Don Lenzer

참여 작품

베리 랄프
Director of Photography
The first documentary portrait of fashion icon Ralph Lauren, reveals the man behind the icon and the creation of one of the most successful brands in fashion history.
루스 - 저스티스 긴즈버그 인 허 오운 워즈
Director of Photography
How does some one with three strikes against her, rise to the highest court in the land, the U. S. Supreme Court?
Eagles: Live at the Capital Centre (March 1977)
Camera Operator
Eagles Live At The Capital Centre - March 1977, featuring never-before-released performances from the Eagles’ two-night stand at Washington, D.C.’s Capital Center during the legendary Hotel California tour.
아니타 힐
Camera Operator
섹스, 정치, 인종 문제를 배경으로 한 "아니타 힐"은 젊고 명석한 한 아프리칸 미국인 여성의 사건을 다루고 있다. 아니타 힐은 1991년에 사람들의 모든 관심이 쏠렸던 미국 상원 청문회 동안에 대법원장 후보자인 클레런스 토마스가 자신에게 원하지 않은 성적 접근을 했다고 밝혔으며 이는 권력을 두려워 하지 않는 진실된 행동이었다. 20년이 지난 오늘날에도 이 사건은 성희롱, 인종, 권력, 정치학에 대한 정치적 뇌관을 건드리면서 영향력을 미치고 있다. "아니타 힐"은 한 민간인이 ‘권력 앞에서 진실을 이야기하는’ 시민의 역할을 충실히 이행한 결과 어떤 일이 벌어졌는지를 드라마틱하게 그리고 있다.
When Strangers Click: Five Stories from the Internet
Director of Photography
Finding love has never been easy. But it's also never been easier. Online dating sites thrive on the promise that dates and mates are just a 'click' away...but are they? From Robert Kenner comes a compelling new documentary about the way we woo in a wired world.
Three of Hearts: A Postmodern Family
Director of Photography
In his early twenties, Sam Cagnina, oldest son of a Mafia hit man, meets Steven, a handsome 19-year old college student and they fall in love. Then, after a few years Sam offers Steven a "visionary" idea. What if they could find a woman who would fall in love with both of them and agree to live in a "trio" relationship? They spend the next 7 years dating and looking for that special woman. Finally, they meet Samantha, a young, struggling actress. THREE OF HEARTS explores this very unique trio union as they negotiate their living arangements, fall in love and open one of the hottest wellness centres in New York City. Everyone who comes in contact with them is never quite sure how the relationship works. But the one thing which seems certain is their love for each other.
Xiara's Song
Director of Photography
Xiara Trujillo is a precocious seven-year-old who moved from the Bronx to Maryland with her mom, Aracelli Guzman, four years ago. Though she seems happy hanging out and playing with her pal Melissa, Xiara becomes defensive and emotional when talking about her father, Harold Linares. As we see and learn, Harold is in jail serving a ten-year sentence for weapons possession; Xiara seems to blame his incarceration on her mother, whom she says "kept calling the police." Xiara, who has always been extremely close to her father, acts out with her mother.
The Education of Gore Vidal
Director of Photography
A contrarian and wickedly funny man, "The Education of Gore Vidal" explores Vidal's extraordinary life and work, joining him at his cliff-side villa in Ravello, Italy.
The Artist in Me
Camera Operator
A short documentary following 19-year-old Amanda Dunbar, who shares her thoughts on being an artist alongside a group of children in her art class. This documentary is included as a special feature on the 2002 Barbie as Rapunzel DVD.
낯선 사람들의 품속으로
Director of Photography
제 2차 세계대전이 일어나기 9개월 전, 나찌 치하의 홀로코스트에서 유태인 어린이들이 탈출을 감행한다. 영국으로 망명한 이 어린이들 중 대부분은 다시는 그들의 부모를 만나지 못하고 독일 군대에 쫓기게 된다. 그러면서도 새로운 양부모를 영국에서 만나기도 하고 자신의 친부모들을 나찌치하에서 구해내기 위해 미약한 힘을 모으기도 한다.
집으로 가는 길
Director of Photography
해방 이후 현대 이스라엘 국가 수립까지 제2차 세계대전 이후 유대인 난민 상황에 대한 이야기.
Bill T. Jones: Still/Here
Bill Moyers and filmmaker David Grubin give viewers a rare glimpse into dancer/choreographer Bill T. Jones’s highly acclaimed dance Still/Here. At workshops around the country, people facing life-threatening illnesses are asked to remember the highs and lows of their lives, and even imagine their own deaths. They then transform their feelings into expressive movement, which Jones incorporates into the dance performed later in the program. For this documentary, Jones demonstrates the movements of his own life story: his first encounter with white people, confusion over his sexuality, his partner Arnie Zane’s untimely death from AIDS, and Jones’s own HIV-positive status.
You're the Top: The Cole Porter Story
Camera Operator
Biographical portrait of one of Broadway's most brilliant songwriters. Told through the use of archival material and interviews with the rich and famous that knew him, this portrait concentrates on his career and his public life events.
High Fidelity: The Adventures of the Guarneri String Quartet
Additional Camera
Relationships, rehearsals, performances, hobbies, and family life of the members of the Guarneri String Quartet.
