François Joux

François Joux

출생 : 1912-07-10,

프로필 사진

François Joux

참여 작품

Three Days to Live
Secrétaire du commissaire
Trois jour à vivre (Three Days to Live) takes off with a bang when two-bit actor Daniel Gelin witnesses a murder. He didn't see the killer, but that doesn't stop him from claiming that he did in order to get his name into the papers. Sure enough, the murderer targets Gelin as his next victim. Our hero is temporarily rescued by Jeanne Moreau, an aspiring actress who has always had a crush on him.
사형대의 엘리베이터
Commissaire de Police
폴로랑스는 기업체 사장인 남편 시몽을 살해하고 정부 줄리앙과 도피하기 위해 완전범죄를 노려 일을 꾸민다. 줄리앙은 토요일 늦은 밤 로프를 이용하여 사장실로 올라가 권총으로 남편을 살해한 뒤 자살로 위장하는 것까지는 성공했다. 그러나 지동차로 현장을 벗어나려 하는 순간, 창문에 걸린 로프를 보고 다시 사장닛로 가서 로프를 처리하고 엘리베이터로 내려오는 그 시간에 사건은 급진전되고 만다. 건물 관리인이 순시를 하다가 밤이 늦어 엘리베이터의 전원을 꺼버린 것이다. 때마침 밖에 세워둔 줄리앙의 시보레 자동차를 훔쳐타고 드라이브를 떠나버린 건달 청년의 살인사건이 겹치면서 영화는 복잡한 전개양상을 보인다. 이때 등장한 파리 경시청의 민완형사 세리에는 이 두 살인사건의 전모를 파헤쳐가면서 시몽의 살인범을 밝혀 내는데….
Sinners of Paris
L'inspecteur Muffieux, de la P.J.
Michel Piccoli plays a police inspector whose best friend is murdered on the orders of gang boss Charles Vanel. The inspector knows full well that Vanel is too crafty and well-connected to ever stand trial for his crime, so he carefully lays a subtle trap for his adversary. Unfortunately, both Piccoli and Vanel are thwarted by a pair of scheming females.
프렌치 캉캉
Le secrétaire (uncredited)
르누아르가 자신의 후기작 중에서 가장 아끼는 작품. 물렝 루즈의 설립자 앙리 지들러의 삶을 바탕으로 뮤직홀에 대한 경배를 바치고 있는 작품. 장 가뱅이 물렝 루즈의 지배인 당글라드 역을 맡아 오랜만에 르누아르와 함께 작업했고, 멕시코 출신의 마리아 펠릭스와 가냘픈 매력의 프랑수아즈 아르눌이 연적으로 등장한다. 전설적인 가수 에디트 피아프와 파타슈의 카메오 출연도 영화를 보는 즐거움을 더해준다. 마치 툴루즈 로트렉의 판화를 보는 듯한 선명하고 아름다운 색채 역시 결코 빼놓을 수 없는 매력이다. 사랑의 진실성과 예술의 문제를 다룬다는 점에서 "황금마차"와 비교할 만한 영화.
Faites-moi confiance
Le commissaire
Julietta is a French comedy comedy romance film from 1953, directed by Marc Allégret, written by Françoise Giroud, starring Dany Robin and Jean Marais. Film was based on a novel of Louise de Vilmorin.
Endless Horizons
The life story of famed French aviatrix Helene Boucher is detailed in Horizons sans fin (Endless Horizons). Giselle Pascal stars as Boucher, who is first seen in 1930, leaving her millinery shop behind in favor of the wild blue yonder. Though the world of aviation was still essentially an all-male one (despite England's Amy Johnson and America's Amelia Earhart), Boucher perseveres, eventually breaking all existing male and female speed and height records. A bit slow on the uptake in the dramatic scenes, the film soars (no pun intended) during the aerial sequences. Horizons san Fin was the winner of the Catholic Award at the 1953 Cannes Film Festival.
Follow That Man
L'inspecteur Calmain (uncredited)
While celebrating his birthday, police inspector Basquier (Bernard Blier) recalls two of his most-celebrated cases. The first involves duplicitous moneylender Olga (Suzy Prin). The second concerns the brutal broad-daylight murder of innocent young Yvonne (Veronique Deschamps).
