Chiang Choon Fighter
Panna Rittikrai drinks Chiang Choon to fight! He's the Thailand Drunken Master. Stunts and shapes galore.
Song Kram Phee
We have teams from China and Japan seeking out a black stone that can create immensely powerful magic. There's some resistance and the local population calls up a shaman who announces he will be a shaman for a thousand years. Yes, he's evil. So we're off to more wackiness with wizards, ghosts, zombies, and a few of those female ogres/ghouls. There are a few gut-munching scenes. It all ends up in a magical war.
Song Kram Phee
We have teams from China and Japan seeking out a black stone that can create immensely powerful magic. There's some resistance and the local population calls up a shaman who announces he will be a shaman for a thousand years. Yes, he's evil. So we're off to more wackiness with wizards, ghosts, zombies, and a few of those female ogres/ghouls. There are a few gut-munching scenes. It all ends up in a magical war.
Song Kram Phee
We have teams from China and Japan seeking out a black stone that can create immensely powerful magic. There's some resistance and the local population calls up a shaman who announces he will be a shaman for a thousand years. Yes, he's evil. So we're off to more wackiness with wizards, ghosts, zombies, and a few of those female ogres/ghouls. There are a few gut-munching scenes. It all ends up in a magical war.
Kumpee Nuk Leng
1991 film by Thai martial arts director, Panna Rittikrai.
Kumpee Nuk Leng
1991 film by Thai martial arts director, Panna Rittikrai.
River of Fire
Brilliant action from the Ong Bak master as he faces gangster's, crocodiles and a whole lot more on the river of fire. Long live Panna.
River of Fire
Brilliant action from the Ong Bak master as he faces gangster's, crocodiles and a whole lot more on the river of fire. Long live Panna.
River of Fire
Brilliant action from the Ong Bak master as he faces gangster's, crocodiles and a whole lot more on the river of fire. Long live Panna.
Black Magic Tiger
Khom and Plabprueng are married and live with their children in a small village in the forest. One day Chim, the son of the village chief has returned home after leaving the village for years. Chim used to be Plabprueng's childhood boyfriend and she has an affair with him. When Khom finds out, he kills them both and flees the village with the children. In the forest he finds a house occupied by a mother and daughter who are actually demons who can change into tigers. Unaware of this fact, he decides to settle down and make the tiger daughter his new wife. But it turns out the tigers have a sinister reason to let him be with them because years ago Khom's dad killed the tiger father and they're looking for vengeance.
Killers vs Thugs
A Thailand action film featuring Panna Rittikrai.
Killers vs Thugs
A Thailand action film featuring Panna Rittikrai.
Killers vs Thugs
A Thailand action film featuring Panna Rittikrai.
Crazy and Must Kill
Thai action crime thriller
Piercing Hell Dictatorship
A mercenary unit led by Commander Suraphon (Panna Rittikrai) has to go out into battle again. Shortly after being discharged, Mayom (Tida Thirarat) and her older brother Making come to help the military. and all sacrificing their lives for the nation.
Black Goblins
While in the process of helping Sompob, who was robbed by Kuya, Rawin finds that he must battle Ngachang. However, on the day of the battle the village is attacked by a gang of thousand-year-old zombies, led by Panna Rittikrai, and everyone must join forces to defeat them.. This is an extremely rare Panna Rittikrai zombie film with elements of The Goonies and The Lost Boys. It was later released on VCD by Lepso, who changed the name from เถื่อนอัดดิบ (Tooan Ad Dib) to พายุเดือด (Payu Dued).
Black Goblins
While in the process of helping Sompob, who was robbed by Kuya, Rawin finds that he must battle Ngachang. However, on the day of the battle the village is attacked by a gang of thousand-year-old zombies, led by Panna Rittikrai, and everyone must join forces to defeat them.. This is an extremely rare Panna Rittikrai zombie film with elements of The Goonies and The Lost Boys. It was later released on VCD by Lepso, who changed the name from เถื่อนอัดดิบ (Tooan Ad Dib) to พายุเดือด (Payu Dued).
Black Goblins
While in the process of helping Sompob, who was robbed by Kuya, Rawin finds that he must battle Ngachang. However, on the day of the battle the village is attacked by a gang of thousand-year-old zombies, led by Panna Rittikrai, and everyone must join forces to defeat them.. This is an extremely rare Panna Rittikrai zombie film with elements of The Goonies and The Lost Boys. It was later released on VCD by Lepso, who changed the name from เถื่อนอัดดิบ (Tooan Ad Dib) to พายุเดือด (Payu Dued).
Black Goblins
While in the process of helping Sompob, who was robbed by Kuya, Rawin finds that he must battle Ngachang. However, on the day of the battle the village is attacked by a gang of thousand-year-old zombies, led by Panna Rittikrai, and everyone must join forces to defeat them.. This is an extremely rare Panna Rittikrai zombie film with elements of The Goonies and The Lost Boys. It was later released on VCD by Lepso, who changed the name from เถื่อนอัดดิบ (Tooan Ad Dib) to พายุเดือด (Payu Dued).
Wake Up to Kill 3
Two sisters are in search of their grandfather's body so it can be buried in their family tomb. In the jungle, they run afoul of gangsters performing an evil experiment involving blood that turns them into zombies. A Sword of God may be involved, a bunch of exorcists and zombie attacks are also involved. Also, the zombies know martial arts.