James Baldwin: The Price of the Ticket
Director of Photography
James Baldwin was at once a major 20th century American author, a Civil Rights activist and, for two crucial decades, a prophetic voice calling Americans, black and white, to confront their shared racial tragedy.
A Hungry Feeling: The Life and Death of Brendan Behan
Director of Photography
Colleagues and relatives reflect on the dynamic life of Irish writer Brendan Behan, beginning with his adolescent years as an activist and his affiliation with the IRA youth group, Fianna Éireann. Behan rises to fame as a poet and playwright and achieves international success in the wake of his successful autobiography, "Borstal Boy." But in his later years, Behan's prominence wanes as alcoholism, egotistical tendencies and a growing obsession with celebrity begin to overtake him.
에디 머피 로
Camera Operator
스탠드업 코미디의 고전을 소개한다. 포복절도 없이는 경험할 수 없는 성대모사, 주변 관찰, 어린 시절에 대한 기억을 줄줄이 풀어나가는 에디 머피의 라이브 코미디 쇼.
The Ten-Year Lunch
Director of Photography
The story of the legendary wits who lunched daily at the Algonquin Hotel in New York City during the 1920s. The core of the so-called Round Table group included short story and poetry writer Dorothy Parker; comic actor and writer Robert Benchley; The New Yorker founder Harold Ross; columnist and social reformer Heywood Broun; critic Alexander Woollcott; and playwrights George S. Kaufman, Marc Connelly, Edna Ferber and Robert Sherwood.
Langston Hughes: The Dream Keeper
Director of Photography
One in a series of 13 documentaries on renowned American poets produced by the New York Center for Visual History. Described by director St. Clair Bourne as “a narrative performance documentary,” this category-defiant film on the life of poet and writer Hughes and the times in which he lived and worked moves from America to Senegal to Paris, from the 1920s Harlem Renaissance to the Black Pride awakening of the 1960s.
Directed by William Wyler
Documentary about the famed Hollywood director.
George Stevens: A Filmmaker's Journey
Camera Operator
Biography of the legendary filmmaker directed by his son.
Rush It
Director of Photography
A female bicycle messenger is looking for love in New York City and becomes involved with two very different men.
The Grateful Dead Movie
Director of Photography
Released in 1977 and directed by Jerry Garcia, is a film that captures performances from the Grateful Dead's October 1974 five-night stand at the Winterland Ballroom in San Francisco. This end-of-tour run marked the beginning of an extended hiatus for the band, with no shows planned for 1975. The movie also faithfully portrays the burgeoning Deadhead scene. The film features the "Wall of Sound" concert sound system that the Dead used for all of 1974.
Not a Pretty Picture
Director of Photography
Mixing narrative and documentary filming in a unique way the story is autobiographical and is about a date rape dissecting the characters and circumstances around it. Restored in 2022 by the Academy Film Archive and The Film Foundation. Restoration funding provided by the Hobson/Lucas Family Foundation.
하트 앤 마인드
Second Unit Cinematographer
베트남 전쟁에 반대하는 자들의 입장과 관련 맥락을 뉴스 영상 등과 영화 그리고 실제 인물들의 인터뷰를 통해 알아본다. 어떻게 미국의 인종차별주의와 독선적인 군국주의의 기조가 이 끔찍한 사태를 야기하고 이끌었는지를 보여준다. 또한 베트남 사람들의 목소리로 전쟁이 그들에게 미친 영향과 왜 그들이 미국과 서양에 맞서 싸우는지에 대한 이야기도 들어본다.
Father Dan Berrigan: The Holy Outlaw
This documentary deals with the 4 months that Father Daniel Berrigan was underground from the FBI, due to participating in and leading the burning of draft records in an act of civil disobedience.
Father Dan Berrigan: The Holy Outlaw
This documentary deals with the 4 months that Father Daniel Berrigan was underground from the FBI, due to participating in and leading the burning of draft records in an act of civil disobedience.
우드스탁: 사랑과 평화의 3일
Camera Operator
1969년, 뉴욕의 시골 마을 베델에서는 50만 명에 이르는 사람들이 사흘 동안 당대의 가장 중요한 순간을 경험하였다. 규모와 영향력 면에서 전무했던 콘서트, ‘평화와 음악’이라는 공통된 목표를 가진 각양각색의 사람들이 모였다. 음악의 정수와 공연의 강렬한 에너지를 포착한 다큐멘터리.
Director of Photography
A variety of locals react to a napalm plant and an ensuing protest in Redwood City CA during the Vietnam War.
A variety of locals react to a napalm plant and an ensuing protest in Redwood City CA during the Vietnam War.
A variety of locals react to a napalm plant and an ensuing protest in Redwood City CA during the Vietnam War.
Have You Heard of the San Francisco Mime Troupe?
Documentary directed by Don Lenzer and Fred Wardenburg
The Primal Mind
Written and hosted by Jack Marks aka “Jamake Highwater,” an American Jewish author who misrepresented himself as Native American, this film examines the differences between Native American and Western cultures, including their views of nature, time, space, art, architecture, and dance.