Lena Söderblom

Lena Söderblom

출생 : 1935-10-24, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden

프로필 사진

Lena Söderblom

참여 작품

Stall-Erik and the Snapphans
Stall-Erik och snapphanarna is a Swedish film project that began filming in 1996 with a preliminary premiere in 2025. Director, producer and lead actor is Anders Olofsson. Olofsson is entirely responsible for the financing of the project and the casting.
Screwed in Tallinn
Lennart's Mother
Percy Nilegaard collects Swedish single men and embarks on a bus trip to Tallinn with a so-called "highly-experienced driver".
The Last Dance
Blackpool, a dancing contest, a dead woman. This is the opening scene of this movie, which then continues by telling us the story preceding this sad accident - or is it a murder? We will get to know the tensed relationship of the dancing contestant couple Tove and Claes, and see how there lives are affected by Liselott and Lennart, their opponents and friends.
Silent about two clumsy glaziers.
Herr Sleeman kommer
tant Mina
A young girl is torn between marrying the old man herr Sleeman for money or the young hunter out of love.
Old Siv has one dream left in life, to find her teenage sweetheart Albert who emigrated to the US 50 years ago.
Axel and Bertha are a married couple who are both artists in 1880s Paris, the film addresses the topic of gender equality in marriage and society, for example the property rights of married women.
The Jönsson Gang & Dynamite Harry
Mrs Lundberg
Sickan, Vanheden and Rocky try to rob the Berns nightclub one night, but Vanheden has made the mistake to invite his constantly drunk cousin, the old dynamiter Dynamite-Harry and he ruins the plan. Sickan is arrested, and has to spend 10 months in a small, locked room. When he is released, he has a new plan, but Rocky and Vanheden have decided to go straight. Together with Dynamite-Harry, Sickan plans to rob a cold store, managed by their arch-enemy, Wall-Enberg.
Vårt dagliga bröd
"Our Daily Bread" - Revolves around a group of women who start working at a pizza bakery.
Röda rummet 1979
August Strindberg's "The Red Room" recreated to a science fiction world in Stockholm, a brutal, guarded and controlled existence under a total supremacy. Like in Metropolis or Airstrip One the citizens are directed to align themselves in the direction of what the higher power thinks is to their advantage. The government offices takes care of your every need.
Calle P
Calle Parking has invented a car that can be folded to the size of a suitcase. To remedy the parking problems in Stockholm. Presenting his idea to the authorities causes a conflict of interest.
Eva Jonsson
Ante Nordlund is on his way to Stockholm and gets a ride with a diplomat in his car. He leaves Ante at the entrance of Grand Hôtel where he gets treated like a millionaire.
Lita på mej, älskling!
Anna Björk
Anna and Karl are a young couple in Stockholm, unable to find an apartment of their own. However, they play matchmakers to make their friends Fredrik and Ulla to get together, getting an apartment of their own that way. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Lola Hallberg
Rich socialite must deny persistent rumours that she has an affair with a poor author.
Miss April
Maj Bergman
The banker Marcus falls in love with the young ballet-dancer Maj who works at the opera. To meet her he takes a job there but Maj is in love with Osvald Berg, the big star of the opera. To wake Osvald's interest for her she asks Marcus if he could play deeply in love with her. Plot summary by nL.
Last Pair Out
About the life of the student, Bo Dahlin. Bo's parents are divorced. Both have been unfaithful. Bo is engaged to Kerstin, but only has eyes for Anita. Anita is filled with self-disgust.
한여름 밤의 미소
Maid (uncredited)
한 세기가 시작된, 어느 작은 마을. 중년의 변호사, 프레데릭 에게르만(군나르 비요른스트란트 분)은 자신보다 훨씬 어린 아내이자 두 번째 부인, 앤(울라 야콥손 분)이 자신을 남자가 아닌 아버지처럼 좋아한다는 사실로 인해 결혼 생활이 불만족스럽기만 하다. 결국, 프레데릭은 아내 몰래, 옛 연인이자, 배우인 데지레 아름펠트(에바 달벡 분)를 찾아가지만, 그곳에서 그녀의 현재 애인인 말콤 백작(야를 큘레 분)과 만나게 된다. 두 남자가 논쟁을 벌이는 중에, 데지레가 낳은 사생아의 아버지가 프레데릭임이 밝혀지고, 당황한 프레데릭은 데지레에게 아이를 키우기에 적합치 않다고 말했다가 따귀를 얻어맞고 만다. 프레데릭이 가고 난 후, 데지레는 말콤 백작과 말다툼 끝에 자유분방한 어머니를 찾아간다. 어머니는 아버지와 결혼 한 후, 비슷한 일을 겪었다고 말해준다. 데지레는 모든 문제를 풀기 위해, 하지 축제 이브에 친구들을 초대해 달라고 부탁한다. 데지레의 어머니는 마지못해 딸의 요청을 수락하고, 프레데릭과 아내 앤, 말콤 백작과 그의 부인 샬롯데, 그리고 프레데릭의 장성한 아들 헨릭과 하녀 페트라 등이 저택에 모인다. 저택에 도착한 손님들은 저녁 식사를 대접받는데, 음식 속에는 자극적인 사랑의 묘약이 섞여있다. 프레데릭은 아들 헨릭과 앤이 묘한 분위기라는 사실을 감지하고, 백작부인은 자신이 프레데릭을 유혹할 수 있다면서 남편과 여러 사람들 앞에서 내기를 건다. 그렇게 얽히고 설킨 관계들 속에서 에로틱한 저녁 식사가 진행되는데...
Flickan i regnet
Young Anna Rydell comes to a boarding-school for girls. She is very shy and the other girls don't really try to get to know her. The French teacher Martin Andreasson, who Anna falls in love with, lives at the boarding-school with his wheel chair-bound wife. Her handicap has made her depressed and Martin finds it hard to love her like he used to do.