Wake Up to Kill 3
Two sisters are in search of their grandfather's body so it can be buried in their family tomb. In the jungle, they run afoul of gangsters performing an evil experiment involving blood that turns them into zombies. A Sword of God may be involved, a bunch of exorcists and zombie attacks are also involved. Also, the zombies know martial arts.
Wake Up to Kill 3
Two sisters are in search of their grandfather's body so it can be buried in their family tomb. In the jungle, they run afoul of gangsters performing an evil experiment involving blood that turns them into zombies. A Sword of God may be involved, a bunch of exorcists and zombie attacks are also involved. Also, the zombies know martial arts.
Born to Fight 3
Another awesome Panna film, but for a different reason. Less emphasis on crazy falls, and more on fight choreography. Panna did some closer shots with this one too, rather than only using wide ones like in GML and Plook1. Acrobatic/stunty/fighting leads are well worth their long action intros. (Eric Jacobus)
Born to Fight 3
Another awesome Panna film, but for a different reason. Less emphasis on crazy falls, and more on fight choreography. Panna did some closer shots with this one too, rather than only using wide ones like in GML and Plook1. Acrobatic/stunty/fighting leads are well worth their long action intros. (Eric Jacobus)
Black Goblins
While in the process of helping Sompob, who was robbed by Kuya, Rawin finds that he must battle Ngachang. However, on the day of the battle the village is attacked by a gang of thousand-year-old zombies, led by Panna Rittikrai, and everyone must join forces to defeat them.. This is an extremely rare Panna Rittikrai zombie film with elements of The Goonies and The Lost Boys. It was later released on VCD by Lepso, who changed the name from เถื่อนอัดดิบ (Tooan Ad Dib) to พายุเดือด (Payu Dued).
Angel Of Death 2
Rare Thai action movie starring Panna Rittikrai
Black Killer
Dandy (Nattakan Petchrapanna) He travelled from Japan for finding Jam, his grandpa. He took his fraud money document of his father's office with him. Dandy was chasing by a secret ninja, but there's an Interpol also chasing him. Dandy got a favor from Thanu (Bin Bunlurit), he got the order to kill Jam, but when he knew the truth, he had changed his mind. The turbulence happened when the secret document was grabbed by the pickpocket gang of Dam (Panna Rittikrai); Then the scramble happened.
Ai Petch Bor Kor Sor
Ai Petch
Heavily influenced by the work of Jackie Chan, Ai Petch Bor Kor Sor is the first installment of a two-part series of films directed by Thai martial artist, Panna Rittikrai.
Ai Petch Bor Kor Sor
Heavily influenced by the work of Jackie Chan, Ai Petch Bor Kor Sor is the first installment of a two-part series of films directed by Thai martial artist, Panna Rittikrai.
Iron Angels 3
Thai boxer
A gang of crime-fighting martial-arts beauties battle a terrorist organization based in Thailand led by a religious fanatic.
Dark Day Express
The Iron Relic, a priceless treasure, is lost. Dr. Raymond has been searching for the relic for the last 20 years.
Wake Up to Kill 2
Sequel to the 1987 original; a mix of martial arts and horror.
Wake Up to Kill 2
Sequel to the 1987 original; a mix of martial arts and horror.
Mission Hunter
The Iron Relic, a priceless treasure, is lost. Dr. Raymond has been searching for the relic for the last 20 years.
Wake Up to Kill
The director stars as a zombie bad guy in this action / horror hybrid filled with martial arts and stunts. It was followed by three sequels.
Wake Up to Kill
The director stars as a zombie bad guy in this action / horror hybrid filled with martial arts and stunts. It was followed by three sequels.
Run Thug Run
A terrorist leader orders his crew to take hostages and hurt people pretty badly.
Thai Police Story
Explosive action film starring Panna Rittikrai as a man caught between corrupt police officers and vicious drug gangs. The film features non-stop action and crazy stunts including a fight with Panna taking on four guys on top of a moving truck.
Thai Police Story
Explosive action film starring Panna Rittikrai as a man caught between corrupt police officers and vicious drug gangs. The film features non-stop action and crazy stunts including a fight with Panna taking on four guys on top of a moving truck.
Run Thug Run
A terrorist leader orders his crew to take hostages and hurt people pretty badly.
Run Thug Run
A terrorist leader orders his crew to take hostages and hurt people pretty badly.
Born to Fight
Sian-fong is a lawyer for a family empire with criminal links. When he stumbles across delicate information, he ends up on the lam. Returning home to find a tragedy, he decides his life is no longer secure in Hong Kong and decides to journey to Thailand.
Born to Fight
Sian-fong is a lawyer for a family empire with criminal links. When he stumbles across delicate information, he ends up on the lam. Returning home to find a tragedy, he decides his life is no longer secure in Hong Kong and decides to journey to Thailand.
Grade 4 (No Lines)
Leu's Friend
Tuk Tuk drivers face off against gangsters.
Dragon Killer
Thai film director Kom Akkadej managed to perform a real coup by getting two of the legends of Hong Kong action cinema, Norman Tsui Siu Keung and David Chiang Dai Wai of the Shaw Brothers studio to star in this film.
เพชฌฆาตดำ 2 ตอนล่าสาวพันธุ์ดุ
The Outlaws
Low budget martial arts film starring Panna Rittikrai. There is another film, with a higher budget by the same name, which is often confused with this film.
Fighting Fools
Martial arts comedy directed by Panna Rittikrai.
Fighting Fools
Martial arts comedy directed by Panna Rittikrai.