Un trésor de femme
A diner
Francois is engaged to Isabelle. While going to buy the engagement ring, he meets Sophie, who puts the ring on her finger and does not manage to remove it. Francois follows in the footsteps of Sophie, who is married to an important merchant, in order to recover his property.
The Respectful Prostitute
le journaliste T.V
Fred, the nephew of a senator,has murdered a Black man on a train. The two only witnesses are Lizzie McKay, a prostitute from New York, and Sidney, a colored man. Fred decides to seduce Lizzie in order to make her give false evidence according to which Sidney has attempted to rape her. The uncle also puts pressure on the young woman. After much hesitation, Lizzie finally accepts but Sidney, who has nearly got lynched, takes refuge at her home...
우리는 모두 살인자다
부친도 없고 모친은 알콜중독에 문맹인 집안에서 자란 르네 르겡(마르셀 물루지 분)은 미래가 전혀없는 청년, 전쟁으로 인해 도시 생활은 피폐해지고 물물교환으로 그날의 먹거리를 구하는 시절, 그는 매춘녀가 된 누이를 죽인 독일군의 시체를 돈 받고 치워 주다가 레지스탕스인 인쇄업자 소티에(프랑수아 주 분)를 만나게 된 것이다. 빈?터리에 무식한 르네는 아무 의식없이 레지스탕에 가입하고 먹을 것과 술만 제공해 주면 임무대로 독일군이든 배신자들이든 모두 쏴 죽인다. 전쟁이 끝나고도 아무 죄의식 없이 살인을 한 르네는 경찰에 체포되고 사형수로 복역한다. 그는 아내 독살혐의를 받고 있는 의사 뒤투와(앙투완 벨페레 분)와 코르시카섬 출신으로 친구와 싸우다 살인을 저지른 지노(레몽 펠그렝 분)와 함께 감옥생활을 시작한다, 첫 번호를 받게된 신참내기 변호사인 아르노(클로드 레뒤 분)는 사형판결로부터 르겡을 구해내기 위해 열심히 변호를 한다. 르겡은 대통령에게 탄원서를 보내기 위해 감옥에서 처음으로 글을 배우며 희망을 품자 다른 사형수들이 하나둘씩 단두대로 끌려가는 광경을 보며 서서히 절망하게 된다. 지노와 의사 뒤투와가 차례로 사형 당하고 혼자 남은 르겡의 방은 또 다른 사형수들로 채워진다. 사형당할 때는 언제나 밤중에 갑자기 발걸음 소리도 죽인 채로 간수들이 들이닥치고 사전 통보도 없이 아무런 죽음에 대한 준비도 하지 못한 채 손발을 묶이고 끌려간다. 머지않아 죽음을 예견하는 르겡은 그 동안 보살펴 주지도 못했던 어린 동생 미셀(조르주 푸줄리 분)을 부탁하고 아르노는 부친에게 미셀을 데려간다.
Le costaud des Batignolles
The Doctor's assistant
Jules, small and weak, dreams of becoming a formidable athlete. He strives every morning to practice physical culture exercises and takes comforting tablets, without success. But he meets Nénette, a woman who, when he kisses her, suddenly endows him with prodigious strength.
Alone in Paris
Le 2ème employé du commissariat
Henri and Jeannette Milliard, a newly married couple from Normandy arrive in Paris where they intend to spend their honeymoon. Unforfunately a wicket gate in the metro separates the couple. In panic, Henri looks for his wife across the capital. He ends up finding her at the hotel they were to put up. But it looks as if Jeannette has gone through some distressing adventure.
No Vacation for Mr. Mayor
The head waiter
Annie, the ward of Monsieur Joachim, a nightclub manager, has fallen in love with Philippe Lebon, a singer who could easily re-float her guardian's failing business. The trouble is that Joachim has already - and hurriedly - betrothed Annie to his business partner. To make matters worse the young lady suspects Philippe of being unfaithful. In order to thwart the wedding of Annie and his rival, Philippe hires two of his friends, the resourceful Beaudubec and Tracassin.
