Ox Head
샤오미만 사랑해 온 직진남 샤오룬, 하지만 청혼하려던 순간 갑작스런 사고로 저승에 간다. 환생하고 싶으면 붉은 실로 커플 매칭을 하는 월하노인 업무를 수행해야 한다는데, 하필 사사건건 부딪히던 핑키와 파트너가 된다. 드디어 이승으로 내려온 월하노인 샤오룬과 핑키. 그런데 이게 웬 운명의 장난? 우리가 인연을 맺어줘야 할 인간이 샤오룬이 평생 사랑했던 단 한 사람, 샤오미란다!
셰익스피어의 연극 『좋으실 대로』를 재작업한 "우리 뜻대로"는 남장한 로절린드와 올랜도 사이에 꽃피는 사랑 이야기다. 감독들은 여자들이 무대에 서는 것을 금지했던 셰익스피어 시대의 관행을 뒤집어 전체 캐스팅을 여성 배우로 구성했다. 인터넷이 없는 동화적인 타이베이와 세팅, 풍부한 음악, 여성 배우가 연기하는 만화 같은 미소년들의 모습이 매력적이다.
Insurer Ah-bin lived to his forties and never thought that he could be a saint. Just by stamping on policies and he can change people's lives. Everything starts from the loan shark, Mr. Hsi who saw the potential business from Ah- bin. As long as Mr. Hsi pays the premium, Ah-bin takes care of the insurance claims, and the insured “exchange some of their owns,” everyone are beneficial. What's better than a deal like this?
‘아치’, ‘샨’과 친형제처럼 자란 ‘유하오’. 앙숙인 ‘파오’의 패거리에게 괴롭힘을 당하던 ‘아치’를 구해려주려다 쫓겨 도망친 작은 골목에서 우연히 ‘페이유옌’과 마주친다. 같은 학교 교복을 입고 자신에게 손수건을 건넨 ‘페이유옌’에게 ‘유하오’는 첫눈에 반하고 ‘페이유옌’ 역시 그를 좋아하게 된다. 본격적인 첫사랑이 시작되기도 전, 어른들은 삶의 배경이 다른 두 사람을 떼어놓으려 하고 ‘파오’와의 악연은 ‘유하오’를 둘러싼 사람들을 위험에 빠뜨리는데…
Shen Hsiao-Wei
Liang Ruoqing is a girl who, after being lied to and dumped by her ideal high-school boyfriend Ai Ren, develops love phobia and vows to never fall in love again. However, she meets a handsome doctor Lu Zhehan at her grandfather's hospital. Lu Zhehan seems to be the perfect guy but since she doesn't believe in "perfect" anymore, she thinks that he is too good to be true. Her new journey begins when she tries to show to all of the women that this doctor is not as good as everyone thinks he is, but fate is playing a trick on her. The more she tries to uncover his hidden evil nature, the more she discovers that he may be the right guy to cure her love phobia.
《想念》描述一位住院的老頭子(茂伯飾),因為與他同病房的小女孩(林彥禎飾)無法跟同學去旅行,老頭子索性帶著小女孩翹院出去玩的故事。這部片從台北開始拍攝,一路經過了桃園、新竹、苗栗,一直拍到台中,茂伯笑說自己是「拚了老命」來完成這趟旅程的拍攝。開拍的第一天,為了呈現最真實的感受,他不惜在產業道路上,徒手推著拋錨的小貨車上山,片中他還揹著小女孩走山路,替牛接生、擠牛奶,並且拍攝跟流氓打架救小女孩的戲碼。劇組人馬為了這一老一小荒腔走板的旅程,每天趕路拍攝,不僅經歷屢創紀錄的炙熱高溫,同時也遭遇了「五」個颱風。不知道是不是離開台北的關係,這趟路下來,不僅他倆玩到了,劇組大夥也玩得很開心。 每個人的成長過程中都有一些印象深刻的經歷,不管大或小,對自己來說都是一件畢生難忘的回憶。初次拍攝自己小時候的回憶故事,非常感謝這麼多業界的好朋友前來支持,更感謝製作人陳振德和瞿友寧導演的大力幫忙完成我的夢想,希望這部片能勾起更多觀眾心中難忘的想念故事。
《想念》描述一位住院的老頭子(茂伯飾),因為與他同病房的小女孩(林彥禎飾)無法跟同學去旅行,老頭子索性帶著小女孩翹院出去玩的故事。這部片從台北開始拍攝,一路經過了桃園、新竹、苗栗,一直拍到台中,茂伯笑說自己是「拚了老命」來完成這趟旅程的拍攝。開拍的第一天,為了呈現最真實的感受,他不惜在產業道路上,徒手推著拋錨的小貨車上山,片中他還揹著小女孩走山路,替牛接生、擠牛奶,並且拍攝跟流氓打架救小女孩的戲碼。劇組人馬為了這一老一小荒腔走板的旅程,每天趕路拍攝,不僅經歷屢創紀錄的炙熱高溫,同時也遭遇了「五」個颱風。不知道是不是離開台北的關係,這趟路下來,不僅他倆玩到了,劇組大夥也玩得很開心。 每個人的成長過程中都有一些印象深刻的經歷,不管大或小,對自己來說都是一件畢生難忘的回憶。初次拍攝自己小時候的回憶故事,非常感謝這麼多業界的好朋友前來支持,更感謝製作人陳振德和瞿友寧導演的大力幫忙完成我的夢想,希望這部片能勾起更多觀眾心中難忘的想念故事。
Vivian Hsu and Tony Yang (In Case of Love) star in My DNA Says I Love You director Robin Lee Yun Chan's latest urban fairy tale Dancing Without You. The theatrical version of a mini-series exhibited exclusively in metro stations in Mainland China, the whimsical romance drama is an inspiring and humorous tale of love, dreams, and dancing. The film also features the supporting appearances of Taiwan and Hong Kong stars like Tammy Chen, Gabriel Lan, Joelle Lu, Michael Tong, and Eileen Tung. On the eve of the premiere of Swan Lake, ballet dancer Xia Xuan (Vivian Hsu) is forced to withdraw from the troupe after spraining her ankle. Losing all hope, the dejected dancer strays into the forest by the lakeside. Just when she is about to attempt suicide, a young truck driver named Ludi (Tony Yang) pops out in front of her. Full of fanciful ideas, Ludi mistakes Xia Xuan for an alien and brings her home, taking care of her and rekindling her passion in life...