Alexey Rodionov

출생 : 1947-04-26, Moscow, USSR (Russia)

참여 작품

Empire V
Director of Photography
Chronicles how loader Roman Shtorkin becomes a vampire and receives the title of Rama II.
더 파티
Director of Photography
비극을 코미디로 유쾌하게 풀어낸 [더 파티]는 현대 런던의 한 주택을 배경으로, 영화 속 시간의 흐름과 실제 상영 시간이 거의 일치한다. 자넷은 야당의 보건복지부 예비장관으로 승진한 것을 자축하기 위해 친한 친구들을 집에 초대한다. 이런 날 그녀의 남편 빌은 왠지 모르게 바빠 보인다. 친구들이 하나 둘 도착하고 근황을 나누면서 파티는 점점 무르익는다. 그 와중에 빌의 폭탄선언을 시작으로, 몇 가지 갑작스러운 폭로가 이어지며 사람들은 서로 대립한다. 샴페인으로 시작된 파티는 자기 자신뿐만 아니라 서로에 대한 환상이 걷히며, 바닥에 피가 낭자한 채 마무리된다.
Уходящая натура
Director of Photography
Generation P
Director of Photography
A chronicle of Russia's transition from communism to capitalism.
Director of Photography
Rita's daughter is sick with leukemia. In order to obtain the money for a bone marrow transplant, she travels from Ukraine to Russia to become a surrogate mother. The homosexual couple who are the biological parents of the child die in an automobile accident. Rita is left six month pregnant, without any money, and with a dying daughter to care for. In order to save her daughter, Rita is prepared to do anything. She's drawn into the criminal world, from which she escapes with her daughter to Jordan in the Near East, where Bedouins treat cancer by means of nontraditional medicines.
제독의 연인
Director of Photography
전쟁은 선택이지만 사랑은 운명이었다! 100년간 감춰졌던 극비 실화 로맨스!! 전쟁도, 혁명도 막지 못했던 운명적 사랑이 대륙의 설원 위에서 펼쳐진다!! 전투에서 대승을 거두고 영웅으로 돌아온 최고의 해군 함장 `코르챠크`(콘스탄틴 카벤스키). 승리를 축하하는 파티가 열리던 밤, 그는 고혹적인 매력의 `안나`(엘리자베타 보야르스카야)를 만나게 되고 두 사람은 거부할 수 없는 사랑에 빠진다. 그러나 얼마 후 제국은 혁명의 불길에 휩싸이고 제독의 자리에 오른 `코르챠크`는 군인의 명예와 대의를 위해서 `안나`곁을 떠나게 된다. 운명의 여인을 지켜내기 위해 그녀를 모른 척 해야 하는 `코르챠크`와 그에게 전해질 기약 없는 편지를 쓰며 그리움을 키워가는 `안나`. 기다림의 끝에서 결국 `안나`는 연인과 생사를 함께 하기로 결심하고, 간호병이 되어 `코르챠크` 몰래 먼발치에서나마 연인을 지켜보며 전장 속으로 뛰어 드는데...
She is a scientist. He is a Lebanese doctor. They meet at a banquet and fall into a carefree, passionate relationship. But difficulties abound because of his heritage and her loveless marriage. She flies to Havana to sort things out on the beach and in the cabarets. She sends him a ticket, but harbors no illusions that He will join her in this Caribbean melting pot.
Summer Rain
Director of Photography
After her foreign husband returns home to Germany, a young Russian woman finds true love with a doctor in Moscow.
Where Eskimos Live
Director of Photography
Sharkey, part of the sinister world of child trade, picks up Vlado, an orphan of war, dreaming of freedom and a better life. They embark upon a strange and enlightening journey through war torn Bosnia. As they struggle to get out of the country and fight to stay alive, they find a special love and compassion from which emerges their ultimate moral and spiritual redemption.
24 Hours
Director of Photography
Feliks, professional killer, has only 24 hours to get to the distant island, where his beloved woman and the money for the custom made is waiting for him. Lyova Shalamov and his brother Garik have also 24 hours to find and to kill Feliks.
Director of Photography
A glimpse at the life of legendary Soviet filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein.
Director of Photography
Zezolla and her family live mid 20th century, where fashion is practically everything. As her father is won over by a selfish woman named Claudette, Cinderella must keep her new step-mother from murdering the only family she has left. Add in an anti-social mermaid literally living in a cave, a bored prince with an ear for rock n' roll, and the glamour of the 1950's and one'll find that this story can't grow old.
Talk of Angels
Director of Photography
This is the story of a young Irish woman who comes to Spain to escape from the pressures she feels about her impending marriage to a political activist in Ireland. But in Spain in the 1930's, taking a job of governess in a wealthy family, she finds the same kinds of political unrest. In fact, it isn't long before she finds herself attracted to a married man who is similarly involved in the struggle against fascism and Franco. This awakens her to her nature that brings her to such men and resolves for her what she must do about the life she left in Ireland