The Prettiest Sin in the World
The buyer (uncredited)
Zoé, a pretty penniless girl, decides on the advice of her neighbor to embark on gallantry. After a brief failure, she meets a young boy, Jacques Lebreton who is about to get married. After causing the failure of this arranged marriage, she will have to play the role of wife of Jacques with his family, until the arrival of the uncle from America.
Rue des Saussaies
The brother of Jeanne Masson, a young nightclub singer, has been murdered by Brasier, a criminal who pretends to be a respectable man. Jeanne has resolved to avenge her brother but she just cannot take action herself. The way she finds is to ask police detective Pierre Leblanc to help her do it. Pierre gives his agreement and starts following the trail. He soon finds out that Brasier belongs to a gang whose boss, Cortedani, has ordered the murder.
Gunman in the Streets
Inspector (uncredited)
An American is on the run in the streets and back alleys of France.
Just Me
Le mari inquiet
Maurice Vallier, nicknamed "Ma Pomme"(which means "myself" in slang), is a cheerful man, well aware that money does not make happiness and who, of all things, prices freedom. Which is why he has become a tramp and he has never regretted his choice of life. Things go smoothly until the day he inherits a huge amount of money. He first refuses it but changes his mind when he realizes that thanks to the inheritance he can help others. Even more enticing is the fact that he must share the big money with a charming air hostess. However once he deems he has done enough good he gives up the money left and resumes his old lifestyle singing along "Ma pomme c'est moi, j'suis plus heureux qu'un roi..."
Les femmes sont folles
Marguerite secretly loves a novelist whose face no one knows. The jealous husband sets up a scheme by asking an actor friend to play the novelist and behave in an execrable way in order to disgust his wife. But things never turn out the way you think they will.
Un trou dans le mur
André de Kerdec, a young lawyer buys an old parchment in an antique shop and discovers that a treasure is hidden in the bedroom of Artémise, an old maid who owns a manor. He manages to be hired as her chauffeur by Artémise and sets about looking for the treasure. During this time, he falls in love with Lucie, the old spinster's niece. But the trouble is that Artémise develops a crush on André...!
Employed in a beauty salon, Amédée must undergo a pentothal injection. The dose is too strong; suddenly Amédée reveals the truth to everyone; to clients of the institute; to his cheating wife; to his boss that he robs; to the tax collector; etc. When the effects of the truth serum wear off, everyone returns contentedly to their little swamp.
The Ferret
A mysterious figure signing himself "The Ferret" keeps sending letters to the police, tipping them off about murders that are to be committed around Paris. Among those caught up in the police manhunt is a fraudulent clairvoyant.
A Royal Affair
Mme Beaudrier, the wife of a Parliamentary Senator, hurls a pastry at visiting King Joan IV of Cerdagne, sparking off a series of farcical events involving all levels of the government and their mistresses.
Le premier prieur
Lovers since childhood, Sylvain and Angelina do not see their lives separated from each other. However, Sylvain is sent to war and the young woman desperately awaits his return. Years pass and the latter is forced by her father to marry Jean-Marie, a man she does not love. One day, while Angelica and her family are climbing in the Alps, an avalanche sweeps them away. Safe and sound, she comes face to face with her childhood sweetheart, Sylvain.
The Cupid Club
Isabelle is a lawyer who has Flip, a private detective, convicted of speeding. But shortly after, a murder is committed of which Isabelle's best friend is suspected. To save her, Isabelle is forced, despite her reluctance, to ask Flip for help, who agrees to look for the culprit.
Scandal on the Champs-Élysées
In Paris, three models are murdered, being one of them the mistress of the fashion designer Dominique Airelle. It is the young inspector who is in charge of the affair.
The architect (uncredited)
2차 세계대전이 끝나가던 무렵의 프랑스. 마을 사람들은 독일군과 놀아났다는 마농을 둘러싸고 집단적인 폭력을 행사하려 한다. 레지스탕스 일원인 로베르가 마농을 위기에서 구해내고, 두 사람은 파리로 피신해 마농의 오빠 레옹을 찾아간다. 하지만 로베르의 뜻과는 달리 마농은 매춘까지 하게 되고, 모든 게 레옹 때문이라 생각한 로베르는 레옹을 죽이고 만다. 아베 프레보의 1731년작 『마농 레스코』를 각색하였다. 귀족 청년과 화류계 여인의 사랑과 파멸을 담은 강렬한 사랑 이야기를 나치 점령기의 프랑스로 옮겨와 당대 젊은이들의 억눌린 욕망과 절실한 사랑을 비극적으로 그려냈다. (영화의 전당 - 오래된 극장 2016)
Danger of Death
Loiseau the pharmacist mistakenly mixes potassium cyanide into a batch of cough syrup and sells five bottles. With horror he discovers his mistake and sets out to find the buyers. He finds only four. The fifth, not a regular customer, comes back to the pharmacy...
False Identity
A man who has just deposited a will with a notary is run over by a car. As his overcoat bears the name and address of Emile Blondin on a label, the police go there and discover that the dead man is not Emile Blondin. But this one is soon discovered murdered. The police then became interested in Georges Blondin, the victim's brother, whose goddaughter, Juliette, was also the notary's secretary.
Jenny Lamour
Paris, France, December 1946. Jenny Lamour, an ambitious cabaret singer, and Maurice, her extremely jealous pianist husband, become involved in the thorough investigation of the murder of a shady businessman, led by Antoine, a peculiar and methodical police inspector.
Antoine and Antoinette
Le Marié
She's working in a big store, he's a typographer and they lost their winning lottery ticket.
Counter Investigation
Alain Marchal, wrongly accused of murdering his wife, escapes from prison the day before his execution. Before committing suicide, he contacts Monsieur Charles, a retired gangster, and asks him to investigate, find the real culprit and clear his name. Monsieur Charles accepts his request and along with his wife Ginette and two former accomplices, Paragraphe and Teddy Coffre fort, embarks on his counter-investigation.
Six Hours to Lose
L'homme à l'enveloppe
A traveller is stuck in an unknown town because his connecting train will only arrive in six hours. He decides to kill time by taking a stroll. He is not prepared to get confused with somebody else. In fact the citizens are eagerly awaiting the visit of a famous man and the clueless traveller is his doppelgänger. Soon he experiences what that means.
Not Guilty
An alcoholic doctor accidentally kills someone and manages to make the death look like an accident. The episode triggers a sense of confidence and he resolves to correct the miseries of his life.
Back Streets of Paris
Madame Rose runs a seedy hotel in a suburb of Paris. Strong-minded but without the least moral scruple, she once killed her husband whose honesty was a hindrance to her business. Under a suspended sentence, she now indulges in smuggling. One day, Victor, one of her former accomplices hounded by the police, finds sanctuary with her. During a drinking spree, he has the bad idea to entrust to her a suitcase filled with bank notes, a loot with which Victor hopes to rebuild his life in South America. But Rose, lured by temptation, betrays Victor, who is arrested by the police. However, he manages to escape with only one thing in mind, to take revenge on Rose...
Once Is Enough
Christine Jourdan is a highly rated sculptor who, to oust her impresario Ancelin, invented a lover named Nicolas. Soon she marries Jacques, but he proves to be jealous of the supposed lover. The newspapers publishing the death of a Nicolas, Christine takes the opportunity to announce the death of her lover. But the man in question was murdered by a woman. Jacques and Ancelin suspect Christine and indulge in the worst eccentricities.
The Murderer Is Not Guilty
François Joux
In a film studio, several actors are the victims of attempted murders. Julien Brisseau, a writer, decides to use these facts as the backbone of his new novel. But while he is working on his detective story, young actors are actually killed. Julien thence gets suspected by police inspector Vétillard. To clear his name, Julien undertakes to investigate and find the killer on his own.
Women's Games
The agency À Votre Service has the reputation of meeting all needs. This is what Stanislas observes when his uncle replaces his mistress with a fiancée provided by the agency.