Passion in the Desert
Director of Photography
Young French officer Augustin Robert escorts artist Jean-Michel Venture de Paradis to Egypt during Napoleon's Egyptian campaign. Napoleon sent de Paradis to record Egypt's great monuments and temples that are destroyed by French soldiers in acts of barbarism. During combat, Augustin and Jean-Michel are separated from their regiment, and they start wandering through the desert fighting for their life. In one of the canyons Augustin meets a leopard he names Simoom and a strange bond between them appears.
The Muslim
Director of Photography
A Russian soldier who spent ten years in captivity in Afghanistan, returns to his home village and shocks all its inhabitants because of his conversion to Islam. During his absence, his father hanged himself, his brother served a prison term and his former fiancée has become a woman of very low morals. The village is the scene of endless drinking while the local boss is selling off the land for dollars to new-rich Russians. Our hero turns out as the only sober and hard-working member of the community. However, his attachment to his new faith soon provokes the hatred and rejection of everyone else, including his own family.
Director of Photography
Beginning in South Africa under the apartheid regime, the film follows a young girl who flees the country after a violent confrontation with a local white landowner in which her father is killed. She settles in Abidjan, where, ten years later, she has become a university student. As part of her studies, she visits the Taureg tribe on the edge of the Sahara before at last returning to post-Apartheid South Africa.
Director of Photography
여성보다 더 아름다운 미모를 지닌 젊은 귀족 올란도는 만찬회장에서 여왕 엘리자베스 1세의 아름다움을 찬양하는 시를 낭송한다. 여왕은 그에게 저택을 하사하고 영원히 죽지도 늙지도 말라는 말을 남긴다. 여왕이 죽은 후 영국 주재 러시아 대사의 딸과 사랑에 빠지게 되지만, 갑자기 그녀가 고국으로 돌아가버리자 상심한 올란도는 1주일 동안 잠에 빠지고, 깨어난 후에는 시를 쓰며 마음을 달랜다. 얼마 후 터키 대사가 되어 영국을 떠난 올란도는 그곳에서 일어난 전쟁에 휘말리자 다시 긴 잠에 빠지게 되고 깨어나보니 자신의 성이 여자로 바뀌었음을 알게 되는데…
I Wanted to See Angels
Director of Photography
Twenty-year-old Bob rides 1000 km to Moscow on his vintage motorbike to collect a bad debt for his boss; the city chews up and spits out this naive country boy, whose head is full of Easy Rider dreams.
Shura & Prosvirnjak
Director of Photography
Kerosene Salesman's Wife
Director of Photography
Drama film about different lifes of twin brothers.
We Are Cheerful, Happy, Talented!
Director of Photography
A troubled journalist is joining the club which promotes healthy lifestyle.
Встреча перед разлукой
Director of Photography
컴 앤 씨
Director of Photography
소년 플로리아는 나치 독일의 침공을 받고 있는 벨라루스에 살고 있다. 그런데 첫 장면에서 그는 모래밭의 흙을 파고 있는 중이다. 제대로 매장되지 못한 죽은 병사들의 시체들이 나오지만, 어떻게든 쓸 만한 총을 찾아낸다. 플로리아는 독일군과의 전투에 참여하길 원하지만 어른들은 그를 무시한다. 더 경험 많은 군인에게 그의 총은 인계되고, 그는 군인들의 행진을 지켜볼 뿐이다. 이윽고 플로리아는 글로샤라는 독특한 매력의 소녀와 함께 뒤에 처져 있음을 깨닫는다. 이들은 숲으로 가지만 거기서 나치 독일의 엄청난 폭격을 당하고, 그 바람에 플로리아의 청력에 문제가 생긴다. 정신이 혼미해진 플로리아는 마을로 돌아가는데, 거기서 엄청난 대량 학살의 흔적과 널부러진 시신들을 보고 경악한다. 문득 어머니의 생사가 궁금해져 필사적으로 찾아다니던 그는 비극적인 장면을 목격하게 되는데..
Director of Photography
Among Grey Stones
Director of Photography
A judge is devastated after the death of his wife and is neglectful of his children. His son befriends the children of a street beggar who live in an abandoned, derelict church. After his experience with his new friends, the young boy begins to feel sorry for his father and sympathizes with his loneliness.
Director of Photography
Matyora is a small village on a beautiful island with the same name. The existence of the village is threatened with flooding by the construction of a dam. This is the story of the inhabitants of Matyora and their farewell to their homeland.
A Sweet Woman
Director of Photography
A story about life and love of a young girl Anna who moves from her village to a big city.
Моя судьба
Director of Photography
The Petrukha Family
Director of Photography
The young Petrukha couple live in a village - a kind, docile husband and strict wife. Soon, twins are born to them.