철로변 전투
독일의 프랑스 점령기간 동안 우편물 수송에서 파업에 이르기까지 철도 노동자들의 참여와 1944년 6월 노르망디 상륙 작전 때 항독 지하 운동가들에게 중요한 지원을 하게 된 노동자들의 투쟁을 그린 연대기이다. 전쟁 종식 후 전문 배우가 아닌 실제 노동자들이 출연한 영화로 종전 후 클래식 영화의 진수로 꼽히고 있으며, 프랑스의 해방을 위해 투쟁한 모든 익명의 투쟁자들에게 경의를 표하는 영화라고 할 수 있다. 이 영화는 1940~ 1944년 독일 점령기에 반대하며 궐기했던 샬론 쉬르 사온 지역의 한 철도원에 대한 이야기이다. 전반부는 다큐멘터리 형식으로 철도 비밀 전쟁을 다루며, 나치스 당원들이 레지스탕스들을 처형하는 것으로 끝난다. 후반부는 납치와 상륙작전 당시 독일 압펠켄 호송 방해 사건을 재구성한다.
Destitute Mary
Marie is one of her kind. While the other girls are after gold, diamonds and jewels, she swears by ... poverty! She does not remain the companion of a banker too long for obvious reasons. But when she can be the muse of a poor music composer it is fine by her. Unless the musician becomes too famous...! Then, she leaves him! But maybe not forever... He can fall into poverty again, can't he?
파리의 장식
이름난 패션 디자이너 필립은 창조적 영감을 위해서라며 만나는 모든 여성들을 희롱하고, 그녀들의 마음을 훔치고는 냉정하게 돌아선다. 어느 날, 가장 친한 친구 다니엘의 약혼녀 미셸린을 만난 필립은 역시나 그녀를 희롱하고, 미셸린 역시 필립을 좋아하게 된다. 그런데 생에 처음으로 필립이 미셸린을 진심으로 사랑하게 된다. 하지만 미셸린은 이미 마음을 돌린 뒤였다. 냉혹하고 치열한 패션 세계에 대한 치밀하고 사실적인 묘사가 깊은 인상을 남긴다.
Lucrèce, a famous actress, is bothered first, then flattered by the passionate testimonies of love given to her by François, a 12th grade student infatuated with her. Taking pity on the boy, Lucrèce decides to heal him of his madness and with this in mind she invites him for a working holiday on her farm. Instead, she falls in love with the cherub. At a time, her young lover grows so jealous of her that he attempts suicide. The mature actress then understands that their love story is going nowhere. She will remain alone while François will forget her.
Haut le vent
In 1906, François left the Basque country with his father, who had decided to settle in Argentina following an incident between him and Esteban. Having become a powerful industrialist, he returned to France in 1940 on the occasion of the signing of a contract. He learns that the Haut-le-Vent estate, occupied by his aunt Anna, is his. Greeted with mistrust by the villagers, he manages to make himself sympathetic and decides to stay on the estate with Gisèle, Esteban's daughter.
마지막 일격
A man is shot In the hotel of an imaginary South American country. Clarence and Montès, two inspector students, must solve this murder, but they don't know that dead guy is the USA public enemy No.1.
L'homme qui joue avec le feu
A do gooder hopes to cure potential romantic partners of what he considers the disease of love, by putting them up in a property and having them watched over.Things do not turn out according to his plan.
Sideral Cruises
Le journaliste (uncredited)
Robert and Françoise Monier make a hot air balloon to fly to the stratosphere. After a visit to Venus, they return home, but have only aged 15 days whereas 25 years have passed on Earth.
Wicked Duchess
Edwige Feuillère and Pierre Richard-Willm star in director Jacques de Baroncelli's adaptation of the Balzac novella The Duchesse de Langeais, which tells the tale of a Parisian socialite who is romantically pursued by a Napoleonic war hero. With a screenplay by Jean Giraudoux.
The Pavilion Burns
Denise, a young employee of the mine, is courted by the engineer Risay while she is engaged to Daniel, a simple underground worker. A betrayal has occurred that compromises the mine. An accident occurs and about fifteen workers, including Denise's fiancé, are buried under rubble in a collapsing shaft.